11 of 1951 - Levying a tax, Curb and Gutter Extension No. 110-( 2 ). ROLL CALL rIA I Salt Lake City,Utah, �0 NY ' ,195 VOTING Aye Nay Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . . Lingenfelter . . Romney . . . . Mr. Chairman . AN-ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of pro- perty (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 110 (2));for the purpose of grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter or sidewalk (where curb and gutter, roll gutter or sidewalk are not now built), drain- age system, a pavement consisting of a 5 inch gravel base and a 2 inch stone filled sheet asphalt wearing course and private driveways on Wilson Avenue from 19th to 20th East Streets, Garfield Avenue from 18th to 20th East Streets, Westminster Avenue from 15th to 16th East Streets and from 19th to 21st East Streets, ,20th East Street from 119 ft. south of Westminster Avenue $e Wils'on2 Avenue, and Yuma Street north 407.3 ft. from Westminster Avenue. f Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: '', SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 110 (2) ) for the purpose of grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter or sidewalk (where curb and gutter, roll gutter or sidewalk are not now built), drainage system, a pavement consisting of 5 inch gravel base and a 2 inch stone filled sheet asphalt wearing course and private driveways, to-wit: Lots 1-13 incl., Block 1; Lots 1-24 incl., Block 2; Lots 1-11 incl., Block 3; Lots 1-16 incl., Block 4; Lots 1-6 incl. and Lots 12-16 incl. Block 5; Lots 1-13 incl., Block 6, Mountain View Park, a subdivision of all of Lots 16 and 17 and portions of Lots 6 and 7 of Block 7, 5-Acre Plat ►Ot,Big Field Survey; also all of Lot 3 and a portion of Lot 4 of Block 7, :a2* F. M. Lyman Jr. Ts Survey of Section 16, T. 1 S., N. 1 E., S. L. & M. The south 119.20 ft. of the west 125.5 ft. of Lot 4; the Block 7, north 118.90 ft. of the west 125.5 ft. of Lot 4.1 F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Section 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. D. & M. The east 10.09 ft. of the north 176.10 ft. of the south Block 7, 578.36 ft. of Lot S JF.M.Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Section 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. F; M. The west 51.37 ft. of the east 84.37 ft. of the south 175.9 ft. of Lot 8; the west 53.57 ft. of the east 86.57 ft. of the north 63.15 ft. of Lot 8, the west 95.45 ft. of the ea-t 120.45 ft. of the north 176.1 ft. of Lot 9; the west 53.57 ft of the east 86.57 ft. of the south 112.95 ft. of Lot 9; the west 103.76 ft. of the east 128.76 ft. of the north 181.54 ft of the south 231.54 ft. of Lot 10; the east 169.0 ft. of the west 202.0 ft. of Lot 15; the east 169.0 ft. of the west 202.4 ft. of the south 215.325 ft. of Lot 14; the east 338 ft. of t e west 371.0 ft. of the north 71.775 ft. of Lot 15; Block 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C*, Big Field Survey. All of Lots 1-12 incl., Wilson Subdivision, a subdivisio of a part of Lot 5, Block 7, F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sectio 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. &. B. All of Lots 1-10 incl., Wilson Subdivision No. 2, a sub- division of apart of Lot 5, Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Surve of Section 16, T. 1 S., ^. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Tho north 10.0 ft. of Lot 7 and all of Lots 8-28 incl., Block 2; all of Lots 1-22 incl. and 25-26 incl., Block 3, Sac Westminster Addition, a subdivision of Lots 5 and 6, Block 9, 5 Acre Plat 'C1, Big Field Survey, and also part of Lot 6, Block 9, 5 Acre Flat 1C', Big Field Survey. The north 59.6 ft. of the south 1409.147 ft. of the east 120.0 ft. of Lot 11; the west 611.18 ft. of the east 731.18 ft. of the north 119.73 ft. of the south 409.47 ft. of Lot 11; the east 120.0 ft. of the north 59.6 ft. of the south 519.07 ft. o Lot 11; the west 491.18 ft. of the east 611.18 ft. of the nor I ' -3- 119.2 ft. of the south 578.67 ft. of Lot 11; the west 120.0 f.. of the east 731.18 ft. of the north 59.6 ft. of the south 519 07 ft. of Lot 11; all in Block 8, F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sect on 16, T: 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & Me This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, con strueting concrete curb and gutter or sidewalk (where curb and gutter, roll gutter or sidewalk are not now built), drainage system, a pav=- ment consisting of a 5 inch gravel base and a 2 inch stone filled sheet asphalt wearing course and private driveways as follows: 30 ft. Roadway - Paving (Roll Gutter & Walk Built, No Parking.) Garfield Avenue - south side - from a point 438.11 ft. west of 20th East Street, thence west 162.0 ft. Yuma Street - both sides - from a point 123.0 ft. north of Westminster Avenue, thence north 284.30 ft. 30 ft. Roadway - Paving, 4 ft. Walk (Roll Gutter built) Garfield Avenue - south side - west 438.11 ft. from 20th , Eas.P Street. 30 ft. Roadway - Paving, Roll Gutter (Walk built, or corner lot frontage exempted from sidewalk assessment) Garfield Avenue - north side - east 75.0 ft. from 19th East Street, from a point 179.5 ft. east of 19th East Street, thence east 162.0 ft.; from 18th East Street to 19th East Street - south side east 75.0 ft. from 19th East Street; i'r•p 18th East to 19th East Streets. Yuma Street - east side - from a point 75.0 ft. north of Westminster Avenue, thence north 48.0 ft. 30 ft. Roadway - Paving, Curb and Gutter (Walk built) Wilson Avenue - both sides - from 19th East Street to 20th East Street. Westminster Avenue - both sides - from 19th East Street o 21st East Street. 30:ft. Roadway - Paving, Roll Gutter, 4 ft. Walk. Garfield Avenue - north side - from a point 75.0 ft. eas of 19th East Street, thence east 104.5 ft.; west 384.10 ft. from 20th East Street. Garfield Avenue - south side - from a point 75.0 ft. eas of 19th East Street, thence east 50.5 ft. -4- 36-ft. Roadway - Paving (corner lot frontage exempted from curb and Titter an&sidewalk assessment) 20th East Street - west side - north 75.0 ft. from Down- ington Avenue; south 75.0 ft. from Downington Avenue. 36 ft. Roadway - Paving, Curb and Gutter (walk built) Westminster Avenue - both sides - west 653.5 ft. from 16t1 East Street. 20th East Street - east side - from a point 123.0 ft. Avenue north of Westminsted, thence north 284.30 ft. 36 ft. Roadway - Paving, Curb and Gutter, 4 ft. Walk. 20th East Street - west side - from a point 75.0 ft. sout of 'gestminster Avenue; thence south 44.0 ft.; from a point 75.0 ft. north of 'Westminster Avenue, thence north 88.15 ft.; from a point 75.0 ft. north of Garfield Ave., thence north 145.05 ft.; from a point 75.0 ft. north of Downington Ave., thence north 202.2 ft. 20th East Street - east side - from a point 75.0 ft. nor. of Westminster Ave., thence north 48.0 ft.; south 574.2 ft. from Wilson Ave.; from a point 75 ft. south of Westminster Av-., thence south 44.0 ft. 30 ft. Roadway - Paving, Roll Gutter (Walk Built or corner 10. T7Untap exempted from sidewalk assessment, No Parking) Yuma Street - west side - from a point 75.0 ft. north of Westminster Avenue, thence north 48.0 ft. the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbeforo an. hereinafter described to be especially benefited by said improveme t, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said pr.- perty will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of t':e tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot front age upon said portions of said streets, fronting upon and to the e - tire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parce s of land is Eighty-one Thousand Twenty-eight and 78/100 (01,028.78 Dollars; Two Thousand, Eight Hundred Thirty-four and 73/100 -5- (r2,8314.73) Dollars for 30 ft. roadway - Paving (Roll Gutter & Walk Built) no parking„ or Three and 88/100 ( 3.88) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting broperty, there being 730.60 feet of abutting property; Two Thousand, Nine Hundred Twenty-six and 57/100 (12,926.57) Dollars for 30 ft. roadway - Paving - 14 ft. Balk (Roll Gutter Built) or Six and 68/100 ('16.68) per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 1438.11 feet of abutting property; Twelve Thousand, Three Hundred Fifty-five and 60/100 (0.2,355.60) Dollars for 30 ft. Roadway - paving, roll gutter (walk built or corner lot front- age exempted from sidewalk assessment) or Six and 76/l00 (16. 