106 of 1971 - Amending the Revised Ordinances, by creating Title 22, defining, setting requirements, permits and f ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah November 101
Barker . . . . f
Catmull I move that the Ordinance be p /17 2
assed. ' �;
Harrison . . . h'
Mr.Chairman .
' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, by adding thereto a new title to be known as Title 22, re-
lating to mobile homes and trailers.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah,
1965, be, and the same hereby are, amended by adding thereto a new title
to be known as Title 22, relating to mobile homes and trailers, to read
as follows:
Sec. 22-1-1. Definitions. For the purpose of this
ordinance the following definitions shall apply:
a. The words "mobile home" shall mean a transportable,
single family dwelling unit suitable for year-round occupancy
and containing the same water supply, waste disposal and
electrical conveniences as immobile housing.
b. The words "travel trailer" shall mean a vehicular,
portable unit, mounted on wheels, not requiring special
highway movement permits when drawn by a motorized vehicle:
(1) Designed as a temporary dwelling for travel,
recreational and vacation use; and
(2) When factory-equipped for the road, having a
body width of not more than eight feet and a body
length of not more than 32 feet. UCA 41-20-1.
c. The words "recreational vehicle" shall mean a vehicular
unit, other than a mobile home, primarily designed as a temp-
orary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation use, which
is either self-propelled or is mounted on or pulled by another
vehicle, including but not limited to: a travel trailer, a
camping trailer, a truck camper, and a motor home. UCA 41-20-1.
d. The words "motor home" shall mean a self-propelled
vehicular unit, primarily designed as a temporary dwelling for
travel, recreational and vacation use. UCA 41-20-1.
e. The words "dependent recreational vehicle" shall mean
a recreational vehicle which does not have a toilet and a bathub
or shower.
- 2 -
f. The words "independent recreational vehicle" shall
mean a recreational vehicle equipped with plumbing facilities
which, to be functional, requires connection to outside water
or sewer utilities, or is equipped with water storage tank
and pump, and with a sewage holding tank.
g. The words "mobile home park" shall mean a site, lot,
tract or parcel of land upon which two or more mobile homes
are parked for temporary or permanent use as living quarters.
h. The words "travel trailer park" shall mean a site, lot,
tract or parcel of land upon which one or more travel trailers
is parked for temporary use as living quarters.
i. The words "park plumbing system" shall include but not
be limited to the park drainage and water supply system within
the property lines.
j. The words "park drainage system" shall mean the entire
system of drainage piping used to convey sewage and other
wastes from the mobile home or travel trailer drain outlet con-
nection, at its connection to the mobile home or travel trailer
site, to the property line connection with the sewer lateral
from the main sewer.
k. The words "park water supply system" shall mean all
of the water supply piping within the park and shall extend
from the water meter to the travel trailer or mobile home
service system, and shall include branch service lines, fixture
devices, service buildings and appurtenances thereto.
1. The words "mobile home space" shall mean a plot of
ground within a mobile home park which is designed for the
accommodation of one mobile home.
m. The words "recreational vehicle space" shall mean a plot
of ground within a travel trailer and/or recreational vehicle
park to accore' date one recreational vehicle or travel trailer.
n. The words "mobile home stand" or "pad" shall mean that
part of a mobile home space which has been prepared and reserved
for the placement of one mobile home with appurtenant structures
or additions.
o. The words "service building" shall mean a building
housing separate toilet and bathing facilities for men and
women and which may also have laundry facilities and a flushing
rim sink, and other facilities as may be required by this ord-
inance and which shall be apart from the facilities within the
individual mobile home or recreational vehicle.
p. The words "sewer connection" shall mean all pipes,
fittings and appurtenances from the drain outlet of the mobile
home or recreational vehicle to the inlet of the corresponding
sewer system serving the park.
q. The words "sewer risor pipe" shall mean that portion of
the sewer lateral which extends vertically to the ground eleva-
tion and terminates at each mobile home or recreational vehicle
r. The words "water connection" shall mean all pipes, fit-
tings and appurtenances from the water risor pipe to the water
inlet pipe of the distribution system within the mobile home or
recreational vehicle.
s. The words "water risor pipe" shall mean that portion of
the water supply system serving the mobile home or recreational
vehicle park which extends vertically to the ground elevation
and terminates at a designated point at each mobile home or rec-
reational vehicle space or stand.
