108 of 1902 - Ordinance 108 of 1902 – Prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sunday and to minors and o A 1J f) r
An or;.irpnio s prohibiting the nale of intoxicating liquors on
Sunday ana to minors and other persons, prohititinr the permission
of ruinorK ,and other persons in places whsro intoxicating liquors
a.ro sold; limiting tho 1sLuaanoe of licenses to sell intoxicating
ligt_ore; providing for the rovoo;s.tion of suoh lioenssts in certain
oason, and repealing inoonnistce.it ardin ue008.
ne it ordained by the ( ity ^ounci? of Sal*. L•ka city, Utah:
SRCTION 1. Any person, whether acting tr)r hiraeoif or ats agent, I
servant or employee of any other i:arson or mraons, or of any firm
or corporation, who 8ie.aall give, sell, .f r'ni h, delivcrr, or other-
wise d.ispor:a of any intoxicating liquor to any Indian or minor, or
to any i.nnano or idiotic s arson, whether said Indian nr n:s.nor or
insane or Adiotio ;-arson s1..; .; buy or receive thn sai.i liquor for
his; own use or consumption in whole err in part for the use o: oon-
sumpt,ion of any other parson or r;er:sn•ne; or who nhal.2. i rm t, any
Indian or :Minor or inaanc a•r is+latio person to .entasr, r,.}, or ros+.in
in hie plane of buetneF:s or employment where liquors are sold, shall
be guilty of 6a misdemeanor; and npen cenxietl.on thereof nholl be
puninhod by sa from in any stud not leas than fifty dollars and not
more than ono hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for w
period not exceeding one hundreU days, or shall be punished by both
such fine :And imprieonmont.
SWITIn.\ 2. It shall be unlawful for any parson to send or taake
any minor or Indiaan, or insane or irtiotio person into any saloon,
wine room, tippling room, or apartment whatsoever, whore intoxicat-
ing drink is sold or dispensed, excepting drug stores and the dining
rooms of hotels and restaurants; and upon conviction thereof suoh
person shall be puniehod by a fine An any sum not leers than five
dollars nor more than twenty-five doi.1ars, or by inaprIsommnnt for a !
period not exceeding thirty days, or shall be puninh,2d by both such
fine and ireprisnn„ent.
SECTION 3. Any i;orson, firm or oor,>orati.on keeping any ssrloon,
tippling houses or dram shod: who shall have, or keeps in connection
with, nr r:st part of Kush saloon, tippling house or dram shop, uny
wine room or ot"ior place, oithesr with or without door or doors,
ourtain or ourtaine, or screen of Any kind, into which any female
porson shee3.l he ;o.l.rwod to enter from tier ontf',ido, or from such
saloon, tippling house or dram shop, and there be supplied with any
kind of liquor whsrtnoevor; or any such keeper of such saloon, tipp,
ling house or dram shop who sho3..1 permit any female to ho or remain
in ouch saloon, tippling house or dram shop, at any time botwoen the;
hours of seven o'c.-onk in the, afternoon and seven o'clock, in the
forenoon, stall be deaet-isci guilt; c:r s ra+ssdemeo.nnr, end upon o+-nvio-
t,i not girt')oof es1'is:,l1. to ]loot ikshod by o rAw, in uny sum not Bess then
twenty-five: dollars, ri' not rioro "thus ono hundred dndla.rr, or by
iklprl,00nri*sut for ea period not exceeding ono hundred days, or by
both such fine and is;pr,konriont.
SECTION 4. Any , :rson,'frm or oorp°r-tion, or Slay r? +rP,Ar,
ugont, bartender or employ so of any porseon, f:lrtu or cc,roorat,ion, 'ehfl
shra.11 oell, give away or otherwise die:>o o of .ny a.nt;,xi_c sting drink
at any time durir:g the first day of the r,;mmonly c,. led Sunday
except ho be a druggist, and t•.on only foo modloinal Fir ores upon
• the proscription of a regularly liconeed physician, shall be deemed
guilt;.: of a nisderoetinor, wn: upon ernviotinn thereof, n'ho.?,l. be pun-
ished by a fine in any slug not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by
• for sy
imprisonment 1a�:r:,.oct n:a+, exoeectirg one Ynin�;r cl d<r,;�=; or b°
both such fine a.nct imprioonxont.
SECTIOY 9. Et 51e4ll to unlawful for any ooro oo, 9XiF except the
owner or his agent, siervantas or employees, to enter or remain in
uny saloon, dram shop or tippling house, or any Apia .M4ifT, room or
apartment, adjacent thereto or connected thcrowith; or to purchase
or receive any intoxicating liquor at any tiwo durinsr the first :lay
of the week, ocrrricnonly called Sunday; ,nd upon conviction t eraof
snob ooraon shall be punished by a fine in any sum not oxcueding
one hundred hundred dollars, or by impriaonment for a period not exceeding
• one hundred days, or by both suoh fine end imprieonment.
