107 of 1920 - Section 1154 to 1173, relating to special taxes and assessments I'
41---. Salt Lake City,Utah,.......,111. .2 _.9..„..1.501:1.........., 192
Crabhe I move that the ordinance be passed.
?Mr. Chairman
AN OIDIBAITOB ...111231JII`0 3e ctions 1 15/,, 11.5 5,116/L,1:-.1 55,71:i '-/,
L,r.d. 1173 of Chapter 54, olt" -the levised Orainalace,o o-2 Ca],t
,it; of 1913, relittine; to s:eec i..'.1 tares.
Be it ordained -..ry the Coast olf .DoLtilissioners of •.alt
Bake City, Utah:
SECTIOIT I. That .jections 1156..,1163,-.0.3,:.,:;1:;',-,, /,;011. lin
of Chapter .54, F.eviE,,eLl. Orains,,nces of ...clt J,ake Jity of 1 01....,, re-
:L.•,tin,,:; to sbecial taxes be and the Lkuile are hereby al.:1 aade a. tO 1'eaat.
110 1 ollcms:
SECTIOTT 1.154:. .36:::±2I.j.I. TA.j.: ....33113.il...SSki, Ji0.1 :1.193.
The assessment Co sbecia-1 tar:es 1or i:.u)rovor:ont :arOr:os jiL-11
be made as fellows: he - ot al cost ty,-: the -Le...)::o ve:lent, in-
clildilr',; contract as'ice, en.j.h00:,..'1:l.:;, iikD:oection, ''.'',.31- al-11:.';
notices and laal:in.y the levy, shall be levie . at ono -6:bsc: anon
the :,,:coperty Laid 3c:cot-le do7..iir rent as :...:ello-..rs:
iPor ::),;..vine,', tem cue], ':,/ecl.r:L,., Insta_11.aeu9s, with in-
terest on the lahole ions lrahai.d. US -the rate of sir 5 cent poi-
. annum, payable at the I bee each. lust u'll .-Iell.-1.; i 0 ail°, to 7:ri.t:
One-te-sith thereof one :::7e01' after the, ozedin,aace confiril11n9 the
levy of the tar: for the a..,..s.,ient; for the i:.1i.aroveLerat becosies,
effective, one-tenth -t.i.oreof in tuo years after such ordinance
becoraee effective; one-tooth 'thereof in tiiroe years aTters' such
ordinance 'becomes of:;fectivo; one-teuth thereof ill Tour yearc
alter 211(311 ordinance 'beco:ues eilZective; one-tenth thereof in
_ . .....
, . ...1.,
: ..r!!!
. .„! , .
. •,,,
r. 1 .
Hli 1
11 '")
k five years after oach ordinance becomes effective; one-teatt
thereof in sin years after unch ordinance becomes offectiv0
one-tenth thereof in seven years after 211C11 ordinance becolis
effective; one-tenth thereof in eis:ht years after such ordil
nance 'becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in nine years
1. after such ordinance 'becomes effective, end one-tenth -bherel
I: 1
il of in ten years after such ordirnnce becomes effective.
1 1
for s ale..:7s11.]:-.s, sewers, curl)111 cci 7a tt or in.; in I
ii five gctual yearly install]ments, with interest en the whole
11 sum u.npuid at the 1' to of sir.: or cent 1..or annum, - : able
at the time each installment is toe to of I: One-fifth -t;her el
of one year after the ordinance confirnin; the levy of the 1
tax for the ..flayment .'or ouch im21:ovement 'becomes effec'Live; I
1 one-fifth thereof in two years after ouch ordinf:nce becomes
effective; ono-fifth til.ereof in tin'ee years after such ord14
, 1 nahce becomes effective; ono-fifth thereof La -.M11:2 years
after such ordinance 'oecomes ofeL-ective, and one-fifth there-i
11' i
of in five years after such ordinance bece:Jes effective. 1
r 1
One or more of said installment;s, in the order in/
which they are ;rayabl.e, or the whole secial. ta--: may be 7',aiii
at any t ime within ten days after the ordinance confirmiir3 '
/1 the 1 evy of the tan becomes effective, 7.7i thent int crest.
