105 of 1973 - Amending Title 43, by adding Chapter 1 thereof, a new Section 43-1-18, relating to taxicab car pools ,J VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake y+
Cit Utah, October 11 19 73
/ I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Barker /1 /.
,Phillips �� k ✓
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 43 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, by adding to Chapter 1 thereof, a new Section 43-1-18,
relating to taxicab car pools, adding a new section 43-7-24, to Chapter
7, relating to taxicab car pool services, adding a new subsection (8) to
Section 43-6-1, relating to taxicab car pool passengers, and amending
Sections 43-5-1, 43-7-7, 43-7-8 and 43-7-140 relating to taxicabs.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Chapter 1, of Title 43, of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same hereby is, amended by
adding to said chapter a new section to be known as Section 43-1-18,
relating to car pools, to read as follows:
Sec. 43-1-18. Car pool. "Car pool" means the use of a taxicab
for the transportation of two or more persons from their home to
a designated downtown location or drop-off point during morning
hours and transporting two or more persons from a designated down-
town pick-up point to their homes in afternoon hours in accordance
with a pre-arranged agreement between the taxicab company and the
person being transported.
SECTION 2. Tha:^ Section 43-6-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding
thereto a new subsection (8) , relating to car pool passengers, to read
as follows:
Sec. 43-6-1(8) . Car pool passengers: Fifty cents for each
passenger for a one-way trip to or from drop-off or pick-up points.
SECTION 3. That Chapter 7 of Title 43 of the Revised Ordinances of
Saltr-'Lake City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding
thereto a new section to be known as Sec. 43-7-24, relating to car pool
services, to read as follows:
Sec. 43-7-24. Car pool services. Notwithstanding all other
provisions of this title, it shall be Lawful for any person owning
or operating a taxicab where both such taxicab and operator are
properly licensed under the provision of this title, to provide
car pool service at certain times of the day, subject to the approval
of the Board of City Commissioners. Car pool service may provide
transportation for a group of passengers between their residences
and such drop-off and pick-up point areas within Salt Lake City as
:I) designated by the taxicab company subject to the approval of the
Board of Commissioners. A fixed price may be charged for such
one-way car pool service as provided by this title.
SECTION 4. That Sections 43-5-1, 43-7-7, 43-7-8 and 43-7-14 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to taximeters,
be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as follows:
Sec. 43-5-].. Taximeter required. All taxicabs operated under
the authority of this title shall be equipped with taximeters
which shall conform to the specifications set forth in this title
and such others as may be adopted from time to time by the Board
of Commissioners, with the exception that a taxicab operating
exclusively as a car pool vehicle, pursuant to Section 43-7-24,
need not be equipped with a taximeter. It shall be unlawful
for any person to operate or to allow to be operated any taxicab
without such taximeter, with the excgtion that any taxicab per-
forming car pool services under Section 43-7-24 need not have
such taximeter operative during such trip and any taxicab used
exclusively as a car pool vehicle need not be operated with such
Sec. 43-7-7. Additional passengers. No charge shall be made
for additional passengers, except as provided in Sec. 43-6-1(7).
of this section; provided, however, that when a taxicab is being
operated as a car pool under Section 43-7-24, the operator shall
charge according to Sec. 43-6-1(8) .
Sec. 43-7-8. Procedure for charging passengers not in a group.
Where passengers not part of a group are delivered to different ;.
destination points, a charge shall be made from origin point to
first destination point and the meter shall be cleared and the
fare charged to the passenger discharged. A new fare shall be charged
from such point to the next destination point. Similar procedure
shall be followed for successive discharge points. For purposes of
this title, a group of passengers is defined as one or more persons
joined in common purpose and interest in the use of the taxicab,
and shall be deemed a single passenger even though members of the
group discharge at different points. The designation point of the
group shall be that of the final member of the group; provided,
however, this section shall not be effective for any taxicab being
operated as a car pool while actually engaged in such operation.
Sec. 43=7-14. Direct route required. Any driver employed to
carry a passenger to a definite point shall take the most direct
route possible that will carry the passenger safely and expedi-
tiously to his destination. Except that a driver may deviate
to pick up passengers at their homes when he is operating a taxi-
cab as a car pool.
SECTION 5. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is neces-
sary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
11th day of October 1973.
. .*:---44a2.41''°.
Ntal(SEAL)\ City �7o`r4T
BILL NO. 105 of P4 3
Published-October 16, 1973
4 t4o
Affidavit of Publication
} ss.
