11 of 1942 - Amending Section 875 Revised Ordinance 193, salaries Police Department ROLL CALL // 2 ;�.- yOTIPGG .(Y Salt Lake City,Utah, 1 194 I move that the ordinance be passed. 6744 Mdtl e0 V \ L' y Ivlc onkie % x - - 70.4sco _ ::: " - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 875 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on November 10, 1936, October 6, 1937, January 12, 1938, December 5, 1939, November 19, 1940, and September 17, 1941, and Section 879 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commis- sioners on November 10, 1936, relating to the Police Department. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 875 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on November 10, 1936, October 6, 1937, January 12, 1938, December 5, 1939, November 19, 1940 and September 17, 1941, and Section 879 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission- ers on November 10, 1936, relating to the Police Department, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 875. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The Police Department of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers, whose annual salaries shall be as fixed by the Board of Commissioners, within the limits specified: Not to exceed. Chief of Police, who shall be head of the Police Department $4200.00 Inspector 2940.00 2 Captains 2760.00 1 Superintendent of First Aid and Safety 2460.00 1 Superintendent of Detective Bureau . . 2580.00. 1 Superintendent of Records 2460.00 1 Assistant Superintendent of Records . . 2280.00 1 Secretary to Chief of Police . . . . . 2400.00 1 Supervisor of Instruction . . 2460.00 ' 11 6 Lieutenants 2460.00 1 Radio Technician 2340.00 12 Sergeants 2280.00 -2- 3 Radio Operators $2220.00 Patrolmen, First Grade 2100.00 Patrolmen, Second Grade . . . . 1980.00 Patrolmen, Third Grade 1860.00 Patrolmen, Fourth Grade 1740.00 Policewomen, First Grade 1860.00 Policewomen, Second Grade 1740.00 Policewomen, Third Grade 1620 00 Clerks, male, first grade P100 00 Clerks, male, second grade 1980.00 Clerks, male, third grade 1860.00 Clerks, female, first grade 1560.00 Clerks, female, second grade 1440.00 Clerks, female, third grade 1320.00 1 Police Matron 1260.00 EC. 87901.SSIGNMENTS They chie'1'Fof police may as- ' sign any 2erdinaEe%offleer in epartmemnt to any duty which in ►z.gm the good tYYd`irvQe may require, and may chang cb assk, nment from Mg to tineF whenever in his "7 judgment g. d o the service weq red:" Theneves,ignments aPt intendedr a period of �: thirty dais or more, the chief of'po]iice tat. report to the Board of Commissioners the names of such patrolmen as are as- signed by him to the following services, to-wit: Detective Sergeants and detectives. Copies of such assignment shall be filed with the city auditor and secretary of the civil service commission. Patrolmen, when acting in the following capacities un- der assignments for thirty days or more, shall be entitled to compensation in addition to regular compensation as patrolmen, to be fixed by the Board of Commissioners, and not to exceed the following: Detective Sergeants - $15.00 per month. Detectives T $10.00 per month. