11 of 1935 - Amending Chapter 7, relating to the Board of Health, relating to piggeries or pigsty. ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY / Sait bake City, FEB 20,Utah, 193
Gohgi" I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser yy/�
Knight U` (G' (�\ %"
Lee Mr. //
Chairman - - -I✓�.'� AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE Ali?ENDING CHAPTEft 7, i-,u sed Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, by adding in and to said Chapter a new
section to be known as Section 303, relating to the board of Health.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Chapter 7, F.evised Ordinances of Malt
Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to the „oard. of Health, be and the
same is hereby amended by adding in and to sa-id Chapter a new sec-
tion to be _mown as :,eetion 308, which shall read as follows:
SECTION 308. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person
to maintain, operate, conduct or continue in operation any pig
ranch, pig yard, piggery or pigsty, or to keep, maintain or feed
any pigs in or within one mile of the limits of Salt Lake City
without first obtaining a permit from the Board of Health of
salt Lake City.
yy (b) _ac=:. a slicant for permit to carry on any business
or trade named herein or to keen, maintain or feed Wigs as afore-
said shall in order to -feet the expense incident to the regula-
tion thereof pay to the board of health at the time of Waking
application for a permit and annually thereafter while said busi-
ness shall continue in operation a, fee based upon the number of
pigs in possession or under the control of the applicant as
More tha__ one and less than ten pigs . . . ,5.00
Ten pigs or more . $25.00
(c) The application for permit shall contain the loca-
tion of the proposed business or trade, the number of pigs kept
or intended to be kept and must be subscribed to by the applicant
(d) No business or trade named herein shall be started,
operated, maintained or permitted to occrate in or Tithin one
mile of the limits of ; ?.71.-L Luke City oth.er,:sise thanice 4n eecord-
vi.th the tencjis of the -pcomit issued therefor by fhe
board or health and all lawful rules Or reenTatIons as shHa
from time to tihe he drc.acritcd. by the board. of health. Lou
shala any person establish, erate op maintsin any such busi-
, ness or trade until, the loord of ficalth shall heve approved
the location thercef and such businesc or trade shall be
ocorated only at such place designeted in the permlt issued
hy the ,oard of Health.
(e) It 2h.J'a1. be unlawful to leave ex-posed, burn, bury
on otherTise dispose of garbaLe, waste '-o.atter, animal or vele-
table matter or offal, otre:.ise than in accordance vzith the
rules and re ,Ulations of the 'Loard. of Health.
1 (f) All garbab, rbfuse, animal or vegetable matter of ---
offaa used. or to be used for feeding pigs or kept or stored,
in or within one mile of the limits of 3.alt, Lake City shall
be kept in wate-r-tiht metal tbohs with close fitting covers
and all tanks, floors, troughs, racks', vats, platforms, walls,
A .
eeuipment and premises shall be cleansed and disinfected at
least once daily. inspectc)rs, or health officers from the
Board of Health shall be admitted. at any time to inspect any
ouch premises.
(g) The li-oard of Health is hereby acuthorized to make oil.
rules a.nd. rojuabtiohs neeesah-y Lo administaP the provisions
of this ordinance.
(h) The hnerd of Meath shsil recommend to the Board of
Commissioners of alt Lake City the revocation. of any .r)ermit
issubd hereunder steel in its ooinion a nuisance exists upon
eny such premises or that any rule or rezulation of the Y3oord
1 of Uealth, any provision of the permit or this ordinance has
been or is being violatbd.
(i) For the ourposo of interpreting and enforcing tbis
ordinance the term !3pig" whenever used heroin shall be de- m.
fined as any bog, sTine or any porcine animal over sixteen
eeks of age.
.-h5CTION ocr E on viols Lit!' any rov1n bun 0 nthin
Dvii loll to -)unished by E. fine 5n any sup, not exceuain- v a
Hurldrcd _Nine -ninr Pounce or by iqi.2riron.tent in the
City -lot 10s,:cr thr_m. cia on ths, or by both ouch fine z-,nd
ohCTIdli 3. In the opinion of the OOC( of Corner Fs-loners,
it In nocesE cry to the faihahl t:•.ints of It lobe C25 ty that thin
ordinanee Deco leF of'-ctive I a of ily. •
ECT ol . ,s14 a 11 I a4e of f'ciat) to
r first Int:1 catiot, /
• 1-( 44- -
CO '..)y the
Ut. Lb 5 du of
) Joyor•
ty LECOral .
/-f0 ( u .
