11 of 1937 - Amending Section 1408, relating to bicycle license plates, registration tags, rules and regulations. ROLL'CALL r. Salt Lake City,Utah, ~ o VOTING NAY AYE 193_ Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Matheson - - - - l _J � / % Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - - "- AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1408, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to bicycles. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1408, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to bicycles, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 1408. BICYCLES. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or ride a bicycle upon my of the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public ways of Salt Lake City without first obtaining from the Police Department a license therefor. The Police Department is hereby authorized and directed to issue upon written application a bicycle license, which shall be ef- fective until revoked as herein provided, and all such licenses shall be dated and shall entitle the licensee to operate such bicycle for which the said license has been issued, upon all streets, alleys and public ways of Salt Lake City in the manner hereinafter provided. (b) The C pief of Police shall provide metallic license plates, together with metallic registration tags, said license plates and registration tags having numbers stamped thereon in numerical order beginning with number 1, and indicating the year for which the same are issued. Such metallic license plates shall be suitable for attachment upon the frames of bicycles and shall have printed in raised letters thereon the words as fol- lows: "Salt Lake City - Bicycle." It shall be the duty of the police department to attach one such metallic license plate to the frame of each bicycle registered and to issue a registration -2- i tag to the licensee upon the payment of the fee herein provid- i ed, and such metallic license plate shall remain attached to ! the bicycle during the issuance of said license. The said 1 police department shall also keep a corresponding record of the number of registration, the date of the issue of such li- cense and all other information necessary to the proper enforse- ment of this ordinance. !j (c) It shall be the duty of each person who sells o if transfers the ownership of any bicycle to report such sale or transfer by returning to the police department the license 1 :; plate and registration tag issued to such person and such pur chaser or transferee snail apply for a transfer or registration within five days of such sale or transfer. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully air maliciously destroy, mutilate or alter the number of any bicycle frame licensed pursuant to this ordinance, and it sha 1 be unlawful for any person to remove, destroy, or mutilate a v license plate or registration tag while the same are operative, or to operate any bicycle without having attached thereto a license plate issued as provided herein. (El) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a bicycle upon any of the streets of this city in such a manne, `! as to annoy persons lawfully passing in the streets or on toe sidewalks, or to interfere with the traffic thereon, and all bicycles operated on the public streets of this city shall dur ing the period of one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise be equipped with a lighted lamp on the front of the bicycle, visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of at least 300 feet in front of such bicycle and shall be equipped with a reflector or lamp on the rear exhibi ing a red light visible under like conditions from a distance of at least 200 feet to the rear thereof; and all such bicyci shall be equipped with a bell or horn which must be sounded to j warn all persons of its approach. -3- i I (f) It shall be unlawful to ride or operate a bicycle upon any sidewalk in Salt Lake City. (g) The fee to be paid for each bicycle registered or for each transfer of license or for re-issue of a license plate v or registration tag because of loss or mutilation or for any Ireason shall be fifty cents and shall be paid in advance upon the 1 application therefor; and such license may be transferred upon the flpayment of the fee herein provided for when the ownership of said bicycle is transferred. (h) All licenses shall be revoked.'ty the police depart- ment of this city when it appears that the 'owner thereof is not di the licensee or that the owner of such bicyol.e or the-1i-censee 1' thereof has used or permitted said bicycle EO be Used -in violation bof this ordinance upon the streets or sidewalks of this city and the said police department is hereby directed and authorized to impound any bicycle so used in violation of these ordinances for i a reasonable period of time pending investigation of any alleged violation of this ordinance or until such bicycle is registered by 1 the owner thereof and equipped with signal device and lights as is herein provided. 1 SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty-one days after its passage. ; Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the /I day of A.D 93 . 'Mayor. City Recorder. 