106 of 1947 - Vacating Illinois Avenue beginning at point 161.248 feet east of center line of Navajo Street thence • VOTING �AYfi NAY i!i
J Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
Matheson I move that the ordinance passed.
Mr.Chairman . .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING Illinois Avenue beginning at a
point 161.248 ft. east of the center line of Navajo Street, thence
west to the west side of Cheyenne Street; Navajo Street from a
point 161.31 feet north of the center of Illinois Avenue, thence
south to the north side of California Avenue; Cheyenne Street be-
ginning at the south side of Illinois Avenue, thence north to the
right-of-way of the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad; Mead Avenue
beginning at the west side of Navajo Street and extending thence
west to the east side of Cheyenne Street; and all of Senior's Bur-
lington Addition, Blocks 1 and 2, including the half street portion
of Lexington Avenue and the half portion of Pueblo Street which
bounds said addition on the south and west together with that por-
tion of 13th Nest Street which transverses the center of said addi-
tion; in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Illinois Avenue beginning at e point 161.248
ft. east of the center line of Navajo Street, thence west to the west
side of Cheyenne Street; Navajo Street from a point 161.31 feet north
of the center of Illinois Avenue, thence south to the north side of
California Avenue; Cheyenne Street beginning at the south side of
Illinois Avenue, thence north to the right-of-way of the Los Angeles
& Salt Late Railroad; Mead Avenue beginning at the west side of Navajo
Street and extending thence west to the east side of Cheyenne Street;
and all of Senior's Burlington Addition, Blocks 1 and 2, including
the half street portion of Lexington Avenue and the half portion of
Pueblo Street which bounds said addition on the south and west to-
gether with that portion of 13th West Street which transverses the
center of said addition; in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particular-
ly described as follows:
Illinois Avenue beginning at a point 161.248 ft. east
of the center line of Navajo Street, thence west to the
west side of Cheyenne Street.
Beginning at a point 132.85 ft. east and 6.0 ft.
south of the northwest corner of Lot 89, Glendale Park Plat
'A', of Sections 10 and 11, T. ]. S., R. 1 W., S. L. L. & M.,
thence west 132.85 ft. to the east side of Navajo Street,
thence south 10.5 ft. to the south side of Illinois Avenue
extended, thence west 688.71 ft. to the west side of Pueblo
Street, thence north 8.0 ft., thence west 685.81 ft., to the
west side of Cheyenne Street, thence north 58.5 ft., to the
north side of Illinois Avenue, thence east 1507.37 ft.,
thence south 56.0 ft. to the point of beginning.
Navajo Street from a point 161.31 ft. north of the cen-
ter of Illinois Avenue, thence south to the north side of
California Avenue.
Beginning at the southeast corner df Lot 73, Glen-
dale Park Plat 'A', of Sections 10 and 11, T. 1 S., R. 1 W.,
S. L. LI. & M., thence north 133.31 ft., thence east 52.94 ft.
to the east side of Navajo Street, thence south 133.31 ft.,
thence west 53.07 ft. to the point of beginning. Also, be-
ginning at a point 6.0 ft. south of the northwest corner of
Lot 89, Glendale Park Plat 'A', of Sections 10 and 11, T. 1
S., R. 1 W., s. L. B. & M., thence south 1264.0 ft. to the
north side of California. Avenue, thence west 30.31 ft.,
thence south 8.5 ft., thence west 23.63 ft. to the west side
of Navajo Street, thence north 635.0 ft. to the south side
of Lexington Avenue, thence west 8.22 ft., thence north
62.7.0 ft. to the south side of Illinois Avenue, thence east
32.51 ft., thence north 10.5 ft., thence east 28.40 ft. to
the point of beginning.
ii Cheyenne Street beginning at the south side of Illinois
Avenue, thence north to the right-of-way of the Los Angeles
& Salt Lake Railroad.
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 76, Glen-
dale Park Plat 'A', of Sections 10 and 11, T. 1 S., R. 1 W.,
S. L. A. & M., thence west 50.01 ft. to the west side of
Cheyenne Street, thence north 1898.88 ft. to the Los Angeles
& Salt Lake Railroad right-of-way, thence eastwardly 50.86
ft. to the east side of Cheyenne Street, thence south 1894.7
ft. to the point of beginning.
