108 of 1918 - Amending Section 1305, Chapter 60, relating to vehicles for hire I ROLL CALL VOTING AYE I NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, November 21st, ,M18. Crabbe__ �,, I I move that the ordinance he passed. Green Y Neslen Scheid Q'XW), -- Mr. Chairman ------ Result __--_ JAN ORDINANCF. An ordinance amending :;ecti.on 1505 of Chapter 60 of the Revised Ordinances of. Salt Lake City of 1915, as amended by an Ordinance pvssed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, April 19th, 1916, relating to vehicles for hire. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SiICTION 1. That section 1505 of Chapter 60 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners April 19th, 1916, relating to vehicles, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: S2C5ION 1305., It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge of any hf°..ck, carriage, omnibus, taxi automobile,,,ca.b or other vehicle used in carrying passengers for hire, to allow any such vehicle while awaiting employ- ment to stand upon any street in the congested district of Salt Lake City, as defined by ordinance, unless such person shall have procured a permit in writing for such privilege from the Board of Commissioners of Lkalt Lake City herein- after provided, and unless such permit is attached to such vehicle in a conspicuous place. 108 g i • The 3ourd of Commissioners upon recommendation to the Chief of Police, is hereby empowered in its discretion to grant permits to the owners or persons in chareb of hacks, carriage omnibuses, automobiles, taxi-cabs or other vehicles used in carrying passengers for hire, allowing any such vehicles while awaiting employment to stand et certain places designated by the Board of Commissioners upon streets within the congested dis- trict of halt Lake City, vihich permits shall continue in force until the end of the colander year in which they are issued un— less sooner revoked by the hoard of Commissioners, and at the enpiration of the calendar year such permits shall be void and of no effect. No such permit shall be created except upon written consent of the occupant of the first floor of that portion of the building in front of which it is desired that such vehicle may stand, or the owner of the real estate or his authorized agent, in the event there is no building thereon. It shall be unlawful.. for any owner or occupant of any premises giving written consent as herein provided, to charge, take or receive any money, benefit, revenue or thing of value, as a condition or compensation for or becatse of the giving of such consent for any such vehicle to stand in treat of said pre- mises. No more than ten such vei,ielos shall be permitted to stbnd upon a street within the limits of any one block in said district, and not more than five such vehicles sill stand on one side of such street within any such block. No suoh vehicle shall be permitted to stand with- in -fifty feet of any other licensed vehicle upon the same side of any street, and no such vehicle shall be permitted to stand within 30 feet from the cross walk of any intersection, nor in I y: -'- I < Ii . , . :„...j front of the entrance to a street or aliey in said dAstrict. No permit :oal.' Oe trued to any person for wore than one stand upon one :ride of any block. Permits may be teemed in duplicate so cc to allow alternate cars it any one stand, when eaid curs are owned by the same person, firm or corporation. No such. permit shall be granted except upon the written application of the person bee tine the same, filed with the 1board. of Commissioners, etc tine the num-0er and kind of vehicles for which such permit is souEht, and the proposed loca— tion of the etutid for such vehicle, together wiah the written consent oT the owner of the lot, hiu authoriued agent, or occupant of the first floor of the roation of builoing, ' the case may be, in front of witch it is desired. tbat such vehicle may stand, as reauired by the provisions of this ordinance. A separate permit shall bo issued for each vehicle, ei.mert when issued in du:plicate, as aforesaid, and all permits issued shall. contain, the name of the person to whom the same is rant— ed, the number and kind of vehicle, and the paabe decimated as a tabet for such vehicle. • The owner or person in citirfo of a•ny vehicle for which a permit shall hove been obtained pursuant to the pro. visions of this section, shall have such permit attached to such vehicle in a conspicuous tires at all times and shall permit the examination of such fbrmit whenever rebested so to do by any police officer. Eo Ouch permit is assignable except by permission of the Board of Commissioners. For eabh permit or duplicate thereof issued. the —b. , t• , , Y . , + , , , • , ••.•,, , : i , • le . 1. 1 License Assessor shall collect the sum of ,,31.00 t:o be by him paid into the City Treasury. The hoard of Commissioners may in its discretion revoke the permit herein provided for of any person Who shall assign or attempt to assign the same without permission, or who shall have been convicted of e violation of any ordinance of Salt Lake City, or law of the State of Utah, or for any disorder- ly, improrer or unlawiiil bndaat while standing or driving upon the streets of bait Ls:ke' 61tyr or for any other reason Which in the judgment of the 3v4r,4 ;"bf TOpissioners justifies such action. The final determinatiop as to whether a permit shml1 be granted or whether a permit he3'etofor.e granted shall de revoked, shall rest abso:intely with the hoard of Commissioners, and the Board's action thereon shall be final. All permits heretofore issued are hereby revoked, effective Decemoer blot, 1918. ;_ACTION u. Any person violating any of the provisions horeto of this ordinance shall upon conviction be aunished as provided in _section 1b86, Cha-ster 60 of the hevi.sed Ordinances of Lilt Lake City of 1913. :FJCTION 3. This ordinanco shall take effect thirty-one days after i.ts passage. `C (1/' Passed by the hoard of 4issionero of kilt Lake City, Utah, November 26Th ,1918. pity Recorder. -¢- Ii i I • : r.: = cm, c.„ • • •