105 of 1959 - Amending Sections 19-2-1 and 19-2-2 of the P.O. 1955, as enacted by Bill No. 37 of 1959, relating to ROLL CALL J Salt Lake City,Utah, December 17 , 195 9 VOTING Aye I Nay / I move that the Ordinance be passed. / Burbidge . . . N Christensen . . ✓ / � Geurts. ✓Romney . . F Mr.Chairman . ✓ AN ORDINANCE Result = AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 19-2-1 and 192-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as enacted by Bill No. 37 of 1959, relating to the LICENSING OF PLACES OF BUSINESS for the purpose of allowing the consumption of liquor by persons other than the licensee or I'll operator or employee of either, upon the licensed prPmi ses. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Late City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 19-2-1 and 19-2-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as enacted by Bill No. 37 of 1959, relating to the LICENSING OF PLACES OF BUSINESS for the purpose of allowing the con- I sumption of liquor by persons other than the licensee or operator or employee of either, upon the licensed premises, be, and the same hreby are, amended to read as follows: "Section 19�2-1. It shall be unlawful for any ''place of business' as herein defined, knowingly to permit or allow customers, members, guests, or any other person to consume 'liquor' as defined in this Title, or possess liquor on which the seal has been broken, at said place of business without first obtaining a license under this Chapter. It shall be unlawful for any person to consume 'liquor in an unlicensed place of business, as provided herein. 1,,R4. "Section 19-2-2. 'Place of business as used in this Chapter shall be deemed to include cafes, restaurants, public dining rooms, cafe- terias, taverns, cabarets, and any other place where the general public is invited or admitted for business purposes, and shall also be deemed to include private clubs, corporations and associations operating under charter or otherwise, except those hereinafter exempted from this Chapter, wherein only the members and their guests are invited or admitted upon the premises. Multiple dining facilities located in one building and owned or leased and operated by one license applicant shall be deemed to be only one 'place of business' as herein defined. Premises owned or leased and operated by non-profit corpora- tions bonded, regulated and operated in compliance with the provisions of Title 16, Chapter 6, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, are not 'places of business' and shall be exempt from this Chapter. Occupied hotel and motel rooms are not open to the public and shall be exempt from this Chapter. 1 - 2 - SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, ' this _ 17 < day of • &< , 1959. #\10/00 as Bill No. 105 of 1959 Published December 29, 1959 I 1 I Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake IlNMRDINANC6 D. M. Ockey 4 AN. etlfr?,r AMENUINO v Re Revise ;Ordinances to n1. 0f0 Sal of the ke i City.-I ale,.5 9A. a f Salt Le by l piii ilts1�h,37.1,4.1959, 5, a acted he r1 duly ➢U iliVioorOtho,i t So[Ti Being first(duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising n,°I the eanapmpti°n of paper clerk of the DESERET NEWS ANT) SALT LAKE TELE- ei br ersons ether than the licensee i-ar p t°r°r ampler°"°f etther,i GRAM, a Judy (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- h the dainsed premises. I Mi,,,nissordained ers°of bSalt Lake CRY,i lish language with general circulation in Utah, and�published in SEC ION 1. -That Sections i Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. 19.2-1 and,19.2.2 t.the.Revised- 1 Oralnances of Salt' Lake Cif, Vtah. 19r, on fed by Bill I No, I r]e`s9� rrmun� t° pan• Thatlegal notice of whirls a copy is attached hereto LICENSING Om PLACES OFt the DV rtVe Sur the rf°, 7,al- iuR ohs c pnth of llnsee t by .other than the licensee i Stzlt Lake City Bill No. 105 of 1959. r persons r n tore° f either, :r th operator i!t'K erl vieme'men bc.t naeh : h°wb,, amended t iq d °19-21. An Ordinance relating to the licensing of "Section 18-2'l It shall town' 1a,vtul for env'place to itafta..95 g herein deflncd,'kno VIn t tp 1 ' mcrml[. ° alinvr c 9tOMata�+ yther gT.°4.oR°erase' br.g;',f i4:-. places of business for purpose of allowing defined in this cite,o KleSe' ' vapor , ,rhich Iran`..jai�'been brolwit rat a to pica ; ln,cA..a without ;that b$ the consumption of liquor. by persons other It' ill' renlar this 4r if{';; R•tan Bebe unlawful for E b 1 person to'°spmc ]11,T:i in'Mb - - �pliernaea p;arE Of bp°Incasl'gg than the licensee. rovlded herein. Sects rant se 2;. P1eco at b�st� • as , d n this hant' taSh ts,pubicdiningroptne, December 29, 1959. restaurants,P taverns. c Parana, anfeterlaa. erpia berets. was published in said newspaper on ands ublic lace herb the. • mlead lvforbllbusiness'ted tad: a 41 shall al,co be decmed�tnatn- - •iIiPae' brivatc Tuba, corpus io a.a a.asa°mntiona operatix pectC1thosc`hereina[(er exrsmnted' ' f°m thls"njlgpter.t/Herein-°n/v, •:-/ tN b33ek d ihti s is facilities tl t_rt>jid t M tlgfeb,"' / pc f al4. ert i•0 5 l 2 teased noun' a . y y.�/// shall bcedeemed t. b 1 Legal Advertising Clerk/ , dl de ro4 Premises wpdu p 'A I. lensed and ctatea°:M15AnoS S ,d ui�iea i iJ tope nt°a°R';td 5f,t 1 15.Cbanlerb6.Vians�Cndo Anao. ten, 195a, ua t''rheas of business' and iN he of l l anhi.x[�ntol a.Oan tan hot ,s 'been to ttlii,oim bthis sch pthr- fi SEOTION 2 In the omnm n( before 30th day of the Hoard t cn�nmisstoi+crs,it's OP.Ore me this f n to the healtl�necessary to t the inhabitants t 4. Sap Lake City. Utah. that this nrdlnatne,. bee°me effective im' A.D. 19 59. _moBCTION a This ordinance at.,!! take effect,+ n its first naPav �nl!cafion. scd b.o the Board of Cmn. ISCa,this lath davit-nf Dece City, °1959. , t; AUIEL I'. ST7WART st BERMAN.r.HOOENSEN • NotaryPublic , x Pillar.,d ter.29l a59 '.a Published nee.29.1959 lA-211 My Commission ,xpire961