11 of 1940 - Amending Section 4709 relating to Zoning and creating a Business 'A' District ROLL.-CALL r
Salt Lake City,Utah, M IP. 26 1940 , 193
Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed.
\ G„
Matheson /
Murdock - - - - /
:: htman
Cha - - - f A RDINANCE
Building Code, 1933 Edition, as amended by ordinances passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on Nov. 21, 1935; June 25,
1936,(Bill No. 26)A March 16,1937; February 24,1938; August 30,1938;
December 20,1939,(bill No. 53); and December 20,1939;(bill No. 54);
relating to zoning; and amending Chapter 47, of Part XI, of said Salt
Lake City Building Code, 1933 Edition, by adding in and to said chap-
ter a new section to be known as Section 4713X, relating to the use
and regulation of buildings and premises in Business "A" District.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 4709, of the Salt Lake City Build-
ing Code, 1933 Edition, as amended by ordinances heretofore passed by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, relating to zoning, is
hereby further amended by adding in and to Paragraph (A) of said sec-
tion a new Use District to be known as Business "A" District; and Para-
graph (B) of said Section 4709 is hereby amended by adding in and to
said paragraph Items 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 '& 22;to read as follows:
SEC. 4709. (A) That in order to designate districts
and regulate the location of dwellings, business, trades, indus-
tries and the location of buildings erected or altered for speci-
fied uses, Salt Lake City is hereby divided into eleven (11)
use districts to be known as follows:
Residential "A" District.
Residential "A-2" District.
Residential "B" District.
Residential "B-2" District.
Residential "B-3" District.
Residential fig" District.
Business "A" District.,/
Commercial District.
Industrial District.
— — �'
Industrial "B" District.
Unrestricted District.
The boundaries of said districts, as shown upon the
"Use District Map", attached to Section 4709 of the Salt Lake 1
City Building Code, 1933 Edition, and made a part thereof, to-I
gether with the boundaries of Residential "B-3" District, as
established by Section 4712X of Chapter 47, Salt Lake City Bui .d-
ing Code, passed by the Board of Commissioners on May 14, 19351,
and designated as bill No. 28, and the amendments to the said
"Use District Map" heretofore made by ordinances passed by the!
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on November 21,1935; I
June 25, 1936,(bill No. 26); March 16, 1937; February 24,1938;1
August 30, 1938; December 20, 1939,(bill No.53); and December c
20,1939,(bill No.54); are hereby established as the Use District
Map, and the boundaries of the above districts shown upon said
map with references, notations and other information, and the
amendments thereto above referred to, together with the amend-
ments set out in paragraph (B) of this ordinance, shall be as
much a part of this ordinance as if the information and matterh
set forth on said map and in the amendments thereto were fully
described herein.
Except as herein provided, no building shall be erect-
ed or altered, nor shall any premises or building be used for 1
any purpose other than is permitted in the use district in which
such building or premises is located.
(B) The Use District Map described in paragraph (A)
of this section is hereby amended, changed and altered in the ;
following particulars, to-wit:
ITEM 17. There is hereby created a new district to
be known as Business "A" District, the boundaries of which
are as follows, to-wit:
That portion of Salt Lake City,Utah, known as the
property abutting upon the east side of West Temple Street
from a point 155 feet south of Ninth South Street to' a point
400 feet north of Fremont Avenue, and more particularly
described as follows:
The west 100 feet of Lots 8,9 and 10 and the west lop
feet of the south 132.1 feet of Lot 11, and the west 100
feet of the north 145.9 feet of Lot 7, all in Block
Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. If
I �,
f i
And the said real property now located in Residential
B-2 District, as shown on the Use District Map is hereby
changed to Business "A" District.
ITEM 18. The following described real property
in Commercial Distrttt, as shown on the Use District Map, is
hereby changed to Residential "A" District, to-wit:
Area between Fairmont Park and Jordan & Salt Lake
City Canal from Ashton Avenue to 165 feet north of
27th South Street, more particularly described as
Commencing at a point on the east line of Block
45, Ten-Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, 165 feet north
of the north line of 27th South Street and running
thence north along the east line of said Block 45,
to the south line of Ashton Avenue produced; thence
east along the south line of Ashton Avenue to the
east side of the D. & R. G. P. E. Company's right of
way, thence southerly along the east side of said
right of way to the west line of the Jordan & Salt
Lake City canal right of way, thence southerly along
said canal right of way to a point 165 feet north of
the north line of 27th South Street, thence west to
the point of beginning.