In the event of any installment, or the interest aforesaid
not being paid on the dote the oLs-i.e becomes due, the :,:hole
amount of the specia toL;. una)ai11 at the tic 0 L±laid install-
ment and interest are 11e, snall bOCOMo :Inc and '.,::yable and
i shall draw interost ,at t3'e ratc of ei:,;ht -e.,L' cent or annum
11 until the sale of the ,)].:ei)erty '..fiSessed; arovided, that one
or more installments in the order in which they are
or the whole s-pecial to:: uni:Ldd, may be :51(.1 On the day any
installment 'becomes due, by :,..1, :i.:,1 the a'.,..onnt -Lloreef and,
interest to said day. -
SECTIO1'L 1155. Li.FECJI:J., =. 'ail'S, :22C. n11
special ten,.. warrants shall be ,inie and payable as follows:
II ::.::1 i
-1.' i
' .1 i
..! i
4: i . .
If issued on account of .;;avin,; im;,rove:aent, in ten eoual
yearly installments; if issued on account of sidewalk,
sewer, or curbin; and 7uttering i' 'n?ovemento, in five e nall
yearly installments. Said walxcants s,;all :indicate the time
when each inst=,nent :is duo, and ,rovide that interest at
the rate of sip: oor cent or .nnu.i on the •.%hole sun unnai d
shall be due and ,;a,;a'ble at the ti.-e each instll _ent is
due, and in case of failure to ',n„ ,':: installment mt the
time the same isai;l^ the tin: id�, ,. rinempel due at said
time shall draw interest at the rate of of dht ,on cent rer
annum and that one or mere instal.i'•.ends, in the order in
which they are • .bie, or the hole u,n _;,, may be c.id
on the day any inotailment beco;-icc due, by ;;..d the ,w-houn
thereof and interest to d nte of oaymen.t.
It is further _L novided that ;;aid /:rraz is shall
not be issued until ten days after the ordinance confirming
the levy of said tar shall become effective; and that any
payments received within said ten days, on account os' the
special taut for which said warrants are : ble, may be ;.aidl
to the contractor no _ ,;;;dent, ant that the belance)
shall be 'arid :in s:ecial tar_ warrmnts, be n:in'; the date the f
ordinance contirmi:,.j the levy of said tax bec.ne effective.
SECTION 1164. .TO'_ICb I tod_iate' .,
upon the recei;t by tI
p e city treasurer o:. Ene certified copy)
of the ordinance con.. i.r;h a a s;2)eci_d ta_ or assoosuent, as
provided herein, the city treasurer shall ,live at least dive
days' notice in one or more nerd n .v=n over,1 circula-
tion in the city, o: the ti:_c. when such ta ,e ;s:aent
shall become doliinniond; such notice shall be sues�antially
in the following forth:
To Whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby :,riven that a special ton for the
purpose of (here insert briefly a descri Lion of the iir)rove-1
ment for which the tax is levied) has been levied and confirm-
11111 1 Ii
!I :
1 I
ed by ordinances o2 the hoard of ch;p1missioners oh' dolt La1:0'
111 I
City, Utah, which becad-ho effective on the
h and rosdeotively., laid s :ecial ta::: i'.3 levied upon the follo-.in.g
I described real -property in Salt Iix...]e City, to it (:atePo :..rh-1
II sort a full descript .on of -Lhe ,:CO)Orty 1:..::10°toil 1)y the levt,
I! I
according to lots, .,)loc..:s, Or .' .1- bs thereo-h', or piece:3 od'
ground. as the S',3,:":e dhay h:],ve bed ! ,dlatted and recorded), and
is due end. -).:_hyablein ixiatallrrents, and will become dolin±uen7
as follows:
Said. first instialhhent on the _ cl. y of i
19_, and sold second instald rent on the -
day of . ._ ._., 19_ ,(end so on as the case i.lay be.
If said taihh: is, payable in inst .11ients, insert: ) ,.
Interest at the rate of sin: her cent per annum on
!! i
the whole amount of said tax shall be computed from the dat 4
the ordinance confirming the levy of said ta:: becomes elL'fectl-
1 ive, to wit: '.L'he dny of ,19 ; and in- i
ll terest at said rate on the ',,,,hole 0.Llount of ;:;,Lid taa: unpd.id
I shall, be due and )a,yahble with each installment. If hady in- 1
ilstallment or the interest aforesaid is not ..s.id on the date
when the same *becomes hldie, -nen no mole a:dount of the tan
unpaid at the time h.daid. inath:h1.1.h.iont .hnd interest are due will
, I
il become due and dayable, and will Ira,: interest at the rote 1
of eight per cent :;her annu.m until sale of the droperty
assessed. One or Liore of said installments in the order in. 1
!I which they are payable aforesaid, or the h'hole ton may be i
Ipaid at any time \vithin ten days after the ord.-ink-me° confirMi-
ing the levy of the tax_ becomes effective, without interest;!
