108 of 1965 - Amending Title 41, by adding thereto Chapter 9, requiring property owners to remove weeds and noxiou •
Salt Lake City, Utah, November 23 5 196
Christensen . .
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Catmull �
Harrison GG/ f,-� t
r.�fimtan6c. HOLLl:Y. ��� - _/ t�
Mr. Chairman . ,
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 41 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, relating to streets and bridges, by adding thereto a new
chapter to be designated as Chapter 9, relating to removing weeds and noxious
vegetation from the area of public streets lying between the property line
and the curb line along said streets.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Title 41 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
Utah, 1965, relating to streets and bridges, be, and the same hereby is,
amended by adding thereto a new chapter to be designated as Chapter 9, rela-
ting to removing weeds and noxious vegetation from the area of public streets
in Salt Lake City, Utah, lying between the property line and the curb line
along said streets to read as follows:
"Sec. 41-9-1. Duty of owner or occupant, or agent of owner or
occupant. It shall be the duty of every owner or occupant, or the
agent of the owner or occupant, of land abutting and bordering on
any public street in Salt Lake City, for the distance said land
abuts and borders, to remove from alongside said street in front of
said land all weeds and noxious vegetation from the property line
to the curb line of said street.
"Sec. 41-9-2. Duty of inspector. It shall be the duty of the
city inspector, appointed under the provisions of Title 18, Chapter
29 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, and his
assistants, to make examinations and investigations of the areas of
streets referred to in section 1 hereof, to determine whether the
persons referred to in said section are complying with the provis-
ions of this chapter.
"Sec. 41-9-3. Notice to remove weeds and noxious vegetation.
Upon a determination by said inspector that the provisions of sec-
tion 1 are not being complied with, the inspector shall ascertain
the name of the owner or occupant, or the agent of the owner or
occupant, of the land abutting and bordering a public street fail-
ing to comply with the provisions of this chapter, and shall serve
- 2 -
notice in writing upon such owner or occupant, or agent of the owner
or occupant, either personally or by mail addressed to the last
known post office address as disclosed by the records of the county
assessor, requiring such owner or occupant, or agent of the owner
or occupant, to remove the weeds and noxious vegetation within such
time as the inspector shall designate, which shall be not less than
10 days from the date of service of such notice.
"It shall be the duty of the person so served with notice to
comply therewith.
"Sec. 41-9-4. Violation. Every person who violates the pro-
visions of this chapter by failure to perform the duties as herein
required shall be guilty of a misdemeanor."
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
23rd day of November, 1965.
y _
*11 ,00(V10(t0
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 108 of 1965
Published November 30, 1965
Affidavit of Publication
/t ss.
County of Salt Lake
, Legal Notices - yt' I Psi 0cke
_.AN di{bINafkG
RItDiINAN e•d oANlEhl DIN F Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
Irh kl "nd na&tee'ogd'Ps N clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE-
ed in p, 9 .Ye,alpo , pcf GRAM, a daily {except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish 0 and ia 4ef� )hurl.1 to or bIi Ar te'"I: lish language with eneral circulation in Utah, and published in
iyine.be,wean haproperty I e?04g ll i P l
the curb G tleineo o said
ai h streets, of Utah.
9 conmissloneYs bt Salf Lake at9,pi Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of
I- Leah:
SECTION I.That Title 41 of The
I. covRev,aed Utah, 1965"re 5oI Lake hi That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
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Salt Lake City Bill bb 108 of 1965
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;s(SEALNEr' J.NDy Recorder. I-
aa Published November e,1969 (C-52)'•
My Coth,n . .xpyes(/ f