107 of 1979 - Vacating two portions of a cul-de-sac located at 1820 South Street in Centennial Industrial Park, Ph ROLL CALL (127 V
„...,f0TING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, July 17 19
Agraz I move that the Ordinance be passed. • /
Phillips /
AN ORDINANCE VACATING two portions of a cul-de-sac located
at 182n South Street in Centennial Industrial. Park, Phase III, to
provide for the extension and rededication of 1820 South to the
western boundary of said industrial subdivision.
WHEREAS, the Roard of Commissioners finds that the two
portions of a cul-de-sac located in the present plan for 152n
South Street in Centennial Industrial Park, Phase III, are not
needed for the purposes of cul-de-sac inasmuch as the developers
of said property desire to extend 1020 South Street to the west.
and dedicate it to the City for use as a public road; and
WHEREAS, said portions of said cul-de-sac are not needed for
the use of the public as a thoroughfare and turnaround in light
of the proposed dedication; and
WHEREAS, said vacation of said portion of said cul-de-sac
and street will not be adverse to the general public's interest,
and the Board finding that the interest to he vacated by the City
is roughly comparable in value for the interest it will obtain by
the extension and dedication of said 1R20 South Street.
THEREFORE, he it ordained by the Roard of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah.
SECTION I. The northerly and southerly portions of the cul-
de-sac found in 1920 South Street as it appears in Centennial
Industrial. Park, Phase No. III, more particularly described
below, be, and the same hereby are, vacated and declared no
longer to he public pr.operrty for the use of streets, avenues,
alleys or pedestrian ways.
An irregular parcel of land situate in the FW1/q of
Section 17, Township 1_ South, Range I West, Salt
Lake Rase and Meridian, and in Lot 4, Centennial
Industrial Park, Phase II.I, Salt Sake City, Salt
Lake County, Utah, recorded September 23, 1977, as
Entry No. 3001204, in the Office of the County
Recorder of said County, more particularly des-
cribed as follows:
Beginning at a point on the North right of way
line of 1820 South Street, from which point the
southwest corner of said Lot 4 hears N. 89° 50' 04"
W., a distance of 431.21 feet, and S. 15° 43' 22"
E., a distance of 31.19 feet;
thence N. 89° 50' 04" W., a distance of 115.33
feet, to a point on a nontangent curve, concave
northerly, from which point a radial line bears S.
62° 20' 53" F., a distance of 65.0 feet;
thence easterly along said curve through an angle
of 125° 01' 38", an arc distance of 141.84 feet, to '
Containing 0.066 acres, more or less. '
Together. with PARCEL 2
An irregular parcel of land situate in the SW1/4 of
Section 17, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Salt
Lake Base and Meridian, and in rot 1, Centennial.
Industrial Park, Phase III, Salt Lake City, Salt ✓
Lake County, Utah, recorded September 23, 1977, as
Entry No. 3001204, in the Office of the County
Recorder of said County, more particularly des-
cribed as follows:
Beginning at a point on the South right-of-way
line of 1820 South Street, from which point the
southwest corner of said Lot 4 hears N. 89° 50' 04"
W., a distance of 414.13 feet, and N. 15° 43' 22"
W., a distance of 31.19 feet;
thence N. 89° 50' 04" W., a distance of 115.33
feet, to a point on a nontangent curve, concave --
southerly, from which point a radial line hears N.
62° 40' 45" E., a distance of 65.0 feet;
thence easterly along said curve through an angle
of 125° 01' 38", an arc distance of 141.84 feet, to '-
Containing 0.066 acres, more or. less.
Said vacation is expressly made SUBJECT TO all right of ways
and easements of all utilities of any and every kind and des-
cription now located on, in, under or over the confines of the
above-described property, and SUBJECT TO the riohts of entry
thereon for the purpose of maintaining, altering, repairing,
r_eplacina, removing or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
Said vacation is also expressly made SUBJECT TO all existing
right-of-ways and easements of third parties.
Said vacation is also expressly mnade SUBJECT TO the con-
dition precedent of the prior approval and acceptance by this
Commission of a final dedication plat which includes the
dedication of the extension of 1820 South Street west to the
western boundary of the Centennial Industrial Park, Phase III.
SECTION 2. After its publication, this ordinance shall take
effect and be recorded upon the records of the Salt Lake County
Clerk's office concurrently or subsequent to the recordation of a
final approved dedication plat dedicating said extension of 1820
South Street within said subdivision. In the event an approved
and final dedication plat 'containing the western extension of
1820 South Street within said subdivision is not approved and
filed of record with the Salt Lake County Recorder's Office
within twelve months from the date hereof, this ordinance shall
he of no legal force and effect and shall not be recorded in the
office of the Salt Lake County Recorder's,.
Passed by the Board of City Commissions on the 17th day
of July , 1979.
