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104 of 1960 - Vacating portion of Clinton Avenue abutting property between West Capitol Street and Victory Road. PSE.toe sob c•eo MAG.PTO.
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, i,u 3.01 ,196
I move that the Ordinance be passed'.
Christensen . .
Harrison . . . \
Piercey . .
Romney . . .
Mr. Chairman i AN ORDINANCE
Result .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of Clinton Avenue abutting property
between West Capitol Street and Victory Road, all abutting property owners
having petitioned for the vacation.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah;
SECTION 1 . That a portion of Clinton Avenue, more particularly
described as follows, be, and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no
longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian
Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 6 of Capitol View
Subdivision, thence East along the North line of Clinton Avenue
310.66 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 1 of said subdivision,
thence southeasterly along the Westerly line of Victory Road
76.31 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 10, Block 34, Plat "E",
Salt Lake City Survey, thence West along the South line of
Clinton Avenue 330 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 10,
thence Northerly along the Easterly line of West Capitol Street
76.31 feet to the place of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to ail existing rights of way
and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located
in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property; and also
subject to the rights of entry thereon for the altering or rerouting said
utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is neces-
sary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah,
that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
30th day of August , 1960.
l/P11 GCS''.(
't✓rpp1r.)� Mayor
t\.�,R �/
' .�e a otrbd�0\'A'I ''
BILL NO. 104, 1960
Published Sept. 7th, 1960
Certified Copy given to City Audity fs office September 23, 1960 ,
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
(AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of Clinton Avenue abutting_propertp between West
Capitol Street and Victory Road)
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, August 30th 1940
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of
said City, this Twenty—second day of September 1940
+ 'q4k)
�City Recorder
7th 0
Published September 19�--
44 ,,r,t?35
Reeo7 PE P 2 3 1960 at....�.LC L i e
Request of L'ITY
1738081 Pee Paid.'/Reccoorder,Salt Nellie
ake County,Utah
$-/A:a,__.. By. LcsDeputy
C .as�e- �3A�� /7
a /,/
portion of Clinton Avenue abutting.
Jt e'F'v hetween Wes[ t:'Lcit
[reet end VIC[ot'Y ROatl,
vetawpr rifle o nit Vlag
pett[rpnetl i r the v csation.
tle tt Ordained bS ache board of
Con[misstoners of Salt Lake City.
SECTION 1: That a portion lof
ClintoncA asfo,moreparticularly
described follows,vacated and thee
longer a to be public
Uronert noor UseStreet,ave-
nue,alleY orPdestrlanw
[nmenctg at he ewest
View Subd�Lot the
alon6 the North line Of Clinton
southeast corner f of Lot llnf
aid subdivision.thence south-
ilnee ofYVictory Rood?fn.'Veyt
Lo the Nruaeco r of
akeCity Scvr.the e Lot
along the South line of Clin-
Northwestue f fet a d lint
10,thence.No330rtherly along the
Easterly line of West Capitol
Street 76.31 feet to the place of
ginsublect v toatnil Is
rights of
tlland a ents of all public
ities Of art a nit every under
lion located in, nder
r now
profines of titheabove
prrights:o and also sub.
lea to the rights £entry there-
for the altering n routing
on tllities and all or
the Board of2Commrssioncrs,ft is
n to the and
safety a of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City. Utah.that this ordt.
T;re become effective immediate.
ets ordinance
shall effect on its first
Passed by the Board of Commis_
hin 30thfday Salt
6U talc.
City Recorder
Billll No.104.1960.
Published September 7th.1960
/o y
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
D. i'.i. urkey
AN ORDINANCP VACATING a-I Beingduly deposesy
•brunA t u tnn A buttin -, first sworn, and says that he is legal advertising
o `fie w a da°1a9� clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
1' `5eltic r eau i�ha"fine GRAM, a daily (exceptSunday) newspaper printedg aellt t aPF eEof"s;4h eoa 8ityt y news a er in the En -
s$rloN nn of lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
A7 A°°°" tA°n1arlY Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Count in the State of Utah.
Melied as follows fed turd the ) y
[ared n lon,aato be cable
e 011 rfe legalwhichattached hereto
r^e. ne.. r use
n That the notice ofw cc a copyis
en at t, S4 t�.t
vie ghor} .;ol t olcl]E°'n Salt Lake City Bill No. 104 of 1960.
,.-Suthcesf 31006 feft Lo the-
satS stbtliv}os o of hence s uth-
' f,�aPe1ivla°leYRotA76iltfac[ An Ordinance vacating a portion of
to thr Northeast coma,. f
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Atock« pooirl�c1 fof I ECrildo cIiofCt 'Sorvv. W o
Io ho apm;9hn t Clinton Ave,NoriweetWe,eanoo/
���-=hrsinnl er.. R.
Satd etlen Is made casof r
a O.a dCne se tints inf ails eublic
utilities of a et t a r deecrin.
Sion ni Iv localyd,n
hr °nfn0e ni the above.
fleslrlhe^ o-rtv:end also suh-
tect t li-;�Im'i,is ni entry to-.r.
;0,r alterin_n „ttna September 7, 1960,
5's'FA 7 i"rinnthefnthe a nr was published in said newspaper on
the Board of Commissio is
,.1+the o health and
L ke 1'rly tilUt:lh s�nxt nin!sot calf
Ince hecom^effective imn5niigto-
lavhVCTIeN Tills l d I4. A es
Fn d h h An d Cdinfist - t
S 1 I ak f•11 Mahn,
this e3010 f
Legal Advertising l L
1'nflq„ed Oso
Seatember 7thl 1960.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 t h day of
September 60
A.D. 19
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov. 25, 1961.0
Certified copy given to City Auditor September 23, 1960.
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