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication. /�i� P s by the a o£ Commissione s f Salt Lake City, Utah, this �� day of A.D. 19 .,. A ity Recorde Mayor. ):i 'i J `Y-:.,jo.. '• 9 )B ) . ��Ja_. - 'rT; • ebL orl11 aZ L,,c ` il�, `3Jfi1) 1 J1 C ,1f: 1Jc,9 t;iU• 4'S'f _ _,r;; ; 09,-', t11 iiSO Je0 i no CO.r"V-• I :36 t3T0 oa.Lf' t113{110N9--)r3.0'7 ��:�• 31 f.`f ri ;t S1 .J_3 tL.i1'*'31:i i1 3i -r-1 i1 3 ;.F f"191J ,' 1:'IIO0 O t, 1 ,t - .-J;:: 00.0) -.- I :af oo1 o I _._-Z i 21 4n:r1 ,,,,-.,flo. _ lr,'. 3:7 ..i1.T' . ✓r i'. of .f '2;j"i 31 T I IJJ r i•': :1:JT;i.f Y/� -,y I i;LH t ,i.0 T V.1.- 9 dv.- 1J -:Il' :,._4iglit it;f ll In ei` 'i- :.)v_..-:-rf s, J_' - ,;ic,I.. :, c,: f? s o (n rio y fin Ill.,' mo , i m ,. ap ` r J� ,o`v r J J � r ,, coyyr. 0 _. t : 0119; `I. , „7 . `i fi oiniigi,'y' 'L3V9IY:3ff'n `:?If- .5 f' Or9'T fr . . 0 `_3.irio Or1�1t9Zoirf In rb y,Jss�,i5 VX.• y h-+e "r1..0 r19rf.r.,./CJ15:j d'ib3 3o ::33r:,3 91iJ alor_o.. -..elstuU lu bzsod s+v J03.h:_ :.,. „-0j t O'DIv'1n. -fi.i --u r 'r;J o+ „riff vrf bsaqIn 9,5 .1 --LiJ ;,II 3nILj 1......, 1fo1{2 1.0 0'310 OJ 39-'l id-o r'3J9b 1,133 -:111f t9O 101.,`19f: IIVI:::) 9:i.t 'to z_z,tJ'i3r3e ra1:6 't,.;Oi'x1.. YJIn '.f;J rfJ1r, 5 LIi .r1OI3oiIDUmco -1111 89i0IO03s`i _._._ii`.. orfJ 111 _irfli-o=. - ?!Y'w tii' _..G'IJu_ nJ >_r d-hH1n .'I --,3_1'.-..: t'-,o,14;1 'io :'Z£.i; "1__._1 ac-t 'j',31m11313as 19L 0.10,.. •i;i• ? 11- •01 , „31 :. 110±.11 ..;o .11 f10.r.i S3179T103 09: r.t9 fit J CA ''Th: t:?.- •.e1 jrOU On i^n'[ 9iJ y; r _ _`.- 0:i c :_in-1' n=<::5: r` .... ..... _'1'- (:.,.0d f;' - 2.fi716 3. 4•V I I0013';. ._ .1:0L' `19C .i['.01, s 1..0. .':)'-,.:'lf. ..1 i1(..'.<.:. _ , o111 10 1"13 i'_101, orl5 III _. !'-'j'i:7?c', }J 1 ;f' :I or:; ? 11,-;3 L11.6 11 J.%A':=.1; t 001301, 9r!J 01 B2 �?J9f: al JI 'zIE)J k 9.,;_ I J )- .-n l:i _isi2, ornini-i ^o olirr srf1 yJ1:) =r;5 :r.:.:3; _c" 1fo_ . t<, Joc .3711 J ±iall2 9-uf_>_ [•t:, :l'l . . . `P'): "�•/`��, ; .1toi.I IJO.J C; J^'11', „ : tr tj.'.' t JI C 9 it :t L S. } s-‘3\oG La t,f.tirrooD l c, Leis `till ::1 i:..f .` t --i.t j r L ter; -�•I Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake - AN O000IPIA.740B Leo H. Yolmg 51.T.,011.p.INANcE.±,acorrq-brei-SECTION .4„,76.,61.the Bevised-Ordivancee of Salt Lake. 'ff,tY, "0* 1934; as"amended by Mit' Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- "Prr,Pookd-br,tho Beard of:OotAnsc 1 et Ws.on:Novembei 10, 4928 Datober 6 49!I,J.nuaik 12, 1036,Decerriber 8,,1928, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper I hilivembern.,1940,Atla Boptember 17,1041, a..14,Sectitiii 870 of the Revised Ordinances 117/.Salt Lake.City'.71104:104,as railer dd- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Led by an ordinance Paised by the Boar of COMmlisioners on NoVember 10, 1836. relating ordained to the Police DepartmentCommis.. of Utah. is by Om Beard of sinners of,Salt Lake,City, Utah: , •.