109 of 1950 - Annexation extending the limits of Salt Lake City. ROLL CALL N T 17 1950
Salt Lake City,Utah, ,195
Affleck Gam' I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . . . L pr
�� " ' �tw
Lingenfelter a. .J...
Romney . . . . --
Mr. Chairman . . J, j
WHEREAS, on the 13th day of June, 1950, there was filed with
r, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 573 by George J.
Phillips, et. al., (being a majority of the owners of real property
, y;gituated in the tract hereinafter described), requesting that said
tract of land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City, and also
caused an accurate map of plat to be made and certified to by a compe-
. tent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer to be filed with the
City Recorder.
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake
City and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and
made a part of the said city; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after
examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land and con-
sidering the circumstances thereof voted by unanimous vote of all mem-
bers of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake
City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said
territory and the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City accord-
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, Utah :
SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the
sane are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following
described tract of land in Salt Lake C&unty, to-wit:
Beginning at a point in the present City Limit Boundary of
Salt Lake City, said point being N. 890 56' 53" E., 205.95 feet
from the northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 13, F. M. Lyman, Jr. is
S}}rvey of Section 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and running
thence along the present City Limit Boundary throughout this
entire description, N. 5° 261 01" W. 17.129 feet; thence N. 5°
261 20" E. 63.285 feet; thence N. 30° 37' 10" E. 28.47 feet;
thence N. 12° 59' 40" E. 33.354 feet; thence N. 4° 21' W.
46.133 feet; thence N. 49° 33' 10" E. 40.079 feet; thence
N. 69° 56' 40" E. 33.533 feet; thence N. 58° 30' 10" E.
101.447 feet; thence N. 30° 18' 40" F. 112.939 feet; thence
N. 61° 25' 30" E. 63.767 feet; thence N. 18° 07' 20" E.
86.806 feet; thence N. 6° 11' W. 60.351 feet; thence N. 19°
41' 10" E. 57.88 feet; thence N. 80° 54' 30" 88.610 feet;
thence S. 83° 14' 30" E. 67.97 feet; thence S. 25° 05' E.
103.79 feet; thence S. 80° 27' 08" E. 37.216 feet, to a point
in the west line of Lot 4, Block 13, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field
Survey; thence N. 9° 03' 34" E. 224.0 feet; thence S. 61° 10'
10" E. 60.59 feet; thence N. 25° 54' 50" E. 1)40.5 feet; thence
N. 70° 54' 50" E. 221.9 feet; thence N. 51° 52' 50" E. 249.7
feet; thence S. 58° 53' 10" E. 123.1 feet; thence N. 79° 24'
40" E. 140.5 feet; thence h. 89° 24' 40" E. 0.24 feet; thenc.
S. 0° 00' 20" E. 150.74 feet; thence S. 89° 49' 10" E.�122.3 . _
feet;_ thence N. 20° 04' 38" E. 227.4 feet; thence N:-15° 45')
35" E. 77.86 feet; thence S. 89° 49' 10" E. 572.71 feetj
thence N. 0° 12' 32" W. 171.04 feet; thence S. 89° 26' 19"
E. 105.6 feet; thence N. 35° 53' 40" E. 233.19 feet; thence
N. 12° 56' 53" E. 222.75 feet; to the south property line of
Thirteenth South St.; thence along the said south property
line of Thirteenth South St., N. 89° 56' 53" E. 306.95 feet;
thence S. 0° 04' 05" E. parallel to and 165.0 feet westerly
from the west line of Twenty-first East St. a distance of
1146.3 feet; thence S. 89° 49' 10" E. 165.0 feet; thence N.
88° 13' 47" E. 66.04 feet; thence S. 0° 04' 04" E. 287.1 feet
thence S. 88° 32' 40" W. 66.0 feet; thence N. 89° 49' 10" B.