Sec. 22-2-1. Permits and Fees.
a. Permit fees for construction of the park and its utility
facilities shall be as follows:
Gas Risor - $3.00 plus $1.00 for each pad (30 pad minimum)
Electric meter stand - $5.00 per pad - first 10 pads
$3.00 per pad - next 90 pads
$2.00 per pad - balance of pads
$5.00 each pad for re-connection
Plumbing risors - $3.00 each pad
b. In addition to the above fees, if any buildings or
structures are to be constructed, the necessary building permits
must be secured and the appropriate fee paid. The electrical
and plumbing work shall be done in accordance with the currect
ordinances in effect at the time.
c. All present and normally assessed fees shall be paid to
the engineering department for sewer lateral connections from
the property line to the main in the street. In addition, an
Ozilid tracing shall be furnished the City Engineer showing the
as-constructed piping and all pipes, sizes and cleanout locations.
Sec. 22-3-1. Mechanical requirements. All work performed
shall be in accordance with the Salt Lake City Power and Heating
Equipment Contractor's Code, with the actual work being executed
by a duly licensed journeyman in accordance with Section 31-12-2
and 31-12-3, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1965.
a. Fuel supply layout plan shall be submitted at the time
of application for permit; showing pipe size, material, location
and depth of lines and locations of shut off valves.
b. Twenty-four/advance notice shall be given to the Power
and Heating Department by the manager or owner of mobile home
park within five days of hookup.
d. Original equipment installed in or on any mobile home
shall be accepted by this Department provided that any such
mobile home shall bear an official acceptance seal of the State
of Utah as provided in Section 41-20-3, Utah Code Annotated, 1953.
e. Fee charges for inspection shall be made on any and all
equipment installed during the time of, or after, the hookup of
any mobile home as provided by Salt Lake City codes.
f. All mechanical installations in a mobile home park or
in any building or mobile home shall comply with existing codes.
Title 41, Chapter 20, Utah Code Annotated, 1953, shall be used
as a standard in connection with existing Mechanical Equipment
Codes of Salt Lake City. The stricter rule shall apply.
g.j Application for required permits shall be made by a duly
licensed contractor, and fees paid to the office of City Trea-
surer before any work commences. A double permit fee shall be
charged if any work is commenced without first obtaining the
required permit or permits.
h. No equipment regulated by the Power and Heating Equip-
ment Code of Salt Lake City shall be connected to the fule or
power supply until it complies with all applicable requirements
of said code, and final inspection approval has been issued.
- 4 -
The requirements of this section shall not be considered
to prohibit the operation of any heating equipment installed
to replace existing heating equipment serving an unoccupied
portion of a building, provided a request for inspection of
such heating equipment has been filed with the department not
more than 48 hours after such replacement work is completed,
and before any portion of such is concealed.
Sec. 22-3-2. Electrical requirements. Permit fees for all
electrical wiring in excess of fifty (50) volts in the park shall,
in addition to the original pad pedestals, be computed in accord-
ance with the existing Salt Lake City electrical ordinances.
Mobile home tenants requiring a new, or re-connection to the
electric utility shall apply for an electrical permit and re-
inspection of the electrical system supplying the particular pad.
Any violation of the National Electrical Code or Salt Lake City
Electrical Ordinances will prohibit a re-connection until satis-
factory corrections have been made. A fee of $5.00 shall be
charged for the permit and re-inspection.
The Salt Lake City Electrical Inspection Department upon
receipt of a valid electrical permit and request for inspection
shall make an inspection of the wiring system serving the pad
within 243 hours. At this time an inspection will also be made
to assure that the vehicle complies to the Utah State Law, Title
41, Chapter 20, Section 3.
