108 of 1959 - Amending Section 25-8-1of the R.O. 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to Salaries of Appointed Of ROLL CALL " Salt Lake City,Utah, December 2,4 , 195.9
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . .
Christensen n
Geurts. .
Romney . . _ C
Mr. Chairman . ff AN ORDINANCE
Result .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-8-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to salaries
of appointed officers of the city of the various departments.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 25-8-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to salaries of
appointed officers of the city of the various departments, be, and the
same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"ITEM i. Department of Parks and Public Property Per Annum
(a) Superintendent of Parks and Public Property $ 6000.00400.00
(b) Office Manager
"ITEM 2. Department of Public Affairs and,Finance
(a) Chief Clerk 5880.00
(b) City Auditor
1 . First Deputy City Auditor 7800.00
2. Second Deputy City Auditor 7500.00
(c) City Purchasing Agent 7200.00
(d) City Recorder' Office
1. City Recorder 7200.00
2. One Chief Deputy Recorder 4920.00
3 One Deputy Recorder and Chief Clerk 4500.00
h„. 4. Two Deputy Recorders (City Court Civil Division) each 4680.00
5. One Deputy Recorder (City Court Civil Division) 4620.00
6. One Deputy Recorder (City Court Civil Division) 4500.00
7. One Deputy Recorder (City Court Civil Division) 4200.00
8. One Deputy Recorder and Supervisor (City Court
Civil Division 5040.00
9. One Deputy Recorder and Supervisor (City Court
Criminal Division) 5340.00
10. One Deputy Recorder and Clerk (City Court
Criminal Division) 5160.00
11 . One Deputy Recorder and Clerk (City Court 4620.00
Criminal Division)
12. One Deputy Recorder and Clerk (City Court 4140.00
Criminal Division)
(e) City Sexton 4500.00
(f) City Treasurer's Office
C 00. Q
12, pie u y ecisty Treasurer 60,60
(g) Law Department
1. City Attorney 11,400.00
2. One First Assistant City Attorney 9,000.00
3. Two Assistant City Attorneys - each 7,800.00
4. One Assistant City Attorney 7,500.00
5. One Assistant City Attorney 7,200.00
(h) License Department
1. License Assessor and Collector 6,600.00
2. License Inspector 3,960.00
(i) Planning and Zoning Department
1. Planning Director 10,000.00
"ITEM 3. Department of Streets and Public Improvements
(a) City Engineer's Office
1, City Engineer 11,400.00
2. Assistant City Engineer 9,000.00
3. City Chemist 6,720100
4. Building Inspector 6,720.00
5. Plumbing inspector 6,360.00
6., Electrical Inspector 6,360.00
7, Traffic Engineer 10,000.00
I '
(b) Power and Heating :Division
1. Chief Engineer 8,100.00
2. One Deputy Smoke inspector ' 6,720.00
3. One Deputy Smoke Inspector. 5,640.00
One Deputy Smoke Inspectoh 5,640.00
5. Two Deputy Smoke lnspecters, each 4,740.00
"ITEM 4. Department of Water Supply and Waterworks
(a) Superintendent of Waterworks 10,000.00
(b) Office Supervisor 6,105.00
SECTI,JA 2. The foregoing salaries shall be effective as of December 1,
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is neces-
sary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pubiication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
24th day of December, 1959. / J
'ty ..�
Bill Mo. 108'of 1959.
Published December 30, 1959
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
D. M. Ockey
Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Lake City Bill No. 108 of 1959.
An Ordinance relating to salaries of
appointed officers of the City of
the various departments.
was published in said newspaper on December 30, 1959.
�f t l r..>c..<
Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of
December A.D. 19 59
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov. 25, 1961.
Lepai Notice ��legal Notice .
__ yr`M^�w AN ORDINANCE �+'
AN ORDINANCE Aly1�NDING Section 23-8.1 f the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake Cll.e Voleh, IB35, heretofore amen tlerl,
A'olatine to salaries of appointed ttrcers o[lire city of the vary
eparlrnrnla. ou.