8) per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 1,822.36 feet of abutting property; Twenty-nine Thousand, Six Hundred Sixty-eight and 90/100 (w29,660.90) Dollars for 30 ft. Roadway-Paving, curb and gutter (walk built) or Six and 88/10$ (;6.88) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 4,312.34 feet of abutting property; Five Thousand, Twenty-nine and 80/100 ( 5,029.80) Dollars for 30 ft. Roadway Paving, Roll Cutter, 4 ft. walk, or Nine and 33/100 (w9.33) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 539.10 feet of abutting property; Seven Hundred Sixty- two and 00/100 (5762.00) Dollars for 36-ft. Roadway - Paving (corner lot frontage exempted from curb and gutter and sidewali assessment) or Five and 08/100 (;;5.06) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 150.0 feet of abutting property; Thirteen Thousand, Thirty-three and 141/100 (013,033.41) Dollars for 36 ft. Roadway - Paving, Curb and Gut- ter (walk built) or Eight and 38/100 (.48.38) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 1,555.30 feet of abutting property; Eleven Thousand, Eight Hundred Hinety- one and 33/100 (111,891.33) Dollars for 36 ft. Roadway - Pav- ing, Curb and Gutter, 14 ft. Balk or Ten and 38/10.0 (510.38) --nDollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 1,145.60 feet of abutting property; Three Hundred Thirten -b- and 4LI/100 ($313.)41}) Dollars for 30 ft. Roadway-Paving, Roll Gutte ( :.olk built or corner lot frontage exempted from sidewalk assessme t). No parking, or Six' and 53/100 ( 6.53) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 48.00 feet of abutting prop:r- ty; and Two Thousand, Two Hundred Thirteen and 00/100 ( 2,213.00) Dollars for private driveways, as specifically set out hereinafter the cost of which driveways, and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement, according to the contract entered'into for the performance of said work and making said improvement with Young & Smith Construction Company, dated the 27th day of June, 1950, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordaace with the provisions of this ordi- nance for the purposes herein mentioned: THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY - PAVING (ROLL GUTTER AND WALK BUILT N0. PARNING Fronting on the South side of Garfield Avenue. All of Lots 3-5 incl. of Blk, 2, Mountain View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, P.M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and 5 Acre Plat 'C', Dig Field. Survey. Fronting on the west side of Yuma Street. All of Lots 7-11 incl. of Blk. )4, Mountain View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, P.H.Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and 5-Acre Flat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the east side of Yuma Street. All. of Lots 2-6 incl.. of Blk. 5, Mountain. View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY _ PAVING )4 FT. WALK (ROLL GUTTER BUILT).- Fronting on the south ide of Garfield Avenue. A11 oi' Lots At Znc1. os _,1x. 2, fountain View Park, a ( subdivision of Block 7, P.M.Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S. R. 1 E., S. L. B. & Psi., and 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY, PAVING, ROLL GUTTER (WALK BUILT OR CORNER LOT FRONTAGE EXEMPTED FROM SIDEWALK ASSESSMENT) Fronting on the North side of Garfield Avenue. -7- Beginning at the intersection of the north line of Garfield Avenue and the east line of 19th East Street, thence east 75.0 ft., Lot 4, Block 7, F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 F. S. L. B. & M.; all of Lots 2-4 incl. of Elk. 3, Mountain View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. N. M., and 5 Acre Plat 'CT, Big Field Survey: and beginning at the intersection of the north line of Garfield Ave nue and the east line of 1.8th East Street, thence east 731.18 ft., Lot 11, of Block 8, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., 5. L. S. S M. Fronting on the south side of Garfield Avenue. Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Garfield Avenue and the east line of 19th East Street, thence east 75.0 ft., Lot 4, of Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. line of Garfield Ave. and the ea t 1 B., S. L. B. & M.; and beginning at the intersection of the south line of 18th Past Street, thence east 731.18 ft., Lot 11, of Block 8, F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.S. & M. Fronting on the east side of Yuma Street. Lot 1 and the west 4.5 ft. of Lot 16, of Lots 1 and 16, Elk. 5, Mountain View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and 5- Acre Plat 'C', Fig Field Survey. THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY, PAVILG, CURB AND GUTTER (WALK BUILT) Fronting on the north side of Wilson Avenue. All of Lots 3 to 12 incl. and the south 54.O5 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, of Lots 1-12 incl., Wilson Subdivision of Block 7; and be- ginning at the southeast corner of Lot 12, Wilson. Sub., thence east 103.76 ft. of Lot 10, Block 7; F.M.Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. M. Fronting on the south side of Wilson Avenue. All of Lots 1-10 incl., Wilson Subdivision #2 of Block 7; and beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Wilson Sub. #2, thence east 10.00 ft. of Lot 5, of Block 7; F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & Io;. -S- Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Wilsoo Avenue, and the west line of 20th East Street, thence west 95.45 ft. of Lot 9, Block 7, 5-Acre Flat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the north side of Westminster Avenue. All of Lots 1 and 14 to 24 incl. of Blk., 2, All of Lots 1 and 12 to 16 incl. of Elk. 4, and all of Lots 1 and 12 to 16 inc . of Blk. 5; Mountain View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey, and F. M. Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. lb, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the south side of Westminster Avenue. All of Lots 1-13 incl. of Blk. 1, and all of Lots 1-13 incl. of Blk. 6, Mountain View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, 5- Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey, and F. M. Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. A. B. F& M. THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY PAVING ROLL GUTTER, 4 FT. 'BALK. Fronting on the north side of Garfield Avenue. Beginning at a point in the north line of Garfield Avenu., 75.0 ft. east of the east line of 19th East Stroet, thence east F.T1.Eyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R.1 E.,S.L.B.& M.; 50.5 ft.ot",i,414af Block Wand all of Lots 1 mid 5-11 incl. of Blk 3, Mountain view Park, a subdivision of Block 7; F. M. Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and 5 Acre Fla, 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the south side of Garfield Avenue. Beginning ata point in the south line of Garfield Avenue 75.0 ft. east of the east line of 19th East Street, thence east 50.5 ft. of Lot L}, Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. THIRTY-SIX FOOT ROADWAY, PAVING (CORNER LOT EXEMPTED FRO CURB AND GUTTER AND WALK ASSESSMENT) Fronting on the west side of 20th East Street. Beginning at the intersection of the north line of Down- ington Avenue and the west line of 20th East Stroet, thence north 75 ft. of Lots 6 and 9, of Block 7; and beginning at the intersec- tion of the south line of Downington Avenue med the west line of 20th East Street, thence south 75.0 ft., of Lot 8, of Block 7; 5- I ` -9- Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. THIRTY-SIX FOOT ROADWAY, PAVING, CURB AND GUTTER (WALK BUILT) Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street. All of Lots2-6 incl. of Blk. 4, Mountain View Park, a ° subdivision of Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the north side of Westminster Avenue. All of Lots 1-22 incl and 25 and 26, of Blk. 3, East West- minster Addition of Block 9, 5 Acre Flat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the south side of Westminster Avenue. All of Lots 8-28 incl., and the north 10 feet of Lot 7, of Lots 7-28 incl. of Blk. 2, East Westminster Addition of Block 9; and beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 8, East Westminster Addition, thence east 12.0 ft. of Lot 6, of Block 9, 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. THIRTY-SIX FOOT ROADWAY, PAVING, CURB AND GUTTER, i} FT. WALK. Fronting on the west side of 20th East Street. Beginning at the intersection of the west line of 20th East Street, and the south line of Wilson Avenue, thence south 352.2 ft., of Lots 8 and 9, of Block 7; and beginning at the intersection of the west line of 20th East Street and the south line of Downing- ton Avenue, thence south 175.9 ft., of Lot 8, of Block 7; 5- Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey; all of Lot 11 of Blk. 3, all of Lots 13 and 14 of Blk. 2 and all of Lot 13 of Blk. 1, Mountain View Park, BloeR 7, a subdivision of/F.M.Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec.. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the east side of 20th Last Street. Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 4, Moun- tain View Park Sub., thence north 574.2 ft. of Lots 14 and 15, of Big Field Survey Block 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C'% All of Lot 1, and the west 2.0 ft. of Lot 16, of Lots 1 and 16 of Blk. 4, Mountain View Park, a subdivision ; , of Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., Bigr Field Survey; S. L. B. & M., and 5-Acre Plat 'C',/and all of Lot 1 and tho west 4.0 ft. of Lot 2, of Lots 1 and 2 of Blk. 6, Mountain View Park, a -10- Block 7, subdivision of/F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E. S. L. B. B M., and 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. THIRTY FOOT ROADWAY PAVING, ROLL GUTTER ('WALK BOI_LT OR CORNER LOT FRONTAGE EXEMPTED FROM SIDEWALK ASSESSFENT�PO PARKING) Fronting on the west side of Yuma Street. Lot 12 and the east 3.0 ft. of Lot 13, of Lots 12 and 13 of Blk, I(, Mountain View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, F. M. Lym.n Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO TEE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. Frontier on the north side of Wilson Avenue. (;j10.00 per private drivew ) The south 54.5 ft. of Lots 1 and 2; al7. of Lot 3; all of ots 4 and 5; all of Lot 6; and the east 27 ft. of Lot 8 and the est )4.8 ft. of Lot 9, of Lots 8 and 9; Wilson Subdivision of Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B.& H. (t12.00 per private driveway) Lot 7 and the west 25 ft. of Lot 8, of Lots 7 and 8; and rot 12 and the east 2.0 ft. of Lot 11, of Lots 11 and 12; Wilson ubdivision of Block 7, F.LI.Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., 1 E., S. L. B. M. (;9.50 per private driveway) Lot 10 and the east 2.0 ft. of Lot 9, of Lots 9 and 10; (nd the west 50.0 ft. of Lot 11; Wilson Subdivision of Block 7, F.M yman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. I'rontin; on the south side of Wilson Avenue. (514.00 per private driveway) All of Lot 10, Wilson Subdivision y#2 of Block 7, F.M.Lyma, rr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. ($13.00 per private driveway) All of Lot 9, all of Lots 1, 2, 3, 1�, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Wil- No. 2 •.on Subdivision/of Block 7, F. b::. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. S., R. 1 E ., S. L. B. E: M.; beginning at the northeast corner of Jot 1, Wilson Sub. #2, thence east 10.00 ft. of Lot 5, of Block 7, -11- F. 0. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M., also beginning at.,point 53.54 ft. west of the intersection of the south line of Wilson Avenue end the west line of 20th East Street, thence west 41,91 ft., of Lot 9, of Block 7, 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the north side of Garfield Avenue. ( 22.00 der_private driveway) Beginning at the intersection of the north line of Gar- field Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 120.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. (w11.00 per private driveway) Beginning 120.0 ft. west of the intersection of the norto line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 56.59 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 176.59 ft. west of the intersection of the north line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 54.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 230.59 ft. west of the intersection of the north line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence the intersection o west 54.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 284.59 ft. west of/ the north line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th 'East Street, thence west 54.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 338. 9 ft. west of the intersection of the north line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 50.0 ft., of Lo 11 of Block 8; beginning 500.59 ft. west of the intersection of th. north line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 54.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 55.4.59 ft. west of the intersection of the north line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 56.59 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 611.18 ft. west of the intersection of the north line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street thence west 120 ft., more or less, to the east line of 18th East Street, of Lot 11 of Block 8; all in F.M.Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R 1 E., S. L. B. A M. All of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, of Blk. 3; all of Lot 7 and -12-- and the west 6.0 ft. of Lot 8, of Lots 7 and 8 of Blk. 3.; the east 48.0 ft. of Lot 8 and the west 6.0 ft. of Lot 9, of Lots 8 and 9 of Blk. 3; the east 48.0 ft. of Lot 9 and the west 3.0 ft. of Lot 10, of Lots 9 and 10 of Blk. 3; and the east 51.0 ft. of Lot 10 of Blk. of Block 7, 3; Mountain View Park, a subdivision/of F.M.Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. 8: M., and 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. ($10.50 per private driveway) Beginning 388.59 ft. west of the intersection of the nor i line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th Bast Street, the ce west 58.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 446.59 ft. west of the intersection of the north line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 54.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the south side of Garfield Avenue. (' 11.00 per private driveway) Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 120.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8, F. M. Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. ( ;6.00 per private driveway) Beginning 120.0 ft. west of the intersection of the Bout line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th Fast Street, the ce west 56.59 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 173.59 ft. west of the intersection o£zthe south line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 54.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 230.59 ft. west of the intersection of the south line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 54.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 28)3.59 ft. west of the intersection of the south line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 54.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 338.59 ft. west of the intersection of the south line lof Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 54.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 392.59 ft. west of -�3- the intersection of the south line of Garfield Avcnue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 54.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 446.59 ft. west of the intersection of the south line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 54.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 500.59 ft. west of the intersection of the south line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 51.4.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 554.59 ft. west of the intersection of the south line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 56.56 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 611.18 ft. west of the intersection of the south line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th Fast Street, thence west 60.