107 of 1966 - Annexation, Annexing certain property at 8th West Street from 17th to 21st South Streets and 21st So ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, September 21 196 6
Barker. . .
Catmull I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Harrison . .
Holley. . . . - „[ yr :,
Mr. Chairman .
WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake
City, Petition No. 454 of 1966, by The American Oil Company, requesting
that the tract of land hereinafter described be taken within the limits
of Salt Lake City; and,
WHEREAS, the said petition is signed by the owner of the real
property and the owner in value of all the real property, as shown by
the last assessment rolls, situated in the tract herein described; and
WHEREAS, said tract of land is contiguous to the existing boundaries
of Salt Lake City; and,
WHEREAS, the said petitioner has caused an accurate plat or map to
be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City
Engineer and to be filed with the City Recorder; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examin-
ing said petition of said owner of said tract of land, and considering
the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of
said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and
directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and
the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly.
SECTION1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same
hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following described
tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the east line of Eighth West Street
according to the Riverside Annex to Salt Lake City and at
the Southeast corner of said Riverside Annex in Section 14,
Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base & Meridian,
said point being S 0'00'55" E. 1730.16 ft. and N. 89"54'
29" E. 17.55 ft. from a city monument in the intersection
of 1700 South & Eighth West Streets and running thence S.
0°02'23" E. 213.27 ft.; thence S. 89'56'10" E. 759.02 ft.;
thence S. 0'01'19" E. 1041.50 ft.; thence westerly along
a 11,509.2 ft. radius curve to the right 291.10 ft ;
thence N. 84`43' W. 537.10 ft.; thence N. 0'202'23" W.
1182.93 ft.; thence N. 89'54'29" E. 66.26 ft. to the point
of beginning.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above
described property, be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Industrial
"M-lA" classification district.
takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth
be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and zoned as Industrial
"M-lA" District, as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances,
jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City?
O m
rt F{
are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract a
n N M
of land and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall y pi
n a n
w m o
be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations ry ~
H 0 N
of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer K !n
n c'
o a, n
shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of locations and fl " °
w w rt
m w m
distances. o o
O n r•
,...0 o rt
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder ?Y
m c
of Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with c rt
c o
0 M
the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat e L.
above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such K ,M.
cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. o c
c ti
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt .1
u o
Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the K a.
m• O
inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective .000
M r•
. a
immediately. .0 rt
o x
0, n
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub-- i r°n
lication. " w
m n
'1 0
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this °h,
list day of September, 1966. °
� / a
BILL NO 1997 of 1966 �', �( ,(� -(
Publishe \ gp�tp Firy k jvci , ,r.., MAYOR
Ci y Recoric 1 £
, ,
2_1.7,77a" BOCK 2496 PAGE 349
Recorded at Request of gILT FAKE GITI4e2 OCT 4 1966.
m-3:4,704..Pa'. OFE Aza TAGGART CHASE Recorder Salt Lake County,Utah
• 3v ..---"- -/e•,•• .0--Ad-iDep. Data e 30 •14- /7.- weii.o.aza2,-.',,, •• -
AN ORDINANCE S.0 deg.01 min.19 sec. E.104/.50
Al ORDINANCE EXTENDING ft.; thence westerly along a.11,509.2
THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. ft. radius curve to the right 291.10
WHEREAS, there has been filed enc N. 84 deg.43 min. W.
f5FJ.lt It..thence N.0 deg.02 min.
with the City Recorder of Salt Lake
City,Petition No.454 of 1966,by The 23 sec.W. 1102.93 ft.; thence N. 89
American Oil Company, requesting deg.5.1 min.29 sec. E.66.26 ft.to
that the tract of land hereinafter de. the point of beginning.
scribed be taken within ths limits of
Salt Lake City,and, whole of the above described WHEREAS, proper-
the said petition is to, be, and the same hereby is,
• • signed by the owner of Me Teal zoned as Industrial "M.IA" classifi•
ProPerty nd the owner in vacation district.
all the reaal properly, as shown bv AND SE II FURTHER OR.