11 I
and thne or more of said installrhen1;s in the order in ,.fsdich
they are payable, or the rihole ten undaid, mo:y be paid on
h the day any installment is due, by paying the amount thereof
1 and. interest to said. day.
!I All specL:h1 tones are payable at !Ay oZfice, room
City said County ihdilaing., 33.11 Lal:e City, Utah.
_____ ______. -4-
1 .
i ,
! I
, . ,
...!;1 1
-!h. h
.:',! !
Dated at Salt I:a:_e City, Utah, t1-'is __.. day
of -1`
li City .'re Teri and col leetc o:': eeial1
y t :es.
SECCIOL 1165. h0'aId:k a:, kEE"I_'._ ___: 20 . _iLILI11G.
As soon as possible after t :e fi:rst ;n:_blioition of such no-1
tire, and not more than five days tier the receiat by hil,1 I
of the certified copy of the ordinance confir:-iin; special';
tax or as ;ess:eat, :no it frets user shall ccuse to be de-
posited in the mail, cost paid and ,2.ddresse5 to the several I
owners of the :r e ert ,L-'fected b the levy, t'le r any
then appear upon the records in t'_e of.:ic-e of the comfy
i assessor, :it their last _a.1oi:;n iostoffice ad.drecc, a dcrson-I
al not ice sub st plat iw'_'.lu in the follo',:inform: I
S'E:I.'1, 'fUt''1'..u._ IC
i8 Office of the cityrtreas ner and collector o of
1 taxes, Room Jo. t ; and o atf ildin
'7alt I.a:.:.e aa.I. ;•;, ��_.-_1
.1 Mr. _ I
III Your ecic:1 o n :?e 1 hin ll ='L e -
III for the purpose of (here i c,t e briefly ban o joc t of the
tax or a e5ent) is — able _h .` ct•al .ents 1
as folloo.,is: (statin, irn _o;_ trJ Lula dates when due). Lid to:: 1
is levied by ordin..nce of the board of coy_:tisaioa;ers of 1
Salt Lake City, and affects the folioAn_3 real prap,erty i
standing mn the records o.? Salt L,:_'-e 'Jaunty in ,;,au.' nine: 1
I j
• _ ___ _ ___.. _�.._ -1 t
1 'H I i I
3 O O
'[1 OJ a, p ei 4, 0 1
i-' 0 I 0 :-I I e o i
'11 •ri to Ia -- 't 6 I FA p_• 1
;, Ll I
II �H too 5 1 40 1 .� f .'-, 1 o '
FA 4t3 e r o p -1 I
a ill o I :.f
I I .y i
__(..... _ �- i
1 i I
, 17
1 �__ _ ==__i — ry 1
1, 1
Interest at the rate of six cer cent Her :-Innum on
the whole moupat of said tax s-2.all be comPated from the F,atfl
the ordina,nce corafirminz; the levy of said tax -aecomes effect-
the _ di;:- of 19 ._ ; and.
1 interest at said rate on the whole amaount of said tax 1:131! :,i
shall be due and ?)ayable with each instariment. If an,a in-
stallment or the interest aforesaid is not n.,,id on the date !
when the same becomes due, the '.7 hole amount of the tax un)...ig
, 1
at the tihe said installment and interest are :ii,le ,fill be- ! .
i .
come due and payable, and '..ill dra.,-.i :i.literest at the rate of
11 I
eight -aer cent y,er annum until the sale of the .-ro...)erty
11 assessed. One 02 L-10:1:0 cl said instalments in the order in
which they are •!..a,. i.)le .:fc)resaid, or the whole tax, 3.lab be
paid, at any ti,:c within ten days ,,fter the out cc confirmt
III in g the levy of the tax becomes effective, ,.fithout interest;!
and one or more of said instalments in the order in Wilich
Il :
1 they are :payable, or the whole tan unpuid., may be paid. on 1
the day any installment is clue b y , ayi:i-F t-,-,o au It thereof i
1 and interest to said. day.
If said is: is not paid when due, I. shall proceed
• at once to collect, with interest and cost cc, no provided by
i1 law and. ordinance.
!.1 .
All special taxes .,,re an-ale at my office, II.00m
11 .
H , City and 0 Mil.;y :]-cd 1 d i.A.::, :Jolt Lane Jit:i, .Utzalli.
I Dated at Salt Lal:e City, etah, this day- of
I. --- -----' 19-- '
City ire curer and collector of 2pecial
1 taxes.
o II SECTION 1167. COSTS. Die city treasurer shall ton .
