109 of 1918 - Amending Paragraph 2 in Section 1 of Franchise of June 6th to Salt Lake and Utah Railroad Company 9t r ROLL CALL VOTING AYE. NAY Salt Lake City, t. � ,Utah, L Y o.vamuer 2.6th_ ,1918. Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. Green ....__ Neslen Scheid Mr. Chairman r Result AN ORDINANCE An Ordinance amending' the second part_--ranh in .section 1 of an Ordinance passed ey the Board of Corii- missioners of salt hake City, Utah, June 6th, 1918, grant— ing to the Suit hake & Utah Uailroad Coraoany a franchise over certain streets of Salt hake City. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: S-RC'TION 1: That the second -aaragraph in Section 1 of an Ordinance passed by the Board of Commiss— ioners of Salt .Lake Cii; Utah, June 6th, 1918, granting a fron.chise to the Batt I,ake & Utah Railroad Company over certain streets in .Gait Lake City, be, and the arms is hereby amended so as to read as follows; "Beginning at a point in the center of the 3uLt hake and Utah Railroad Dompany's track, us now located and constructed on Jirot Mot `_street, 205.35 feet north of the monument line on ninth South 3lreot, thence along a carve to the left having a radius of 200 foot in a south.eatorly direction 48.9 feet; thence south 14 degrees and no minutes east from the aforesaid center line feet, thence mlany a curve to the left having a radius of 150 feet 199.0 :Poet to a point 7.86 feet south of the monument line on ninth loath street; thence easterly parallel with and 7.86 feet south of the monument line on tlinth iouth Street 963.05 feet; thence alone: :a curse _to the ariPht withradius of 200 feet 16%..36 `�6 a point on the south prolaorty i.gix of 'ninth _-'oath Street." '-'. UTT.'31,T 2: ao provisions of 1, is Ordinance shall be accepted in writirw Med with the lity .:ecorder of bit hake City by the fake and uLah Jaoad Comrany within 30 days after the effective date hereof, otherwise, this Ordinaneo shall be null tnd void. ,:1!:CTION 3: This Ordinance 0hs11 taOe oftect 31 dads after its paoseP:e. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Colt Lake City, Utah, November 1910. or. City 12.ec 111 7 W u9sew_ 4£ £1 ^£ f f£ . fi i � 1 0 O v 'g saa p ZE SI •.c 5' „ • -r J/ uYo/' 1 e f ' ;e.g.?iaq/Pi,/h'!✓ .. .f .'Uosu9 i.eiouea./7 iuyor•iouoa/,7 r;. g' ss/741 NPW /e- 61 .rado/ad ./awr7 , a4e/r Pz//� e 6 C/a/9f/ 41/49/.1 o ' o 1 t1 erueug stli,,, -: CZ .z tV •, - _.__—.. Q I zys`ay W'C'"7 '7,/nw/y, /�sfay,s/*:auisr R s- 5-. 6osii../oGv s9 9 b 1 •0 .5./ r 6/ o'9S,' ' 564 66 "' •o 9'Y/ 01 ay 9i �YOS£ •47.6£ 4 0 O 0 0 O C. O 0 C O 0 O —m.y''-'9. 9 0 o o HILN IN o 0 v0 �`' W 9 zrti. o'+ ® ; VIze 9 4 zei m 66 Uasrioy./-, 4�Q m 9 ' W .1;7'4P//4,11NGf o•, '� V 1 smP//t�/u Not• f uoSAi y ..c1 ---...------ -- - •U - 4 k 1 - - a ,-,1: „ OE ''',A d' ,uouS`oz(/d.Io7 6C • '"'-- - .8 D sh „ PE Uos/aV_,suafs£ - -4.9/YW„Vit.'999i'd - Y to f o£ L Sf B Z • 5f g poo.„(,fJsB/ 'E 6 0 4£ 6 t sU/qoa,PUuy 7..7 01 lin £4 r.. : V ) Li N Uasuap aiuuW zf 11 m :E ,, U m O ri_. .._. .. 4 rti Go.9daPu,"/�a/JPd If -1 'f at .� ' .... /, Cf f' • 1, of £1 s/ay/a.g//Pqa, //4"9"1/J1 a/snr °l • LZ p yyFWOh"uyorT P — sp/FM/9;214 chill-_ 91 Gas/ia7')1 P_Ie/J b- s' •r: 6' ,asy£. - , 1 i , I 11 ', j I 1 ' AI q 1 it 1, t1 I 1 / c.f. 41 . 66 6. I -+/,CX Y uy°/' re 91 . i£ s'+/saw/RY/sip'iv6✓ , L, - x - oe :a//Dray f si°/ieV/7 P 1 /E. s•/060p.p 62 g1 J'r/fde zrLkl . _-- tniu r -- 67 GI .4.'°r/�pe f s:7 . a,,,sxr BIi/7.. et 60-- Ls//`f�' 'q �`d,° �° 4 �y 9cveu,,rs/y, LZ Oz Lt 677 ' Q -.__._ °Z .Ibysfor.,ra,*('r.,•7•,'nWf. - " ___ iZ'.?i,-fgy'r/0(eu jnry^. - . Q• sz Zz aorrJ.�er� . ., ------s z z f .'/-.t.w y'l ve 1,z V .• y y -pane,.,eyS az f fs J3 •o"' _..e? .°95'i a ,,xes. e. " -•o' '0'? of . .o'9s?. �1081i ,478E - O o p O O m ° I o u n � O • e'es/d o a o HflLN1N o W 1 y ze/ 66 N' 1: y aor/JlO y fr7uay/ap1N6o/°b a b111111 • sure//.M% H°b c P_ _ , • 1 R�. 8¢ 44� G , • aouS ozuaAo7 Ss a, :1 - -1 — ef S uo47a0/J sua/•6E s -11.°/°f/;y/{sawF. r k i Se- hrin •,u • L 9e Se P Z .. se 9 • L suarod.odkf/f£ 0I . -� , e£ 0r 1 Ts tiasua/riuuW ze ze it o N W e w GoPJapog/4/✓da l e ZI ' . If zI . 0' — lift °'P BP.,/91cu'.,ez s$ ez s, -,ae/fa g//Bgay}, /B5".tu9/..tid/1.n�.LZ 91 i •tf.7nd/evoN.. Li g Li i e4<‘"-PA/4y"f°/ we'ip.,7d/wti/sz 81 te�ej_,vz el —— _ • Lasvafx b ib .9411 ; r as7.7£2 _ __ t f r r j. • X If 1j 11 1 ',I • rcr j C (t3