the last assessment rolls,situated In DAINED AND DECLARED that
•4 the tract herein described;and when this ordinance takes Erect the
WHEREAS, said tract of land is said tract of land above described
, contiguous to the existing boundaries shall thenceforth be within the cor-
of Salt Lake City;and, ['orate limits of Salt I eke City and
WHEREAS,the said petitioner has zoned as industrial"M-1A"District,
as in the ordinance provided,and all
'1 ' caused an accurate plat or map to ordinances, jurisdictions, Sales and
• ' be made and certified to by a com. obligations of or pertaining to Salt
, t- petent surveYor and aPproved by the Lake City are exterded over and
City EnaMeer and to be filed with made applicable and pertinent to the
the City Recorder,and, said tract of land and the streets,
'a.. WHEREAS,the Board of Commis, blocks,alleys and ways ct said tract
sioners of Salt lake City, after shall be controlled and governed by
k k examin ing said petition of said the ordinances,rules and regulations
... owner of said tract of land,and con. of said city In that oehalf,and the
sidering the circumstances thereof, monuments et the City Engineer
' -,.. voted by unanimous vote of all shall thenceforth be taken therein as
' members at said Board in favor of the standards of locations and dis.
annexing said tract of lard to Salt Cancel.
Lake City and directed that an ordi- SECTION 2. Upon the Passage of
' nance should be passed annexing this ordinance,the City Recorder of
said territory and the extension of Salt Lake City shall file,and he is
the city limits of Salt Lake City ac- hereby directed to file, with the
cow:Jingly. County Recorder of Salt I arts Coon-
' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR. tY,a copy of the map or plat above
). GAINED BY THE BOARD OF COM- mentioned, duly certified and ac-
'- MISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE knoWledged. as Provided in such
CITY,UTAH: cases,together with a certified CoPY
SECTION I.That the city limits of of this ordinance.
• Salt Lake City be, and the same SECTION 3.In the opinion of the
hereby are enlarged and extended Board of Commissioners of Salt so as to include the following de. Lake City it is necessary to the
scribed tract of land in Salt Lake peace, health and safety of the
aunt,to-wit: habitants of Salt Lake City that tEl
„ C Begiynning at a point on the east ordinance become effective immedi.
• line of Eighth West Street according ately.
. .• To the BY Annex to Salt Lake SECTiON 4. Thls ordinance shall
City and at the Southeast corner of take effect upon its first publication.
said Riverside Annex in Section 14, Passed stoners of S by the Board of Commis-
Township 1 South, Range I West, alt Lake City,Utah,this
Salt Lake Base and Meridian, said 2Ist day of September,1965.
point being S.0 deg.00 min.55 sec. J.BRACKEN LEE,
E.1730.16 if and N.89 deg.54 min. Mayor.
29 sec.E.17.55 ft.from a city mon. (S E A L)
ument In the intersection of 1700 HERMAN J HOGENSEN,
South and Eighth West Streets and Cily Recorder
='.'1g?Pr2r,PalhVgi 2.`8",inreP BILL NO 107 of 1966
Published Sitinernber 27,1964 fik:451
56 rnin.10 sec.E.759.02 ft.,thence
/0 7
City and County of Salt Lake,
Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
8th West Street from 17th to 21st South Streets and 21st South Street
adjacent to the Gerard Annex.)
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, September 21 196 6
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City, this 3rd44ofLi. October 1966
I '
; - 1 , City Recorder
POlished A40.mkgx_ 27 1966. _
BILL NO. 107 of 1966
/0 7
wi rlH the EClry Recorder cf_lell`.Lake h
CIfY,Petition NP./54'01 1966,hTg The ri
.Arnerlcen OII.ComrlOanY, re u0e11ng
eared b1a14Iwithio gl 0�+'lelSadGf'1 Affidavit of Publicatri ion
Silt lake AS, an0,
f WHEREAS, the said etlrlen'-b t
. eldnetl by Me V,Z i the real
prop�rry end tha owns asln vafup of J-
p11.1ne r al traherlY, shown in te
tts trat tracta herein describe;-slanared Is N
iM HER rotors id tract la F
�( WHEREAS, old tract f nda is h
giiFilous l0 lire exlnling boundaries r ss
1 M P Leke lhe'
k WHER EAa,the'said petltloner has Me
r ausea en cu fe Plat mat to
be made ana r and to to ev
Petem survevor and vtrove�bvwtne D b4 Ockey
ith'eYCFv ORecorderd cod be floe Ith a
WHEREAS,the Board of Co emir-'li
hloners Of Salt LOke [If'O' sled m
r,oownerning NI Dof llan f said
whet or Sala tracr o+land,and con- H
+.al ermt Me clrcumsta gas therea
'ab$a by na Imoas to of li F Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
m bets ofuseid B d In favor of
I�an0exmg gala.rage f ana tooav� tising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
nee"a'territory h id and_`ihe"darn""e l"o91'i' newspaper printed in the English language with general IOsrdic9 v°n1ra of ee Leke CltY ae-N cir-
culation en Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
Now, THEREFORE, BE IT OR-a County,in the State of Utah.