ITEM 19. The following described real property in
Commercial District, as shown on the Use District Map, is
hereby changed to Residential "B-3" District, to-wit:
North side of 27th South Street from 89 fee iEr,
west of llth East to 153 feet east of Elizabethk more
particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the east side of Block
45, Ten-Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey, and on the
north line of 27th South Street, thence east to the
west line of the Jordan & Salt Lake City Canal right
of way, thence northerly along the west side of said
right of way to a point 165 feet north of 27th South
Street, thence west to the east line of Block 45,
Ten-Acre Plat "A", thence south 165 feet to the place
of beginning.
ITEM 20. The following described real property in
Residential "C" District, as shown on the Use District Map,
is hereby changed to Residential "B-3", to-wit:
Southeast and southwest corner of 27th South
Street and llth East Street; the north 100 feet of
the west 165 feet of Lot 9, Block 27, Ten-Acre Plat
"A". Also Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Hillcrest Subdivision
in Block 28, Ten-Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey.
ITEM 21. The following described real property in
Residential "B" District, as shown on the Use District Map,
is hereby changed to Industrial District, to-wit:
• All of Lot 5 and the north 197 feet of Lot 4,
Block Li, Plat 'C', Salt Lake City Survey.
ITEM P2. The following described real property in Resi-
dential "A" district as shown on the Use District Map is hereby
changed to Residential "C" district, to-wit:
The North side of P1st South from 7th Last, west to a
line 148.5 ft. east of 6th East Street:
The North 162.1 ft. of the east 577.5 ft. of
Lot 1, block 3, 5-acre Plat 'A', big Field Survey.
SECTION P. That Chapter 47, part XI of the Salt Lake
City building Code, 1933 Edition, is hereby amended by adding in
and to said chapter a new section to be known as S ection 4713X,
regulating the use of buildings and premises in business "B" Dis-
trict, which shall read as follows:
SEC. 4713X. In business "A" District no building or
premise shall be used and no building shall be erected whici
is arranged, intended or designed to be used for other than
one of the following uses:
(a) Any use permitted in a Residential "A", "A-P",
"B", "B-P", or "B-3" District.
(b) Wholesale .distributor.
(c) Printing Plant.
(d) Storage warehouses (for wares and merchandise which
would not create a nuisance).
(e) Soft drink bottling plant.
(f) Automobile salesroom, exclusive of Used Car Lot.
No building or structure shall be erected or altered in
a business "A" District for any of the uses enumerated in
items (b) to (f) inclusive of this section, or as specified
in a Residential "b-3" district, unless the plans for such
building shall have been submitted to and approved by the
board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City.
In a business "A" District the height and area regu-
lations shall be as specified for a Residential "B-^" Dis-
trict, as provided in Sections 4718 to 47r4 inclusive of
the Salt Lake City Building Code, 1933 Edition.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the board of C ommissioners,
it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants —
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed iy the Board of C ommi .oners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 214117y ofr .4ht , A.U. 1940.
CHUFF' VFW City Recorder
LLei ts--frt—evT
fitammtlioihi Nerd Di Cetr mjsei:1 s3
_MAR2 61940
First Publication in
� ",Ct3;VZfiC.•
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Lega .o -
AN ORDINANCE •''..`. Leo H. Young
,,4408„oi the Salt Lake City Bt1ldw pdae.1 Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Y 3.Edition, dad'by rd narrcee
•Saeed.by the Board Nov. 1,1335atonere ,
lt Lelia(011 City on Nv.21,1938:Jµn 25,3
Mar t13111•
38;28);March 18,19Decesb• vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
0,1939,,;(BillNo.August 3gand830:DObmbar
•20, ,(B (Hill 54) 8ela d December and
ga%ea(Bill No.5u;Beating an zoning;a a published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
link Chapter 47,of Part XI; 1 eald' iy y
Salt Lake City Building Code 1633 OEdb
tion,by adding 1n and to said chapter
Y relating ionw sectto the hag and regulationto be known asoof build. of Utah.