(SEAL) ((/f/f
BILL NO. 107 of 1979
Published - July 25, 1979
AW i
114 I% U C
3316879 _' � 3n
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STATE OF UTAH, 1 -V�- �/ v
88. 3 K�y ;� v}i cj�
City and County of Salt Lake, 1 "
• s, z
I91 J
I, __..._-_MVM.ILDRED V, HIOHAM , City Recorder of Salt Lake C , •fNJtah,.8 hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance gritititot,vacating
two portions of a cul-de-sac located at 1820 South Street in Centennial Industrial Park, Phase
•III, to provide for the extension and rededication of 1820 South to the western boundary of
said industrial subdivision
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, .._ July17, 1979
as appears of record in my office.
f % I NlSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
'City,tills r: day of....._ - 197 x
{BEAD. �} �
1 I�I i, ;r C�4
-2.7,}r E. " �' Published - July25a.--.1979
BILL NO. 107 of 1979
S000th Street in Centennia two l induunstrial Park PMM
III,to provide for the extension and rededication of 1020 South to
the eordron0infWHEREAS,the f Commissioners orss finds that thlan for e two
In In Cryenqcul-de-sac
en�all Industrial Park,d in the 000..e1III,are not nireded
property destrre°f to 001.0e 182200 South StrMdto thee wsesstt end
dedicate If to the City for use es a public road;and
WHEREAS,said portions of said cul-de-sac are not needed
for the use of the public es a thoroughfare and brneround in light
of the or0p1p0ad dedluflon;antl
and street will not be adverse to the wend aid lglbll of�1°erest and
the Board finding filet the interest to be vacated by the City Is
rextension y nsion andcom0°dedication Of Mbrable in value r1820 the 1South nterest Stlreet.11 obtain by the
Commissioners THEREFORE,
Salt LakIe CM,U Utah.
BY THE Board of
SECTION I.The northerly end southerly porlbna of Me
IEaa ec found In 1820 South Street as it ap pars In Centennial
Industrial Park,Phase No.Ill,more particularly described
below,be,and the Mob hereby are, ted and declared no
longer to be public property for me UM of streets,avenues,aliens
or pedestrian ways.
An IRrregulor percal 01 lard situate In the SW Y.of Section 17,
/end In Lot 4,South,
IndonttrialePark,Phase IfIII,Sell Lake
n r,v No.3001204,in the Office of iM Counded ty Re°ordmber erlof said
County,more perllwlarin detrlbed at follows:
boars N.89.9raotin wl,,a point the Whwa1fefirmer of YIO LM"
istancbe of331.19.feaetdletanp of G1.21 het,and S.13.13'2Y'
nontanuenf curvSee.oncave nortrtherlyy,fro whi�poointa radial
i�. ( line beers S.6T30'A"E.,a distance of 65.0 feet;
thence easterly along said curve thrWOh en angle of 12E01'
h 0E" an arc distance of 111.81 et, to the POINT OF
Containing 0.066 acres,more or less.
Together with PARCEL 2
An Irregular parcel of land situate In the SW15 of Section 17,
Township 1 South,Range 1 West,Solt Lake Bob and Meridian,
CHnd I In
tLake Centennial
.°otembbarlSalt 23,1971,si
Entry No.1001001,In the ONIo of file County Recorder 6f Mid
• Car Be,rltine pettioulinty on t[rlbed ae lotion.,;
Beginning of a point the South rhht rw Ilse of 1E10
Sash Shoat,from which point the southwest corner
M sold Lot 1
�\\ bears N.aP Sd 01'W.,a didence of 414.13 het,end N.1S♦3'20"
W.,ediDenN.of 11.19fee1;
thence N.00'SO'01"W.,a distance o/115.13 feat,tog point on
5� •
no0000t curve,COnceve southerly,from which point°radial
1 linent0 been N.62'40'u"E.,a distance of 65.0 feet;
thence easterly along said curve through an angle of 12P 01'
VV', an distance of 141.84 feet, to the POINT OF
Containing 0.066 acmes,more or Ids.
ways Send
mammoths of expresslyode SUBJECT TO all right Of
a utilities of any end every kind ars ry
description now located on,In under or over the confines of the o
bovedoscrlbed property,and SUBJECT TOthe rights off entry
thereon iCe g .0.00irno oor rerouting of aaidlutilitieas and all of 1Mm1.
Said vacation is also....sale made SUBJECT TO ail
exit SoldHvocaron Iss als°°sxPr�MpY TIetlB SUBJECT TO coo kCIS
condition precedent of the prior approval and acceptanc by this dedication Commission
ouof n..extension el South Street)erns So thedes k %
western boundary of the Centennial Industrial Park,Phase III.
SECTION 2.After Ito publlraflon,this ordinance shall take
0Nacf and he r.corr00r0K0 upon Itte records of me Sell Ube Counry
of.inal epnrrcyed dedicotiw, IN cl ochre ief U coon Edon of
e021 South Sheet within bid su001Wslon. In the avers 00
pyr0006old 11na1 deeicotion plot comainino the waste,
expo Ion of 1890 South Sheet w1 with
Mid altdlvisbn Is not
Reproved and flied of record with the Solt Lake Countyr�.r
thisRidinanroe5ellbe within
legal months
ce and from
and MagnettMPe �I•
recorded in the office of the Self Lake County ecorder.