7,c'g Y,UTAH:
%salfEraereciglar,tinaedlNhamitsof N
harabv ae, lerarho i exrenaee That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
to Include the fallowing tl a.F
a tined treat of land In Salt Laka
i.county,Beginning it: e Salt Lake City 13i11 No 107 0£ 1966
t r intSte n cc t L
Ilse f Evers.West Street ell Lake d ---'- -'
n to the-Riversthe Annex rs Self Leke
CRY v at the Annex .net corner 4, An Ordinance Extendingthe Limits of
, To and
rverslQe Annex os sealon st, "
1• Tlt i.ak 1 Seuthn Range 1 Vsaid
r�Salt Lein Bes0 a d Memm.5 c,
point 0.16 S.0 dIli go min.ss sec.
0 E.1730d6 it,end N iv aeg.lsl mm. Salt Lake City
e ur sec,E,1 he tr.f tom c av -
men�St In Eight?'Intersection fise0 ----------
II Seluiirl and ElOhih We.sr Streets d
r f g thence I. O deg. 5,mind]3,
ee.E,a1 se 1r;thence Ill thence-
.S..0 deg.Ol In.19 sec.E.10a1.50
N.1 ahim urve rlv lens 11,509 Y
if. rthen c N. fo es. Ignt r.W.
l-S3 thence N.e1 N.
0.le s2 sin.
l'23 sec.0 N.;thence 0 deg.es i85 .
I-de m Irer s r..;Thence 6.2N.69_
i,deg.54 min,P9 sec E.66.46 It.to
9 toe Dom'of beomnm9, - September 27, 1966.
DAINED hANDe a DECLARED then the was published to said newspaper on
. bola of the above described proper-
,to, ee, a tl the sa hereby Is,
r toned InQUstrlel"M-1 A'• lassifl-S
t AND BE IT FURTHER p OR._ '--'-
'MwlAierNi�h&le r gengElaka RElect%
-eald tracr t lanaabove etestlboed .
shell thencerOerh be within 1h¢ t
Borate limits of Salt I ake CIIy na
scrod a rndustrlal 'M-rA"District
6e Ih the ordinance�rovlded,and all -
ordlnences, lurI dicilona, rcl¢s ana .� G -----
•Lblltarions of or aertalnlno td Salt -._
ake airy a e d pert rq
made applicable end pertinent to±na I Cf,egal Advertising Clerk
blid tract r lana a a Ina beers.
ocks,al cent ontl wens goveld tracr
hello be rrolletl a a v r ed by
ina idl�ity In or a E,and
Of said city in tthe half, ntl theineer.
shall thenceforth be takenl t eErelr ee
Me standards of mceeons and dial
fences. R,Haan the PaSsege ur ito before me this 30th _ -- day of
this ordinance,the City Recortlhe f
heir ake ecte shall file,and he Is
h erebv directed to file, With the
Count Recorder or Salt Ia'wie COun- 66-
fYe a v of uhe map Pr tlat above it- A.D. 19
nosnWi ae d as a tiled a
;,toga, provided r�in they
together with a certified eoDY
o%SEC tlinance.
SECTION 3.In the,Pinion d the __� -
Boara t Commissloeerss of Sell ...
!Lake CITY It Is ne s re to Me
Peace,health d fefv f the In-I �' —� ��
o �
of coat Loff Civ that MIs _/`� .'� '.,t .-., c- �Cy�
o tlinance become effective immetlL I (
- Notary PubliceeEoT0N 4. This ordinance shall
taketcyDonIt first
ouctoassedbSalltirLaB C1vvfCm,mls
'Pliocnedrsyofof Secrember,1966. I
ea P A LI
n,Bllt.NO let of 1964
Published Se0lember 27,1966(Awe,I
Nov 25 1959