108 of 1920 - Creating Fire Limits Districts #3, Sugar House ROLL CALL , •! VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, 11,31, 11, , Barnes Burton '3/41 Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. Green aim Mr. Chairman .111•111.1. Result AN ORDINANCE -- - AN-. ORDINANCE AME2ING Chapter 26, Revised. Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, by adding to said chapter a section to be known as Section 791x1, creating fire Limits District No. BE IT ORDAINED -by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt:Lalie Oity,Ut; SECTION I. That Chapter 26 of Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1913, lie, and the same is hereby amended. by adding to said chapter a section to be known as Section 791-x-1 , which shall read as follows: SECTION 791xl. There is hereby established. District No.3, Fire Limits of Salt Lake City, which shall be described. as follows: District No. 3. Commencing at the intersection of the center line of 9th East Street and, the center line of the right of way of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Company (Park City Branch) ,thence easterly along the center line of the right of way of the Denver & Rio Grande R.R. to the center line of 12th East Street extended, thence northerly along the center line of 12th East Street to the center line of Hollywood. Avenue extended. east- erly, thence westerly along the center line of Hollywood Ave. to the center line of 9th East Street, thence southerly along the center line of 9th East Street to the point of beginning. SECTION II. This: ordinance shall te,he effect thirty-one days after its passage. 3 Passed. by by the Board of Comnissione Of S t Lake City, Utah, this 24th day of August, E. D., 1920. /Art, ajor Rea der. CHIEF DEPUTY ilQ - I : A ' Qr' j \i-kxr-k ‘x,,)-x-i, :, -Ire.Z. , rresehted to ooard of Corooliv+one, `AUG 11 1920 Jl 1✓! e rY neeN trhbf..ted to they NNW rii limos AUG 23:19201 .. c-•vFitevr M.. Probated*Ilia Board of Commisaioneia AND PASSED A!'G 241920 -0(laic4ea.m . First Publication in AUG .,Q.t.-.1920 /J� t, ,4-, ..