105 of 1960 - Vacating portion of 1955 South (Layton Avenue) Street caused by the dedication of new roadway known SEP-6 19GO
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, ,196
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . .
Harrison . . .
Piercey . .
Romney . . .
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of 1955 South (Layton Avenue) Street
caused by the dedication of a new roadway known as Associated Avenue in this
area and all abutting property owners having petitioned for the vacation
of 1955 South Street (Layton Avenue).
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1 . That a portion of 1955 South (Layton Avenue) Street
Nt)exdx ogx,timcgke..nbba kxxiaaxximaxnemorioiR1wMiixow)sAxxAix ARKAAtgklxAXgAD4gxARx I)F*
AX4A, and more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby
is, vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a
street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way:
Commencing at a point on the West side of Empire Road, said
point being 3824.44 ft. South and 1038.84 ft. West of the
North 1/4 corner of Sec. 15, T.1 S., R.1 W., S.L.B.& M.;
thence around a curve to the right with a radius of 45 ft.
and a central angle of 90 degrees 70.69 ft., thence South
89 degrees 56 minutes 52 seconds west along the North side
of 1955 South Street (Layton Avenue) 449.58 ft.; thence
around a curve to the right with a radius of 25 ft. and a
central angle of 90 degrees 39.27 ft., to a point on the
East side of 1900 West St. (Industrial Road); thence South
00 degrees 03 minutes 08 seconds East along said East side
75 ft. to the South side of said 1955 South Street; thence
North 89 degrees 56 minutes 52 seconds East 474.58 ft. along
the South side of said 1955 South Street; thence around a
curve to the left with a radius of 95 ft. and a central angle
of 28 degrees 16 minutes 25 seconds 46.88 ft. to the West line
of Empire Road; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 08 seconds
West, 83.67 ft. to the point of beginning all in Section 15,
T.1 S., R.l W., S.L.B.& M.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of
way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now
located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property;
and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the altering or re-
routing said utilities and all of them.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective Immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon Its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 4e day of September, 1960.
BILL NO. 105, 1960
Published September 1$, 1960
Certified copy given to City Auditor's office September 23, 1960.
!1001c1744 Frr:i243
City and County of Salt Lake, j
I Herman J. Hogensen ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
(AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of 1955 South (Layton Avenue) Street caused
by the dedication of a new roadway known as Associated Avenue in this area )
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, September 6th 1940
as appears of record in my office,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of
said City, this Twentrthird day of September 1940
ife City Recorder
Published September 12 l P
BOOK1744 Pr,F.242 ,
portion of 1955 South (Layton �l1 ro
Avenue) Street caused by the
dedication f roadway
known as Associated Avenue in \ Lai
this area an ll abutting prop- V4
tMy owners having petitioned for e.
he vacation of 1955 South Street
ILaeton Avenue).
ve u).
H 1t ordained by the Board of FEIE
gtCommissioners of Salt Lake City, bp'
SECTION 1. That a portion of �'] pl
• 1955 South (Layton Avenue) O x; •
Street.and e particularly de- 'MsE
scribed as follows.be. and the
same hereby is. vacated and de-
clared n longer to be public 4e{
• property no
use s street,ave-
nue, `� i
alley pedestrian y: llr •
ommencing t a point the `{`west side ide of Empire Road,said
point being 3824.44 ft.south and
• 1038.84 It west of the North Y.
Sec. 15, T. 1 S., R. �L`
corner.,S.L.B,&M.:thence around
radius of t45 tit.and t withral ��yy
angle of 90 degrees 70.69 ft.
these .secosouth 89 1955 degrees 56 let
seconds t long the
north side fAvenue)
South Street
enten Avenue) 449.58 ft i
r around a ust2 the
right w a radtus curve 25 ft.
and a central angle of 90 de-
rees 3 ! ft„to att
the east side of 1900 West St.
