11 of 1936 - Amending Section 1423, relating to traffic in and around the City County Building. Ree. to ROLL CALL ) VOTING AYE I NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, ;:b _I k/73 Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Murdoch Lee Mr. Chairman - - AN ORDINANCE Result LIt ORTi1TAU:1 LONDINC 6DCTiCfh of the Prvibcd Ordi- nancc6 of foiL I,Lhe City, Ctah, 1634, Yclatinr, to trLffic. be it urdatned by the ToLrd oh Cocum',61orcr, of tit Iakc city, ULah: CUCTICN I. '1'1-ILL ToPtion ICOIC, of 6Lo , :d1!._unci.:: of oIL FoI,r city, Utah, reitItih,,, Uu troffic, be and the same 11 hcbcuby autondud to read aa CDC. 4?D.DLIVINC !ND D:=1NC IF CITY Cr CCULTI CUILD- INC ChOUTTS. Thult those certain dtIcet:: ur a:arouchinu; Lnd 6ura.oundihL; Lhc ity ond County .IL11.7din.L. lccatbd to, i'lock Cu, Plot "II", Iak: city 'turvoy, and ;i'1211 uIC block 16 tuunded on the crat 1,y .1.1d Jh the vec,L: hy CtLtr truct, un the holth by 4th Cuuth ,ctIctt Lnd tht bouth oth Muth 'CLre,7,t, arc ncreby dcelLrer' to bc uiobcd Lu vLhIaulaz troz.L'fic and it Liaaii Litaiofui foy any 50 -23on to dr11,c, ;ant o lcaor rry vbhibic .ithin the bold i,iuck, that the 6yivcv,uy cntcrii4; 6aid 1[1 11 block fruit 2nd ba,b Ctrcbt Lnd _h_Lanin tlicn , duo vredL Uu thc eaL.t ontnnnce of the City and rfounty -1111Cin b,ay L, uoc'c 0 r -,(- 16 of inLic66 L.11(1 1-;Ulr_a:y 20i the 2L,ri.2. C, 0' toNiu„: on ol enangjin; liarac.nuLrb or matulrL; dolivcric6, cud bhen only long LL ycocircd tu dL:111L:1 Nu ouch vohicic ,na17. td 2orl5'd thcein fol purpo6c. FFCTTOV. I In hoc ,Dploion o' the Duard of Cuumi.usioncr6, it 16 rcrcaT.L.ry to the pcc,, nu.olLh and ofzo bf unr luhabltanf6 uf Crit clot by duO U thir ordirunoc 61,311 tal:c cffe-!L .",ITTION b. IntouY0inL,1t,t uhall' talk, effec:: at once -anon iLd 'irot hobiicLtion. 11 . II III --`'2- ,, 1. 1 cr :y tilc 2 oc...1C, c.,f Ccr,,,iii-^ior ,-'' -,1' il II Utah, -bh'- Pt '.-. - '' letepte4._ ..1_,. __,......_.....,/ u.,. ill 1 ' ----- ---, I , i . . 1 • ..,„ 147, . .,?e,•4;. 6 1 .: ...,,, ..-., . . 1 ' . . • 1 „ ..-,., .z ; ,,;1..,': ' • C.'7A,`), I ' II II l' 1 I 1 il I I I I; I ill 1 li H 1 • 11 U-e-} • frasentql to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED t1-11"'": vijk c;TY RECO:IDE:P. First Publication in MAR47 CITY RECORDER 1lroof of 1nhltrtt#tnn liniteil*tales of America STATE OF UTAH }ss• COUNTY OF SALT LAKE r, AN ORDINANCE r r,T Art°ordinenoe amending section I, T. �, mTOT'.TSO' 1423 of the Revised ordinances of sat take City,Utah,1934,relating td'traffic. ,l;a Ii oraatnpg 6 y","t3i! Board of eire,Atiouer_a ov pa�t;,,xalSa.d of being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of ah:" Section 1. That section 1423 of Ci%y,Utah,d rgmgeinto trait c,lb Lane newspaper,published at Salt Lake the• 1 psame is Eareby amended to read THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a see.1423.^13rielneand Parking In CitThatathd oo beri Building srt Grounds; ivaye City,State of Utah. 3pprosohingg 4nq eurreuading,the CMty and•County Hullding located ��n.slepk dg, Plat A„';-bolt Lake survey;.and which sam block That the Notice 2N ORDIY.'.D'O I. ollnGe t on the a west second Street,re o the the west by carte on north by Fourth ;;sb,ne sree,and e n the south ebyr by' r qT T T!1?ris CITY CORrOR!1�IOD? Eh^..to street, re vehicular, olar ---- • '� 'to it bled unlawful a for IC+a.d.1t drive. - rkolfor to drive,park r look. to10 within th0 Bald block. `that the driveway entering •y" lock from second erect street u mng thence die lobs,to'the i vv E fntranoe of h e000d-ana rout u711ding may be used as a means ing2ess and egrese arlely for the ose of,taklng•on or dlacharging engere-or making deuveriea, of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- !' as long as required, si,. or• t8ke oibE dlanhle. paeeengere• or deliver hie,parked h xo for vex' other bapark. tHeteln for any, 27th caret on 2.purpose; ,• paper in its issue dated the Section 2.mt the erg It i neces- sary the • Board gthe pSac lhmit It 1 ofty to the-p!a health'and safety' .ot the lrtcr ytti to of salt Luxe city lr o rch , 1936 , `.otnat dlo eordthanee shall take ifet' day Of � 1kt1 Section 3.'take effect 3. This ordinance shall take atio4 atonce upon its cirri and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on publicatlat(. v,Passed by the Bbe rd City, tC mmis- h,this 28there of SaltoM ch.1938.'Utah,this 28th day of March, WI D_arch P.7tl' E.B.ERwfx,Mayor. for (8041i 'y4E1'HEL MACI)ONALD, city Recorder. FublIh L One insertion Pnml2gki March27,1938. thereafter,the full period of the last publication thereof 27th day of being in the issue dated the "arch ,A.D.1936 i_1 . petit day Torch A. D. 193 F Notary Public. My commission expires ..;Z-o--- 25:/ ,.,7 Advertising fee$ 11 PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM iiII0,alt ?Cake ffeltgrain , ' / J.• County Entry No