165.0 feet; thence S. 0° 04' 05" E. 1265.27 feet, to a point
168.43 feet north of the north line of Seventeenth South St.;
thence parallel to said north line of Seventeenth South St.,
N. 89° 49' 10" W. 1188.0 feet, more or less to a point 165.0
feet easterly from the east line of Nineteenth East St.; theme
parallel to said East line of Nineteenth East St., N. 0° 12'
32" W. 972.38 feet; thence S. 89° 31' 53" W. 1559.10 feet,
more or less to the point of beginning. Said above described
tract being a portion of Blocks 13 and 14, 5 Acre Plat C, Big
Field Survey,and Blocks 13 and 14, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey
of Section 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and contains
91.50 acres;
mad that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground as
shown upon the map or plat.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Wa ole of the above
described property be and is hereby zoned as Residential "A" Dis-
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shal
thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City
and zoned as Residential "A" District as in the ordinance provided
and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or per
taining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made applica-
ble and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets,
blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled mad
governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in
that behalf and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thence-
forth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed
to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the
map or plat above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as
provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and ,safetyof the inhabitants
� p
of Salt Lake City that this ordinancea;sh4 l beceme effective imme-
diately. ;;
SECTION h.-;.This ord.imance ali` take''effect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this /7 day of r, , A. D. 3016.
�.�d or
City Recorder. `J
City and-County of Salt Lake,
Irma 11'. Bitner,
I, _ ___-__ ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City,"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, October 17th, 0,.:;x1950
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
13th November' 1950
of said City, this day of X
(SEAL) ., q�
e^• \'1a.,T. NO. 109 1950 City Recorder.
• Published. October 20th, $$1
/ q
AN ORDINANCE 12 min.32 see.,W.171.04 ft.;thence n 0/(�,',�)
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE g,89hence 2N. 35.deg.19 e53 min.. 90`- ��`t_' Q"•�
LIMITS WHEREAS,SA on theR1�hlTY.day Of 56 nm n.53 E. 3 sec.,E.thence
22.75 ft.;12
to the }af f
Jung,1950,there w h d the south property line of Thirteenth 55id , (I Ce
City Recorder of Salt Lake City South St.; thence along the said
lips,ci No. n bya majors T. the south property line of Thirteenth
rt Of, (being majority of the 0.South t 89 den.56 min. e. 04
of real property situatedibed). n-In E. ,306.9505s [.; thanell St 0 deg. 04 ,)
the ling[hereinafter described(, [be In.es sec.,E.parallel to and a of
taken within het eid titct of land ke T. sv y-firs bast Che wet line of_) P.�ns
takenda he.Gets of Salt Lake Twenty-first t East SC, a distance of , b�s)
City, end lsa .used an cur io 1196.3, thence ft 89 deg.49 min. w
map of plat to be made surveyor
cent- d sec. E. . 47 sec.,
thence N. 88 f �tl
fp to by a the City surveyor and deg. a min. g7 c., E. 66.04 ft.; "1- \
tildapproved by the City EnglneeRecorder.
to be thence.S.; 0 deg. S. min.e. sec.,E.t. T
filed with a City Recorder. 287.1 ft.;thence S.88 deg.32 min. g
WHEREAS. the said tract Of Iantl 90 se W. 66.0 ft.; thence N. 89
it contiguous to Salt Lake City and deg. 49 min. 10 sec..W. 165.0 ft.; }F$tiy
l there i no proper reason.why It thence S.0 deg.04 min.05 sec.,E. V\
should not be annexed to and made 1265.27 ft., to a point 168.43 ft. '
a part E the said city: and north f the north H. of Seven- 'y
'�� WHEREAS, the Board of Commis-mts- een.South St.; thence parallel to,1 tSY-
stoners of Salt Lake City. after e- said north line of Seventeenth South
ambling said petition of said own- St., N.89 deg,49 in 10 see.,W. -
of said trace b'land and en.; 1188.0 ft., more
r less to' a point 3 µ
sleerleg the c:can stales the et 165.0 ft.easterly from the east line
voted by unanimous vote of ail f Nineteenth East St.;thence pleat- M
• members Of old Board in favor of of
to said East line of Nineteenth ap A
annexing said tract f land to Salt e (D
Lake City and directed that a East St.,N.0 deg. 12 t89 de s
dlnane ghoul. be passed an eo'Ing W.`. 53 sec.,
thence S. 89 deg.m3ore
sell territory and the exlentlon of min. 53 s c., W. 155 egi fn, mo y N
the city limits of Salt Lake City r lase e a point a bein1n beginning poi-Said ` 4
accordingly. or
described tract being port
NOW. THEREFORE, be it or- lion [ Blocks 13 and 14, 5-Acre 't " Ft.,
did by the Board of Commission- Flea C,Blg14,Field Survey,and Bi0Ck3 �\
1e and 14, F. 16 Lyman JR. Bur-
r f Salt Lake That'
r esit 6 i.