(Indusria Road);thence south
00 degrees 03 minutes 08 s -
1955 South Street: thence
north 89 degrees 56 minutes 52
ends east 474.58 it. along
the south side of said 1955
South Street; thence around a
curve to the left with a radius
of 95 ft and a entral angle
of 28 degrees 16 minutes 25 se
onds 48,88 ft. to the west line
of Empire Road; thence north
00 degrees 03 minutes 08 sec-
onds west 83.67 ft.to the point
all beginning, in Section 15,
Said 000too is made express-
ly sublaet to all existing rights
of way and easements of all pub-
Ile ti11tfes of o and every de-
scriptionornow the any
svoof the
aboverdescribed property;and also
subject to the rights of entry
thereon for the altering
noting said utilities and ell of
SECTION 2. In the ogl i of
theher o Board to the
Commissioners.pae, t land necessary
f the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City, Utah, that this ordi- ,
nance become effective tmmedi-
shall C takke effect This
Its first
puPassed by_the Board f Corn-
this 6th day f Salt Lake City.960.Utah,
/s/ J.of
(SEAL) City Recorder.
BILL NO. 105, 1980
Published September I2, 1980
City and County of Salt Lake,
I Herman J. Hogensen ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"Vacating a portion of 1955 South (Layton Avenue) Street by the dedication of a
new roadway known as Associated Avenue in this area and all abutting__property
.._.owners..having..Astition ed..for__the_vac ation..of.of...19_55..South..Street..(Layton Arenue.)!'.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,_._..S.epthnber.._6fh 1YD
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my band and affixed the corporate seal of
said City, this 14th day of....September 2zwry. 1960
City Recorder
Published September 12 )amc 1960
/:07/ _5'/ lX" ty
e rrded_.S E P Z 0'19G /label I�
9OCK17r� F� EI89 Request of 7,AlCF
4J Fee Paid.Nellie M.Jack,
ecorder,Salt Lake Count Utah, �(
1"13'7436 $.-ofee By_P��rtaifele . Sebeputy •
Ref. _.../9-_..Le eJ-1,62/7! Qg o..#6e!
portion of s ud South (Layton
dedication of roadway
known as Associated Avnue in
this area and all abutting pron.
trely owners having petitioned for
he vacation of 1955 South Street
I Layton Avenue).
Be it ordained be the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That a portion of
1955 South (Layton ,Avenue)
Street, and a particularly
de-scribed follows, be.
Blaredh ob longer vacated
bey Dutilic
propert noor usestreet,ave-
nue,omma or at a point on the
west Commencing
of Empire Road.said
1038.84 being
a t4.of ft.
of Sec. 15. T. 1 S., R.
W..,,rSL.B.&M.;thence around
e to she right with
radlasvof 45 ft. and a eotral
angle of 90 degreesnone ft.
thence south 89 degrees 56 mfn-
eorth5sidecof 1955 west
(Layton Avenue) 449.58 ft.;
thence around curve to the
right with a radi
us of 25 It.
gnd a a central angle of 90 de-
rees 39.2? ft., to point on
the east side of 1900-'West St.
(Industrial Road):thence south
00 degrees 03 minutes 08 e
onds east along said east side
75 ft.to the south side of said
1955 South Street; thence
north 89 degrees 56 minutes 62
seconds east 474.58 at. alone
south aide of said 1955
South toStreet;leftt with a.around.
of95 ft. and a central angle
of 28 degrees 16 minutes 25 se
onds 46.88 ft. to the west line
of Empire Road: thence north
00 degrees 03 minutes 08 sec-
onds west 03.67 ft.to the point
Tf beglnnfng, 11 in Section 15.
.1 S..R.1 W.,S.L.B.&M.
Said V cation Is made eOreoss-
lv subleot to all exfsling riehts
of way and a Bois of all pub-
ae ptntttea 05 s and e c de-
scription now located to,vo
der orr the confines of the
above escribed property;and also
thereon for the
rights of entry
ng said utilities and all of
themSECTION 2. In the opinion of
the Board of Commiesipn 1t/s
saof to thenn ,helth and raTe
n fety P the inhabitatttt f Satt
Lake City, Uteh, that this edi-
e became elPecllve Immedf-
shgc1ION 3. This ordinance
shall take effect upon its first
y the Board of Corn-
of e Lake
0epemer1908h/s/daS.eBRACKEN LEE,
DILL )NO. I05, 19fi0y Re,order.