1' ff, 1 ij it 11 • • fresentedto1fhs Bcard cf Ocm:nissioner$ • s3; First Publication in 041 _• 1 2-1937 crry R6CORD[R Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Laken AN ORDINANCE •AN-OBCDIN-ANCE AMENDING SECTION 1408,Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 'Utabn 1034, relating to bicyclee. .rgBe.-1les'eorttaioed.Trhlcehe Cily.aed of Com. Leo H.YO un cf',' SECTION L That ake City, i408, Rcvieed Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah, 1034, relating to bicyclee,be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: n SEC. 1409.BICy nES. ai° It haoperatlll be Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis- or •i de a bicycle upon arty of tithe streets, I Lake City without fire obta;ului from ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in Tilethe-Police Department a liccnee therefor.- The Police Department is hereby written authoriz- ed ea and directedbicycle to Peen ,upon which`shall anti Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. • Dffectiveion tilC rev license, and all until revoked herein at an. and all such licensee shall o datedha. and Ordinance Bill /fl]. allelic entitle the 1leeveM to operate,such ursysle fey wh}p�th��1�11eense ha.been That the advertisement 'issued,upon all streets,alleys/end public at/.:t-Lane City in the,manner rats tint to Bicycles (Salt Lake Cit�r hereinafter Chieprovided.of it l The Chief of Polies i provide eta eg trati a plates,togethersidlicense with metal-, t-metallic c rrefatratiio raga, she Been°° metre: Coroora,tion) and ¢Ris on raga meving v bare stampedith.nthereon In cal order be- the' :mar to w which the r me a indicating.Such, tor which the e tttchm nt plates eef resf to is ller' attachment upon the frames of bicycles tied we printed in raised lettore- theyeen oB the." ts a follow/it'Salt f the, poll C1itrt.:antt shall hteTran duty o1au h• was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Beale°egenee dlatn to fee frame of s h 2nd April 37 ticnct registered and to drea prayment.. lion tag to the licensee won the payment: day of - A.D.19 f the fee herein provided,. d each the bicycle plate shall remain attached to 1 the bi. the 'depancertment f atime license, The said police department shall amg record of the and.was published teeookeep.e registration, the-date f the issue of eueh license-and all other Informed thin neceeaa y to the proper enforcement of. ordinance. this ordinance. the last publication thereof being in,the issue dated the (c)It short tr the sduty of each personpof who bicycle of tranefere the ownership o1 A.D. 19 any eturnin to report a le ale or tranent the day of by r s is d•s hell pf or purchaser license plate and atu[ping to the pollee department t e 1 to such person trane[e eel hail t '' n9 Der•' .... or transfer. TILSLng Cler ( i 4 hars ha r maliil for :son tioat wilfullyalter o maliciously destroy'.,, 1 mule tr m •Lid the,number of n9 t hi-', cycin tram¢•heene¢all,be to this ordinance, and'.m ve,'d be unlawful for Y person to[.Move gistrtion g while• •any 11°enee Plato operative,re orar ttoonperat am havi license ate is having attached .rein. a accuse Mate issued as provided herein. 5 th ' '(el It shallebe unlawful for any parson before me this day of lo operate a bicycle upon.any of they streets of this city in tinch a manner as -to annoy pereone lawfully peening in the st reets or on the sidewalks, or to inter., A.D 19..'7 Eyre with the traffic thereon,and all elf this.cityDCrated on hell during the ptheubpli eriodtrofte oone- half hour after sunset to one-half hour•be- fore sunrise be equitnted with a lighted 1 lamp on the front of the bicycle, visible under normal atmospheric conditions from _ •�1�, a distance of at least 30 eet in front of Such mcae and shall be equippedwth Notary Public. r Cfledt°r r lamp on r exhibiting red light visible der like condition. from atetance of t least 200 feet to the ear thereof;and all such bicycles shall be (hi All licenses abed be revoked by the a gpadn nth en Ill re s i man- police department of this-city when it p- h achuded Lo ward till ypreone of its pears that the r thereof le not the preach. licence or that the a owner of such bicycle (il It nball be unlawful to ride or on. the liceee thereof has used or.permit. erato bier°.upon any sidewalk in Salt fir need said bicycle to be used in violation of Othis ordinance upon the streets elide• j (g��)`TRe feels be-Dail for each 6[cyflel walks of tide city•and the said police de. registered or'for each transfer of license, herbimtpi mflrent/bicrecednoand used authoriz- er for logeb00 pe a license plate or or 1Rtion of these ordinance.for ael¢a0°nable Oration tag sou ofalees fifty/tents or of time pending Investigation of any shy yen son shall.ce Pon teta and !period caalltion Dtheref r/ advance upon the a ha • paged violation re this ed hr the or we salon there Eor: d such license00Of o re lienttch bicycle is registered by the u herein transferred won and When nt tee hlofre a;d ligb and eequipped with is herein provided,al device ofr saidp b,provided isrt transferred.e ownerehlp SECTIONa 2. This ordinance shall take ° 'effect thirtyone days after its peonage. PSaltd by Lakethe of City.Utah,onCothe.le oft day i of April,A.D.1037. E. B. ERWIN. Mayne. '3 I,1y�OD zAia,c i ,1d,1937,., t Irt ' 4 ,I. r'' i !1'..:• . • _.: Cr' r.. • 11 a,. 1.• f S' .. „ f .. q '-",-; •• 'Al )