Mead Avenue beginning at the west side of Navajo Street
and extending thence west to the east side of Cheyenne Stree .
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 60, Glen-
dale Park Plat 'A', of Sections 10 and 11, T. 1 S., R. 1 W.,
S. L. B. & M., thence west 1271.6 ft. to the east side of
Cheyenne Street, thence north 47.39 ft. to the north side of
Mead Avenue, thence east 1271.2 ft., thence south 48.43 ft. 1
to the point of beginning.
Senior's Burlington Addition, Blocks 1 and 2, including
the half street portion of Lexington Avenue and the half por
tion of Pueblo Street which bounds said addition on the sout
and west together with that portion of 13th West Street whic
( transverses the center of said addition.
All of Senior's Burlington Addition, including lot ,
streets and alleys, being a subdivision of Lots 87 and 88 of
Glendale Park Plat IAI, of Sections 10 and 11, T. 1 S., R.
1 a., S. L. B. & M.;
be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be
public property for use as streets, avenues, alleys, pedestrian
ways, plats or subdivisions.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing
rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and
every description and easements for water and sewer pipelines now
located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described
property and also subject to the right-of entry thereon for the
purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing.
altering or rerouting said utilities and pipelines and all of them
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication. \�
Passed by the Board of Commissioners o Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 14 day ofi8 =/ , A.S 47.
1, , 2_ our.
Uity Recorder.
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
DEC 1 1947
-------- --------...__ CITY RECORDER .---
Brit Publication in
�rn nitn� •'�lAl�
aa,�s s�r r�-0
"''�� •
AN ORDINANCE & M., thence south 1264.0 ft. to )
" the north side of California Ave-
AN ORDINANCE VACATING 11 - nue thence west 30.31 ft., thence
'a nuts Avenue beginning at a point south 8.5 ft.,thence west 23.83 ft.
161.248 ft. east of the center line to the west side of Navajo Street,
\ of Navajo Street,thence west to the thence north 635.0 ft.to the south
west side of Cheyenne Street;Navajo side of Lexington Avenue, thence
C")a Street from ee point 161.31 fee- west 8.22 ft.,thence north 627.0 ft.
^'-`� north of the center of Illinois Ave- o the south tide of Illinois Avenue,
_Y^i- ,thence uth a the north side thence ea't nce1 ft., hence north
�` f California Aii n Ch Sande the ft.. thence cast L28.40 ft. to
` �t�ry'¢ BLrecu beginning at the oath side he point o[ beglmring.
of Illinms venue, thence sr rth Chc Street be t th¢
f 1 the Salta Lake of the Los Aad south sides f Illinois Avenue thence
1 gales e egit Loge at theenad; side
Meadnorth to. tile right-Of-way of the
15 Avcn o beginning west Ida h r g Y
Q 7,,,y of Navajo Street and extending Los,Angeles A Salt Lake Railroad. -i
hl '\ \ thence west to the east side of Bcginuihj("G the southwest corner
Cheyenne Street;and all f Senior's of Lot 76,Glendale Park Plat 'A',
Burlington Addition, Bluceks 1 nd of Sections-10 and 11,T. 1 S.,R.
j 4 I 2,including the half street portion 1 W., S.L. R. &M„ thence west
t �LJ r,' f Lexington A and the half 50.01 ft, t theC d f
,` p tl f P bl Stre t h oh Cheyenne St t Lh n tt
b d 'd dhe Ih th L:11; 8 ft to th L A gal &e 1L
�� (Q ! t t g th St hat p r- Last Railroad 6 t f 'v thence�I L [ 13 the
West Street hich ,jde of
eycn ft re the t
t o L t of 'h add).- sole of 4h Street, thence
1 , Lion,in Galt Lake City,Utah south 1894.72 ft to the point of ,.
Be it ordained by the Board of beginning.
