108 of 1971 - Amending Sections 35-1-5 and -6, requiring maintenance of railroad crossing to conform to statutory ROLL CALL 1 November 11 1 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah ,197 Barker . . . . Catmull I move that the Ordinance be passed. ' Garn . . . . % �✓ 1zG�`�/� !/- Harrison . . . /� ' Mr.Chairman ✓ Resuif N ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 35-1-5 and 35-1-6, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to street crossings by railroads. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 35-1-5 and 35-1-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to street crossings and obstructions by railroads, be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 35-1-5. Planking and paving on grade crossings. All railway companies shall keep every portion of every street or alley used by it and upon or across which tracks shall be constructed and maintained in good and safe con- dition for public travel and such railroad companies shall keep the same planked, paved, macadamized or otherwise in such condition for public travel as the board of commissioners may from time to time direct, keeping the planking, pavement or other surface of the street or alley level with the top of the rails of the track. The portions of the streets or alleys to be so kept and maintained by all such railway companies shall include all the space between their different rails and tracks and also a space outside of the outer rail of each outside track of at least two feet in width for the full width of said street, alley or sidewalk over which the tracks pass, unless otherwise directed by the board of commissioners. If, within thirty days after written notification from the board of commissioners to plank, pave, repave, macadamize or otherwise repair its railroad street crossings as hereinabove provided, any railway company fails or refuses to do so, the city may plank, pave, repave, macadamize or otherwise repair such rail- road street crossings and thereafter recover all costs and expenses incidental thereto in a civil action to be brought against such railway company in any court having jurisdiction thereof. "Sec. 35-1-6. Obstructions to streets. Removal and restora- tion of streets. If, at any time after the commencement of the construction of any railroad, it shall appear to the board of commissioners that any part thereof shall constitute an obstruc- tion or impediment to the ordinary use of any street or place, or that it is being operated contrary to the ordinances of the city, the said railroad company shall, on notice from the board of commissioners, and within the time therein specified, provide a remedy satisfactory to said board; should the said company fail or refuse to obey the directions of such notice, the board of commissioners may, upon the expiration of the time limited in such notice, cause the obstruction or impediment to be removed, and the street or place restored at the expense of the said railroad company which may be recovered in a civil action in any court having jurisdiction thereof." �1_08 -2- SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this llth day of November , 1971. 1 Mayor a R rd A^ (SEAL) BILL NO. 108 of 1971 Published November 24, 1971 VS Affidavit of Publication STATE OF 'UTAH, 1 - s9. County of Salt Lake _ _ __._-_-.._ Botty_Phelns.- „� AN ORDINANCE AN ORDIN dNCE1 A al NDINilii IC,v ec- Ordinances of Snit Lake City,Utah, Being, .s first duly worn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- ,6S,relating to street crossings by railroads. tt.sin clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) Be ii ortlalnetl by the Board of , ,Co hmissloners of Salt Lake City, newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- dEis i i"of the That ee ordir es cu.lation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lain f Salt Lake City,Utah,19e5, tat-I of to Meer sings d bstroc- County', in the State ofUtah, lions e ebV ae railroads,d lone done foh1 y Mows: 'Sec. ]5ros Planking d pavtnd o grade crossings.keep and o - That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto RnNea hall keep every hurting II beat'rune'or Ileli son by r e e, hor n vma tracks hall be ar°hate cro5 d m grained in aona� nd'sage uch railrloadd for hIie travel shall "_An._Ordinance-gel.a.t.izag_t9- T'6�t-�-s'n.ssj-ng-spy_ shaul and the-Macadamized same plankedotherwise such, roaraaamlzea or mherwlse In •contlllion for public travel as the pp NTi 1Od (_7 board'of commissioners may from, -Y'2.11.r4�dS�._..6i�1�.i Ds_ vY_fl ,i�{�___. dime Ip time direct( looping rhe. --_-'- --� lotaltkienalreervom a llev level ack.h r thei ,tau of the rails of the track. The! Aorlloans of CO,atTets or Revs - --�_ --- - - ----- CC railway d des shed be II such l�ihea space companies theirs different i,Ij ago thaws nda Iso lot ea np0ur: ------------ - ------ sal- ire<k f a least two feet eet far the full idih of ale Str_el,alley or sidewalk overwhich /1he dYecks as less otherwise stlrtetetl by the boards p!<amml, tit- ten'Ifbi ctiionrhtriovro'a aboard`lift nmmPaammera m PoankathePrl e' was published in said newspaper on _N_omenlaas24,_1C971_-_ ephle-Its railroad street crossings] ,Bs aheremnave rcvlded, a o! wan oary fails o p+us.s a s, piano. ioaoave a �oailroades o mssinos ire It aacpter railroad r all o s no 1 and heron, r all 5osassl nd P Se'o'bid nt incidental thereto tl t h — , \� �� II IISIi ISR 351d'n Oti tr t' it b I , 1 l cum Brian�ecoeetn reo°ine -- -------- �l.pgtll R�nert ant at The railroad,it shall boaia thereon i.tit/tg( rk lobstructlon t impediment to gee nor t or confrarvr tol'Mel ordamoceso o rated city, me said raiirnad cur a, 0 Isdall,im police Irvin thee hoard f the etnssson and widen ne lime ciii opeiil�d, provide remedy 24th olUsatiefagldore to sa°aa.boar.fsb.0dr before me this day of beyaa'1 a`dig��I�ns f°ec6e n c, to the board of commissioner., v , NO'i1Cen no e>voiiaon of ma may, _-- -_ A,D. I9__7.L_- bstrudloo for Imo ent toere- move. sioed at and n the street or saldvrad. read onnvx1'irth mnya Vo Board asrpn a CVCCommissioners m ssionenoa.'n tour!It ass F_CTION Z.In tde o o1 Salt l kn etce. salt it is necessary le - "=J_C-r— ine nonce.health and n/the inhabitants eeakaCivt Notary Public this or&iVrncebcome/etie In, mECION 3. This ordinance hall la,seed upon as arst f corn on. Passed by the Board of an,this or Salt Lake November.19,. this Ilih aey of J.BR EN ,1,i I BRACKEN Manor 11J-IHSERALIN J.t{IICFN',h_N 1ILL MO.spa of le/I CIry Recorder P..,,oed N77-, _ 2e,197- fA)g7