Poised by tee Boards/Clty CammisSioners on the 17th day of
City Recorder
BILL NO.107 of 1979
.Published July 25,1979 (BJ91
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
♦H'OROINANE Shana D. Conaty ORDINANCE VACATING two portions of a cut-de-Sac
,,located patrovide for South
extenst ion and and rrededicationlof 1820 South to
the western boundary of said Industrial subdivision.
WHEREAS,the Board of Commissioners finds that the two
Street InaCenten l industria Parrk Phaseflllcarernot needed Being iirst duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
for the put s f soloed 1g20 sours street to the west and advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily dedicate i1 to doe City for use as a public road;and P Y
WHEREAS,said portions of said col-de-sac are not needed
o thoroughfare (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
r the use of the public es troughfare and turnaround In light
of to proposed dedlcatm,and language withgeneral WHEREAS,said vacation of said portion of said cul-de-sac
circulation in Utah, and
d street will not be adverse tome general interest and in Salt Lake ,the Board finding that the interest m be vacated by the Cny is published Salt Lake County, in the
o ghly comparable in value for the Interest it will obtain by the Y
exteTHER Fdedi, BE ofsald DINEsuD Serest. State Of Utah-
CommissloEnerrss of Salt Lake City,Utah.
BY THE Board of
ul-de ssac SECTION
In 110020�So Guth Street asoutherly
oiIt appel arportions
in Centennial That the legal
ndustrial Park,Phase No.III,more particularly described notice of which a copy is attached hereto
onger toobeend euubl ltcepropperihereby
for the use vacated
f strtoetets,avenues,and raalleys
or oedestrlan wars.
PARCEL) Pub notice of an ordinance vacating two portions
Townshlpr 1 South,Ranger l West,tSalt Cake the
and'M re idlan,
and In Let 1,Centennial slrlal Park P III,Salt Lake
ity.sad Lake countyy,Uta recorded Park, 23,i977,as of a cul-de-sac
Entry No.3001201,In the c o the County Recorder of said
County,more particularly described as Follow,
Otrnenpii,framnawhicht pointtlthe North
hriiesf of way
oil said Lo20
bears N.09"50'01"W.,a distance of 431.21 feet,and S.IS"43 22"
E.,a distance of 31.19 teeth
tnontangent urnce N.897 e.concave northerly,from whe of 115.33 ich point arlad al
line bears S.62"20'53"E.,a distance of 65.0 feet; '
thence easterly along said curve through en angle of 123'01'
30", anarc distance of 111.01 feet, to the POINT OF
Together with PARCEL more
nor less.
An Irregular parcel of land shuate in the SW'.of Section to,
Township 1 South,Range I West,Salt Lake Base and Meridian.
and In Lot I,Centennial Indslrial Park Phase III.Salt Lake
in theU ice of the Coun recorded ty ReeccoorderOf said was published in said newspaper on July 25, 1979
County,more particularly described as follows
Beginning of a point on the South rloht corner line of 1820
South Street,from which point the f 414.1 ate corner of said Lot 1
bears N.89°50'54"W.,a distance of 114.1J feat,and N.157 p'22"
W.,a N.
of 31.19 feet;
thence e9'to'so"W.,a distance of 115.33 feet,to a point on l"\
a n tangent curve,concave soutane of 65.0
welch eninta radial 14\ ry ( I
lire bears N.thence eastterly along said curve through and angle of 125°01' - \ ' ' I I i\�`. ,' f
38 are distance of 141,84 feet, to the POINT OF Legal Advertising Clerk
BEGINNING.Containing0.066 acres,more or less. g
Said vacation is expressly made SUBJECT TO all right of
lays.and easements of all utilies of any and every kind and
description new located en,In under or over the confines of the
thereon fort the purpose fnmaintaining,
l t inng TO,altering, repairing. re me this 2nd day of
reeled.,removing or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
existing right-of-wa vacation
ys and also easeemently s of third eartSUBies.CT TO all A 79
Said acetial is also expressly made SUBJECT TO the ......... 19
condition precedent of the prior approval and acceptance by this
Commission of a final dedication plat which Includes the
dedication of the extension of 1820 South Street west to the
western boundary of the Centennial Industrial Park,Phase I I I
SECTION 2 Ater Its publication,this ordinance shall take
effect and be recorded upon the records of the Salt Lake County
Recorder's office concurrently or subsequent to the recordationof a /
1020 final
SouthpStrveed dedicationithi „hattdlvlls fen,in theid ntension Of events an ' �.'
approvedand final South
itht containing subtie western NotaryPublic
approved flied
South rereet within e t Lake Co 1
and eletl i record lve with the Salt Lake County
Office l be
to twelve force
the date thereof,
thisordinanceIh eosin a of no Salt
faked and ty Re and shall not be
recordedsssed by toffice
e Beard of City Commissioners on Me tern day of
City Recorder Mayor
BILL NO.107ot 1979
Published July 25,1979 -
Feb, 11, 1982