107 of 1961 - Vacating all of the streets and alleys in the Earl D. Gray Subdivision of Section 4, Toenship 1 Sout ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, December 12 196 1 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . Harrison . . . Smart, ; Romney . . . Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . ✓ r✓ AN ORDINANCE VACATING all of the following streets and alleys in the Earl D. Gray Subdivision, a subdivision of Section 4, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; WHEREAS, pursuant to a petition, the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to determine whether or not all of the streets and alleys in the Earl D. Grays Subdivision should be vacated; and WHEREAS, all of the abutting property owners of ali of the streets and alleys, except Lots 3 to 8 of Block 5 of said subdivision, petitioned for the vacation; and WHEREAS, the interest of said landowners can be protected by refusing to vacate that portion of March Street fronting theirproperty and running thence north to 2nd South Street; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners deems that there is good cause for vacating the remainder of the streets and alleys in said subdivision and that such vacation will not be detrimental to the general interest and it should be made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY: SECTION 1 . That the following described streets and alleys, more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby are, vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot 33, Block 5, Earl D. Grays Subdivision of part of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 1 South, Range 1 West of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian and running thence East 264 feet, North 130 feet, West 264 feet, North 14 feet, East 125 feet, North 575 feet to the South line of 2nd South Street; thence East 14 feet, South 575 feet, East 125 feet, North 375 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 9 said Block 5; thence East 66 feet, South 585 feet, West 330 feet and North 66 feet to point of beginning. Also beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 33, Block 4 said subdivision; thence East 264 feet, North 130 feet, West 264 feet, North 14 feet, East 125 feet, North 575 feet to 2nd South Street, .L,,(01.674th IVO &At tO ) -2- East 14 feet, South 575 feet, East 125 feet, North 575 feet to 2nd South Street, East 66 feet, South 935 feet, East 594 feet, South 15 feet, West 1254 feet, North 15 feet, East 594 feet, North 150 feet, West 264 feet, North 66 feet to point of beginning. Also beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 33, Block 3, said subdivision; thence East 264 feet, North 130 feet, West 264 feet, North 14 feet, East 125 feet, North 575 feet to 2nd South Street, East 14 feet, South 575 feet, East 125 feet, North 575 feet to 2nd South Street, East 66 feet, South 575 feet, East 125 feet, North 575 feet to 2nd South Street; East 14 feet, South 575 feet, East 125 feet, South 14 feet, West 264 feet, South 130 feet, East 264 feet to the West line of Monterey Street; thence South 66 feet, West 594 feet, North 66 feet to point of beginning. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 12th day of December, 1961 . -7 /2' //e' _te . , Mayor 1 . ' `y Re�S$ 1V�V`� (S E AL) BILL NO. 107 of 1961 Published December 15, 1961 A Certified Copy given to the City Auditor's Office December 19, 1961. 107 , . THd873 PrE643 STATE OF UTAH, 111 SS. City and County of Salt Lake, I, .--Herman--.J.Alogenaen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN---ORDINANCE_YACATIIIG-.all..of--the..fal1ovxing-.streets and alleys in the Earl D. -Graya_Subdivision,--a_subdivision of Section /, Township 1 Snuth,-.Range_l_ est,._-Salt--.Lake...Base_snd.Meridian. passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, December 12 196 1 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 19th day of December 196 1 (SEAL). .44 ��' City Recorder Published December 15 1961 ! BILL NO. 107 of 1961 /0 7 ..._ . 