a SECTION 1. That'the city limits vet'of Section I6,T.1D15.,R. 1 E.,
of Salt Lake Cky be and the same S. es B. &that
and ewing beets 0 ` p f
and that the samehas been
are s herebyu extended d enlarged detl 0,.'���
so to Include the following de- correctly staked out upon the ground �v��
Abed tract of land in Salt Lake s shown upon the map or plat. (,
County, to-wit', a AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED Q `,/M1)
Beginning at a point in the pies- that the whole of the above de- �fp
nt City Limit Boundary of Salt scribed property be a d is hereby �1•
Lake City,, said point being N. 89 zoned as Residential"A"District. '1
deg. 56 In- 53 a E. 205.95 ft. z AND HE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
from the northwest corner of Lot 2, and declared that when this al- fD
Block 13,F.M.Lyman de's Survey nan a takes effect the said tract of
• f Section 16. T. 1 Bn R 1 E., S. land above described shall thence-
L. B. & and running thence forth be within the corporate limits
long the present City Limit Boun- ofa
said Salt Lake City d zoned as
dary throughout this entire escrlp- Residential A" District as 1n the W F
Eon, N.5 s
g. 26 min 01 W. ordinance provided, and all ordl-
17.129 ft.;thence N.5 deg.26 min natters,jurisdictions.rules and bite R .A
20 se E. 53.to se.; thence N.r 30 gallons of or pertaining to said Salt"�`` (s_
deg. 37 min. 10 sec.. E, 28.47 ft; Lake City are extended over and N.
thence N. /2 deg. 59 min. de sec., made applicable an pertinent to 1 S
E. 33.354 ft; thence N. 4 deg. 21 the said tract l land, and the
In., W 46.133 ft.; thence N. 49 streets, blocks, alleys and ways 7
deg. 33 in. 10 s E. 40.079 ft.; sold tract shall be controlled a. /
thence Nm 69 deg.e56 min. 40 see., 6t -13
2.,,d by the ordinances, rules
E. 33.533 ft.; thence N. 58 deg. 30regulations of Said city In that
min. 10 sec.. E. 101.447 ft.; thencee and
behalf and the monuments of the Ill �OOg N. 30 deg. 18 min. 90 sec.. E. City Engineer shall thenceforth be i (D
112.939 It,; thence N. 61 deg- 25 taken therein as the standards of
min. 30 sec., E. 63.767 ft.; thence locations and distances. \
N.18 deg.07 min,20 sec..E.86.906 SECTION 2. Upon the passage of
ft; thence N. 6 deg. 11 min., W this ordinance the City Recorder
60.351 ft.,thence N 19 deg.91 min. Salt Lake City shall file and she 1s N N a
10 see., E. 67.88 ft.; thence N. 80 hereby directed to file with the r
deg.e54 min. 30 se E.88.610 ft.; County Recorder of Salt Lake Co.-N A .i '
thence S. 83 deg, 14 min. 30 sec.. ty a copy of the map or plat bove . it
E. 67.97 It.; thence S. 25 deg. OS mentioned duly certified and e y
In.,E.10"3.79 ft.;thence S 80 deg. knowledged, a provided In such 7C
27 min.,08 sec a
E.37.216 ft., to c together with a certified copy 0_ �(D
point in the west litre f Lot 4, of cases.
