11 of 1946 - Amending Section 1402 of Chapter XIV relating to bureau mechanical Inspection-Board of Commissioners VOTING ' Aye Nay �� 1�I�t�•
Salt Lake City, Utah, 194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . . j
Romney IMF
Result rr'
the Revised Ordinances of 'all,' Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating
to Bureau of Mechanical Inspection.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Bait
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Secyion 1402 of Chapter XIV of the Re-
vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to Bureau
of Mechanical Inspection, be and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows;
BONDS. (a) The Board of Commissioners may appoint and employ
a Superintendent of the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection, who
shall have charge of the Bureau of Mechanical Inspection and
whose duties shall be to enforce the zoning laws of Salt Lake
City and to inspect or cause to be inspected all buildings
and structures erected or proposed to be erected in Salt Lake
City and. to carry out, enforce and perform all duties, provi-
sions and mandates designated, made and Set forth in the ordi-
nances of Salt Lake City conderning zoning, building, building
inspection, plumbing and electrical inspection, and to examine
and approve all plans and specifications before permits shall
be issued, and to execute all permits, certificates, and notice
required to be issued; and. to enforce all ordinances relating
to the installation or maintenance of plumbing and drains; to
11, issue permits for and inspect all plumbing and drains; to enforce
the ordinances relating to installation and repsir of electric
light and power wiring, fixtures, appliances and apparatus in or
running to any building within the city and to inspect and
supervise the same; and shall perform all of the duties and
have all of the powers required of and conferred on the build-
ing inspector by the Uniform Building Code 1940 Edition and
the ordinances of Salt bake City.
(b) Said Superintendent oi' the Bureau of Mechanical In-
spection shall be qualified as a competent professional engi-
neer or architect, licensed as provided by the laws of Utah.
(c) Theeboard oc, 'ommissioners may employ inspectors
who shall beasaigned: o the division of said Bureau of Me-
chanical Ins$4 i' i an whose duties it shall be to assist
s ' z
the Super int. yang.d ` hi Bureau of Mechanical Inspection.
# ei
(d) Lhez ,e ri e tl nt of the Bureau. of Mechanical
i. ti 0i
Inspection stall rec 'yAa salary of not to exceed3600.00
per year, and;the chief' inspectors shall receive salaries
not to exceed $2940.00 per year.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of issioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this / 4 day of A. .i19
49741100 ,21-e./0 ,
City recorder. /
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake ss
Legal Notices •
the Reeelee9�Chilinancee'of eatfLakof e pM--.Qekey
• Celts,Utah,1a9I1t,relating'to Hnre.0
-iDe•It ordainedHuaM„f'. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
ComviDitoners of gale Lek. Offs, y
• Chapter t0x I.n;°That a .,ba'ors'- vertising clerk o f THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
• vnoes 1 salt Lama ofb, veal, published in Salt Lake ,
a eopng lt t Surma of Utah- Salt Lake I Inieeatlse,be and the ewe 1s: County,in the State
bneb e1,Aed to read as fol))owe: U
9E'yb 149f.HOARD OS CORtMC9- ; of Utah,
RIONAA9 MAY APh.�P ad dl
CERa,BONDS, (ai The HDYd of
Commimionera May ilmlnt and •
mploot Meehsasrnlca Inepeotlon,wMs ho
• riahai leas dune of (be Urn
That the advertisement
f Meabanical C al�d=and whom
of hall m force the on•
M lave m•gett Lake city end m Ordinance Bill No 11
limbed or canoe to be inspected ell
b„Ildl„9e act structure*erected r
prnpee d t t erected In Salt Lere Salt Lake CityCorporation
City ad to entry gut,enforce end S
li dolt., rovielo Agee •
fotlb in the ordinsn'e'01 aatt Lake
GulldiA`t lneMc61a0. plumbing andelectrical)nape1tlon,and{ ine
•mid apOrore all plane ends pedllca-
tione b fore perm.shell tie lam
and to neuters requirred`to bey: was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
-' "- -"e4ed•Odd to enfat'de all ordinances •:
tlathe to the Installation or main•
enenoe er plumbing and drama; day of
H'ne Penults for d ImDect all February
plumbing and drains;to*fora ill A.D. 19 46
Ordinances relating to Imtallailoa '•
and repair f electric light and
D„war ,r,„,, llrenreo appliances
and was published 1 time
and apparetw m or renal.to any .
building within the dly and to W-
a4 ll'perform till of the tame::nd the last publication thereof
Have all of the powers reaacored of being in the issue dated the
and conferred an the bnllNna In-
Cpectpr by the vm:arm HulMtnr 21st day of February 46
ode 1Na Edition and the Ordinances
ee Salt Lake City. A.D.19
01 Bald Superintendent of ttha i
Hurdan f Simfebanecd 'Inepeeilen
shall be Oualliled a competent
prsteselenal engineers or architectt,,,
licensed se predicted bP Rti levee of j --
f The Hod, :vDmmlmlanen Advertising Cle
1 me`lgeeds to the&Melon of shall
Dean ei Me..It 1l 11 be be end
whoa duWee It'stroll t /o metes
th eu9eMn Inspection.
1 the BprNri
e di•Th Mechanical IneD ilecid.
(di•The epgesfatename f the
• .sail°iaceioe iiu oo wct`e„a° !o before me thus 23rd
a ad dM10.a. per .y and tb. day of
:lief Ih'penters Altai arecelse ails- •'
lee not m ennad 11040.a Per ...A.D.19 46
a000000N B.In the opinion of the
Hoard of Commlmionere,Pea.1t is nee•
MOP/to es at the tlnlimtyeao rf sS alt take.
01191lMe 1.e
MmEt;f o .N1 ka4
take effect at once
sgee Its Erepublioation.
Pained by the Demo
Comm of salt Lees Oltw, Itah thu•
Notary Public
loth goo of nbrnfiy 11M.
rum /AMA Olty mums.
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