urge and promisee in Business "A" Da-
trrBe It ordained b .Comm y•the Board of Commis-of Salt Lake City,Utah: That the advertisement L1'dSlanoa.Bill. -
SECTION 1, That Section 4709,of the
Salt Lake City Building Code,1933 Edition,
as amended romeaefsropld yhBod f C mioottSat i ..$0.-_11.-.-Amending..Building - Code
Lake.City, relating to coning, 's hereby
further amended adding en and to.Pars-
track(A)of said
BeoBdn a eeiv.Use Die-j
Bier to be Paragraph as Bnaof a'.,A'•Die- (8.--&..C_._.Corg..�....City.Heoorder
riot: a Pyramend (b) d ngld Beotl o •
cold is and
Item.1. adding 0,and to
3said paragraph Illow 17,18,19,20,81 and
2;.E read as follows;
SEC.4700, (A)anTeat at order to t on
lanais districts and regulate'the location
of dwellings, business, trades, Indngrlea
and•the'location f buildings erected r
altered ler.divided uses, salt rake City. was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
Mend hereby,
be im0een 00 000owet(11) use
Reeidenual."AO District. 28th day of March A.D. 19.4A...
Residential"B."C" District,t. • and was published 1_time
Dletrict,fct. .
Cemmerelal District, .
Industrial District.
".District. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
•The boundaries of said dletrieto,as shown
'anon'-the"Use District Mar," attached A.D. 19 •
to 'Section ref4to9 [ the SalthLake City'
Buildng Code, 1933 Edition, and made a day of
part tiered together ri the beuablish-
f Residential 712 District, e_ 7.'establish-
ed by C City
Building 47128 of Chapter 47 the j
Lake CitymmissiCode, passedMay
14,y the
Board f designated
Commissioners Mey 34,1838,
am,deems to a bin es, is a the. Ad using Clerk.
amendments ad the saidordinances
•'Uee District'Mahe
heretofore made by er.of It Lae the
vember21.1931E June 25,,19 8(ill'
No.YS);March 19,1937;February 24,•1038;
August 30,1038; December 20. 1930 (bill.
63 and
established as the
s tNo.
'4): Use
e a
District Map, and the boundaries of the
ee tte adotrorti f nnoaionheinfmaio„.. before me this............30th day of
and the amendment,thereto above referred
to,together with the amendments set out
in Paragraph a(B) of this a onomic°,shall
if'the informationrt mattersdls ttnfortlt A. D. 19.4o.--
n said map and in bude amendments there-
to-were fully described herein.
Except as herein provided, no•bulldmg
shall beerected or altered, shall any _—- - --'-- -
Dremlaes or building be nor
yu r- �'�
Dose other:than is permitted In the use
_ _
'district in which such building or prem.
wry Public.
ierogres is located.
t et Uee District Map described in —
paragraph (A) of this section 1e hereby
amended, hanged d ltered in the fol-
lowing Dnrticulere,to-wit:
hereby new
created to be kno. There wn a Business Die
triet,the boundaries o1 which are as fol-
That portion of Salt Lobe City, Utah,
known as the property abutting upon the
east aide of west Temple Street from
point 155 feet south of Nioth'eouth Street
ton aa point° -d o set nrth of more partieu any deeeelbed as ent Aa-
then west 1006f°t of the south139.11 et i
Lot 31,and the west 100 feet of the north
146.8 feet of Lot 7,all in Block 22,Five
Acre Plat"A",Big Field Survey.-
And the said real property now located
in.Residential B-2 District,as shown on the
Use District Map is hereby changed to
Business 'A" District.
