105 of 1980 - Amending section 24-13-2 relating to Capital Improvements appropriations for Fiscal Year 1980-81. SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE Bill No. 105 of 1980 (Capital Improvements Appropriations) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 24-13-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 24-13-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to capital improvements appropriations, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Sec. 24-13-2. Capital improvement appropriations. Pursuant to adoption of the 1980-81 capital improvements budget the Mayor is hereby directed to establish appropriations for the following capital improvement projects, in the amounts specified as follows: 1980-81 PROJECT BUDGET Traffic Signals 1300 South 200 East $40,000 700 South 200 East 40,000 $80,000 Police Support Services CAD Maintenance $119,879 CAD Lease Purchase 428,515 CAD Program Support 25,000 573,394 Street Improvements Bridge at Indiana Avenue $40,000 1700 South - State to 700 West 50,000 1700 South - 700 West to 900 West 400,000 1300 South - State to 500 West (Design) 50,000 1300 South - 700 East to 1300 East 50,000 1300 South - State to 500 West (Right-of-way purchase & const.) 780,000 Boy Scout Drive 175,000 Curb and Gutter Districts 38-599, 38-638 and 38-640 730,000 800 South - Main to 300 West 372,000 200 West - 500 South to 900 South 54,000 400 South Bridge Deck 150,000 2,851,000 Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Match Programs $285,000 District 38-535, 450,000 735,000 Park Development Childrens Garden $20,000 Hansen Hollow 250,000 Rose Park Tot Lot 15,000 Post Street Tot Lot 5,000 Liberty Park/Tennis Courts 30,000 Jordan Park/Homerun Fence 5,000 Rosewood Park/Bleachers 2,000 Sunnyside and Bonneville/Tennis Courts 13,000 Block U Park 200,000 Tanner Park 250,000 Morton Meadows 90,000 880,000 Drainage Improvements Jordan River Flood Control $200,000 500 North Bridge Construction 40,000 Rose Park/Jackson Flood Control 110,000 4th Avenue Storm Drain Phase I & II 1,392,174 Highland Drive Storm Drain 100,000 Jefferson Detention Basin 250,000 Sugar House Detention Basin 100,000 Lee Creek Pump Station 85,000 Rose Park Pump Station 30,000 Skyline Drive Storm Drain 100,000 1700 South Master Plan 93,000 Liberty Park 291,263 2,791,437 Fire Administration Fire Station Insulation $102,000 Stand-by Generators 10,700 112,700 Police Administration Remodel Metropolitan Hall of Justice 35,000 Bishop Glass School Remodeling 40,000 75,000 Building Maintenance Handicap Facilities $15,000 City-County Remodeling Miscellaneous 8,000 City-County Restoration 200,000 City-County Sprinkler System 100,000 323,000 Fleet Management Repair Bay $40,000 40,000 Water and Sewer Improvements Research Park $150,000 150,000 Nibley Clubhouse Remodel $142,000 142,000 Total Appropriations $8,753,531 These appropriations are effective until project completion, unless such projects are not started by June 30, 1981. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect on the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, -2- this 7th day of October , 1980. C AIRMAN -)9/AP-e- ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on October 7, 1980 Mayor's Action • r � •R ATTEST: CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 105 of 1980 Published October 16, 1980 -3- 1.0 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Shana D. Conaty SALT LAKE CITY O05 RDINANCE ANCE 1980 Capilal 9Opllrovementso 1 Appropriations) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 24-13-2 OF THE R 1965, RELATING TOOORDINANCES OF IMPROVEMENTS YAPPROG CAPITALR IA TIONS. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal s"ecr°ilirai�*ne se<rion`a°:Ss"zor;n�ea�iseoorei�o�o. advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily mentssaoprooee`ioos,Utah, and theesameg to he`bylIs,amended (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English asfoOP 2 language with general circulation in Utah, and Set.2d-1J-2,Cqdltal Improvement appropriations.Pursu- t t0 adoption here y1 it,ted to estna0 h apor menu ldgar the t00 published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the Mayor following herehy directed tot project app e latlons Ipr ih0 iedasfo capital improvement projects,In the amounts specb eaaSrollnw5. State of Utah. • lo80.el PROJECT BUDGET Traffic Signals - That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 1300 South 201-East S40,000 TOO South 200 East -'• 40.000 SA0,000 Police Support Se ';rrvices "4�e CAD Maintenance 5119,919 Pub notice of Bill #105 of 1980 CAD Lease Purchase 429,515 CAD Program Support:`i,, 25,000 573.394 Street Improvements . Bridge at Indiana Avenue i, 540,000 1700 South-Stale to 100 West 50,000 1700 South-700 West to 901E' 1300S4cM1o0n South-State t0 500 West (Design) 50.100 1300 South-700 East.1300 130E0aSouth- �0 State to 500 West (Rlghtohwav purchase at 180 Boy Scout Drive 115,0011 Curb and Gutter Districts 30.599,30a38 and 38.670. 730,03d 800 South-Main to 30fl West ,372,000 . 200 West-500 South to 900 i ' South uth Bridge Deck, 1..50,400 S 000 2,9 said was published in newspaper on Oct. 16, 1980 sidewalk,Curb and Gutter ' Match Programs 528500 District 38-535, 450,000 735,000 Park Development Childress Garden $20,000 / Hansen Hollow 250,000 .!� 1 1 //', � 7��1_.. -' (3`s/l�f:\ .- -.\_ Rose Park Tot Lot 15,000 Post Street Tot Lot 5.090 Legal C erk Liberty Park/Tennis ClOurs 30.003 gAdvertising 5.000 RJosewood Park/Bleach Park/Bleachers 2,000 Sunnvside and Bonneville 1J 000 Tennis Courts Block U Park 200,000 22nd Morten Park e dews 250,00D eeo,aa ore me this day of Drainage Improvements Jordan River Flood Control s2f0,Ip0 A.D.19 80 500 North Bridge Construction .'0,000 Rose Park/Jackson Fl4th Ood Co ntrol Drain Il00Df1 Phase I B.II 1.392,176 Highland Drive glans // e -`'� A Jefferson Detention Basin zw;g°0ero Je.JCC a�/'!:/1/4-.1.r^7-t 2 -'?''".--,..._-.-- St gar House Detention (Basin 100,000 Lee Creek Pump Station 05,000 Rose Park Pump Station 30,000 Notary Public Skyline Drive Storm 100,000 1100 South Master Plan 93,0041 Liberty Park 291,263 2.191,437 Flee Administration Fire Station Insolation 5102.M0 Stand-hy Generators 10,100 t 12,700 Police Adminlstralion Remodel Metropolitan Hall of Justice 35,000 81Remodeling Glass School 40,030 lS,fkN1 Building Maintenance Handicap Facilities 515.000 City-County Remodeling - Miscellaneous cage City County Restoration 200,000 City-County Sprinkler System 100,000 323000 Float Manauemenf 0000ie Rae 540,000 40,1100 Water and Sewer Improvements Research Park 5191000 150,000 N ibl ey Clubhouse Remodel S142.0110 142,000 Total Appropriation 56,153,531 These Eon,unless such l s aro h prelecclsare not'slartetl by Jul16 00,19 Como. -1.2.This Ordinance shall take effect on the dale of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City.Utah,This 1th day of October,1980. RONALD.1.WHITEHEAD CHAIRMAN 'ATTEST: • MILDRED V HIGHAM CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on October 5,1980 Mayor's Action TED L.WILSON MAYORI ATTEST MILDRED M.HIGHAM CITY RECORDER (SEAL) RILL ND.105 M 1980 Published October 15,1980 _ BPI