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107 of 1905 - Ordinance 107 of 1905 – Sidewalk Extension No. 95.
I� I AN ORDINANCE . II An ordinance confirmingthe assessment upon the property on both sides of all wide streets from Nast Temple Street to Ninth last! Street, both streets inclusive, and from Fourth South Street to Ninth South Street, en State Street fro* Ninth South Street to Tenth south Street, and on streets around sleek 5, Plat "A", and on aT3. *arrew streets i>at said 44itriet, in Si4404 k'Districts Nos. 9, 16, 20,:22, 30 and 40, for the aonstruetiea`sf tenant sidsw.aniks. Ale it ordained by,t110 City Ceuaeil .ef dal' Lake City, Utah: SNOTION l. t s ssess*nst list made by the City Treasurer as cerrested, breves aakd eempleted by the lsard`of Equalisation sad Es+view, Urftefer* daip appointed by the City Couaoil for that purpose, of the preperty sbuttisd ea berth sides of all wide streets from Mad* Temple Street le Ninth East Street, both streets inclus- ive, on State Street from Ninth South Street to Tenth South Street, and en streets around Block 5, Plat "A", and on all narrow streets is 004d district, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 9, 16, 20, 22, 30 and 40, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing cement side- walks you said portions of Said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 25. A pt- 14 IIpassed by the City Council of Colt Take City,Utah, October 23rd, 1905, and referred to the Mayor for his -p Cit:r:e or er, II II����Approved this P day of 0ctober,1:05, Mayor. u � .10' . iinaATIaxo NA ' rt© vl oafJ ao,M is ea .4Anholilsais •sasietbl• sA teal* .1:($t'. s.ot 'Jnsnsa "awe teat* soli oteiralle stir LW is emits rit•d 04 45f414a xjoE $-not aril bite srl ewlsat stse,is ritsd ,*belle rtaeT of J +aiJB rit's* ,'it twin stets so ,Sorate rita•8 i[e no bnai ,•a *.z ,e lid as g,tor08 ,u2 ,@ .80w ets �_ se ,ts t ' • s�sslls 'SA t �sss aft , n CI :_•o U ,ttt^ .T -;� 1,L Ttls cr tl gs7seat•Y4 +�tl0te c4 414 Q O sol hbalta mp* 4r1011# ,i `^ *alit ItA tta.u•0 t13 *44 401 .1bOoteinit Z, ._y- ,ss!!+f* **sells ebtw Ltae meats ales[ a � • iatt+ri4 - �trlt Is ,sessIssir -sLJLOrxt stomas dserf ,ts•$s toe attar N *slisie oboe, 4101Orgerei ,to.Yt9 rfhuse Atari! •t *soma dtas, ntsl* MMelt tortes Msa*$ as ,•*! elavtts worarr tits so km ,eA' talc it *sail as rio ad•wrts as Asa bnae QE ,SS ,OS ,Bt ,Q .ss staittals >fa ssAlA all ,ts-Dotstb AMA n -oats tosses laitsr^atasos Is saes ens iat ,t19 saaJ *Late le ;A► alms ,Assnl29oo T •real sl ,a*•slts Use its amoirsom file miff sitar vdelcad seta *Sall Asielimes also Sat Mansur hiss sham a eaetst sat .been!too* .Zaseo•i qa new *sells sit ate ssasatmms MAO .s SUITORS .0 .at aotss€tsi ailaUwablu