ITEMyy 18.The.following described real
or as shown
othetUie District Map,Iisshereby changed
to Residential"A"District,to-wit:
Area between Fairmont Park and Jor-
dan&Salt Lak feet e City north deeceibed a
Canal from Ashton
Street Avenue to 1h South fol.
lows: more particularly Commencingline
S Bock 41,Ten-Acre Plat
east Field
Survey, 165 feet north ot this-north•line
of 27th South Street and running thence
north along the east line of said Block
45, to-the mouth line of Ashton Avenue
of Ashton Avenue to tithe eta.side south of
he D.it R:6.R.It.Companyee right•f
way,thence southerly along the east side
f id''eight of ay to the west line of
' the Jordan&Salt Lake City canal right
of way,thence southerly along said canal
right of way to a point 185.feet north
f the north line of With South Street,
thence westto the point of beginning.
ITEM.12..The.;ol Owing deser/he&real
property In Commercial District,as shown
on the Use District Map,is hereby changed
'to Residential B.3"District,to-wit:
• North.side of 27th South Street from
east of
west'•oi_1100e East-to cticu,-Peet
•Elizabeth Street more particularly
escrbed as follows: •
t3ommeoeeng at a point no the east side
of-Block 45,Ten.Acre Plat"A",Big Field
Survey, and on the north line of 27th
then 84 Street,
ence Salt-cast
west line,
right of way,'thence northerly along the
west side of said right of way to a point
166 feet north of 27th South Street,thence
Aest.to the east lips of Block 45, Ten.
cre Plat A",thence south 165 feet to
the place of-beginning.
ITEM If.The following described real
onr the Residential "C"
h[er,r is here.
by changed to Residential"B3",to-wit:
Southeast and southwest corner of 27th
South Street and 11th East Street; the
north 100 feet of the west 165 feet of
Lot 0,Block 27,Ten'Acre Plat 'A".Also
Lots 1,2, 3 and 4, Hillereet Subdivision
in Black 28,Ten-Acre Plat"A",Big Field
ITEM IL The following described real
shown property in
the Use District Map,is eDistrict.
changed to Industrial District,'to-wit:
All of Lot-5 and the north 107 feet of Lot
4.Block 11,Plat'C',Salt Lake City Sue
ITEM 22.The following described real
property in Residential "A" district as
shown on the Use District Map is hereby
changed to Residential "C" district, to.
The North side of S from 7th
East, west to a lino lie.148.5 to,It.east
east oI elk
East Street:
The North]82.1 it.5-acre t the Plasaef},
1 dot 1, Block 3,
SECTION 2. a That Chiller 47, part XI
of the Salt e.City ndeding Code, ;in
to, ishereby amended ca adding in
and to said ct Iacotton t he
known a Section nd3 newr mises in the
use of buildings and premises s dusts
nese "D" District, which shall.in
SEC.4713X.premise In shall ha'District no
building.or 11he shall.h used and no
building.shall re erected which is sno-
ot, intended or designed to be used for
other than one'o the red toio ee
la) A-I"," , matted in'a-3 Dientfel
"A" -Who sae dis rib or"B 3"llietrict.
(b)-Wiotesgle distributor.
(d) Printing Plant.
(d) Storage .houses.(tor wares and
merchandise which would not create a mu-
e ee).
Stitt drink healing plant.
ff) Car Loblle salesroom, exclusive o.
treed Car Loin
haltered in arBusintess a"A"all strict erected
any of`the uses enumerated in items (b)
to(1)inclusive of this section.ors spe-
rfled In Residential"Bc3"district• tni
lees the Mane for such building shall have
been submitted to and ➢novas by the
Beard o1 Commissioners of Salt Lake City.
In a Businessatio a sbaut bat the=b ifiad
nd a
Stir a tSecti enLi 4r"11-R^ 24 inclusive
or via.
d In Sections 4718 ui to i 47Co e.193 v0 of the
Sari.CT°O City In thedeng. ill n of]7 Ea hoar.
•ofCnmeo salonera. t ois nlec of the tnhshe
health:➢earn d it is necessaryre 1 atha. inhabi•,
rants f Salt Lake City thai this ordt-.
hence hsaome This tie, 'ante s all
SECTION 000 4. rent ca shall. take
effect upon file fiesta pubtlea,,,g.
Passed Pale
Board I this 26th day
of Salt Lake Cite. Utah.
of March,A.D,3840. AB JENRIN9
��{ Mato
Cite Rrnoeder.
Deputy City
Bill No.11.Published March 28th.1040.
Proof of Publication