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; beginning 671.18 ft. west of the intersection of the south line of Garfield Avenue and the west line of 19th East Street, thence west 60.0 ft., of Lot 11 of Block 8; F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. B Y. All of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, of Blk. 2, Mounta'n View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. M. and 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the north side of Westminster Avenue. ( 25.00 per private driveway. ) All of Lots 5 and 6, all of Lots .7 and 8, all of Lots 13 and 1)}, all of Lots 19 and 20, 21 and 22, 25 and 26, of P1k. 3; East Westminster Addition of Block 9, 5-Acre Flat ?CI, Fi; Field Survey. (`"16.00 per private driveway.) All of Lots 9 and 10, 11 and 12, 17 and 18, and 15 aid 1., of Blk. 3, East Westminster Addition of Block 9, 5-Acre Plat 'CI, Big Field Survey. (W10.00 per private driveway) All of Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, and 24, of ilk, 2; the east 53.0 ft. of Lot 16 and the west 1.0 ft. of Lot 15, of Lots 15 and 16 of Blk. 4; the east 54.0 ft. of Lot 15 and t west 1.0 ft. of Lot 14, of Lots 14 and 15 of Elk. 4.; the east 54.0 ft. of Lot 14, of Blk. )4; the west 52.0 ft. of Lot 13, of Blk. 4; t, e least 47.5 ft. of Lot 16 and the west 6.5 ft. of Lot 15, of Lots 15 and 16 of Elk. 5; the east 45.5 ft. of Lot 15 and the west 15.3 ft. of Lot 14, of Lots 14 aid 15 of Plk. 5; the east 38.0 ft. of Lot 1 and the west 15.0 ft. of Lots 12 aid 13, of Lots 12, 13, and 14 of Blk. 5; and the east 50.0 ft. of the west 65.0 ft. of Lots. 12'aakt, 13, Lots12 and 13 of Elk. 5; all in Fountain View Park, a subdivi- sion of Block 7, F. K. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 5., :1.1 B., S. L. F. & M., and 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Su vey. ( 17.00 per private driveway) All of Lot 1 of Elk. 2, Mountain View Park, a subdivisio . of Block 7, F. Y. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., 3. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the south side of Westminster Avenue. 1150.00 per -rivate driveway) All of Lot 8 and the north 10.0 ft, of Lot 7, of Lots 7 of Elk. 2, and 8,/East Westminster Addition of Flock 9, 5-Acre Plat 'C', Pig Field Survey. ()1;25.00 per private driveway) A].l of Lots 9 aid 10, 11 and 12, 13 and 14, 15 and 16, 17 and 18, 23 and 24, of Blk. 2, East Westminster Addition of Block 9, 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. (0.7.00 per privatie driveway) All of Lots 19 and 20, a1 and 22, of Blk. 2, East West- minster Addition of Block 9, 5 Acre Plat 'C', Rig Field Survey, ( ,30.00 per private driveway ) All of Lots 27 and 28, of Elk. 2, East Westminster Additi.n of Block 9, 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field. Survey. (0_3.00 per private driveway) The west 62.5 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, the east 63.0 ft. of ots 1 and 2, all of Lots 3, all of Lot 4, the west 50.0 ft. of Lot , Lot 6 and the east 4.0 ft. of Lot 5 of Lots 5 and 6, Lot 7 and tie est 1.0 ft. of Lot 8, the east 53.0 ft. of Lot 8, all of Lots 9, '0, 11 and 12; all of Blk. 1; the east 54.0 ft. of Lot 2 and the we:.t 13.0 ft. of Lot 3, of Lots 2 and 3, the east 41.0 ft. of Lot 3 and he west 21.5 ft. of Lot 4, of Lots 3 and 4, the east 32.5 ft. of -15- Lot 4 and the west 31.5 ft. of Lot 5, of Lots 4 and 5, the east 22.5 ft. of Lot 5 and the west 33.5 ft. of Lot 6, of Lots 5 and 6, the east 20.5 ft. of Lot 6 and the west 44.5 ft. of Lot 7, of Lots 6 and 7, the east 9.5 ft. of Lot 7 and the west 51.5 ft. of Lot 8, of Lots 7 and 8; the east 2.5 ft. of Lot 8 aa d the west 53.5 ft. o Lot 9, of Lots 8 and 9, the east 0.5 ft. of Lot 9, all of Lot 10 and the west 8.0 ft. of Lot 11, of Lots 9, 10 and 11, the east 47.4 ft. of Lot 11 add the west 11.0 ft. of Lots 12 and 13, of Lots 11, 12 azd 13, and the east 5)4. 0 ft. of the west 65.0 ft. of Lots 12 and 13, of Lots 12 as d 13; all in Blk. 6, Mountain View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of. Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. L. Y., and 5 Acre Plat 'C', L'ig Field Sur- vey. Fronting on the east side of Puma Street. ($6.00 per private driveway. ) All of Lot 1 and the west 1.0 ft. of Lot 16, of Lots 1 and 16 of Blk. 5, Mountain View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr.}s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 Imo., S. L. B. & M., and 5 Acre Plat ICI, Big Field Survey. Fronting on the west side of 20th East Street. ($28.00 per private driveway.) All of Lot 13 of Elk. 1, all of Lot 14 of Blk. 2, all of Lot 11 of Blk. 3, Mountain View Park,& subdivision of Block 7, F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. w M., and 5 Acre Plat ,C,, Big Field Survey; and beginning at the intersection of the west line of 2) th East Street and the north l'ne of Downington Ave., thence north 176.1 ft., of Lots 5 and 9, of Block 7, 5-Acre Plat 'C,, Big Field Survey. (:;f57.00 per private driveway) All of Lot 13 of Blk. 2, Mountain View Park, a subdivia On of Block 7, F. N. Lyman Jr.ts Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and 5-Acre Plat /0,, Big Field Survey. ($33.00 per private driveway.) Beginning at the intersection of the west line of 20th -16- East Street and the south line of Downington Avenue, thence south 175.9 ft., of Lot 8T and beginning at the intersection of the sout, line of Wilson Avenue and the west line of 20th East Street, thenco south 176.1 ft., of Lot 9; of Block 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street. 5 15.00 per private driveway) All of Lot 1 asd the east 4.0 ft. of Lot 2, of Lots 1 End 2 of Elk. 6, Mountain View Park, a subdivision of block 7, F. M. Lyman. Jr. 's Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 3., 3. 1 E., S. L. B. E. M., aid 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. (23.00 ter ;private driveway) All of Lot 1 and the east 2.0 ft. of Lot 16, of Lots 1 ai , 16; all of Lot 2 aid the south 3.0 ft. of Lot 3, of Lots 2 and 3; the north 53.86 ft. of Lot 3; all of Lots 4, 5 and 6; of Elk 4, lountain View Park, a subdivision of Block 7, Y. M.Lyman Jr.'s Survey f Sec. l6, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.H. & M., and 5-Acre Flat 'C', Big Field Survey; beginning at a point 33.0 ft. east aid 71.775 ft.nort f the southwest corner of Lot 15, Block 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C', B.P.S. hence north 71.775 ft. of Lot 15; beginning at &point 33.0 ft. eas d 215.325 ft. north of the southwest oorner of Lot 15, Block 7, 5 �cre Plat 'C', B. P. 5 ., thence north 56.325 ft. of Lot 15; begin- ing ata-point 33.0 ft. east and 15.45 ft. south of the southwest orner of Lot 14, Block 7, 5-Acre Plat 'C', '3.p.S., thence north `;3.0 ft., of Lots 14 and 15; bezinnins. at a point 33.0 ft. east and 7.55 ft. north of the southwest corner of Lot 14, block 7, 5 Acre i lat 'C', B.P.S., thence north 53.0 ft. of Lot 14; and beginning at point 33.0 ft. east and 90.55 ft. north of the southwest corner o • of 14, Block 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C', B.P.S., thence north 53.0 ft. of Hot 14; of Block 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C', big Field Survey. ( s33.00 per private driveway) Beginning at a point 33.0 ft. east of the southwest corner L Lot 15, Flock 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C', B.P.S., thence north 71.775 'ft. If Lot 15, of Block 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. ( 29.00) per private driveway. -17- Beginning at a point 33.0 ft. east and 143.55 ft. north of the southwest corner of Lot 15, Block 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C', B.F.S , thence north 71.775 ft. of Lot 15; and beginning at a point 33.0 fi. east and 143.55 ft. north of the southwest corner of Lot 14, Block 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C', B.F.S., thence north 71.775 ft. of Lot 114; of Block 7, 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said streets, not ex- ceeding 330 feet, and to collect said tax. SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the city treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 110 (2) ) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of providing for the,grading, construct ing concrete curb and gutter or sidewalk (where curb and gutter, roll gutter or sidewalk are not now built), drainage system, a pav - men't' consisting of a 5 inch gravel base and a 2 inch stone filled sheet asphalt wearing course, and private driveways upon said por- tions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists, sad the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal yearly installments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on th= whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one o more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the dat: this ordinance becomes effective. One