Ordinance RV.I
Block 13, 5-Acre Plat C.off Big Field SECTION 3. In the opinion ( •
Survey;thence N.0 deg.03 In.34 the Booed of Commissioners, St Is
„E.2290 ft.; thence S. 61 deg. to the peace, health and N. r
10 min.10 sec.,E.60.59 ft.;thence necessary n f'
N.25 deg.54 min.50 sec.,E.140.5 safety f the Inhabitants of Salt N
ft; thence N. 70 deg. 54 min. 50 Lake becometi ffehtivet is ordinance shall Q
E.221.9 It.; thence N.51 deg. e 4'�C C;
52c min.50 sec.,E.249.7 ft.; thence SECTION 9. This ordinance shall
S.58 deg.53 min.10 sec.,E.123.1 take effect at once upon its first YV4 as
Lthence e g5eFM publication. 9y�
E 140.5 ft.;; thnc N. 89 de24 Passed by the Board of Commis- m \min. 40 sec.. E. 30.29 ft.; thence toners of Salt Lake CIt]'.Utah,this y_ p� .04
S.0 deg.00 min.20 sag.,E.150.74 'i 17th day of OCtOher, A.D. 1950. `At t�1 p-
ft.; thence S. 89 deg. 49 in. 10 EARL J.GLADE. V�ps C6n4 r
sec.E. 122.3 ft.;thence N. 20'deg. Mayor. "it
04 min.38 sec.,E.227.47 ft.;thence fRMA F.BITNER, City Recorder. \ 1{,
N. 5 deg.45 In.35 sec.,E.,77.86 (SEAL) �`lr[ _
ft.; thence S. 89 deg.e49 min. tO BILL NO. 109
sec.,E.572.71 ft.;thence N.0 deg. Published October 20th,1950
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
WHEREAS, on the 13th day of I. Cfl-V^V
Juno,1550,there was filed with the - =
City Recorder of Salt Lake City
Petition No,573 by George J.Phil-
lip,et al,being a majority of the Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
os of I property S1tnated in
the tract hereinafter described),r
questing o that sant-t:act f;and be vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
taken within the Ilm.ts f Halt Lake
Citty, and also caused 5 accurate
of plat to bem de an cent- published in Salt Lake Cityq� Salt Lake Count in the State
fled to by .tent surveyor and
:/f County,
alaProved by the City Engineer to be
filed with he City Recorder. of Utah.
WHEREAS,the said tract o[land
Is ci
contiguous to Salt Lake City and
.there ason why it
should is
be annexed to to and ade
a peat f the mill ed city); and That the advertisement
WHEREAS,the a Board f Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City, after ex-
amining Id petition of said own-
ers cans
o: sold:treed of circumstances
and can- --
voted b the unanimous vote thereof .1P._.O.I:d111 [1 S:P,..�37-.LZ-.1uQy..-]:Q9
e•m bersy ofu dldl'B'Board n of ail
v v
annexing t In favor f
sale tract of land In Salt
Lake City and directed 11 that
said d story e passed annexing
One ;.crrl foxy and the extension City
One ally Ilmlts of Salt f cue city
acco_W, y.
dained by the Board of Commission-
ersSECTION 1. That y the t city Emits
of sal:Lake City be and She same was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
e hereby extended end enlarged
nclWe,the''olloing de-
rlutd to
of land, Salt Lake day of A.D.19
sernty,tracttosor E;
Beg n,n g at anoint in the pres-
t Clty Lhv It Boundary of Salt
Lake City, said point being'N. 89 and was published on October 20, J.950
deg. 56 min. 53 eebi, E. 205.95 fc.
from therth n
west corner of Lot 2,
Rock 13,F.N.LymanJr.'s Survey
f Section•16,Tr�-A;, R t E., S.
of Section
the ptesenl and
Clrunning thence the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
daly throughout this entire U criD-
1 N 5 deR 26l eg W. day of A.D.19
,t5.n P 5 deg. „10 �'
20 C. 63,j8$JE then N.30
d 5 37 In, 10 E. 28.49 IL; �/
Lien.N 2 Tde} 59 min, 40 /J�/.;
i 3J. 4 4Lislt3 JQe N. {.-deg.
N 49 ,,Ij 4„ (L ZA ..
deg. 3 min.,:10;f t rE 40 0�9 t1.; , [ydvert2sing Clem•-
ti N.BO,/,�g�Sfi,,mlt1.,40 .
E.3410 galA{14n(•y 47 50 degbe30
N-In3u pdea9�[I�gl"��d�rr��R,�1rRW�,17}}r.pph�; ,fence
117,939 It.; RQ[sctIJk9Aj•;dtg. 2A
In 30 ,,,te7.46'I dot: thence.N.18 tleg9e0'mftl.20 sec. 8B 806 f4.; thencC N:'R�I��11t?,'In.;1 W, f 2 y sday of
60.3Ic , t 57.11 II•• do8...1 min ern to before me this
. ac., E, 5'1NB ft.: thence N, 80
thence S. 8s3 deg. 14 mlis..610
mfr.E. ,1 C.103.79 Cl;u th nao S.80gdcg A.D.19 50
27 min.,08 se E.97-216 IL, to a
p,t l th 1 If I Lot 4 SlaSurvey;ck thence 0 dt.0 fl'3 IliIn Ir34 i,
224.0 eft thence61 er. !/ • `/ A�
g. E.60.39 . thence L' rbba�)./ � yy /.,I4, thence N. 70 deg.s 54 E.14in 70 y tr
52n min,501 see.,Et1249.7 N.56ho eg, Notary PublIye
S.58 deg.53 min.10,e.,E9 123.1 s.
