11 of 1909 - Ordinance 11 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Sections 382 & 383, re: pawnbrokers and license for II AN ORDINANCE . • An ordinance amending and re-enacting Sections 382 and 383 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council July 26, 1904, and approved by the Mayor July 29, 1904. • i Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 382 and 383 of the Revised Ordinances lof Salt Lake City of 1903, as.amenided by an ordinance passed by the City Council July 26, 1904, and approved by the Mayor July 29, 1904, ibe, and the same hereby are amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: SSOTIO2 382. PAUBROKERS. Any person or persons, firm or corporation who engages in the business of loaning money on de- posit or pledge of personal property or anything of value, or who deals in the purchasing of personal property or anything of value on soadition of selling the same baok again at a etipulat d price, or who by any means, method or device loans money on per4 sonal property when the same is deposited for security, or is deposite4 for any other purpose, is hereby declared to be a pawnbroker, for the purposes of this ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any person or persona, firm or oos�- poration to carry on the business of pawnbroker without previou- ly having obtained a license so to do in accordance with the prd- visions hereinafter oontained and set forth. A sign or adver- Ili tisement indicating that any person is engaged in the above kind of business shall be received as prima facie evidence against such person that he is engaged in the business and pursuit therl- j in advertised. SECTION 383. AMOUNT OF LICENSE. BOND. Every person who shall engage in the business of pawnbroker, as in Section 381 defined, shall, before engaging in such business, obtain from the City of Salt Lake a license therefor, and for such license 11 -e- shall pay into the City Treasury a license tax of $100.00 per such annum (noAlicense to be issued for a less period than six months' , and shall before receiving such license, enter intoj, good au e440044460,a.:1 AOltA sufficient bond with at least two sureties,Ato be approved by the Mayug, in the penal sum of $1,000.00, conditioned for pie oveloti observan4W,Uf4t1 ordtAMnees i7.00.100ing ,parnVOkets; I> • ,, proVide4, that the 41ollim40 ptW,ded for in thiefieetfit'i0shllo permit the licensee(toodMile3lhe busimefis of,Mer4404. ! -• 3E0144. 2. A11 otd4akei* 4m000solution‘ or pirts of)ordAuf 914 71**(4uttons in conflictileowith Are hereby repealed gith*ext'Un su0cOnfliot. •' OECOION 3. This ordinago shall iake*tect upon..ap*vati, iv , ' • --- .4., . . _-, , -•,-, ' . , . 1.,' . • -S- . . , . •, teci OC).00It lo xal earreol/ a troo.--tevV yttO ad? Oa t tag !lade done ,feritrrotri via ad t bollec gaol 14,.,/o1 bezel! ad or aostooll,on) mule bria .6003 a ()tat latAto ,camoott dosrattiv.tooses trikeact /lade bits . , . xd bevo.lqq.g et( 01. ,oettovom awl. tassel hi 'alw hood toeforitoo ., . . ...,_.., - , 0,1 ,Ac,1 benotti o .004000.11 lo zoo - odt ra . avail! a + , . "Rt. -6.04ert '8fft 11 . a ""C • iit<kZ c -e ,...orrd etr.qa,--thtcsorr400moott erft 4 wo 1... .... 7 • '• ga r-4 , k , *ri. xe 6 'IN., eg yortorf @,-‘,\ Elwrea goo al arrotth; i, .. i.1 \s av cleAckr I - lois' o ge , = ai tbto stiff.S°.:71.: 114-r . ., 7 ., . ..T. • :.. . • , . , .... 4.. , . ,. , 1,. ,. ., • , , . , . - eciyr