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Mead Avenue beginning at the
Utah: west side at Navajo Street and
SECTION 1. That Illinois Ave- extending thence west to the east
V n[re beginning at a point 161.248 side of Cheyenne Street. .
ft.east of the enter line of Nava- Beginning at the northeast c
t.Jo Street, thence west to the west i r of Lot 60, Glendale Park Plat
�I ,side of Cheyenne Street; Navajo 'A', of Sections 10 and.11, T. 1 I
Street from a point 161.31 feet S-.R.1 W. S.L.B.&NI.,thence
{ ni de, ne the center of Illinois Ave- west st 1271.E ft. to the east side of
t1 , t'ti¢n ae r o Lhe orth Cheyenne 8t rest,thence it rtlt 4R.39 Q,rl
�� - V side. O Ct begino gvat th Choy tid,o hen eo r side .2 Read eec-
L) `bo none 6tieet beginning at the..south nue td503 root 1 ft. thence
^ sid¢ Illinois Avene, thence oath 48.43 ft.to the paint of be-
m'th Angeles
the right-Lakef t d; ginning
_1.clo A Ater &Salt Lake Railroad; -Senio' . Burlington Addition,
11 Mead Avenue beginning o the west- Blocks (sand including the half
side hf re weep Street and denot street portion of Lexington Avenue
8 thence .,L to the east side and the half portion of Pueblo
Cheyenne Street, and all Street which bounds said addition
Slinks"g Burlington Addition, the south and west together
§ street
1 and 2, including the hat- on ,
tree t portion f Lexington Ave- with that portion e5o 13th West
nue d thehalf portion f Y to Street which transverses the center
nE St which bounds -Id I1 t' of said addition.
thesouth and west together
ent tt All of Seniors Burlington Addid '
t.'. Lh that p tl f 13th W t u neluding lots streets and
CV street which t' s tI alleys a being subdivision f Lots
f said addition;i Salt Lake City, 8 L an 8 Sio Glendale Park Plat
Utah, more Particularly described A, of Sections 10 a
ad 11, T. 1
a follows; 6.R 1 W. 6.L.B.&M.;
d Illinois Avenue beginning at a he and the same
are hereby vacated
point 161,)sa ft.east of the center and declared no longer to be public
CZ,, of Navajo Street, thence west property for use as streets, venues..
'Ik.t the west side of Cheyenne alleys, pedestrians ways, plats
t40 , eat, subdivisions. i
C stadBeginningt a point the no85 ft. - easements beecd vacation llamade se ofo ssly
• way
e t and 6.0 ft.south f13north- subject all existing rights way
west corner of Lot 89, Glendale and easements of all public utilities
W a of Sections 10 n of any and eery description and
Park Plat 'A', 4:{- _
ter r 1 et R.1 W.,t. toL.B.&M.east
c. now
to water and sewerunder pipe
thence thence Navajo
o tr ft. the e t over
t confine In, o or
(L side t Nto h Street,thencei south desc the confines tt the about
'10.E ft.As to the south side of Ieg ; to the
ofproperty and also no for
noes t it. extended, . side
west to the nose of entry thereon in-
68a.'!l St rtot the west side of L the purpose rep of inspecting,ing, ma n
Pueblo Street, l60u.S pith 8.e tanning, lteriring,r rer000100 r
th side w st 6heret e Street.
[.'moving, andri pt u eraudng aid
W est side f Cheyenne Street. Lilitles and pipelines and all of
f� thence north 685t Illinois
to the them.
V� north side of Illinois Avenue, 6ECTION 2.In the opinion of Lhe
y,e thence east 150' ft., thence- Board of Commissioners,it is ne
X �souih 56.0 it.to the point f be- sary to the peace, health and
ginning. safety of the inhabitants of Salt
j Navajo Street from a point 19,3t , Lake City that this ordinance shall
ft. north of the enter of Illinois become f[eotive Immediately.
Avenue,thence south to the north SECTION 3,This ordinance shall
`'` t'i side of California thevenue. t take ritens upon its first publicx-
Beginning at southeast tiop
of Lot 73, Glendale Park .
Plat'A',of Sections 10 and 11,T. Passed by the Board of Corn.
i".,I r, 1 5., R. 1 W.. 8. L. B. & ace - 1551oners oI 6n1[Lake City,Utah.