-,;stcno2.1 1.'That Section res at the '13,4viettd Ordinancee of.8idt Lake COL ' Ltb,1934 as amended by ordinances pas.. That the advertisement...........al rla ac.e...3i..1..1..:;.1.1.... e,,by the Board ol Comraissioneie on NOVember 10,,1936,October'6,1037,Jana- Ary.10, 1938,December 8,1028,November 10i..1940 arid 1,thSepB teMber 17,1941,and Sec. ne.lo.td.i.-1,,7,..t,.o. P.o.ii.ce. Do-I.,.)..r.,:z;cr,...t_ tio.09 0e eVlsed Ordinanee.of Salt Lake City, Utah,-}034, ...amended by an 1.ordinance passed by the Board of Cfmnuiet &nor.:oh Norerubnr 10, 438,relating to S.L.C. Coro. Ci':_,v Recoreer elm'Police Department, be and the sante are hereby admeded.to read as follow:: gEc.-.1175. OBOANIZATION AND ,AL. A11,1BSC' The Police Department.of Salt •L000'City,shalt consist of the following Offieer.. whom'annual salaries shall be liked'by the'Bba141 of Commissioners, volthtn the Watts specified: was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the c0g,-A.„'i,-,.: -,-i- ....0•, -..:-,k4.,;',', 5•,or.„.,..................... 040.00- 201,11 day of 7-7e1Drro.r.:,- A.D. 19 2,Captaine- 2760.00' PSIVertntendent at skit Aid and '0.1at5' 2460.00 l'43itplariptendent of Detective no ,,K i. . and was published ciae....ti rr•Q I gghlte.deni of Becorde 71.413.01/ DAssis Ch tant SuperintendP ent' of , =80.00: the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 'LpscretarY,to, ief of olice 04,..Lou 1chtmervispr of Instruction ' 2460.80 ie i putenentso 24u.1.02 t ly,Itehnician 2248.00, day of A.D. 19 ,1:Sergeants. 220.4: 4todgie_,1?qtrOrsde En'' tt•gtrojeten, Second.Grade 106o.,8 3t,irettINglittl. : 1•12:2' Advert ng Clerk. P,Olicewornen, First Grecie 1860.00 34,1P,Tnimr:;.tggrd'aGgr:..—'' hat' C. 'Male, first'grade 2100.,1; Tg0411k10;gr,. Itt, 2rke:f.teii„,„i,r,t glade.:.: :16601. ,V ...,,.:40.; reeled rgvki „..140.5e .1Z1L, leh.thit''Pr'"e'...............h ore e b f me this Tvient::-Iour th. day of ii,o. irDi;AssilAillzkii:-Tile eine;' of,Police'Man'itaoi$1,,ans.,shboDimate of- ,liner'In the 1de0a51nient to. Mk date, .AvlOch.int his'Aulement-'the good'of the sa.tvice mar root:ire,and"iv chute.ouch esdlifiraefiC 9,toni. Once to Aim. Whenever uahi,-.1eid04aitt the good oZ the•service tWt1818.4inhettiitAiht44-hitLtAt4r0t00,2' a period o'Iiiity,days pr mere, 4.; ttet° ,4,1416t",C61141117.1.4Pert."to:the Do.14.,(1,,or, `IlfatetetenCtV the named of-onion-110r* Notary Public/ Plm to'411:.fol-1 N\ ipnting,serinces,lok.41.:Detective BergOants, // 21111!btelgt.;,'Irtlir.Nfr.,tigt:I:11 IgZedititi,:r,a:,r„=lat..1 lag,.04.0,...,,,„.„..,NpiiiithiNak,,,,lor th#6,darr/r.'reefer,mhoW.oeggid:"44 teiltitri,ttgortii,t1re Y,;),,,,t;; P ...*ssibuiE*100fM,alill', 19.i!a-,P0244,0018 ter&sprootamiht¢oir 1....b. '..itt4 Niosiosity..);;;i,,,,1 t,1..:,.... :SECTION' 2,'.In,,'that'Opiftlei.0 of ital. arcl of Comminsiehenk.it1i0 mos...amt. t .,1.14.1,t;health 440..817:114,254:4740 M. .4000.q 0ch.Lake'ct,r0P,0i I'Oh184,,,,,-; .,:c; "''''Illf,1-!lderr-.'1V'-4:, 14'It"'''1 '- .'1 XON_3., 111 ,,,.p.too' #4,,kaki ''-.''‘'tVr,b41Fit"14 Ity;tp,o. p-40%,,1 40-„,,,,,,i,',,,$,,,,folgki.,,12#,'!0, fk '!' 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