Vtah a rt ordained by the Board of Comtssloners at Salt Lake City.
Salt Lome 1C1y.Utah,}Bob Section
helete tmended.'ceratoOuito Ordinances of
of appointed officers,aof the city of the various departments,be,andl
the hereby Is,amended to read a follov,s:
`n i.Department of Parksaand Public Property Per Amrmn'
1 Superintende.nt of Parks nd P best Property 58,n00.00
P1 Offwe Manacer 6,000.001
ITEM Chief
Cr01'[ml�t of Public Affairs and Finance
s City Clerk 5,860.00
2.S AVE.,ty City,A4dudit 'I,000,00
llpppp ty.Ctev Autlitor 7,200,00
(el City,• h sine AYNUI 2.500,00
f dI CC,tt5 of 2tft2 a 00.00',
? i tf,1Ch'f 10 1 e bRt AAp)0.00•
;.one�De u v ftdrdr dot(T.;;,,[ourt Cci it nns{ororlca.4.F600:00:
6,0oP rD�e0gehty R4c,2{{�der'(City Court Clvlt➢ivistbnl 4,30000•'
I.one'Dlnuiv R3tcA Berea d SUDervsmS(DCrilviooi 4000'00,
[(oil Divisions a 3,090.00
A.One Deputy R^corder and Supervisor (City Courl
Crlminai Division; 5,010,00,
10.One 000ui.v Recorder an;;Clerk(City Court Criminal
11,OODynyyeyie(200 ty Recorder sod Clerk(City Court Crimina_5,160,00
12.Onesillnnty Recorder and Clerk(City Court Criminal e'020.D0 i
Division r a.1h0.00
u1 city seaen n.a0o.o0;
eel Cuy Trcaanrc['a Office, e,aoo.00
2.Deputy Citvr Phreasurer ' 0,o00.00 i
fl)'Law Dee 'tinent, 1
2,City tuft(Ass i5A0o.00•
_.one Assi Assistant Coy Atlm'nly 7.A00.00
rnro Assistant City Attorneys r each?An0.00"
One Assllsldnt CIty A�tei4ev 4,200.00
(h1 License Department:
ieSseor and Collector 6,600.00'
l Ll1ixnsc ins ec Wr MI l
(11 Rl Planinii�c D eetnc Ueps 0000l: 10.000.00
Ior C 3. Dn'ni?c!nt of.Sheets and Public Improvements
rat city rv:n•meor; olaee
,lt!.' nS.n�er 114nfl.nali
2.-kssstaht CISy Enthieer .0.000.00
3�Cit.5'Chcn•Ist • 6,0)0.00
a.�P1Il14g'1',Vtctnr fi;44f��0.0�
l Ele 1 p t,' Io00000
'At f r fEfctl R 6itint Division: fl tOD,00'
C i.g,1qe .'0 00
O e{a0gqnlV-§Smoke In Bet ft .00
'1 Od oul S kC I�\pplhCtd y 9a400 0
s Tad Pep{ SA1 k Iin d2Gt9 rF e h 9240.83
ITEM A. Dctpartment of Water Supply and Wateloverk6�
'13r Ofp6,,nEuidlnta n!W2teftvork5 10.000,00
r 6.103.Qof
9FC LION Th! f '3 r[ salaries shall be ffl t've as f
Der ei t 1 10�- ' re_
tiFC CIOb I,D -n of theBoard of ii o it
Salt`LoRP Cloy`;1� sill health l.safety often l i b`its'iih'f
SECTION A. 'Phis trdlnanee shall lak! effect u0011r its fi0tl
puhi, sed•by the Beard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,(hair.
this lath day of December,1239. ADIEL F.STY:\4AFT.
Ma or
1�p 1I4�Et1s2M or(AIIIiOGENSEN.
l+uuilshetlT b2'eirplt-20.1230. - fA-gel 1