ft.,thence N.79 drg.29 min. 0 ec.,E. 1405 ft.; thenre N. 89 deg, oe In. 40Inc., E. 30.24 ft.; thcnee S.0 deg.00 min.20 sec. E.150.i4 ft.; thence S. 89 leg.e49 min. 10
04c m1En.382 seclmE.thence
27,47 1t.;thenre N.15 deg.45 In.35'sec. E.77.86
Ec 572.71 II..nce S. R9 dtheenceO N,no dog.10
12,_in.32 sec„W.171,0h ft. thence S.89 deg.26 min.19 sec,E.I05.6 It,: thence N. 35 deg, 53 min. p
rec..E.233.19 It.;thence N.12 den.
sou 56 min 53 sex„E.222.75 fl;ht n the
South t. St.Uerhen.^ne along T tbcr saitl Louth Property lire of Thirteonrb
• ouch St.,N.S9 deb.56 min..53 se
13 305,95 it thence S. 0 deg. 09
.05 Sec.,F.parallel to and.65.0
It. ottttleo :torn the t tine of
T11t40.3-1.,t nee St. a dcc 49 n,
104 se , thence S.89 dog.40 m88
d1 . E. 1ti5.0 s . thence N. t;
thence S.
min. g.! sec., F.0066 sec.,
thence.; 0 deg.04 m n.0. .c .,E.
90'I.e 1,.;thence 9.HH den.32`.t9
de0 a ntW fi10 sew,
thence N. 09
then sec.,
min. se n. 165.0n ft.;
thence2 ,2S. ,leg.04 poin.05 se E.
It, to a point of Se43 n-
orth of the north line 0 Seven-
teenth to
tale th South St.:thence parallel to
.h lineof Seventeenth tot South
118 o,leg.tl 99 min. 10 s point
lost It., n r from
to alp ine
165.0 It.easterly from the rapt line
of N tail S atsE Fe thence parch
lel topaid East lire of n.03 girth
Aril003 N.0 deg.12 min.d2 p
. 2.3H e,;.thence S.89 .deg.more re
min.o s IncW.of begs in.
ar loes a a`belnt of beginning.Said
abottotl t Blocks
;act being a Acre
Lion D: Bit cis 13 and and
13 C,Big F. Outcry,and a Blocks
and ec do 15M.Lyman.r.. E
vey L.
Section 16 1 contains R.1£0
5. cc B. d.M.t and amha teen
`eand that thetsame has been
ery staked the uponl or
N shown upon URTIIEp oc Dplat.
that t Ih le of
that the 1000le the above eby
scribe000ed property be and i1 hereby99.
zoned as Residential FURTHER.
SR. R Aoct.
andN➢elE cd that when
nance and declared that when this of of
e Lakes effect the said tract e-
fora above din heed shall thence-
forthSt00 be within the corporate edlimits
Residential Bald Salt Lake ant a ned a
ordinaceDistrict, llas oin ordi-
nances, provided, and an oral-
s,Jurisdictions,idiots,rules and obli-
k or per:xtingende to sold over
Lake City a ended and
made auPl tract¢of
d pertinent to
he said tract o :and, and the
streets, mocks, alleys and led d
said tract shall be controlled and
governed ll the laid city
I rules
and l regulations of said ens In that
behalf, and the monuments of the
City Engineer shall the standard be
token therein dl 2nt standards of
locationsF2211ON d aUponcho.
SECTION r. to C she ecorder of
this Deanetrot the l nil Recorder of
Salt e Lake City shall file and she Is
hereby directed t file the
a c Reef hr m Salt Lake Coun-
ty a copy of the mop ie plat above
mentioned e duly certified and
knOw,¢toga, s provided In such
together with a cer;lfled copy
of thiordinance.I
SECTION 3. on the opinion of
the Board of Cope peace,
healt It is
necessary to the habce, is andt
cake of the Inhthis ordhla of Salt
Lake etiv that this tedinany shall
become effective immediately.ar
SECTION 4, once upon
take effect on. at once upon Its first
Passed by the Board Dl of ugh,this
sioners l of Sal`,Lake'City,i'.ah,this
1'1th toy of October, A.L.1950.
IRMA F.B[TNEA, City RPetntlei.
BILL 109
October 20Eh,1950