County'of Salt Lake-
Jeannie DuBois
AN OROI ANCC AMLNfII c 11 TLC 4.of R i" r'Beinn{first dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
i Soli Lake CRY,Wolk I9r b odd mg t Ch me 1 thereof. g 1
es+ion 43dae, relating to toile.car pools,adding w Section using clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday)
•,,..s b+soectionpt(8)to 1Section 216-1 to ,relating'toa taxicab ol l car p000l pas-
sengers,and amending Sections and 43-7.14,relating newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
to tax
Bi Bordained by the Board of rammis:inners of sou Lake City,culotion in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
SECTION I.That Chapter I,of Titlet 433.of the Revised Ordinances County,in the State.of Utah.
at Salt Lake City,Utah.1945,be,an hesame
be he
knownsas mention
by adding to said chapter a new section
14YI-er,relating to car pools,p read asfollows: That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
0148.Car pool. Car:pool",means the use f a taxicab or'
the transportation of two or more persons from their home`hoorsesid
noted downtown Iocotian or drop-off point during
transporting two or more persons from a designated downtown pick uto
;point to their
h ha homes bni afternoon
lours noacca accordance it crpre Ordinance Amending Title 43 and
een the
being transported. --
SECTION 2.That Secion 43.41 of the Revised Ordinances of Solt
a elCita'Utah.1965,,be(eta Isle so a hereby car is,
mpasende�aytad ding adding to Chapter 1Section 43-1-1 8.
as follows;new
Sec.want 81.Car pool passengers:Fifty cents for each passenger
Tar a one-wav trio to or.frommter 7 aor pick-up points.
at Salt Lake City,Uoh,apter 7bet Title 43,and the of the same Revised IsOrdinandes -_-
be adding thereto section to be known as Sec.43-7-24,o relating
'to car pool services,to read as follows: ._._
Sec.43-7.24.Car pool services.Notwithstanding all other provisions-
;pf this title,R shall be lawful fora V Person owning or operating
taxicab where both such taxicab and operator are properly licensed
"under the provision of this title,to proide car pool serviceat certain
misninners.Cara pool sery may approval
ovide Itr'sportationdfort grace o1
!`pvssengers between servicer residences n a such drop-off nd pick-up
point areas within 501t Lake City as designated by the taxicab comea-
ny subied t the approval o1 the BoordoofCommissioners.provided
fixed published in said newspaper onO�tak-err_1fi,_1973
,.price may be charged far such one..c serviceos
by this title.
SECTION 4.That Sections 43-5-1,43.7.7,43.7-8 and 43-7-14 of the Re.
;be,wised Ordinances of Salt ,am City.Utah, osfo relating to taximeters.___
;.be,and the same hereby are,quied, to read as follows:
Sec f i Taximeter rabelreq All taxicabs i under the all
�heroV t this title shall s equipped with taximetersad which seas -_
ay to the Ofram time set me In this titleo and such others as .
may b adopted from time o time by exclusively
l a cair pool`-pool )
o theexceptionthat oxi.ab,operatingednt bet equippeds with a Mal- ��./`,�,� vZ,n�
pursuant to Sermon d3-]-24,n 4 /� 112. )•L
meter.r+d anyll tabe xicab unlawful forany person to h taximeter.with+e or the a allow
that 3 -v-
PDy taxicab any
performing car such
services anger Section red Legal Advertising Clerk
.:hot have such taximeter operative`during such trip and any taxicab
-psetl.sdo dy as a car pool vehicle need not be operated with such
• Sec.43.7-7.Additional passengers.No charge.hag be made for ad.
ided,a however,that except
hen provided
taxicab Is being43-6-1(7)
(perated this section;
pool under Section 43-7-24 the operator shall charge according to Sec. 18th day of
4SC-Nei• ner this
Sec. 43-7-8. Procedt ure tar charging ore delivered Octnot In different group.
potion pose,o charge
N be group ade framorigin point to first destl- �, 1
'.nation points,a o 73
aelon onpe r and themed. shall alp neared origin
the h rare ram s to
pointy tosthean0 tisdestinationA new fare point.Similarherl be ocedure phallll beofallowed '
or successive discharge points.Far ne ar leurrposess lamed title,common
group of _ ,.
passengers If defined use at the taxicab,and shall be deemed %- v
psose p Interest a inn //
gee tpp o ns. though members of the group dischargetof the
at ` �/,%
'dill t pber of thehe proon vided,howeoint of the verr,this roup all Lion be that
not q�-�=/)�:.,../�t-
sec s not
L.: 4;� L-
mem o car pool whir actual. (-----% •1.t s-t
43.for it taxicab being operand driver
a X--
ly engaged n such operation. Notary Public
Sec,41to a Oared route rshall to Any dine employed to carry e
passenger carry
o definite panne shall fake the.most direct route destine-
that I11 catty the passenger safely
deviate topick itiouslY to his uppassengers at their
hon.Except that a driver may -
ho he IS In ao of
a car pool.
• oepSECTION the5.In the opinionh of the Board at Commissioners It
•Lake City t to hat this ordlnanegbeceme effective and tmmedlatply of the naD •
ltantf of Salt
SECTION a.This ordinance shall take effect upon Its first publica-
assed by the Board of Cpmmissloners of Salt Lake City,Utah,
t81511th den of October,1973. E.J.GMpyor
•City Recorder •
(SEAL) - (EMI`.-enl No.105 of 1973
.Bublifhed October id 1973 •