or more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid after said fifteen days and before the first installment be- comes due by paying the same with interest from the date of levy to the date such first installment is due. One or more instal lmen s in the order in which they are payable, or the thole special tax, may be paid on the date any installment becomes due by paying the • -18- amount thereof and interest to the date of payment. Defsilt in the payment of any such installment of principal or interest when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal aid interest to be- come due and payable immediately and the whole amount of the unpai . Principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten per ce t per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure, the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments past, due with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum to date of paym* on the 'delinquent installments, and all accrued costs, and skull thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installrnts in tie same manner as-1 f default had not occur red. S4T 'ON , T :01 ordinance shall tale effect one day afte .ts publication, • Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 20th day of February , A. D. 19. 7 D�ayor �.3,�'W:,bi . ,j i• ,rt: .. City Recorder Curb and Cutter Extension I1g.-10 (2) bth and Final Estimate Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF UTAH, 1 R }as County of Salt Lake D. M. OCKEY Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. That the advertisement An Ordinance Bill No. 11 Curb & Gutter Extension No. 110 (2) was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the day of A.D.19 and was published Qn.._I'obruary 20, 1951 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the day of . A.D.19 < : l Advertising Clerk� .- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21.s t day of --Eebx.uarr A.D.19._.5.1. Notary Pu l' • 1. 1 , • —_---- E 6,10 11 and 12;all of Alk.1;the cast.11 ft.an 0f ; all and fly 21re dt3e Pie � from Point en It, east f 1fth ft LhLot East 119to1 Street.thence 8, FstM3 Ly- 41,91.18 of 0tft Eeft Lot 9 thence Block 7 last tt f tut 3, a East Street,ft. from east 104.5 1L.; a Jr.'s Survey of Sec.16,T.1 B., 5-Acre Plat C,Big Field Survey. tine fi L 4I.0 ft. [Lo4 3 x d Ehe OIIIMOS .e a84.10 ft. from 20th East Fronting on the north ride of Gar- west 21.5 ft. of Lot 4, O[ Lots 3 Street. and 4, the eat 32.5 It, of Let 4dUltaaj Gar- Garfield 7.0 ft.Avenue—south side—from team Fronting on the Eaat Side o[Yuma elide Avenue. fgee.An Per Private and the west 31.5 ft, of Lot 5. f paint R5.0[L, east p[loth East Street.t 1 and the west 4.5 ft of ots 4 and 5. the east 22.5 ft. of 3SHr 5 5 t. L h line of 5 and Strut, thence cast ( In fan of Lots 1 nk View Park,Lymubdlvision of and the west twlin 12o0nrgonAVenue East foot Lnt the em westtictwcs ttx44t520t .®3 ` 3fi-ft, Roadway-Pavingetii scorner Ins a t o ry ry `J fronlxge exempted Irnm curb and Blot of Lot R.of ruts 6 and R,the east WaH gutter xnd ardewalk assessment) cy of Sec. 16, T. 1 6., R. 1 E.. St of Block 8, F. M. Lyman Jr.e 95 ft,of Lot 7 and the west 51.531.JRM 20th East Streetwwest side—north ' L. B. ie M„ end 5-Acre Plat su Lev B. See.16,T.I S.,R.1 E., tt. Ot Lot 8, I Lots 7 antl 8, ties alga nue ft. from Downington Avenue; 'C', Hig Field Survey. act 2,5 It. f Lot 8 a d Ehe eat smith 75.0 It,from Downington Ave- THIRTY-FOOT ROADWAY, PAY- ($11.00 per private drivew of ay) 53 5 it,of Lot 9,of Lots I and 3„aIIRIa n INC,CURB AND GUTTER(WALK o Beginning 1n 120the ft No tit tine the the east 0.5 ft.of Lot o,all of foot -- 36 cut. RoadwayhuPaving, curb and ontII.T). n 10 and the west 8.0 It. of Lot 11, a1e3E Gulley Inter venu Fronting on the North Side of W1l- Garfield 19th East tStreet,the eat f Lots 9,10 and 11,the E 47.0J5. Westminater Avenue—both sides Averuc• r ft f Lot 11 and the weft 1s10 ft. west 653.5 ft from 16th East Street. All of Lots 3 to 12 Incl and the 5f 59 ft., [ Lot 11 of Black 8' of Lots 12 and 19 a Lots 11 .123A',,j ton 12 Street—east side—from south 54,05 ft f Lots 1 a d 2, begs 1 g 17 -9 norft t f the in- end 13 and the east 540 It.of the b& t' a point 1230 it.north aof WastmlSt of hots 112 Incl.,and field Avenue tRed the h L linef 4ro nest 65.0and of ens 11 and 1I:ifstar Avenue thence north 2g4.30 tt toe o[ Block 7. ° 0 Lott 12 mrd 13 II 1 Blk 6 Ma - 36 ft.Roadway Paving, Curb and the southeast cnrner o}Lot 12 WII 35th F t St yet, th s Leln Vlew Park bdl Isiottf fl�nHGutter,4 ft.{Valk. on Soh thence x t 103.7E 1t of ft. f L t 11 of BI k 8 b a I R hock 7, F.M . A 1 Suy s P 20th East 6tccet w L side from `tot 30,Black R F M Lyman Jr a 23059 tt sL o[ Eh. 1 t.cots n of Sec 16 P.1 S. R. 1 E., 8 . SEM d the•.vest o f 1 EastPk M, and 5 Acre PIxE c•, ldoad pint 75.0 It.smith o[Westminster Survey of Sec 16,T.1 R R.1 E., of uric north line (Garfield A e- J airs Snrvcy Avenue;thence south 44.0 ft.;from B. L. A. & M. Point 750 ft north north 88 sots Fronting v on enuehe Saari Side 01 Wil- son Street, Blocks 8;b.g154.0 t0nPI 28459 Lit West- minster Avenue,thence It, from x Point 75.0 f ayes o` dl IAll 0 sfon Ne Lot, 1he 1 oB hlcestYlco ttdSbb worth lineest of the Gatfl.ld IA enua on of the Yr ell i the Fin!Slrle of YumalM•�F Garfield Ave., thin. north 19a OS n 7; aliar of the t line of loth East Street. IS II P. P i ! d I Y) I It; from a point 750 tt glen g s ,,, e Downington Ave.,thence north 202'n Lot 1 O Sub. ' 2 th Sac Block g'Intersection ft„378I Lot 59R It 11 of t e north E All oftl Iit 1 and f Lots Pthe Park, l6west ro tbdlvl-R QI ft. east 10.0 ft f Lot urns) r and the west Mon f 111 k 7 1 M. n Jr eg I.L 20in E75. Street north side—from F Lyman B k M, of } nr i ld Asurvey [ , T.1 lit R.1 .'s ns a south 75 0 3E loom of 8.0 t.; t f line of 19th East Street, thence slur Ave, thence north 48.0 Ave.; 16IfeFlnning at StR intersection A west 500 ft-of Lot 11 of Blocs.8; 9 L. B. a M. d 5 A re Plat.;,j, ouch 57 n1 ft, frfom Wilson r.: the south line of Wilson Avenue,xn 'from R point 79 n.south south of West- the west Itne 45 10to East Street, beginning of the9 0 t of the Gar- C tiB g Field Survey. • faster Ave., thence south Lost IL. .hence west 95.45[L of I.ot 9.Block tersectlon of the north cline of Gar- Fronting on the West Side of Roth m 80 ft.Roadway-Paving,Roll Glitter 7 5-Acre Plat'C'.Big Field Survt y. field Avenue and the we west st line Of East Street. I (Walk Built or cornet lot frontage Fronting o the north side of 1Vest- 1 th nEast Lot Street. thence tBloce 0' begin- All8.lri Lot private driBlk Vet ay)Il of al a ulna 534.59 It,ofwest of the Inter- Lot 14, of Blk.2� it of Lot 11 f exempted 1100 O from sidewalk assess- nosey Avenuend 14 to 24 Incl. f Rlk.3,Monntaln View Park, sub-MOUE [.No parking) All of Lots 1 ;,1R L0,s,.,I. section of the north line of Garfield -Wiltonf mock R, F. M. Lymart IIE� '.] Y,ip1a Street—.wear side—from a '1'. 1k 2,all lit Lota 119. y T. 1 6.. �1 &Bik.4, },{euntain East Street, thence 56.59 ft.. _'al$SUrst 1 o/B Sc.M16•and 5-Acie Ieza point 750 It_north 1 Westminster and all o[LOU 3 d 12 to Avenue and the. .t.11 f lid he- Aven thence north 900 It Vic,' Mel. [ BII 5, subdiv3slon f of Lot 11 of Block 8' b ginnlnR Plat f Big Field e Y' Lhe p i f Id streets opposite View Park Blg Field 61118 ft west 1 theintersection gi 1 g t the I L Lf f the the property hares b t d here Plod. 5-Acre Plat C', p t 11 f 20t1 E 5-'get and hrnf ter described t U especially Survey,and F.Sr Lyman Jr's Sur- r the north es f Garfield Id East `h nor.11.e f D 1 gL n Ave s benefited by said Improvement.and vy B. Sec 16,T.1 S R. a E.,S. 8t t yhth wew.te1120 its tl East 1t Is hereby dJvdoed determined L.II A M. a' ll 1n th 'th 17fi 1 It t L is',xnd ila V R and established that Id property Fro[!tinR on the aoulh Bide o[Weet- eStreet. the t 11 lit Block Sec` Field f BI k17.3 Acre Flat C,A18 aSE3 x E 111 be especially benefited thereby aster Avenue, F M Lyman J Survey I'I I I will the full em I ns a the taw here All Lots 1-13 Incl. of Blk 7, I6 T 1 6. R 1 E 9 L n &\i. (s87.00 Per private driveway) A by levied,and.sold parcels of]and and ell of Lots,13 Incl.01 Alk 6, All f Lot la ub 121 2 Mf 010ln IO I •^�* hereby assessed at an e0ua1 s d Movntaln View Park a s,', Filon All lit Lots 1 T 3,4 5,6 of Elk, F. M. Lyman Jr Survey of IS t. • aret hereby ass s ed at gedo Pon wlid R[,Bleykand 5-F16.T. 1 n 9tg Enna 3[ OLotne 8.Lnt Lotst 7 and R thed R westof ODlk 7.VI 16 P 1 SuhRfvli'E 6 LnB. u fr vey of Sec. 16 T. 1 6 R, 1 E, 3 th t 40..0 (l. / Lot P lid 4 M. d 3 A PI t C D18 Field/� - >d . ,' Jql .'" thetas rced to the entire.depth of O '';3 rpeebr'a„tdRet'll'e X S PAV- ING ROLL GUTTER,TT ROADWAY, of Gar- Lot Lots f9 end 310 Eo13RIk9 3l11 BIltt�e Lot 10. S11p'„a n0nlnperaE Ehet intersection th Slut 54re t,''\ onting on north Lot the linc of . r „'ts R upon b onr TM1tld spend anTfE land eizhY'ghLrYM1 e; be assessed fielFrBeganning�deAvenve.l'150httncoat of Blockk 7, of Avenue. east 51,0 ft. fl6 T.I0 of l 9nn View Park,a eR 1JEs A 1 th I.then line�hf 1Downftgto3,>_ "'s Thous f$fight un Dollars; Two 11n t G fie o aim s - Thmrsand I'Ight Hendren Thirty-four of tl as lire }loth East Street S f S ' rimy��the south 11 f Wilson AN ORDINANCE d 73/100 ($2834731 Dollars for thence t 505 in o Lots 45urt Big Field d 5 A Plat C Avirnaib and beginning thence 11 c at h (I a0th,a8 30 It.roadway Paving (Roll Gutter Block 'f F. Al. Lyman Last 6troot th southn17fi 1 t AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX &Walk Built perking or Three vey o[Sec.16 T.1 6,R.1 E.S.L. (S10.0 p private t D 1 eWaV) ,t Lot 9' !Black 7 3 Acre Plat a`r� and for the a nest of property and 88/100 ($3.881 Dollars per B.