106 of 1975 - amending sections 37-5-11, 12, 14, 15, 16 clarifying sanitary sewer charges. ROLL CALL
✓VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, September 17 ,1975
W.Chairman ✓
Greener , I move that the Or i ce be assert.
Harmsen \
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 37-5-11, 37-5-12, 37-5-14, 37-5-15
and 37-5-16 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965,
relating to Sanitary Sewer Charge.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sections 37-5-11, 37-5-12, 37-5-14, 37-5-15
and 37-5-16, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating
to sanitary sewer charges, be and the samelareby are, amended as follows:
"Sec. 37-5-11. Measurement of flow. The volume of flow used
for computing waste water charges and surcharges shall be the metered
water consumption of the person as shown in the records of meter
readings maintained by the Salt Lake City water Department.
"If the person discharging waste water into the public sewers
procures any part, or all, of his water from sources other than the
City Water Department, all or part of which is discharged into the
public sewers, the person shall install and maintain at his expense
water meters of a type approved by the City Engineer for the purpose
of determining the volume of water obtained from these other sources.
Such person shall notify the City Water Department of such installa-
tion within 30 days and grant access thereto for reading; provided,
that when good cause is shown by the person that this method would
cause an unreasonable burden and written acceptance is obtained
from the City Enginer, a person may use one of the two following
methods as a means of measuring the flow of sewage in order to
compute a sanitary sewer service charge:
(a) A person may install, of his own expense, a meter of a
type approved by the City Engineer, for the purpose of measuring
the flow of waste water into the sanitary sewer. Since the charges
outlined in Sec. 37-5-3 reflect an automatic allowance for a certain
percentage of the water consumed not returning to the sewer, the
charge based upon the reading of said waste water meter shall be the
rate outlined for the person in Section 37-5-3, plus $.05 per 100
cubic feet of waste water consumed. The sanitary sewer service charge
shall then be wholly based upon this revised rate and the volume
of waste water flowing as read from the west water meter on a monthly
basis, or
(b) A person may allow the city to estimate the waste water
flow, by taking separate flow readings in a manner, which in the
opinion of the City Engineer is representative of the waste water
flow that the person discharges into the sanitary sewer, or by other
means calculated to determine waste water flow. The city shall then
be empowered to apply the service charge established in subsection
(a) to this estimate. The person would also be liable for any expense
incurred by the city in preparing this estimate, including wages for man
hours spent.
Sec. 37-5-12. Water not discharged to community sewer. For
premises where a portion of the water received from any source does not
flow into a sanitary sewer because of the principal activity of the
person or removed by other means, the charge for sewage disposal
service will be applied against the volume of waste water discharging
1( 6
from such premises into a sanitary sewer. Written notification and
proof of the diversion of water must be provided by the person if he
is to avoid application of the sewage disposal charge against the
total amount of water used from all sources. He may be required by
the city to install a meter, of a type and of a location approved
by the City Engineer and at his own expense, to determine the quantity
of waste water flowing into a sanitary sewer, or, in the alternative,
upon written approval of the City Engineer, he may install a meter
which shows the quantity of water diverted from entering the sanitary
sewer. However, where it is impractical to install meters and where
the quantity of water diverted from the sewers amounts to more than
twenty percent (20%) of the total water used, the charge for sewage
disposal service may be based upon an estimate prepared by the City.
"In any event, the sanitary sewage disposal charge rate shall
be the rates set forth in Section 37-5-11(a).
"Sec. 37-5-14. Id. Computation of surcharge. The computation
of surcharge per person shall be determined as follows:
"The excess pounds of BOO and suspended solids, will be
computed by multiplying the person's sewage flow in million gallons
per day by the constant 8.345and then multiplying this product by
the difference between the person's concentrations in Section 37-5-13.
The surcharge of eacht`constituedt will then be determined by multi-
plying the pounds in excess of the concentrations in Section 37-5-13
by the appropriate rate of surcharge listed in Section 37-5-15. This
product will then be multiplied' by the number of days in the billing
period to determine"the surcharge. Concentration figures in the
above calculations shall be daily averages determined in accordance
with the provisions of Sec. 37-6-4 and 5.
Sec. 37-5-15. Id. Rates of surcharge. The rates of sur-
charge for each of the aforementioned constituents shall be as follows:
(a) For ROD $.024 per pound.
(b) For suspended solids $.043
"Sec. 37-5-16. Revision of rates. * * *"
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 17th day of September , 1975.
