11 of 1943 - Amending Section 530 relating to organization and salaries in Fire Department ROLL CALL VOTINCi /14' VA? 9 Salt Lake City,Utah, 194 4440in - - - - I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyeer - - - - Matheson - - , McConkie Whamionizx Chairman - - AN ORDINANCE Ru.rdi _ AN OhOINANC. Al'EANiNG f:ECTION 51,0 oi the bc\cised urdinances of Catt Lake City, Utah, i9D4, as amended h: ordinances paanea by the • card of Commissioners on January 12, 1922; Nay 2, 1940; Msy 26,1940; mecomber 18, 1941; bnbruary 19, 1942; and Ncniomber 24, 1942; relating to the Are Uepartmcht. I e it 03-daimed by the liODTC, of Ooimissioners of a.1.-t Lake City, Utah: UtiTION I. Thai, boot.COO 59U of the bcvised orutnances of alt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by urdidances b0stc0 by the hoard of (iOWNi1:::;:lon on januatcy 12, 1)36; iity 8, 1)40; ,Jay 28,1940; becember February 19, 194,2; and hovembor 24,1942; reJatinf to the Vire Department, be and the same i2 hereby amended to Ina,- fonlows: 530.01GAntAATIO03 2AhA1Ib0. The riro Deportment oil Unit I City shall consist ci the following of dicers, chose nalarlen shall bo Lu; ,led by the Loara or C0i,IiiSL:i0r1OrL;, tithin the limits specified as foltowt: No1 to eitcecd. , Chief of bepartment $4200.00 2 Assistant Chiefs 23UO.UO (vvhich amount inciudon Inc : 10.0) ea prtm,ited in hill No. 9, published April I3 1943) Ouporintondont of lire and VoLice Alarm . . . '.jY60.1 ) HatLa[ion . . . 2700.00 Captains . . . 2460.00 Lieutenants . . . 0280.00 ,e01-etary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2280.0U Joe ';'en of First Grade 210U.0U himemen of ;incond Grade 1980.00 iremen of Third Grade 1860.00 Alarm Operators, iirat grade 2100.00 Alarm operators, second grade 19C:0.00 Alarm Operators, third grade 1860.00 Pemale Alarm Operators, first grade 2042.00 (olich dmount includes the as provided In ji 1 Wo. 9, publindied ubrti 21 1(/44 . Inmate Alarm Operators, second grade 1920.00 (voldith amount incindes cie 1310.00 as pAotided in Lill no. 9, published Aaril 23, 1)43) icomalc Alarm Oberstorn, third . . . . . IbOU.Ud ( .01ch amo)p inciudos the p10.110 ah drcrvideo in bill No. 9, published ,t-pril b , 194 ) zip L,r2C.Ontt CW..t:..,L 1..1 CC . . . . . . i J. i) ..alj 30 I I. cc LiJci on . . . . . . . . L360.00 (cc (,:c. 1,Eic Cl 0 U 0 ICC u,[ c:c I. 000 „ II 0 00 urc. oiL0, ;.: 0cC I, inch,, I ;l;t1k(Jili-jTj,C; GJ`t5 J.;et.,0,Jj “J1,16 r'j t. • t.e. ot,-..1 I t jolt ;;LtiLr: it I.'', iiC, kilCj ,LiCJC-Jee, Ltt j ; jJ,J,k ky 'LiCtU t r,..11(*JJ C'J t,j;I ;)ECI.,1 JiljJ 3. 0Cc t C.L.540; L1,1)011 1.t J j ':A. OLJJ.J..1 , -47 l'abL,cci by SIC: ;,OL„I'Ci. of (,)1 1Lct. Ly rk,u, 7 /:, L.L'y05 +"' A„, . . • ICI._ k"e uti ; T.. ,..,..! . .. VA, 4 ^...'AP"-/•• ' IV • 1. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 County of Salt Lake i Legal Notice 1 AN ORDINANCE • L •- �. - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC.' j TION 530 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lel.City, Utah, 1034,as as ands Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- by o lu,pnaes passed. by the Board3: f Oommissioncrs 01 January 12,1938;May Feb u°l::1 192819422;0'and Novembervertissng clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper 1942;relating'to the Fire Department. IIe it ordained by the Board of Cum, missioners of.Salt La,.City, dash: published in Salt,Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State SECTION I. That f Salt 530 of the RevUtah, 34, aavicee o1' Salt ordinances City, Ulah, 1934, a ended by ordlnnners of Utah. Ins January'iho 1938; oa C 1940„Bind n 1040: 12, 1938;May 8, 194e:February 18,- 194; December be 24,1: February 19, o4t 3'l November 24, 1e42:relay' ias to the apartment,he and That the advertisementsame is follows: hereby ame nded mended to read as a,. 'SE(:.520.ORGANIZATION AND SAL- ARIES, Th. Fire Department f Sal[ �., Lake Cily shall consist of the following by tens,,onest calories shall be as hard LA the hoard pi Cu follows: 01 08: within the]imils specified as folio ws: Nat to ed 0 Chief of Deportment $3300.00 2(which iL ,allofi 3300.00 (which let includes the -� a a 0. 1110 asmprov provided in hill Na. €9131 . p. rintende d April da. Poi Superintendent of Fire and Police 2700.00 was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the 11 Battalion Chiefs 2700.00 Mmtaias 2460.00 Lieutenants 2280.00 secretary 2280.00 day of - , A.D. 19 Firemen of First Grade '100.00 Piremen of Second Grade 1980.00 l'ircnicn of'Thorn Grade 1860.00 Alarm operators,first grade 2100.00 and was published -. Alarm Operators, second grade 1980.00 Alarm Operators, third€ride. 1060.00 Female Alarm Operators, first grade 2040.00 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the which unt the 13 M� $10.00 aware'dedui Bill No. P 9, published April 23. 1943)Fam:de Alarm O011000rs, second ads loam day of A.D. 1 dd 9 (W111g,11.00 mr1 ncl roles 8. published providedD April 2 el Na.. •Female Alurnl Operators, third a grade 1800.00 (which amount includesDill the Advertising Clerk. 2, 00 as ed Avri Dill ) 0, p Class April r23, 1943) S1p1,l Glass Electrician ,980.00 ens class Electrician 1a80.03 'Thine Clof t asmstorn all be One of the a s1fice o file Marl he ,eo to lea y lie of Fire , mast?. mechanics enmity marshals, a all crhaa and fit eeutenant, or I graded ccaptains,ir' ,lirutenaI or be n1 thefmst, aernnd and third CO before n2e this '' day of erase. SECPION 2.m In the er o necessary the to the of Ce, health an it non to(he nee health and safety this A. D. 19 inhabitants b of ren Sel effective Citythat.immediately. o SECmr TION 1 This ordinance shall take Ie Board of Connnissioners f f .L pnhil t ' Passed ti lt1pri`I A.D IlC 0, Utah, this 20th day Iy'' l ' 1' La 1943 l AB JFNS(IVS ....... .......... ``i5._.• 1_ C. �,_, \..�1�. ,\ Mayor. ETDeh MACDONAL D, - Notary Public. BCity Recorder. % LALI 6y ch ief D \ 9111EL e, thief rnuty City Erdarder. TOLL N0. 11 1-nblixhad Play 1.1041 Proof of Publication OF Attorney.