&M. d •all of Lot.1 and 5-11 Beginning }eq,59 It t f the C Big'Field lock 7, .0 (Curb and Getter Extension No, front or linear fool f 'butting Incl, of Block 3, Mouctain VicF iintersction of the north line of linear[ n the east side of 204E there rein 730.60a feet of Park, a subdivision of 0f n R•16, 19th Fast Street. thence west 58.0 Fronting o • 110 (2,) far the purpose of grad- property'. aJr.'a Survey f Beginning root Street. IQ 5 ttero ores sidewalk (where(where curb and Nbnrt Huning dred Twenty-six roperty; Two Thousand, 57/100 P.1 Snn R.1 E..S.L.B k M.,and ft.,of I.ot 11 of Block 8: per Pr roll gutter o sidewalk a ($2.926'.57) Dollars for 30 ft road- s Acre Plat'C. Big Field Survey, 446.59 ft west of the intersection of ($IS,1e Nate driveway). utter, aE not v Y t lit), drainage 5 Inc, lrYBuilt)or ft Walk (Roll Gut- Fronting on the south aide of Gar- the north wlent lineGarfield of 19th Avenue rEast fALot 2,ll of Solt Lots nl anrd 2aof Elk.6, a pavement consisting of o 5 Inch Do Built) r fSIXront end linear f$1.fi8f yield Avenue, es M. Lyman •ILot f untak 7,IT'. .M.Lyman sir:s Survey sheet beat and a 2 Inch stone filled Dollars per front r linear toot f Beginning t a Point in the south 11re01 thence; Ft . 0E.of L'S ofr Snca116,Tcvl SR R,t Eu'r nu 1B,IA sheet asphalt wearingand butting property,those rein_ we 1e line of Garfield of nue,19th S s(S.east 11 Survey mock 8; A D4 and 5 Acre Flat 'C', B1.lot I private driveways EaStWilsonSt Ave- {yet of abutting property: Twelve of the east line of loth Lot OStrFronting&See.on the 6'T.uthlaide of nGar- Field Survey. A[ t Ier from loth In 20th East to 20th anti 60/1 Three(51 H5.0, Dollars Thence oast 50.5 r.'of Lot 4, S . F. 6.&M. (SlanedSur per Private dcivewx7) East Streets,Avenue from Stith to enue e d 60/300 f$1R.355.60: Dollars fox 7,F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Serve)' Fast o6 WestinMaterSt Avenue ^0 ft. Aoad wxl'-pav lag. rOII golf-. 16,T.1 6,. .,1 E..S.L.e.&S.O.M, field Avenue. 10 of Lot Lem l5th to im.h Easi Streets d ter (walk uvllt o co r lot THIRTY-SIX FOOT ROADIM1'AY, Beginning 00 Por private dr lvId Avenue All o[Lot 1 lid c st 2l It. of ir f ram lath to'.1st East 9trcets.20th fronlagna r.ems fed Irorc,n sidewalk PAVING(CORNER LOT EXF.MYT- Reglnning at of the Interne ttinn of Lol 16,n[Lntx 1.slid 16;a Fast Street fray re tto It. 11sont Avc( (F6t78)en Dollars 61 Per on lrnnt lip o0 ANDE}{LICC ARSE 9MENT)UR AND TTER zh.d Ehethweiste line Ga`(iel9th EasL of lOts t2 and 3htho north of Lot 3, 5386 It, . Westminster AWAIT n the west aide of ROlh Street,Eh west west 120.0 ft,.of Let of Lot 3;RE of Lots 4,5 d 6; 1 and Yuma Street north 407.3 linear foot f butting Prhptrt, Fronting le et Block 8, F. M.0 ft,. JL.'t Alk.4,Mountain View Perk, sub- ft.rtroth ordained heenge. there being 1,822.3E feet of abutting Ease,Street. Jr.'s Survey f Sec.16,T.1 B.,R. Be it m'dalnrd bs the Board of property;Twenty-nine Thousand,Six Beginning at the intersection of Survey of Sec.16,T.1 S..R.1 E., division of Block 7, F. M. Lyman I Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Hundred Sixty-eight d 90/100 the north line of Downington Avenue S.L B.&M. Utah: ($29,668.90,Dollars for 30 it.Road- and the west line of 20th East ($6.00 per private driveway) 1 E., S. I,. B. &M., and 5-Acre Pavia curb and gutter (walk 8lreet, thence north 75 ft. of Lots Beginning 120.0 ft.thest lln of(hear Plat [, Big Field Fie133.0urvec; beeln- SECTIONtoor 0 1. That the aka of way-Paving, ° g lid 9,Of Block 7: nd Unginning terxectlon of the a Cbnmisslnners of Salt Lake. City bDrotltolr.x r Six or silica[foot et of 00,interssection of the th line Hold Avenue and brie west of t neonea of north ot010r the k Ro Shwest- 1 Acre fors hereby r assessment the tax and provide per [Downs ngton Avenue lid othr went 19th Ea sl Street,thence west 5fi 59 er or of LLot F15,S thence north 'i� for the pertyh of the same upon abutting etof property, there being 4,- Line f 20Lio East Street, thence ft., f Lot 11 of Block 8;beginning Plat 'C', the property hereinafter Extension described No.• 312.34 oust [ Twang pre an; south o75.0 ft,of Lot 8. S Block 7; 17359 ft, west of the Intersection 71,775 ft. of Lot 15; beginning t (Curb01and Gutter Ese of grading,No. Five Thousand, Twenty-nine d 5-Acre Plat G',Dig Field Suivcy, of,the south line of Garfield Ave- a point 33.0 ft.east and 215.325 ft. . Inn rue for the purpose of 00p - So 00(Po5,029801 Roll for 30 ft, TI9IRTY-SIX FOOT S,OADWAY. nee and tithe west line of 19tn East north of the southwest corner f III 00 0 ut000' concrete curb curb and gut- Roadway—Paving.Roll 100te(,4 ft.31 PAVING, CURB AND GUTTER Street, thence west 540 it., f Lot Lot 15. Block 7, 5 Acre Plat 'C', r r front and aline r pot of 11 of Block 8:beginning 230.59 it, P.F.S.,thence north 56.325 to I err or sidewalk(where curb andpave- talk, o (WALK BUILT) side of 20th west of the intersection of the south Lb 15; beginningt a point.33.0 f mneroll gutter or sidewalk ato n t Dollars per front or linear foes property; F,rEast. the cast w Uul2 drelnaoe s flo,a pave- r 0n H pl'd SIOy, there. being Fast Street. Ilea f Gar}leld Avenue lid the St'olthwentndr15.45f SLott. s14,,RB1 ck 7, of the bent c nsls2'It f 5 Inch Fsheet Seven stet o[ xty-t o 00/10 All of Lots 2-6 incl. of Blk. 4, west line of 10th East Street,thence 5-Acre Plat 'era of t 4,S thence asphalt d a r'nrh.stone and sheet (8762 01 Doll Sixty-two and 00/30- Mountain View Palk, a s bdlvision west 54,0 ft.,of Lot 11 of Block 8; north5-Acre 5 Plat [E' f Lots IS d 15; siv eft wearing o-wi course and private way-Paving Dollars for o6-ft. Road- of Block 7,F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Sur- beginning 284.59 ft.west of the.In- beginningt n paint 314 ft east rlrLots y,1 finch:of exempted f (corner lot frontage 0501 of Sec. 16, T. 1 5., 'Plat' E., tersection of the s Ith line f Gar- 'end R ft, o 00 of the southweste Lots Bloc lee i., Look 1;11 I,I, a opted from curb and gutter and S L e &M..and 5-Acre Plat'C', field Avenue and oche west cline of corner r 0I Lot 14,Block 7, Acre Incl., : Lots 2' 6 i ., B Ma, 08 100ik assessment)Dollars or r and 31g Field Survey. loth 'oast Street, thence rv.x'. 54.0 Plate'c B. F. S., thence naafi Or sin ($Soot) Dollars per frontPlat(' I Let 14e and beginning north Block 3: Lots 1-16 Inns., Block 4; 'tine at'foot f abutting Pabutting Fronting Avenue.orth side of Neat- 7005s ft. I1 of f to B lobe senti0R I t01 to f 1 t and nnin St, at Lots 16 Ines and Lots 121E Incl. there being 150.0 feet of butting `s t10 till of t0 southwest n of Block a Lots 1.13 Incl. Black G, t;Thirteen TR oolSand Tnlr All of Lots 1 a Mel.and 23 and of south I1 f Garfield A i Lot 14 Block 7. ,.4n Plat'0^, Ij Mountain View Park a subdivision D P •,,,, ., 26 of Blk J,E t Westminster.Ad- d h ,.sE 11 z 1.9th Eist (III II I of all of Lotn it flu 11! d _ I Iil o Lots 6 d 7 of Block 7,0-Acretre Jars for 36 ft.Roadway Paving Curb dition or Blocs Flat 'C', Big Field Survey' also all d Gutter(walk built)or Eight and Big Field Surveyv a oats �,,,,, 1 e to - I f Lot 3 and a portion of LOE 4 0t 38/100 ($8,38i Dollars per front or Fronting on the south aide of West- 11 it Alo I.8 beginning the ft. B. F. 5. thence north 53.0 ft. at Block 7 P M Lyman Jr.'s Survey linear foot f abutting property, roster Avenue. at of the Intersection C[the.arith Lot -14, [ Block R, b Acre Plat f Section 16, T. 1 B., R. 1 E.,S. there being 1,555.30 feet of abutting All f Ldts 8-28 Incl., dad the act f Garfield Avenue and the C.. Big Field Survey, L.E.