Failure to comply with the Utah State Law as described above
shall result in forfeiture of the electrical permit and approval
for a connection to the electrical utility. A notice will be
served to the Utah State Department of Business Regulation, En-
forcement Division, and the management of the park that a non-
complying vehicle is occupying a parking pad.
Sec. 22-3-3. Water and waste piping requirements. All
water supply piping and outlets, and wall waste piping and waste
connections shall be installed in accordance with the Utah State
Division of Health Code of Camp, Trailer Court, Motel, Hotel and
Resort Sanitation Regulations, as Revised; and General Informa-
tion Regarding Health Division Supervision of Trailer Courts,
August, 1967, or latest revision.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become affective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
10th day of November 1971.
i Mayor
(SEAL) @.order
BILL NO. 106 of 1971
Published November 17, 1971
Republished November 19, 1971
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Revised Drcnnancrs I Sall Lake Beingfirst sworn.,deposes and says that he is legal adver.
City,grab, yes,by<,edmn Mer,.m adulyP y h'
to be known as Tithe!I,
��Ing'°m mebao homes and trail- tisi.nzg clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
'oe if ordained by the Board of newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
Commissioners of Snit Laker City,
Wan: the (Illation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
of t Sall lake City, Utah,
t h,
ivas,Red and thel sarpee11E1..v a ("minty,in the State of Utah,
')Aro be known ds Title z ralaf-
in0 to mohlle homes and trailers,to
re d a f°hmws; �,That the legal notice ofwhich a copy TALE Y4 is attached lteret0
Sec. 211.1. Dor^i°nstafhI --Ail Ordinanon rof ating_ta-mobile-homes-and-trailers.th ° i �n r l
Ppovhqdefinillons hap apply:
a.The words"monde home"shah
mean a trralnspoHaein stogie farniN Bill No, 106 of 1921 dwelling onit su'cableit'for yea same __. a
paterrane pow waste disposal erode
electricals conveniences a I ism
hov.thesinw words"travel trailer'shall
vehicular, Portablehil
hiahen,o ue requiring
when drawn be a motorlxcd v�oldcte.
I (I) Designed as a mmaorary
vwello a g for travel,recreational and
old, Scorngaclbdy wiSH ° th
mere eight teat 32d a body
lunh of not more man ----_--
_ .
no 1.
- The ha words "recreational vehi
odir,ther than m aor',pa.- atilt, was published in said newspaper on
e sianeo Rae aobtempoary Pd+eili'n
for travel,recreational lian�ePClleallon
Publishad_Novamber_17 1971_and-re ublishod
e unted on or ilea by another
s— ]a
lvehicle,Including but not limitae her
a travel trailer,a amolnug trailer,n
truck camper, and a m for I,wno. on November 't 9 1921a ULAd. -20.1 wordsPI h -hag _3La_
mean do, P d a illunit,
dwellI g f r travel,
ry \y`\
vac t d UC"dependentAt lion /v
Ial veYlac'a sniclh moan not havooa lreeal fusing Clerk
i n o shown r.
f. vo ds"'n e ca.
rional vehicle"Shall an a',Era,.
,tlonal vli c, a I,to o fb Oiole.,i
c facilities ctuPos connection
to outside tl water
llitic o, ,PPed'
a tank'sand'nt andfn naming Dump, to before me this'-_ 19th day of
Y.I aw�he
P.Thew 1 Wile home pork-1
shall mean oupon¢,till,two r Par-I
mclpel bllle land me upon
use for Ieh,no
me Par
rnPatSmanenf s -s A.D. 19_�1—•
l-be words"Pavel trailer Park"
,Fall mean site,lot,tract or Par-
cci pl land uponuark ill nnd eor erto am Pntae
travel trailers ix onf -
rary use as I'I s Gpark.,
ne words 'Party Pl not llp
h'/sfPln' SM1 the
Inclwle bun not
umreed +o tee mare mramaue and
' _
PW system within me Prof
y¢rhriei, Notar Public
The ords rk rre'ivaae Y
ny en''stlall me the enure,nt
tom of drai,ape pining ,;ed ro
{ 1 her wastes from
lire nobihe no.;,¢ travail valor
drain a Ref c ne lion, e hs c -
,eclion to the Pnobila home or travel-
nvcfl trader
iiin 111P¢•.vfo ell¢;'Vuurn
H 111e worne"Park watPr nupply.es
February 1.2., 1.974
system".shall man ell of ,'v f
'upnl vc pipings om vithio the p par1k athe waterl cd
shuto iheLove trailer or mph,.h ' es to: irspecli..