I, a,sainst cob pexcal of land advertised as delinquent the sum
of fifty cents as the cost of advert ising the delinquency,
and. shall, after the first .publication, in ..1.1 insln..ine,es of
payment, sale or rodetion, collect such a3 ::.tut in addition
ll to the tax.
1 ..,
1 :1 iti,
.., :
4 I
i II
!I E'Ol'ION 1168. 11:244.41-'aS1 0:I S21 E. In •.se of .. sale i
1 of any 1,4).nd for 2.4) al to. )4cc, the ,"' j tl'0:10111'01.` `311:.'l 1 addi
to the amount of tam aid !a, -444-' .,:.dvert loin!): 'the -.J":urt,b er mu i
of fifty cents ' .; the on one of sale, ......,' 244.;t-4.11 in all in-1
stan! 2 of s.:4.1e or re•.-°mat ion, co'l loot such sum.
4 I
3:1-1,\j'HO1f 11',02i. „Then real estate i 2 L0.1.6. :::Or t.: :e',3,1
-.the t2reasur or shall ma ka on0, 2.1.:n, a Cia1 0,..1 eil4;4)e '..,.31(1 deliver
a c ert if i cat e of sale -47b 1 ch shall recito th e, _,:-etc,2 of 24..le
_ •
as in the ta-t sale r ec or d, :•.nd 4.71 at ea -lont 4!)mu e'o made
therefore, :and call iJe Lubst aati...11r in the f olio-.4 1-.44-L-; : orm:
II 0.al,',2 1.:,..i1 Jill 0 0 iff'02...2..1 TOL',
0 02JI!,:.11.
41 Carl'II!'I144] 0. 0..... 1; .'411•II
,I `.12:1IS CIalIt'ILS, 4. 4!::..0-t on in ,-.0.1'5.u-dice of
II 1
1 aw mid or din...coo, 1, . as 21 I.;, ..Ircasru.1-
4 or and. Collector of 07,-)eclal ''. a..._aes for Solt Lake :iity, Cloth,
1 1
11 sold to ____ _ __ . , subject to r e f.e;:iat i on, as 1
provideft by lam, the follo).2in.: -.yr operty in out hake I.:1'6y,
1 1
il for delinan out Sre ci al II:::::0 c :.:7,;3C..C 2 e d aa;ainst 4:ro! erty in 44
1! 1
the name of , to- :it:
1 1
Irm1.;. 10. i.a).;:!•e ah•onta,!se
• abatt in(); soil 1 apr ova:Icait 32,1C4.. to -.. duath of(:424.: or 10) feat I
back therefrom:
4 I
II i
!I I !44 of Lot 010 ck 1,12t 1
il '21,- .".a.) 0(4422.4S. 1
I •
1 I .
41 Amount of '.I2o2f. I ,
Interest to date of 0al e
!I !
) Advert isin.(3 .50
II Eminence of Sale .SO
1 1
11 Bert ifi cat e of Sale 2.00
4, 1
i 4
To tf.a. la:: and Co st a at late a f
' 1
1. Dated. Salt bale 1:i ty,
1 -7-
1 )
J4! i
1II4! I 4 1 !
I „
LI ....
(Jity L:!(..asrer and Jo!iec :01, of s!!!-,00i!!a Tees.
(Acknowle(!gement in st,tutory ...7cr]!;-)
SECTION 2. In I.;hO op ini on o3 t he ..loar!.! 012 i°minis sion-
hers, it is necessary to ate '()ace, health ::!,nd sy.-r.fet,7 oi;.: -!:,11 c in- .
habitants cif Salt bate City that this or din:.ace he conic a:Zf e ct lye
!I ,
1!ime 71.4.,at.el y.
1 SECTION r.!.. ibis cad:inane c sh;..11 t al.-:o 0:1':::cot -d'! on it to
!ILI!!blic ati on.
I! --
., • ----2
.--/ -
i .
Peeled by the :Board of Coo::1.Eisioner co:CJ alt Lai;:e City, Ut al,
this 12th day of August, 1, D. 1920.
!! __....4 1 ...e.d...4.
- '
City "...--!eo order.
!! ,
!II 1
. II
li I
1! i
!!i.!:' i I
,,, i
,: i
. -t i
,i;:! i
A !
, I ,
, .
' • 1
k .
, .
, •
. .
. i
' ,,... 1a.
.. _ .
. ,
, t '1-
_ 1
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. -
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.. ,.. r
' Ati