&M. property: Eleven Thousand, Eight h 10 feet of Lot 7, [Lots 7-28 west lens of loth Fast Street hen S. Begin0 Per t a poi driveway., no west SAO t4 Of Lot 11 es Ait 8; Beginning at a point of ft.east She south 119.20 St.at the west bloodied Ninety-oneBOB 33/300 Oct.I of of 2, East Westminster ing beginning 495.59 ft. west ! the of the southwest 125.5 I1.of Lot 9;the north 118.00 (511,891.33) Dollars far 36 St Adtlitlon of Block 90;and beginning ^ Acr l of Lot 15, Roadway-Paving, Curb and Gutter, t the northeast corner 01 Lot 8, Gaintrfield A n the south line to Block 7, 5 Alt Plat Hof,B.F.9.P 1t. f the want yea !t 's Lot 9. 4 ft Walk o Ten and 38/100 Ga 19tltl Avenue and the west line Monte north re Plat ft, .,Lot F f o Se 7,F.M. Lyme ., Survey East W0 ft.Westminster Addition, thence t loth East Street.thence west ing Block 7, 5 Acre Plat'C',Big Field 1 Section 16, T. 1 5 ., R. 1 E., ($IO.Jfi)Dollars per front or linear t 120 It. t Lot fi, f Block 9, {t.,of Lot 11 of Block A:berinning Survey. S.L.H.N.M. foot of butting property.there 5-Acre Plat'C',Sig Field Survey. The gnat IO.L9 ft . the north be- ing 1,145.60.feet of abutting prop- THIRTY-SIX FOOT ROAD{VAY. 500.59 It west o[the.Intersection of (S2;t.MI per private driveway) prop- erty; Three Hundred T1r v ccn PAVING,CURD AND GUTTER,4 the .south ]Ins f Garfield Avenue Be Inning t 076,10 It. of the south 578.36 tt I a F3.WALK. and the went line of 19th East end 143.5,5 ft, norPthu�f33hefs south- west f Lot So Sleek 7,F.O, Lyman Jr.'s and 44/300($313.49)Dollars for 30 Fronting on the west Bide of 20th Street,thence weal 54.0 ft..of Lot 11 vest Sin cy' f Section Ifi, T. 1 S., R. /t. Roatlry y�Pgvion RC Roll Gutter corner of Lot 15, Block north I rE., S. L. B, & M (Walk built lot frontage East Street. of Block 8; beginning 5S45V ft Acre Plat e'C',A.F.S„thence th The west 51.37 ft. Of the east exempted from sidewalk assessment) Beginning at the intersection of west f the Intersection of I.he 71.775 H.of Lot I5; s. s the at line f 20th East Street, south line of Garfield Ay,. surd t a point 33.0 ft. and tla beginning �5- 89.J7 /t. of the smith 175.9 ft. of No parking, or Six and 53/100 end the south line 1 Wilson Ave- the west line of loth East Sircat, L north of of thesouthwest corner of Lot 8;the west 53.57 It of the east (S6.531 Dollars per front linear ri e,thence south 352.2 ft„of Lots thence war,56.Sfi IL, of tole li of Lot 14, Block , 5- d 80..57 ft, of cthc north 6315 IL of toot ( buttinK property,there be- Sue d 9, f Block 7o d beginning Block A; beginning n1.18 ft -rs!, t F. S thence o fiche 71.775'C', foot lot 8,1 wet 9.45 ft. f the cast InR 48.00 feet of abutting Property' at the intersection of thewest line the In tctrsection f south f Lot 14 f Block 7. 5 q 8.45 ft.of the Eh 1761 ft of d Two Thousand, n tuna ntl Two hundred f 20th East Street and the south south line f Garfield A' and 1 Big Field B PIT} Thirteen d 00/10il (S2.213.00) throe est Clen line n ft ft.. of I.nt Street, a shown upon the off I piers 1 lot O the west 57 tf of he eastIlne [Downington Avenue,thencethe 8 7 ft of t1 h 11295 ft f Dollars for private driveways, s outh 1759 ft of Lot 6, of Block n s said it to the.entire depth of the Lot o the west IOl.7- ft. I the specifically cost of which driveways,t h. afte the 7 6-Acre PIaE 'C HIH Fleltl Bur- Moek 8' b l l g 671.1A t o ante nyv E ]2976 ft 1 h.north ola154and the rev, 11.of Lot 11 f Dlk 3 all o[ f the Int.se ti of the �h silents hip back from said II f I smith 31.54 ft f Lot property benefited thereby 1 herein- Lots 13 and 14 of 131k 2 and all of 11 / Garfield Avenue ihr. to collect 'tl tax. 330 feet, and 1n the cast 190 ft. of ,.h west It ..k t and all within the Lot, 13 of Slk 1, Mountain View line of loth East Street,[h. SECTION 2. That the assessment 202.0 ft f Lot 15. the n t 161.0 boundaries I Above the t blocks and Park a subdivision of Bloc Al F. .t 60.0 ft.,of lot 11 f A A) Ilst made by the liltreasure[, S 7 t [ h west 202.0 ft. of the the total a0utt mentioned. .-t dntl which nis M Lyman J'. Survey of Sec 16, F Aft Lyn t Jr.'s Survey of 5 corrected. approved and completed A smith 215.325 ft f Lot 14; the co Per- T 1 B. R. 1 E. S. I. B. k M., I6,T.u 5.,R t P 8 L A h M Sea hythe Board of Faualliatlon and i E 38 ft f h west 371.0 fL t front foot f 'd improvement, r- and 5-Acre Plat'C,Big Field Sur- All f'jots F 7, P 9 10 11 a.d view of t1 property described In P the north 71.775 ft. Lot 15 Block cordingt the contractentered I L0 y, 112 of BR.2 MountainView Park, Section 1 f this ordinance (Curb ! 5 A Plat'Cr,BigMeld Survey. ! theper,ormance of id k Fronting on the cast aide of 20th subdivisiont Block 7 P.M Ly- and GetterExtension NO 110 GIS of 1 1 f Kota 1 Incl..Wilson Sub d making s ld improvement with Fast Street. n.Ire x Survey f Sec,Ifi,T.1 S„ F.a It Lake City, for the Pconstrue, r„nose of dl vision, ubd1vIsion f a part of Young Si Smith Construction Coin- Beginning at the northwest IL 1 E.,S.L.A &M.and 5-Arre providing for the P' L'et 5, Block 7. F. M. Lyman Jt'a Pony, dated the 27th day of June, e. f Lot 6, Block 4, Mountain Plat'C',Big Field Survey grading, o r side- a1 Survey of Section 16. T. 3 S„ 1950, and the Treasure Is hereby View Park Sub., thence north 574.2 Fronting the north side of West- walIngk het. b d d gutter er slyd(e- af ft 1 F, S. L. B, & Mauthorised t directed to assess in ft of Lots 14 end 15 of Block 7,5 roster A Ik (whet, 'b gutter. roll All f Lots]-10 incl..Wilson Sub- - d with the provisions of Acre Plat'C Big Field Survey;all (S 5.00 per private driveway.) guttersidewalk t It; division No. 2 bdivsion o[ • hI ordinance far the purposes f Lot 1, and the west 2.0 IL of All f Lots 5 and 6 al, f Lots i Ill drainage system, pavement isle mention., Lot 16 of Lots 1 d 16 0f Bik 4, 7 and 8 all of Lots 13 and 11 all of consisting f 5 Inch gravel base Pman If Lot Mork 7 F M Ly- THIRTY-FOOT ROADWAY PAY- Mountain V Park, a rots 19 and 20,21 and 22,25 and d a r ° course. e.ilea heel Survey of Section 16, T. subdivision Sur- 26,of Blk,3;Feast Westminster Ad- Phalt wearing and private S 1 S, R. 1 E., S. L. B & M. tNG(ROLL GUTTER AND WALK of Block 7,F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Sur- tll!lon f Block 9, 5-Acrc Plat 'C', driveways anon.solda➢ortlorts 0f saki -� The north 100 ft of Lot 7 and RUIST NO. PARKING) vey of Sec, 16, T. 1 S., Ft 1 E„ streets. Is hereby confirmed, and all f Lots 6-2P Incl.. Block 2: it Fronting on the South Side oI Gar- S.L.B era M..and S-Acre Plat'C', Sig Field Survey. ihr aasnanmentc mntle rid returned o1 Lots 1-22 reel. and 25-2fi Intl field.Avenue, Big Field Survey;and all of Lot 1 and ('e t6.00 per Private driveway) Block 0. East Westminster Addl. All [ Lots J-5 Inc, of Blk 2, west 4.0 f[.of Lot 2,of Lots 1 and All I Lots d 10. 11 and 12, Irf salrl comply tail Its ts, t'0 the Ron,»anhdlvla;on of Lots 5 and 6. Mountain View Park, a subdivision 2n f HIk.6,Mountain View Park,x 17 and 18 and 15 and 16,0f BlOf ioiio t the Hoard f Euucllzatln I Block 9, 5 Acre Plat C', Big Field of Block T.F.Al.Lyman Jr.'s Bur- ar:htllvision Si Block 7, F. M. 1,l•_ 3. East Wcatminait Addition ( and Review to the Board f Comr- Survey,and also part of Lot 6,Block y of Sec,16,,T 1 S.,R. 1 E„S. manJr.'s Survey o1 Sec. 16, T. 1 Block 9, 5-Acre Plat'C., Big Field In.sionervs t Salt Lake City, e 9. 5 Acre Plat 'C'. Big Field Sur- B. sk' M., 1 5-Acre Plat 'C', a., R, 1 E'., B. L. D. & M., and Survey. FnbFc ratified, approved d con- 9. Field Survey, o-Acre Plat 'C' Big Field Survey, dli 00 per private driveway) tinned. vey, Fronting oh the West Side of Yuma THIRTY-FOOT ROADWAY, PAV_ All of Lots 15, 16, 17, I8 19,20, SECTION J, Said tax shall be The north :9.6 ft. of the south Street, ING, ROLL GUTTER (WALK 21, 22, 23, and 24, f Blk, 2, the payable In tan equal yearly install- The ft. f the cast 120-0 ft, f All of Lots 7-11 Intl, of HIk. 4, RDILT OR CORNED LOT FRONT- east 53.0 ft. of Lot 16 and Elie ce a provided by on and whole Lot 11; the west 611.18 ft of the Mountain View Park- a subdivision AGE EXEMPTED FROM SIDE- wet 1.0 ft. f Lot 15. of Lots 15 with Interest r the aper t 73118 ft- f the north 119.73 f Block 7,F.M Lyman Jr.'s Sur- WALK ASSESSMENT NO PARK- and 16 f Alk 4' the ant 59.0 It, unpaid t y e flee per fl f thesouth 909.47 ft. of Lot I. f Sec.16,T 1 S. R.1 E.,S. IN(I) Of Lot 15 and the west IO f' of h s e payable E the :I 11; the t 120.0 t of thenorth . B. & M. ar,d 5-Acre Plat C, Fronting on One west side of Yuma Lot 19 of Lots 19 and 15 of Mk 4; (I h Installment Is due; pro- 59.6 tt f the south 51A.O7 ft. [ Big Field Survey. Stree4 (Oiled,however.that p( I 1 t 11 the . 