Published September 12, 1960
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt T_Dke
degas Notices_ F ll 1.i Ockey
portion 1 1955 Soucy (Layton
Avenuel Slreei cause o dwav
aeaieati➢h £ Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
ihiswn as Ass aiate�d Avtenvc 1n.
d li abutsto clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
re 4 r having nSouth Street
(L to dtIP onu 1855 South a0a 0,
(Layton Aeonue)• GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
' Ee St pp��qq ryred br the Board°E
Co�nrhisslbltlt's•ot Salt Lake City,_ lish language
vta�: with general circulation in Utah, and published in
SECPI 1.,Thnt➢portion f
lose 5°„� ua�tan--Aran➢�> � Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
aciyet, rdu6iio,�n 3rvueulhiv ao-..
bed p�.f1H1.6,'-be. nd the
e h no
2to b an u lte
dared n eser to °° aye` That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Pro➢eelr foo etreeiy
nue. ltey r v`aaestrian
c➢.nn,anemt t vmni n the—,
aat d�°r E�n�1te aoaS.ea a t Salt i:��.kn City Bill No. ].05 of 1960
p t bem6: .49£t.south andr
tune,84 ft.west of tha North
f Sec 15.e0 1 �n :
1 Wc`5.1..9.&M.:thence a u a
1° the rtaht wiry, An Ordinance vacatinga portion of
2rliusV S 95't. .nd tral A
a e of 90 de tNe 'l86 ft.
thence.se ih 89 Aegrees.i6 t -
utes 52 2conds eat Ions the
nh n'Avenue)£hiss"8449. strce,3 La yt on Ayr,m (1955 South).
<moo.5t the,d
'ightawith n radius of 05 ft. ,
qnd-a' trei a sle of 90 de:
OreesAt9.29 ft..to Pint
the e t de f less West Si.
flndate Road 1:thence south
OO A2II[e s O3 gall edst -
dqq!9sn lens Id t side
�3 ft..M19 the south.lac f s..id-
1855 88o th Strect: thenSE�:
nprth et desrecs 56 minutes 52
eoon9. ewst,914o58 xt alnnsl.
ti»e souNt Itde sai0t 1t55a- .�EJ tltiember 1.2, ].960.
,hstred tptewce ar was publishedin said newspaper on
sir 95 SD tht jea e fret radl lei
o[58 deszaes lta eurea a25 sec
nods 96 n8 ff.to-the we t line
(( EOtpere}toed;lhencc north
00 de&rP.es OS mutes Oan s c-i
a do ginnin .boil i to the➢o int
f beffirnntnF, Ll 1n Section.l5, (
--' Sai -"" Y n d r
l't r i-
tubt to all sao a1 Pub
' fif➢ppoe l'as me'confines
d(IeiVeeoY d_
ac eTWtheeon i esOedfatthe 1 0
/genecdbceI 'nf' onto, Legal Advertising Clerk
rtuiery.sd Vl sblahtd ellofit'than. Sn thcoPin Lon o5
theECTIO 2;
Board t Comrnist,t°Fallh?uid
r tithe-peace,h a
afetYa f th€€��fnhebf[an a fSalt F
crake C,500 Utah, oche htn oral
s become etfecuve 1mn,cai-i
atSEThla;'n dt➢anm.
SECTION .i r[.11.�
phall twke effact u➢°n 1Is first) before me this JV day of
ubhcattm,. 9
Passed by he Hoard Com-
of Salt ottce e,,vi Utah,
ihs`6°Ot,sat:r.°BsA➢eKk ,... 11 A.D. 19 60
Au HERMAN J.C?r .Recce d.r, 14
f SEAL) ,
PILL Nd. enb tbnt
pobltshed fie➢comber 12, t96`05'll _
Notary Public
My Com Nov, E,piaeS.961.