105 of 1908 - Ordinance 105 of 1908 – Franchise, D&R.G.R.R. Co., spur track in 5th West & 7th South, Burbidge Co AN ORDINANCE. ,f-
An ordianance .ranting +.o the Denver u Rio Grande Railway Corupany,anc
to its successorM and assigns, on the petition. of George Purbidge Coal
Company ,a franchise and right of way to construct and operate a spur rail-
road track in Fifth '':est and 7th South ;treets,in Salt Lake City,Utah.
Be it ordained by the City Council of salt Lake City,Utah.
A franchise and right-of-way is hereby given and ;ranted to the Den-
ver and Rio Crand Rail ay t °u any and to it :'suce,ssors and. assigns, t o
lay, c onstruct and. operate a spur standard gauge ra lroad track ubon the
streets hereinafter described,tc-wit:
Commenceing at a point inLot 2,Block 27,Plat A, on if th West Street;
• between Sixth and Seventh South Streets, running thence southwest on the
16th degree curve to a.point on Fifth west street 375 feet from 1.1ace of
beginning and connecting with he main line of the Denver Pc Rio Grande
Railway Compar at that ;oint west of Lot 5, Dlock 10, Plat A, according
to a plat or map filed with and made a part aC the petition for t i:s fran-
,'nII��'] ite of tni.s fra i+ e, the ran ee iall be su}id e tc Bo the
folloei Z�dn } , via. E
/�i��{ Th tt ..t id uur sew• be2laid upon al conform to the es-
t b,Ais' C_``ac of eid � t,( ' -said grade is aftereards chained
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by�rd' an o" sine City o- antbe�/�!�,�t hall. , at>i its eon expense,
cl g he sic rati9n o_" i r, o to A or':i , o : 'e cane.
G n r)thi 'stree r .,rack in of Acted shall be Laved,
tfs d a ee, its sib lisp if, , steal .,are between the rams
, afor; a .e- of wo fi9 bu .ice each la, 1, oiu `li: 1r u t rial
4411 ahW us the o';re v` n
SLi ;� fiee shal L $ n W)stain a -t c �ssnrn: over said- spur
tk s e 11 '�"rom timer o i b e:uuired b, tlt ;its Cou;icil.
e s jpur trac- lull e� 'd, and the r td operated, :�o a,s to
ce ho 's .ee scary im_,: i ent d q cannon c,nd o snarl use of said
+rer'upo ,w} ch. it is ' . /`� 5
od n ufficient. * es bonne, :rater steal-ll be laid and rnaint,aine
ed it o oo 'tion at tl exp se of said rrr.etee in all the water dit-
ches rroAlld said spur trac" , so as to admit of free y;assage of water.
l,dothing this grant shall be construed -as- to pre vest'uh Salt Lake City,
or its authorized agents from aline, s u:ri •, laying pas or was er.talus _.
or pipes, altering, repairing, or in a.n, manner impro.riiss said street, but
all such improvements shall be made with es little injury as practicable
to said spur trabk and the operation thereof.
The said grantee herein, its successors and assigns, shall, and by
the acceptance of the privile-res and franchises 'terei,i ;-ranted, and in
consideration of the acre does bind itself, its icc:esso'rs and assigns,upon its acceptance of teis franchise,to save ....id Cite harmless from all
suits claims, demands and ,judgments as-soeve r, whether in law or in equ-
ity , which shall be asserted, found or rendered in any men:i:er whatsoever,
against said City for injurer or damage to abutting property or otherwise,
by reason of the grantine of this franchise orb; reaso.h of the operation
of said spur track; and that the -rantee herein, its successors and assign
will -say the amount of any judgment, determination or adjudication ichich,
in any suit or tiro cc tidings may be or shall be found against Salt Take Cit;1
provided however that said grantee, its successors and assigns, snail have
had notice of any suc'. suits, and an opportunity to a!.;ear antis def, ;iu .the
same;and said frra:rtee, its successors and assi;:is s'iall aspear in and de-
fund all actions Through ages_ st salt Take ;it., for any injury or damage by
reason of the construction, one ation,,eke
maintenance of said spur track.
The franchise is granted for a period of fifty.years from and after
the approval of this ordinance.
Unless -atiu; grunt and all the terms and condi pious threrof shall be
accepted in writing ,y the ;grantee herein Pithin thirit, days from the ap-
proval of this ordinance, and unless said 'tracks be cons'.; acted within one
year from the date of such approval ,then this ordinance hall. be null an:'
void. .'- '.°
. This ordinance shall take effect upon'ipuroval e t ;, r L -t ,
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Aut{ust 24,160B,aed re-
ferred to the T'savor for b.is approval.
Cri"ty-17c-o'rder. ._._
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