99 18 ft of tht the test ft of Lot 14 of, o e,or the 1 ill.order pay- - a t 6111A ft f the north 119.2 Fronting on the East Side of Yuma Lod;12 and he east 3.0 ft f L9, 4'Blk. �t 52.0 ft. of 1.Lot 13 [ able,or Ih whole t may be paid ft f the south 57667 ft of Lot All of 13. of Lots 12 and ]3. of Bvislk. 9. thew the east 475 ft of Lot Ifi and without Interest w thin fifteen ordinance 11 h west 0.0 ft. of the east Mountain View 2P rk,ula subdivision a twin, F. Parymans Jr.'ey Sur- and west 6f5 131k.ft f 5;Lot the 15,of fast Lots 45.5 esom the e. e o ororeaIn- 73118 ft f thenorth 59.0 ft e1 a Block 7,F M L the south 1 07 ft f Lot 11; ill ve Block 7 F.Ni.Lyme Jr.'s Sur- Y f Sec.16 T.1 A R. 1 O ', ft f feet 15 and the west 15.3 15 fL t payable, One r'n pe- . 1 BI 8 F.M Lyman Jr.'s Sur- vey of Sec I6, T. 1 S. R 1 E, L. II M d 5 Acre Plat 'C', n1 Lot 14 ea lots8.14 not 15 I stannic., in the der win which S.L.B.&M. and 5-Acre Plat C, HIg Field Su y ., Alk. S the east 38.p(t f Lot 14 they v mxy a.hlc o the hale p0 • - Of Section 16 T 1 S.,R I E., Big Field Survey. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRI- a d the w'cst 15.0 ft,of Lots 12 and .l tax, y be paid after saki M- S. THIRTY-FOOT ROADWAY-PAY- VATS DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION 13,of Lots 12, 13, d 14 f Alk. Rears lays d before the }list In- This tax la ,evled to defray the INC, 4-FT. WALK (ROLL GUT- TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT. 5;and the east 50.0 aft, f the west he sam bwaith due be paying expense of grading. onstnuctiug TER BUILT) Flouting o the north aide of Wilson 65,0 ft,of nets 12 and 13,Lots 12 the. with he date from the co i[h and Sutter .side- Fronting on the South Side of Gar- Avenue.(S10.00 per private drive- d 13 of Elk. 5; all In Of BIdin date same fntolevy-W the data more flint walk (w'hrme curb are gutter, roll Bride Avenue. View Park, a subdivision of Bldck llmentnt,n due, One m which glitter sidewalk re n0 Ail f Lots 6-13 Intl of elk, 2, 7-he south 54,5 ft.o• Lots 1 and they entx y the order or spe- buillt), drainage. a F.M.Lyman.1 it's Survey of Sec, they as ystem, pave- Mountain View Park, a 2; all st Lot 3; ill (Lots 4 and are payable,or the whale pe- rm C, si.inrr of 5 Inch gravel of Block 7,F,M.L subdivision Sur- 5: 11 of Lot 6'and the east 27 fE, re Sur- a101 tax, may be paid On the date base And a 2 Inch stone tilled sheet Lyman Jr.'s bur- o and 5-Aare Plat'C'. Big FICId 8ur- splratt ry ar'Inq roue and !Ley of B. 16. T. 1 S., R. 1 E.,_. Lot 8 and Can west is It. ( any Installment becomes due b y- .cr private L. R M.. and 5-Acre Plat Lot 9,of Lots a and 9;Wilson Sub- Ve 1617.a0 per private driveway) Ing the amount thereof and Inter- drlVewaysCAS (ll vs- 'S+ Big Field Survey. division of Sleek 7. F. M Lyman ) E the data of payment. De- ll of 1'f Bk Mountain n'.aln 30 ft Roadway-Paving (Roll Gut- THIRTY-FOOT ROADWAY. PAV- Jr.'s Survey of Sec 6 T. l i5., 1. 1 tin-peymrnt [ such ter A, Walk it No. Parking,) . t View Park III I.I i of Block installment]NG, ROLL GUTTER [WAIT- F.M.Lyman Jr.,Survey of See. of principal 1ninter- Garfield Avenue-south side--[rem BUILT OR CORNER LOT FRONT- <512.00 per private driveway) 18, .. R. 1 ., . . . when due shell the hole point 439.1i ft. west of 20th AGE EXEMPTED FROM SIDE- Lot 7 and the t 2s ft ( ro the unpn`d le whole and lnter- M„ and 5-Acre Plat 'C.. Big Field Fast Street, thence.wex' 162.0 ft. WALK ASSESSMENT) Loa 8.of Lots ,and S. d Lot 12 Survey. eat to become dire and payable im- Yuma Street-both Ides--from a Fronting on the North Side of Gar- and the east 2,0 It. of Lot 11, o[ iedla Into and the hole tent pof er Lots 11 ntl :2: Wilson 6uhtlivlslon Fronting on the South Slde of West- the npald principal shill thereafter • point 323.0 It.north f Westminster field Ave, of Block a7, F.M.Lyman Jr.'s Sur- 35.00 Avenue. draw ci'00t at the ate of ten pet ! Avenue, thence north0284.30 ft. Beginning at the Intersection of of Sec, I6, T. 1 S„ R. 1 E„ (l,S0.n0 Pet private driveway) ant per prior ',nth date but a :10 ft Roadway-Paving.4 ft.Walk the north hoe f Garfield Avenue S.L B. & NI. All f Lot 8 and the north 10.0 any time prior'to the date of sale III (Roll Gutter built) and the east line of 19th East (S9 50 ft. of of 7. Si Lots 7 and 8 of Garfield Avenue--south side-west Street, thence cat 75.0 ft„ Lot 4, per private te driveway) - }ionic pn,�rire. theo owner unpaid install-lnsta119 Lot 10 d the east 2.0(t of Lot HIk 2, East Westminster Addition t of all 4:'0.11 ft. from 20th East Street. Flock 7, F. M. Lyman Ja's survey 9 of Lots 9 and la: and the west of Block 9,5-Acre Plat'C',Dig Field .rota past due with interest at 80 ft. Roadway-Paving,enlacebuilt, lot B. N. M,; all of Lots 2-4 incl. of Sur , frontage.exempted from sidewalk Elk 3,Mountain View Park, a sub- Jr.'s Surveyo Block 7 F M. Lyman (R25o00 of p rivaan d10, 11T) t li L nl u{ t n th¢ delac- - r E.. of Sec 16 T 1 S., All a Lots 9 d ]0 11 and L installments, end all ao b assessment., �'1 1 Block 7 F. AlM. Lyman F 1 w S. e A. , dM.e 18 13 and is.t. 15 ntl E IR and creed Costs,and Shall ,hereupon he Garfieldt Av.n th slate-cast R. Survey S. f S 16 T. 1 e Fronting o1 the 0 e side et Wilson mi si and 2t,of Blk 2 East 5-Acre restored to right thereafter e o 1 7a 50 it from 79. 19 th 10. Street,f Pl t'C S L.B.Si Al and 5-Acre Avenue.(514.00 pe-private drive- Pitt r Addition f Block00000 , S,Aore pay manner Installments default In the Dot, 0000 a of lout Eastfoie gin C Big Field Survey; and 10 y) Plat .0 per Field Survey, a If dc(xult had n96 same Street, thence east 10th0 (t; trom Shining a he Garfield Ave of the Ail of Lit 10, F. so0 Lyman iron All pear Private 0driveway)1 nner » n lah-south a e-eaStreet to t0th East S treat th sloe a 01 18th 101 use eet, SNo.tu a of Block 7,F.N1 L man J[.'s All of Lots st Wd m,2t and di- floe 10ION 4. 'Phis after me shall tI St Street; from 75.0 E.from 19th the east line . 18 th East Street, y I elk. ka9E -fool i ter Audi-g East Strcat:from tech East to loth thence east 'f31.18 ft., Lot 11, of uvey of Sec.16,T.1 S.,R.1 E., like effect one day offer Its Pub- N 9 1 H.&57. FMonield of Block 9,5-Acre Plat'C'.Hlg !Ration. u, East mirror Block 8,F. Al.Lyman Jr.'s Survey L. (ll of Lot private driveway) Fleltl .00 per Passed by Salt Lake of Comtah- Ynnua Screen-cast side-from steins r I Sec.18, T. 1 5., R. 1 E.,S.L. All , Lot 9, all of Lot 1 2. 3, 11 of 010 private driveway)Bl of Svlt Lake Cep A. D. 11 point . t fn.north o['6.0 ft. B.&Fs-mating N 8,6,7,antl 8 7. F. 5ubdivman Atl Ve tmi0 2e avd 28.of Bik,2, 1050.20EIr day o[ Feb[uaty, A. D. 00 I I,e, thrncr nonh 98-0 fr eld.01 the South SW of Car- 21. 2 of Block e F M Lyman 9 5 Westminster'.Addition r Block 1051.3n Ile Roa,l.vay-Paving,Curb and pfield Avcnie. Jr.'s Survey of Sec 16, T. t 5., 9. 5-Acre Plat 'C'. Big Field Sitr- EARL J.GLADE, Gutter (Wilson Walk k built)I id - eY gl i g t the intersection of R. 1 S. L. B. & af.; beginning v May0t. south lineof Garfield Amine t thenortheast of Lot L 0(SI3 n0 per private drhiwaY) in;IA P.(STEER, loth East Street to 2rds Fest street a d the .E line of 19th East Wilson Sub.No.2.thence east 10.00 The t 625 ft of Lots 1 and City Re0order. Westminster Avenue-bath sides- Street. ,h t 75 0 ft Lot 4, tt.of Lot 5.of Block 7 F.M 2 Ly- the east r3.0 ft of Lots 1 and e SfAL1 front 19th East Street to 21st ea' of Block T F M.L Jr.'s Sur J Survey no Sec Ifi T 1 11 f Lots 3 all of Lot 4.the et BILL NO,1'L St •' I Sec. I6 T 1 S. Et. 1 he e. R. 1 F 5. 1, B. & M, also It of Lot 5 Lot 6 end the act Curb and butter ExtenslOn NO. e0 ft R d eey-Pxving, Roll fit- -, S. .I H.&Al.:and bevning at the beginning at a point 53,54 ft.west of' 4.0 ft. of Lot 5 of Lots 5 ond 6. 110 i(21. 'ter, 4 ft. Walk. GarfiIll'ereld of the south line of the intersection of the south lint Lot 7 and the vies)1.0 ft.of Lot 8, fith and Final Estimate, Garfield Avenue-north Side- Garfield Ave, and the east line of of Wilson Avenue and the west line the east 53.0 it.of Lot 8,all of Lots Published February 20,1931, --- --a:-^'r V aA UIJU44i �I I l 11