i service thereto.
bbraucn uildings and efnurldrie te nil nces n 1 oy l0 1 I il il '�.''''
1.The words"mobile borne pace" F. m 10(1,1 V Salt Lake Ci1V ca'I.�,'oti mechanical Installations In shall mnme a 00e wI around wohen a nubile home ooe any butidinp nabelo home prurk dech es desi9eeod ,:Nair_home shall pi iin for the accommodation odation of a one mo- xi existing codes.Title ql,CI,piers',"0,biro t.Theev words"recreational vehicle hood asdd snfuoitlartl i^a],zta e
space"shall n an a plot of ground Ih erls'ne Mechanic If co nectlof V 1 It he some Thin a cell troller aaccommodate
ccor r e`des of Sall lake Cliv,The
bare vehicle a park hi «an n evA le shall api lv. ricter
.re vehicle or r travel . Application for a diraa permits
e.The words"mobile noene land" fi fralorm�ntl}eesa duly hTehsed
ad" hall tr n that part f a lice of Cit Treasurea tlbetore pa 1-
INaepele arelhonld`SloeVOlt1 It the
been Work commences.m A double oern'�t
P 1 aPpur 1 m h II bd hhnud i� f y be ininp t structures la I' ih¢ iI
o. The d building. IJ
II b Id1 h -gsepa-
rate Pow H lino E M U ;nil
toilet o ,thing facilities or / It L C
men d 'on d wide', may cow f B Y.l'lib e - b
aho 1 u y facilities d P VIX'Until'.
Spot sl k d tt th and
ne F 1 _II I an Ibl f.o e-
-y be q' 1 Coinns o dl- papaas een c.
nonce d which hall b a-1 from The q ern lib r Ih d.
„ Ip withintheindividual
nheall be c ns�dered to ProFibit
rnobi ie P. hene o recreational
e hiclef a oPerafion of a v Trilling aulp.words 10 l0 111111 ofit sr Yplece xluttoo pp pipes, fittings a healing
'ioi Porte ache from the rain outlet
ceiiea Porllotl a bulldlhga0 rovid.
vehicle ntoothe filet or
`the c heatiinpeaequipment
euip e t'f:',:i n f such
Po ding sewer system serving rth� wlrh ale deUaehnent�ast bean 'led
par lk.TM1e vo tls "sewer Ipf'r rvko kPsrs afMr uehnor Pa<eemhaY
r P t cam lefed, ntl h.:',W ilea hall mean,that Portion of thesewer ➢orlien P ch is aletl, n
here Ygroundl ichlevatend enve•tzr`mllnates ta mee w]'1.. Elecfrelcal reauira nfs.Permit less for all I¢clrlcal at.h icic mobile home or recreational t�ertbe•en of filly(50)v n,
or-The words "water ranneetion•• on final pad shoot,'n addlion to lie
snail all Pipets, fillings and c ''i esials,b„cp Puled
tram ne w r Lake fie ¢ nth,hoe Sal}a 1>Nuronl mean
eeclricol d(nanc s.
dI ', ee 6s ter with within
f fr the Mobllerhome `;yams 9 y
system l yr flleee nobi,e r ¢r a ripe avlrin
homy 1'recreational VnM1icle, �ull•Ity sleall 1Ochon too the electric
The r words V.1^r i r pipe'• permll d raPsy Ipr oeclrical
shall mean that Do Alan of the water
Irical sysfebleau pet ytlnn oItoe lee.