V thence rth 133.31 east side f- 194'!. EARL J. GLADE,
Navajo Street,,thence south to the' Mayor
xr+a ft., thence west 53.08 ft, to
point of beginning.Also.beginning IRMA F.BhitsERecorder.
t point G.0 ft. south of the
northwest corner
of Lot 89,Glen- (SEAL)
dalele Park Plat 'A', of Sections 10..,•BILL NO. 106
and 11,T.1 S.,R.1 W.,B.L.B. Published December 18,1047.
> ss.
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Frank._A.._Shields,__Deputy_, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating Illinois Ave. beginning at a point 161.248 ft. east of the
center_line_ of;_Nava_j9__St._thence__west_to__the_west__side_._of._d'hayenne__St-_;__Navajo
St. from a point 161.31 ft. north of the center of Illinois Ave., thence south
to the_nor_th-side__of California__Ave_._;__Cheyenne_St,_bee nning__at__the__s_o_uth side
of Illinois Ave., thence north to the right-of-way of the Los Angeles & Salt
, ing thence.west to the east side of Cheyenne St.; and all of Senior's Burlington
Addition,__B1ka___1 &._2,._including__the__halfistr_aet__pnrtion__of_..Lexin ton_Ave_. and
the half portion of Pueblo St. which bounds said addition on the south and west
• together_with__that._portioa st._St.._ which_transvers_es__the__oenter__of
said addition, is Salt Lake City, Utah."
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, Decemher_16th. lax_1947
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City, this ______. 27th___day of -_______Je_camther.._1947 lx .
BILL NO. 106 Chief Deputy City corder.
Published Dec. 18th, XVX..__1947
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices .
s Avenue beginning at point D I7I Oek'o
161.248 ft. east.-ef-the'center line ..__.
of Navajo Street,thence west to the '
west side of Cheyenne Street;Navalo
ea point I1611.e Ace` Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
n `acne'south`eer the n aide vertisingclerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
etCaliforniahenc n Avenue;11th,entib side
Street beginning at the south side
f Illinois Avenue, thence north
tgoittshe right-of-way of the,a PMMd published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Avon a beginning at the-Neat Bide
P Navajjo Street and extending
thence et to the wide of • of Utah.Cheyenne Street;and all'of Senior's
Burlington Addition, Blnoke p1 ante
2,including the half street portion'
of Lexington Avenue and the halfport Tha
bounds sa
id of Pueblo Stre south
That the advertisement
together with that per-
tien of 13th West Street which
transverses the center of said adds- •
Ordinance bill No 106
Don:in Salt Lake City,Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of
Utan_ieslonere of Salt Lake City, malt Lake city L'orcoral:1on
SECTION 1. That Illinois Ave-
nue beginning at a point 161.248
ft.east of the center line of Nava-
jo Street;thence west to the wet
Street from
r ofCCheyenne Street: Navajo '
a'point 161.31 feet
nprth of the center of Illinois Ave-
,then`` south to the north was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
nue, f.Ct nia Avenue; e
ne Street beginning at the south
side of Illinois Avenue, thence
north to theright-of-way of the day of A.D. 19
-Lee Angeles k.Salt,LakeRaeroasl
side fd vNavajoe e Street and
that extend-
ing.thence west to the and18,was published
Senfor'a Burlington -Addition,
Blocks 1 and 2, Including the half
street portion of Lexington Ave- .
nue and the'half portion of Pueblo the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
Street which bounds said addition
on the south and eat together
with tha
portlneof 13 entst
er day o f % A.D. 19
treet which tn;ineSalt the or ter
f Bala tn;in Salt Laked city,
Utah, more particularly described
as follows;
Minds Avenue beginning at ' i-'iy l
point ieNwest t'side oiaen center r Ad776rt2Sing�
li the wet Side of Cheyenne
Street. •
eginning t a point 132.85 ft. 1 /
' east and 6.0 ft.south of the north-
west corner Lot
Park Plat 'A', ofSec Bone Glendale10 and
thence n
at 132.50 ft. to the e t /day of
Ida f Navajo Street,thence th '
e .sworn to before me this 19tb.