Presented to the Board of CommiOoion
First Publication in
_ .�� ._:fir.►- �
CIW am-mom
Proof of tiohltratiott
3�ntte� etatrs of Aaurita
' CHAPTER 7,Revised Ordinances
• bf Salt Lake City,Utatf,1934,by
-adding in and to said Chapter a H. P. THOLIPSON
new section to he_known as Sec-
tion 368,relating to the Board of
Health. '
Be it ordained by the Board of being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah: -
SECTION 1. That Chapter 7, of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in
-Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1934, relating to the
Board of Health,be and the same
is hereby amended by adding in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County, State of Utah.
and to said Chapter a new Section
to be known as Section 308,which
Shan read as follows: That the Notice _AN_ORDINABEE
" SECTION 308. (a) It shall be
unlawful for any person to main-
tain,operate,conduct or continue BILL NO. 11
in operation any,pig ranch, pig
yard,piggery or pigsty,or to keep,•
within ronerm le of the any �gs 1 limits in of SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION.
Salt Lake'City without first'oh-
' taining a permit from the Board of
Health of Salt Lake City.
(b) Each applicant for permit
to carry on any business or trade
named herein or to keep,maintain
or.feed pigs as aforesaid shall in of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
order to meet the expense incident
'to•the regulation thereat'pay to
the Board of Health at the time.of 23rd
making application for a permit paper in its issue dated the
and annually thereafter while said
.business shall continue in opera.
bona fee based upon the number February pigs in possession or under the day of , 193 5
control of the applicant as follows:
. More than one and less and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
.than ten pigs $5,00
• Ten pigs er more 25.00
(c) The application for permit February 23rd. for
shall Contain the location of the -
ptoposed business.or trade, the
number of pigs kept or intended One insertion
to be kept and must be subscribed thereafter,the full period of
to by the applicant)
• (di No business or trade named ..
herein shall be started;operated, the last publication thereof
.maintained or'permitted to oper-
ate in.or within one mile of the
limits of Salt Lake City otherwise: 23rd
than in accordance with the terms beingin the issue dated theday of
et the-permit issued therefor.by
the Board of Health and all law-
' 'fdl rulea or regulations as shall
.from-time to time pe prescribed February ,A.D.193.5..
by the Board of Health.Nor shall
any.person establish, operate or
maintain any such business or
trade until the Board of Health' �----------
shall have approved the location
thereof and suet, business or
trade shall be operated only at
• such places designated in the per. sworn to before me this 23rd. day of
mit,issued by the .Board of
Health. /J
February ,A.D.193.--.5 2�
-- -- - Notary Public.
Advertising fee $
(e)It shall be unlawful to leave
exposed,burn,bury or otherwise
dispose of garbage,waste matter,
animal or vegetable matter or of.
fal,otherwise than in.accordance
with the rules and regulations of
the Board of Health.
If)All garbage,refuse,animal
or vegetable matter or offal used
• or to be used for feeding pigs or
kept or stored in or within one
mile of the limits of Salt Lake
City shall be kept in water-tight
metal tanks with close fitting cov-
ers and all tanks,floors,troughs,
ment and premises shall be
cleansed and'disinfected at least
once daily. Inspectors or health
officers from the Board of Health
shall be admitted at any time to
inspect any such premises.
(g) The Board of Health is
hereby authorized to make all
rules and regulations necessary to
administer the provisions of this
(h) The Board of Health shall
recommend to the'Board of-Card:
missioners of Salt Lake City the
revocation of any permit issued
hereunder when in its opinion a
nuisance exists upon any such
, premises or that any rule or regu-
lation of the Board-of Health,any
provision of the permit or this or-
dinance has been or is being vio-
lated. -
.(if For the purpose of inter-
preting and enforcing this brdi-
nance-the term "pig" whenever
used herein shall be defined as any
hog,swine or any porcine animi(U
• over sixteen weeks of age.
SECTION 2. Any person violet'
ing any provision of this ordinance)
shall be punished by a fine in any
• sufn not exceeding Two Hundred
p Ninety-nine ($299.00).Dollars, or
by imprisonment in the city,sail
not longer`tha'n six°months,-oi'aby
both such fine and •imprison-
SECTION'3. In the--opinion of
the Board of Commissioners,iY le
necessary to the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance
• SECTION 4. This ordinance
shall take effect upon its-first pub-
•Passed by she Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah.
• this-20th day of February,A.D.
Ethel Macdonald,City Recorder.
(Seal) Bill No.11.
Published February 23rd,1935.
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