2C'LLC.V /o,,vt./�L
BILL NO. 106 of 1975
Published September 23, 1975
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 3']-5.11,31 SI],3]�5-1<,32-S15 and Sharon Payne
37-5-16 of the Revised Ordinances of_all Lake City,UMIn 1965,relating to
Sanitary Sewer Charge.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,UM,
SECTION 1.That Sections 37-5-11,33 5.1],37.5,,37.5-IS and 31.5-16,of the
Revised Ordinances°,Salt Lake City,Utah,relating to sanitary sewer charous,
be,and,hesameherobyare.amendedasfollows, Being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is legal adver-
•waste water charges andrement of flow.surcharrges shall The
the metered water floss us.cofor
the°bosun as shown In the retards of motor readings maintained by the Sall ti•' clerk of the DF,SF,RE'1'NEWS,a daily (except Sunday)
Water Department.
newspaper printed in the English language with general Gir-
1 keCiif ty ater epart ant.waste water Info the pubic sewers procures any
part,or all,or his wateetmrr..aeurce.sefher than Me City Water°enactment,all.
or °fwhichIsdischargedIntothepublic sewers,the.rsonMallinstalland culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
maenialn at his expense water meters°I a Noe approved by the City Engineer
r he purpose of determining m°volume of water obtained from these other county,in the State of Utah.
sources. Such son shall malty me City Water Department f sod'
ation within 30 maltydays and grant access thereto for reading;provided,chat
when good cola Is shown by the Person that this method wanly cause n
• gable burden and written ran is obtained from the ray
toe forowing methods as a means of That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
measuring arhe person
of sewage In order fa compute a Sanitary sewer service
ha(a)Anerson mayina3a11,o3 hiaowndxpense,�maer°ated appr°yed br Publi.shed an ordinance relating to Sanitary Sewer
the CBv CrnTnea,arp)1hB'curpose of rheas,Mg the trowel wastewater Into Me•
allowance fer3 Lei din pdr emagee ges lilined the water cconsumed not retct erning loiter: --- -- _
eoe charge based upon the reading of said waste wafer meter shall be in'-
• villr d for me person in Section 37.5-3,niust,o5 per 10p ruble feet of waste Change
ea.The sanitary sewer service charge shall roan Ue wholly based;
earIM1 in evised rate and the volum°of waste water flowing as read Nam the
w water meter on amonthly basis,Or
r alre flow MMed may
In a manners!which In Mel opinion of the CID flow,
off waste w al me person discharges Into hip —-----'---'
anif try sewer,torb ther m flow
to detine waste water flow-
city shall then be empowered to apply the service charge established in
si action(a)to Ihls estimate,The parson would also Ile liable for any r°
toed by the city in preparing this estimate,Including wages for manIt hours
.x nSec 3]-5-11.Water not discharged to community sewer.Fur premises
ation M thew received froma does n w into ra
°Rory sew because of tine principal aivity of the person no/
°!her means.the charge for sewage disposal service will Be applied against ibo -------
e of waste water discharging from such premises into a sanitary sewer-
nnnoNlication and proof of the dl version or water must be provided by the
atil he Is to avoid application of the sewage disposal charge against the
amount water dada from al rcea.He maybe required fly the ph't was published in said newspaper on
1 stall a meter,of a type and of a location approved by the City Engineer and at
op own a so,to determine the quantity or waste water flawing into a
sewer, rs In me alternative,upon wren approval of the CI.
unitary r,he may.Install a meter winch shows me quantiy.of Water diverted September 23, 1975
trap entering the sanitary sewer.However„where If i Imprdcllcal --
prlhadt:leety percent o(TAl of foe total)wafer'grad,IM1a charge ton s/Wage
eI service may aWsedupon an°.stima5O prepared by the Ca,.
• p"In any event,rtle sanitary sewage....charge rate shall lie the rate,set
nth In Section3 5o11(a).
f"Sec.3]-5.116.I Computatioed n
of...charge.The eomputa.of:urchmge �
lie"The excess pog d5 of BOO mrd suspended solids,wal be computed by
• blrl 9 M1 Pe sew_ flowmillionMons Per.,b 1h t __..-- •
-nn Mat ie h he b anepeloleachebe t Legal Advertising Clerk
ed'baec oprlprlylef the Yaunds In excess of tern,entrations In Section (J
3)-S 13 by tryp nom surd..listedn Section 37-5 Is.Tits
product will then appropriate
multipliedaby the number of days In the bllllrw perlM ro
determine the surcharge.nod Concentration figures In the alnve caleulaflens s�gall
Ire dal.averages d°m..ItIn accordance wuh the provisions of Sec.]]-6.6
lid Inc.37--5.15,IT Pales of surcharge.The rater,of surcharge for oath of ins
odor ementiueed constr..shall to as follows.
(a)For BOO LOW per oar.
(h)For smoended wilds 5.0.13. me this 2,5th day of
'Sec.37-516.Revision of rates,""'
SECTION G,In nce°proton or the Board of Commissioners ills necessary In
"Me peace,health an welfare of he orIbMitanls of ball Luke City that ,, 75
°•inars fHror,°eNecr,,"mediat'yI A.D. 19
SECTION t Tbisardi of Co minis takers lit anon Ih first.Utah,thI-
sept by the Board of Coinmissloners or Salt Lame City.made mG 1l1❑
day o •
f September,wry.
I: v
hy Recorder
PILL NO ledt d ` -
P1:blishedreptembeber13.19]5 IB-]9) --�—
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 13, 1978