106 of 1909 - Ordinance 106 of 1909 – Sewer Extension No. 182, Fourth Partial Estimate. AY ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property herein- after described on all streets within the district bounded on the north by the north line of Fifth South Street, on the east by the west line of East Temple Street, on the south by the center line of Ninth South Street, and on the west by the west line of Second West Street, Lin Sewer District No. , for the construction of sewers. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake pl, Utfh: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the. CUy.,..Tuasurer aA7.eorreoted, approved and completed by the Board of[EgiAllzAtion and 7 „ , R.'iew, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council oceak ;bthat / . pUrpose, of the property in Lots 1, 4, 6 and 8 Block 24'1 2,'.17,3! 4 and Black 15; 1 and 8.; Block 14; 1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 7 andC8, LBlock 0; an 4 and 5, Bleak 22, all in Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on the east side of Second West Street between Sixth South and Buyout South Streets; en both sides of West Temple Street between Sixth Sent and Wighth South Streets; sad en both aides of First West Street be- tween Sixth South and Seventh South Streets, in Sewer District No. 2, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing sewers upon said Iportions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments [made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sewer Extension No. 182. —) 1Fourth Partial Estimate. t;011 ( t: 71- -;2 ) r.1 '‘t (CIrt , 1.06 :-,-- ;. - - ; • -'1.0-f,,,„i z!' i•',.•••...:,37.4 . 'f ::1,:: ,,,..• 3 .. t :Li t.-1. 1: .1,..' fi'..,if.trl I.;-_;',i.• :LA "Atit •`..'0 ,100 tt'`,1-•,-.,tz.:',1, erfl cricitiw aiee-•;-.1.fi II:: :-Io .1) (ii-7:-..:n..i ':f•,1-".: elf: ,!(.) ,J•ig.41:C.0 ri/u0r, rfru to tlrf.t.t .11-ron Hifi- .tf ril-roa .. i if.!.rri:ti 1,1 tr):Ill te/neo eift vf rft.uo:-., c+.0...t no ,1397;te o.rcirao'f.' tri....5: :-4noost?, 1 o *nll J'aew ert.t id t nem *xi* no ba.:3 ,teet ti,t K', : a.r.),vos to rs,itvcrortan el • ' 1 : 'oZ lotW. . , /45-4412owg .o .4;1 IN sh,urs .t .1.1 i'neliroOt! ti ,t,siiT .1 T10117,'''Zi,: a* •Pr ... tail:a rt,..inki. p, +.) bzoio,T 9rit 14 b*IcrikiioOof:•31-k;vo.1.1.4ss ,lieztoo A •-• C i :•-•-f.s, : ''' -, cp kit Cn %II!) *4,1' v(:AOrti):S.,...s.,417DC) --.:-.01,...tAtt-;.if *3 0 1 0. „ '',.-'• : cc, `13.!74: /!Z,:.. ;•1,..1 N4bolg ,8 hrin .a ..4 ,t !i*o..i ill * DI% ant 10 .: 6as ; Anolgi ,8118 7 .a ,a .E .3 ac\,,:;16.t too: cl,8 C,rn-1 I ; 1 41I.E. 's 'IA ,le4VT/SC Etta 0 43.1 *tee ."A" lel II8 ,33 llooIti . b .rf*tt*tr&?. bar:, rftvoa iftri?, n*er,rtect ts*TIL lao`N Ln0083 to or,t,1 tzme tuft o :H d$1.10E d*xic nilmolod les718 sigooT tatoi lo *Able d*ood no 0140117011 dtgoa ".,) antiu ftod fib Ass ;Ithisvt. ol.tsea d$43/R bum ,toici 7.:,visi'.., Li ,ke*oe-J/P. ifhtot.' r4acve;; L als tr c,i.; ,:.) :1, ',. .-.•'•',)` •, f.:Ipt; -,,.:ii..: .•;-r.,..,,,-,:-, ?,a.t.i..:_)rvilermo lo ir,clo1,'ti ...‘c71 ••-:: R:tn:,. ,1)%..,:^T 1'1r:or ••ccf et ,etee.T.te fire '',0 ?nneta'104. f,71'iCio 0 ....'i...ZA ni r.,-,,.-.-,r )1 -, - ,,:-.:•-../-• f" : ..ic 4. ..E.:, *r .67 r•(.;1'.11,1" r . . .;.;t..•.,iii'.•••.;•, ./i,; t`i-4 L, 1:,-,".0,;01", i . . • i' 1 . i , .. ; . ,• t 'I. tillh ;3t•"t i.'