nply Psys lent _ the mobile tar atl Any lahion of nth¢Nabobs which or iereis oV 1ically clt k Elecfiecal CctlP L.k
which v011lo v ferny to tke' eleafaical Ordinances NII C'ra
ground elevation and terminates naies at a I - ne lion el sa fa Apoyibit a
Pmn,a ono.. Pint at e h mpalco r pions chave been Ides A free oaf
hone r recreational vehicle 35,Ip fehall be chm tl for the
Or stand. I b lee Ilion.9e Permll
CHAPTER 2 II The Sall Lake[Ity Electrical in.
specilon Dep+rtetp
a.Perm 1 fees nfor Pls corsteuct'an of fes or o05Pec1 irid on chlalle rtlapkea an
rca0 eat
the park and its utility facilities I the whop systems is
,sleall he as fellows: Pad within 24;hours AI this r time an Is --$3.00 tplus SL00 for 0ecnon will also be ma n
ea'M1 atl l00 pad ili um) s that the vehicle c nlles to E lce(rc tl Iar stand - 5eon per 'the Utah Sfaie Law,Tiple 01,Chap-
ped—first 10 pads;57.00 per pad
'ter 20.Section 1
i 0 pad 1.00 ae e 1
t p..d'PAOo ea. uaa'orrc f I,tt�ev (1.. Ib dlaGeve M1lyl
PI b e r5 53.00 each Pad 1 antl apnravall lot¢a ecr•
b,1n adretlor,to Me above 1e. , ) to Ine electrical co^nec-
an headings or structures a to be Dill be s v l t 1 the 11fw'StalenD¢e
nstructed, the necessary building rrlmemer err pUsinzss Reelaliore,permits must be securTe and the a,- agement of the'ion,a tl fh^m
,Yri-;ate Ice pa , he elccirlcaI ao errem of a park that a
nU dance ark eha 11 e done 1 complying vehicle is 01 anonP
tM1 in 1oral- P Y'9 pad,ponces in K
effect at theIII. 5-.melt Wafer er•s
All present paid.d IY V
df- rl be W,fores'ern-Ibrx d ' 1All 1 Its1 b;
't trl I p p v l to '.',..tall'. v t P- II"
l l f 1 1 addition, Nf 1 S letD d h nil
Oi.I ci'y hail i shad I Caen, 1 oI Hel! C,
the City Engineer showing the one Resort Clrl,Mot,l,Harel
o slevctetl piping and all pipes, ReVlsetl; ndnGe feral Rngelati'''',
_ices and cieanoul local ions. IRepartlina and
CH APTLIi] Ion f Tra.Health
er Courts,August,loll,
REQl11 ow I_ 011 SECT SON 2-In ibe p pt''',nreBo/r<I Pin,o,s
Sec. 2'1-31. Mechanical mpulre- o.Car..,.,oeeers f
n*:nls. A,.work performed (tall a tare of to the a hso'f rice'.
Cltya 1'owaa.a e.I 0eatlina[`IV ad' .City.Slota this ehardelnanc of Sapid Lsce
Oi-etroclor's'Cod^, with he actual fectivn immediately. a become el.
ark dlie lour Coo executed by`dullancp SECTION 2 - el e shill take .Ines orbin
viefne Ser ion JI-12a2 and]1-12.3,, A-e Pas'etl1 l the, BParUf npubticalionl
sect Ordinances of Salt Lake Lou, I ne s of Salt Lake City,PD.,iris
1y55 IIOt' d Y of N b 101s
- 1 - t sh 1 e ftACKEh LEF
1 If I 11 t i p1 HESTbS I Mayor
11 d d (Ian -ea J Cty Recorder
oft I AL
T 1Y 1 h tic; O 1 L !0 1 6 ( 9.
11 ht d IPb _1.
bl h rt Na 'Ik. IA---.
r - De'p'mph,le home par with, �I9,lul.
n livedays of hookup,
e prde n Di gY na l rr rrl 1 ayt sI bd i
tl y this DeDorlmnnt providerllhianynihnn t dpenhen¢sea aiof
tle Sllt10lr Dlltr, [twetAena ,