SMCTION 6. Al]. blinds, curteins and maroons shall he with-
drawn from the doors and windows of all saloons, teppling heumes,
bars, wine rooms, and other planes where intoxioating liquors are
Rola, ana all interior doers, soroens, blind and ourteine shell be
so opened that an unobstructee view may he had from the sidewalk or
exterior of ma) suoh saloons, tippling houeee, bars, wino rooms or
other places where intexicetine liquors( are sold eftwicr all of the
time on tem first dey of tee eeek, commonly nailed Suneeee. And it
shell be unlawful for any person, firm or oorporation licensed to
sell intoxicating liaeors at (meet salve), tipeline holm, bar, vine
room or other elaoe, or tho meueger or ether person haying temporary
or permanent charge teeroof to fail to comply with the provision*
of then gootion, and upon cAlvicti)n thereof ouch hormone, and sue4
'maneger, ane eeeh other eereon hevene (Marge thereof, either one or
:ail, g$Y01.1 be eeemed eellty of 4 wi.80.,1kiNftrifir and, upon. 00nvletion
thereof, shall be punished by a flue in any sum not exceeding one
...hundred dollar)), or by imprisonment for a priori not exceeding one
hundred days, or by both such fine end impreeonment.
SISCTIONT 7. Any person lioeneed to sell intoxinating liquor,
in whose plane of bueiness either or any of the oreensen eteted in
1110c:teens 1 and 4 of this ordinance shall be committed, or who him-
self shell be found guilty of either or any of said offenses, shall
thereby forfeit his license an e the same shall et ones, upon due
tetlee as prescribed by law, be revoked by the City Coencie.
=MON A. Any person, firm or corporation wboae license to
sell intoxicating liquors has been revoked by the City Council for
any cause, shell thereafter be ineligible to receive any license to
poll intoxicating liquors in Salt Lake City, and no person shell he
eligible to resolve any license to sell intoxicating liquors in
Salt letke City who has theretofore been a member of any firm or
stockholder of any corporation whose llooneo hee been revoked 46
i .
heroin provided;;and no firm or corporation shall he eligible to
reoeive such lioense, any member or stookholder of which has+ boson a
member or stookholder of any ttit:pi or corporation whose license has
been revoked as herein provided, or any nenbor or stookholdor of
whioh has had his 1ioenee revoked an heroin provided
, SEFf/ON 9. More than ono lioenoe to ee?.l intoxir•.aatinp liquors
if} F ►1teoayat City shctil not be issued at any ono time to '.:no sane
}robe l
HR / y�fi� or^;cerperr.tSon; rsrs�k>na; llossrs:sQ to selli,ntoxtRss,tlnt�
H it Ysa ohfi4,X b44 i tie1l�,:Uiq any f, .ra or oorpert.tion, any member or
trove*ho'aIder=oi' Nhl t hogs moor. Iioenbre,-or a+.ny mez er or stook-
i; • df 10344oi214141per or7 stoekkplder of any other firm or oor-s
`j 0reiie0 hdldirpt t} lteensof a4d'no such 1.1crns;o nhal.t be issued
tts }atsv pesree(t,'.fkho is} ra,rtRmhe1 or sstcnkhoIder of any firm :rr oorpo-
4 in
,A an ti sn 4101.dint,4urth A 1toonse,
83 Iil)1 16. The word epa:rson" an used in this orctinxnos shall
:be nonetrued to tnelurtn boding; corporate, partnerships, aa0000latlono
ana companion.
SECTION 11. All 1ioenet+ra to soli intooloottn' liouore in salt
,Lake City sh+al1 be iestued and reosived subject to all of the pro-
visiono of this ordinanos.
SMOTIC?. 12. r notion:. 2C, and 27 of A}tHptsr 22 of Revised
,I:Ordinanees of Salt Lake City (1892) and that oortnin ordinanoe,
entitled 'An ordinance amending section 25 of Charter '".'rI of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Tote City of 1892" passed by the City
Council January end, 1901, an approved by the Mayor, January 3rd,
�1.9O1; and also that eortadn ordinance, entitled "An ordinance for-
bidding minors entering saloons," poosed by the City Coonni.l July
7th, 1902, and aaporoved by the Mayor, July 8th, 1902; and sal r; all
ether ordinanoe:a and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith aro
hereby repealed.
SECTION 13. Thi.; ordinance sho11 take effect upon aai'c rovaal.
•✓ Cyr e O' :\ 1, y.
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