30,5 ft, tc the south aide } Iest
PueAvenue extended,thence wear, 47
bl n. et the west the f A.D.19 Pueblo Street, thence north Ae
Wethence w t e8e.e1 the
thwest •side f Cheyennee Street,
ence north 58Il is Avenue,Lhe
north aide of thence east 1507E7no ft., thence
south 56.0 ft. to the point of be-
ginning. -_. /
)/frli -
Notary Public
Navajo Street from a.point 161.31
ft, north of the center of Illinois
kfemleuth to
ittee of Californithenm a A enuG.he north
at thn utheast -o-t Lot 73, Glendale Park
A',of Sections 10 d 11,T.
R. 1 W., 8. L. B. & M.north 133,31 ft.. thence
�eaot 52.94.it. to the east side 1
Shaft Street,thence South 133.3t
't1.� thence west 53.07 it. to the
pwnt of beginning.Alen,beginning
t Inlet 6,e-ft. o th of the
northwest corner of Lot 89, Glen-
ditJe Perk Plat 'A', of Sections 10
di thence south
o th 1264.0 ft. to
thee no th side of California Ave-
ili thenc te o
w 30.31 Si., thence
'Bi-the Bweft side of Navajo 3Street,
thence north 635.0 ft.to the south
aide of Lexington Avenue, thence
'tent 8.22 ft.,thence north 627.0 ft.
'to the south jde of Illinois Avenue,
ttilt1 Bost 32,51'ft„thence arch
175.E aof, thence east 28.40 ft. io
the point of beginning.
Cheyenne Street beginning at the
C of
eltk tilde to the right-of-way
right-el way thence
Lae Angeles&aSall Lake Raiflroad.
'Beginning at the Southwest corner
of Lot 76,Glendale Park Piet'A',
of Sections 30 and 11,T.1 8.�R.-
1 W.,S.L.B.•&M.,thence eat
00,01 ft. to the west side of
88 ft.to Street,the Los Angeles&Salt
Lake Railroadright-of-way, thence
'Matwardly 50,86 ft. to the east
de of Cheyenne Street, thence.
south 1894.72 ft. to the point of
Mead Avenue beginning at the
wept side of Navajo Street and
extending thence west to the east
"side of Cheyenne Street.
Beginning at the northeast cor-
ner ul Lot 60,Glendale Park Plat
'A', of Sections 10 and 11, T, 1
S.,R.1 W.,S.L.B.&M.,thence
west 1271,6 ft. to the east side of
Cheyenne Street.thence north 47.39
ft.to the north side of Mead Ave-
nue,thence east 1271.2 ft.. thence
'giLLth 48.43 ft.to the point of be-
Seniur'e Burlington Addition,
Blacks I and 2,including'Inc hall
'inset portion of Lexington Avenue
and the half portion of Pueblo
Street which bounds said addition
en withe gloat south➢rtion of westtogether 13th West
Street which teaneveraes the center
of said addition.
All of Senior's Burlington Addi-
tion, including lots, streets and
- ahe,yl, being subdivision of Lots
87 and 88 f Glendale park Plat !
'A', of Sections 10 and 11, T. 1
be and lthe same are hereby vacated
and declared no longer to be public
property for use as streets,avenues,
alleys. pedestrian ways, plats or
Said vacation is made expressly
subject to all Waling rights of way
and easements of ad public utilities
Of any and every description and
easements for water and sewer pipe-
' lines now located in,on,under or
over. e confines of the above
described property and also subject
to the right of entry thereon for
the purpose of inspecting, main-
'taining, repairing, replacing,
moving, altering or srouting.said
' utilities and pipelines and all of
SECTION 2.In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners,It is nee- issioners f Salt Lake City,17taabh
eesary to the peace, health d this 16th day of December,A.LK,
safety of the inhabitants of-Salt 1947.
Lake City that this ordinance shall EARL J. GLADE,
become effective immediately. Mayo,
SECTION 3.This ordinance shall IRMA P.BITNER,
take effect,upon Its first publics- City Recorder,
Men. (SEAL/H L NO. 106
Passed by the.-Board.et-Com- Published December 18,1945. '
(S ‘_•.-C64' ' ``°44:C•"'
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