40 181_7959 EOOK1873 PASE642 0 • f I 0;41 AN ORDINANCE lar AN ORDINANCE VACATING all . of the following streets and alleys in the Earl D.Grays Subdivision.a sub- 2 44 \ V onef Section 4, Township 1 South,Range' est, ae ase and iAeridian, cu.. 1 il, ))' WHEREAS W Sit Lak B ,purSUanf to a petition, the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing fo determine whether til 1 •A'4- 4 or not all of the streets and alleys \) the Earl D.Grays Subdivision should he vacated;and 1 N WHEREAS,all of the abuttingi? prOa• erty owners of all of the streets and yes. alleys,except Lots 3 to 8 of Block 5 a:, i' 3.1 1 1 M of said subdivision,petitioned for the vacation;and 4 - z •a WHEREAS, the interest 0) /andowners can be protecte by refit, e=3, .1 „ no ne vacate that portiond of March 7 -T Street fronting their property and running !hence nor. to 2nd South N ..3 — \ '''.k,, Street,and WHEREAS,s the Board of Commis) C.-) l ,?, W. sioners deem that there is good cause for vacat he ing t .remalnder of L1-1 03 S4- ;trO 4: the streets and alleys in said subdi CZ vislon and that such vacation will not be detrimental to the general in- i t k---,' 1 Oc terest and it should be made. N-/‘ DAINEDNOW, BY THE BOARD OF COM- MISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY: FT•92 Vel2i SECTION I i,That the following de-= 5'Cu.. (1 -4........t. 0 1:1-, scribed streets and alleys,more par- C Ve eger i bh'el-earTc a teci C',/ and declared no longer to bre-T-mbliC 1" properly for use as a street,avenue, alley or pedestrian way: Beginning at the Southwest Co, N part C.) LLI \ ner of Lot 33, Block 5, Earl D. C3 Grays Subdivision of of 11)e Southeast quarter of thd Northwest , \ ,. quarter of Section 4, Township 1 South, Range 1 West et.e Sall Lake Base and Meridian and run- ,ii. ning thence East 264 feet, North 130 feet, West 264 feet, North 14 „s feet,East 125 feet,North 575 feet to the South line of 2nd South ' Street, thence East 14 feet, South 575 feet, East 125 feet, North 375 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot Ns 9 said Block 5,thence East 66 feet, South 585 feet,West 330 feel and North 66 feet.point of beginning, Also beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 33,Block 4 said suh- division, thence East 264 feet, North 130 feet,West 264 feet,North /4 feet, East 125 feet, North 575 feet to and South Street, East 14 feet,South 575 feet,East 125 feet, North 575 feet to 2nd Sou.Street, East 66 feet,South 935 feet,East , 594 feel.South 15 feet,West 1254 feet, North 15 feet, East 594 feet, North 150 feet,West 264 feet,North 66 feet to point of beginning. Also beginning at thee:Nort,hwest corner of Lot 33,Block 3,mid sote division,thence East 264 feet,North 130 foe; west 264 feet, North 14 feet,East 125 feet,North 575 feet to Sod South Street,East 14 feet,South e15 feet, East 125 feet, North 575 feel to 2nd South Street, East 66 Met South 575 feet,East 12,feet, North 575 feet to Incl South Street: East 14 feet,South 575 feet, East 125 feet, South 14 feet, West 264 feet.South 130 feet, East 264 feat to the West line Be Monterey Street; thence Son.66 feet,West 594 feet; North 66 feet to point of beginning. Said vacation Is made expressly noblest to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description new located in, on, under or over the eonfines of rho above described Prot, arty and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the altering or rerouting said utilities and all Be them. Passed by the Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this lath day of December,1961. J.BRACKEN LEE, Mayor. HERMAN J.HOGENSEN, City Recorder. (Seal) BILL NO.107 of 1961. Published December 15,1961 (0-70) /0 7 IMPORTANT /8/7��9 41 No. /d 7 6 2 II 7 Office of County Recorder Salt Lake County, Utah Frequently in the treatment of instru- ments errors are detected, sometimes of a nature which may seriously impair the valitity of the transaction and the purpose for which it was executed. These discrepancies are noted and the attention of the parties interested called thereto. An examination of THIS DOCUMENT discloses the following c%a ri ire) io% 744 % /o/•ior / p %/row.PROMPT attention should be given to this notice, and if of sufficient importance, a corrected document may be filed, as the records cannot be altered. /0 7 140,1-36.4 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss' County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE ll M Ockey efANtc OfRDINANCEfr VACATING ACATIN Gil eels in Idle Earl D.G,aes Sulxlivisinn. of socuat n,iownxnm i // r 77 r Sin Wislon Beingfirst duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising outh,Rand 1 1Nest.SallLako Hase yp �] a�ni aRrt's,oar�nanl,ln�a'ne�lrnn, clerk of the DESERET NE\SAS AND SALT LAKE TL�LP- 1Pe Goard o o IsvoderSr held a °ye°n nearin eto determine he'n°r GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- 1 II r ShaCts and a lI the Earl O.Grays Subdivision sboultl be -Icrl�a d. lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in ws1e E 5,-annnheanlnaornw Salt Lake City, e'Y w t;u f the r ele ) Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. ailpya,�--ddk[cbbf�' •�tee f Bloc5 %d{3uDdiv dn,. ,Illonetl for fie aCNllan.d HE REA3+6fn rVn ed'by vela land.0 ,nee cafe my fhertinn of March That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto t Jniti,t lythence northProperly a d 9 thence In ontl South srle�?: Salt Lake pity Bill No 1.07 of 1961. WHER Eemslh that Board ofis mis- good iei efsv a n'alle i d f or diovisinnaadi1 fiahchee'n'alwIet A Ordinance vacating Streets and4ialeys ia4V HiRz r'ORE,roe OR DAINED BY THE ALT L OF COM Pas'ONC-RS Ok SALT LAKECrY: in Earl D. Gray Subdivision. rsibetl 10 Nots Thdl I I o follows, be, 1lrmarlv doscritl�d as fellows. be, and declared ono longer are, b,nuhlle erlY for n a 61ree1,avenv, e lee br ino al 1 w n - - 9entf nL t aJ 7,t blo Southwest,, rlC O. souttte t quarter at thee Nortnwr,l., aver or senron a, oown5nmt Lone, as at, ell fine Sahl December 15, 1 Lake Base ann Merltlian and run- hence East 15' feet. Norin 1961. 7�et,tEo'yw`isir�l,'r;i�hnree9 gn was published in.said newspaper on Sheet`they e East 14 f�it,scull 571l flo.Ith beer llettsjlet,dNort'Lot 5altl Block 5:"nnce°F.asfr dd fe Scut 59.5 feel, West 375 teat and NA Ile el-y inninol ceinithe eo�lilltnwecl overt of Lnt'a,eleck a said cub- -- n. n E t cad t 1, N Ih tJn f Ct,W t]6A( f,N h e f i R tu 19 1. N i ^t [ / L a s5 tt r`` rh 5 n If r, LLL� e-L,t c n 5I5 1 1,E "ss t' 15 f t 1 It'd 5 ih SI t. E 66 f I 5 r h gas East 56 Legal Advertising Clerk leet,Sat>ih 15 feet,Wesi 15<feet. NerIM1 fm 1,T4.59d Ices,Norin 160 tecl, Wost ]bn fart, Norin dd feet to of n1 hat theny, Also no!,, �f the No„thwest see. corner c Lai 33.Block 2,s•id xub division'lhen[e Lust eo feet.to fre be e d z6n reel, Norm 035fret,Ereei s`Fa fete ferihIN let 515 feet, East 1th feet, NoEih 5J5 feet in 4nd south Street, East 66 27th fact South VS feet, East 25 feet,North 95 teal 1a 9nd Sonia Street: day of +'e�' rnl'tn°1cls'vie Panne#e'�It fore me this- H vet Iln°of Monterey Street;then, 61 South 65 feel.We-t 594 feet.North Al)119 6e fret 10 paint ofbeyinnlnu- Said F ect to n Is allrightade , vray an'd sr raise' all nublirori utililia� of d c d PcarMrr r l d f the h-..abnor a d t f I d t al II Ihatl Itll h_ Id all r "on s of 9aptir Board o Giv,of Commis. this Notary Public 1,enene of DcremEr,196t. J7 RACKEN LEE HE.RMAAN I.H0Gv0VSEN file Recorder (SEALI Bn I-NO.1 of 1961 Puhl'�rhed De<eimber 15,t961 fit-)01 My k—ornmission-Expires Nov_24f-..1964 1.07