11 of 1977 - Adding chapter 23 establishing Library Boards. MULL L./ALL N ` 1/"VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, January 12 ,1977 Mr.Chairman Agrat/ I move that the Ordinan passed. Gr-- er 4 , y�11:L° o 9e- en 6�-F .. lips Result AN ORDINANCE // AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to library boards, by ADDING a new Chapter 23. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to library boards, be, and the same hereby is, amended by ADDING thereto a new Chapter 23. CHAPTER 23 LIBRARY BOARDS Sections: 25-23-1. Public library. 25-23-2. Library board of directors. 25-23-3. Library board of directors' terms, election of officers, removal and vacancies. 25-23-4. Library fund deposits and disbursements. General powers and authorities of directors. 25-23-5. Rules and regulations. Use of library to be free subject to rules. 25-23-6. Annual reports. 25-23-7. Directors to appoint librarian and other personnel. 25-23-8. Donations of money or property. 25-23-9. Cooperate with other local library boards. Sec. 25-23-1. Public library. There is hereby established the Salt Lake City Public Library. Sec. 25-23-2. Library board of directors. The city commission shall appoint a library board of directors chosen from the citizens of Salt Lake City at large with reference to fitness for such office. Said board of directors shall consist of not less than 5 members nor more than 9 members. Not more than one member of the board of commissioners of Salt Lake City Corporation shall be, at any one time, a member of such board. The directors shall serve without compensation, but their actual necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties may be paid from library funds. Sec. 25-23-3. Library board of directors' terms, election of officers, removal and vacancies. Directors shall be appointed for 3 years or until their successors are appointed. Initial appointments and terms of office shall be those of the current library board. Annually thereafter the board of directors shall, before the 1st day of July of each year, appoint for 3 year terms, directors to take the place of retiring directors. Directors shall not serve for more than 2 full terms in succession. Following such appointments, the directors shall meet and elect a chairman and such other officers as they deem necessary for one year terms. The board of city commissioners may remove any director for misconduct or neglect of duty. Vacancies in the board of directors shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointments. 1_1 -2- Sec. 25-23-4. Library fund deposits and disbursements. General powers and authorities of directors. The library board of direc- tors shall have control of the expenditure of the library fund, construction, lease, sale of library buildings and land, and of the operation and care of the libraries and branches. All tax monies received for such libraries shall be deposited in the city treasury to the credit of the library fund and shall not be used for any purpose except that of the city library. Said funds shall be drawn upon by the authorized officers of the city upon presentation of properly authenticated vouchers of the library board. All monies collected by the library shall be deposited to the credit of the library fund. The library board shall ppuphase, lease and sell land and purchase, lease and erect or c`a buildings for the bene- fit of the library. The board shall be responsible for the mainten- ance and care of the library and shall establish policies for its operation. Sec. 25-23-5. Rules and regulations. Use of library to be free, subject to rules. The library board of directors shall make and adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with the law for governingthe library. The library established under the provisions of this chapter shall be free for the use of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the board. The board may exclude from the use of the library any and all persons who shall willfully violate such rules. The board may extend the privileges and use of the library to persons residing outside of said city upon such terms and conditions as it may prescribe by its regulations. Sec. 25-23-6. Annual reports. The library board of directors shall make an annual report to the board of commissioners of Salt Lake City on the condition and operation of the library, including financial statements. The board of directors shall also provide for the keeping of such records as shall be required by the Utah State Library Commission and its request for an annual report from public libraries and shall submit such annual report to the Utah State Library Commission. Sec. 25-23-7. Directors to appoint librarian and other personnel. The library board of directors shall appoint a competent person as the librarian to have immediate charge of the library,to have such duties and compensation for kis services as it shall fix and deter- mine. The librarian shall act as the executive officer of the library board. The board shall appoint, upon the recommendation of the librarian, other personnel as needed. Sec. 25-23-8. Donations of money or property. Any person desiring to make donations of money, personal property or real estate for the benefit of such library shall have the right to vest the title to the money, personal property or real estate so donated in the board of directors of the city library to be held and controlled by such board, when accepted, according to the terms of the deed, gift, devise or bequest of said property and as to such property, the board shall be held and considered to be trustees. Sec. 25-23-9. Cooperate with other local library boards. The board of directors of the city library is hereby given authority to cooperate with other local library boards to provide library services. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this _V.ii -3- anuary 197 12th day of K7XY. C79/11(1J2 MAYOR CITY RECORDFy (SEAL) BILL NO, 11 of 1977 Published January 20, 1977 11 SALT LAKE CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY November 17, 1976 Mildred Higham, City Recorder. Salt Lake City Corporation 200 City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Ms. Highams Dennis Day, the Librarian of the Salt Lake City Public Library, and I have reviewed the proposed City ordinance concerning the operation of the Public Library and have found it perfectly acceptable. As you and the City Attorney's office pointed out, it is in basic agreement with the State law governing these matters. We will assume, of course, that if there were any changes in the future in the State law, they would be incorporated into the City ordinance. Although we certainly do not anticipate any problems, it is our understanding that the State law would take precedence were there discrepancies between the two. I hope the few days we have taken to review the ordinance have not unduly delayed your office's work on its enactment. Sincerely, SALT LAKE CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY Elizabeth Montague, President Library Board of Directors cc, Mayor. Ted L. Wilson 209 EAST 5TH SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84111 TELEPHONE 363-5733 AREA CODE 801 RICHARD 1.RADEMACHER.LIBRARIAN xDN98A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 89, County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 25 M the RyeIsedordinan Shana D. Palmer boards,by ADD of Soil G u.Mw Chapter 2C3�1%5,rolafino to library _ _ Be it ordained1m 1ha.Board of Commleslorars ot Salt Lake City,Utah: • SECTION I.That Tine 25 M the Revised Ordinances of Sal utii City,Utah,1965,relating to library boards,be,and the Beingfirst dulysworn,deposesy 5nrro hereby Is,amended�NA1pTE1R 23 hernias new Chapter 23 l and says that he is legal adver- senlons: • LIBRARY BOARDS using clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) .25-223,i Public library. °f directors. • • newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- � 3'oif°eon,rerb0°novetanavrec°Lfaniies."°"""' ele`rlan M culatian in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake .25-23d.Library fund deposits and dlabbraenxnts,General County,in the State of Utah. 2523-5.Rules and regulati si.ies ofa eoof°library to be free 7 subiecl to rules. 2-23-6.Annual reports.appoint 29-232.Annual Directors librarian and other personnel. '/'hat the legal notice of which a copyis attached hereto 25-23a.Donations M mot he or areearty. `� 25-23-9.Cooperate with other local llbrarberde. Sec.25-23-1.Public library.There Is hereebyy established the j 'Salt Lake City-Public Library _Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to . beydfdielss° lty hecitizensshal appoint a fir boa o reorchoe from t -- � de�' ` alt such 'Said boaret directors shall 5m of not fitness for library boards hot more man 9 members.Not more then one member M the --- ---- board yonetime alrnbrn er of ulchbboa Laked.The diire torrs shall be, any commensatian, but their actual necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official dotlas may be paid frame.25-fends.-3.Li Sec.o.n00 Library board of directors'shall terms,election of 3ffiyear removalIntlheir vacancies.ucc ssorstoarslugbeve te. Initial for 3 appointlnents r and Iterntsrof Mf successors shell be those of the current - busty board.Annually of each year,h the board of directors sane, -- tblirectnre rs°tosfakey of July the place ofaretiring directors.nt°r 3 Diryecttorar sashall fat serve for more than 2 full terms insa .,siun.Following such abbe iniments,the directors shall meet and elect a chairman and such other officers as they deem necessary for one Year terms. The board M city commissior,ors may emove any director.fee Jan. 20, re l egad of duty.inaofcse In 3,tiA,rd M was published in said newspaper on 1977 ror°eo°no es rlu or einali ardnpfO°iMmarlis. bad term m bre sam3 f5ener$rCal moron and eWhorities a di Momss.Tine lnd ibrary frd of directors shall have control of theexeondlture M the library fund. ',construction,team,sale of library buildings and land,and of theOper --------- ved fon or and libraritesls shall depo end sited Ian the All iit tax reasury jo the credit M the library lend and shell not be used for env rerdore except that M the cirylibrary Said funds shallhed -- --' ---- __ _ upon by the auttwnlxed officers of the city ucon er,000fati of .Properlyauthenticateel vouchers of the library board.All mod \ librarv°fund The'IIlbrery board mail uorcberem lease andit d seen )-`.�t.!`\... N t_ bare,and purchase,lease and erect.or sell buildings for the Advertising ,benefit of Me library.The board Shan f+be responsible for the Legal A Maintenance and care of the library and shall astabllsh policies Clerk-for Its operation. Sec.25-23-5,Rules and regulations.Used library to beeulnfree, sd aublect to dore rules and regulations notrary board ncsn st directors to lawll for the parr isions of the l'chapterThe shalllbbe fraeeotforl the under ththe +inhabitants of Salt Lake City eubleof to the rules and regulations library by the Marl.The board may exclude from the use M the e me this____.. __28th �Xne bbooaard may titan the who Moll eeaeo willfully use violate the library ta _._ _ ------ day of ,persons reeding outside of sad city p upon such terms and ',conditionsSec.��6.Annual reportsibe .its TRe library board of directors II Mall make an annual report to the board Ofcommlcaloners of A.D. 19__.7�_., 'Salt Lake City on the condition and oporetien of the library, encl.:ling financial efat°ments.The board M directors shall also Ipp uu ids for the keeping of such records as shall be required by fi Utah State Library Cosnmleol°n end its request for an annual J lenort from public libraries and shall submit ouch annual retort 1 J / "for thern Utah State Library Gamisslon. Sec. 20-23.7. Directors to appoint librarian and other /. ;tpersonnel. The library beard of directors shell appoint aborn e of 'too library,t torhave sus ch duties andicompen have lsatioonn for seiate rvices as --_ AAt snail fix and determine The librarian shall act as the executive Notary Public "pincer of the library board,The board shall appoint,upon the ...recommendation of the llbrarlsn,other personnel as needed. Sec.2S-23-9.Donations M money or property.Am person *siring p late for the beaenfif of suc of h library shall have the rl�or real '(the title to he money,personal property or real estate so donated in he beard of directors of the city library to be hold and Sc cc trolled by such board,when accepted,accordlnn to he terms lot the deed,gift,devise or bequest of said property and as to such o to be trustees. SSecc..25-23-,the 9.CCooperafrd shall be with other leld and a considered board,.The lan a edlratorothernioclel library ib oards to providehil ibrva to ry^iss ,ces. w ° !.t'nstSesbilIOlut_This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after Its-• - 1LtofP,h15d21hdayofoarn of Cim1,isslnners of Salt Luke City, TED L.WILSON Mayor ',City Recorder NIGNAM '(SEAL) PNO.11 177 ublic ed January 20,ler, (C-33) it it