110 of 1908 - Ordinance 110 of 1908 – Sidewalk Extension No. 89, Fifth & Final Estimate. . c AN OBDINABCE An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property here- nues inafter described on both sides of First, Second and. Third Ave , for their entire length, and on both sides of all cross streets roll A Street to U Street, both streets inclusive, between South Temple S'treetyand,Third Avenue, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 24, 25 and 26, 'ti astructi vit. cement f dewalks. " N� Council of Sa. Lake City, Utah: h G i� order -�. .�the , 6, (pOTIJN 1. TV.t . h 'a- 1:6sment list made''"b)-- h, City Treasurer „i aj,Fatted, appry�d and e.e,r/-eted by the Bo 'd; f,',�Ec lization a Review, heretolpeidIy aj o#nted by the C 9p c1 or that is'pu pds�, of the proms .ys y in 2 and 3, Bloc} 0.2�Yy�ee 4, VZ k 13; 1 a 74 Block 14; 1 al 4y. B.ow t5; 2 and 3, B1aki6; 2 d 3, Block 7.;4 /Y and 4, Block 4 3 and 4, Block 42; 1 and 2, lock 43; 1 and 2, B, 6'ck 44, Plat '#D"-V7, 8, 9 a.nd 10, Block 3; 1 and 2, Block 4; 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 3, flat "I", abutting on both sides of B Street between South Temple Street and First Avenue, on the west side of A Street between South Temple Street and Third Avenue, on the east side of ASt.reet between First end Third Avenues, on the south side of Third Avenue between Canyon Road and A Street, on the north side of Third Avenue between Canyon Road and B Street, and on the north side of Second Avenue between Canyon Road and A Street, in Sidewalk Districte Nos. 24, 25 and 26, of Salt Leke City, for the purpose of constructing cement sidewalks upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said corn- pleted lists are hereby confirmed.. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 89. Fifth 8, Final Estimate. TV-3 /) 7 ' c. wre-. t Passed by the o.ty council of Salt Lake City, September---- -----~ let, 1908, and referred to the Map'or for his proval. Qity IV:rider. f Approved this ,. day of September, 1908. 7 �f • ri Zee,-,-" ,( por. x r , 1.• . . •(,5',:' . ',.;: D N .-'. : ; ': • N , , -,,,,-1.t,if ,4J..fq,::.. ..„ --.,,, , I1ccli.; 1J.;:),;;N.-e ..., ,...liT -,fi:-!'.1',.;C:';,(.,, f191' ,•:11: %,., ,!..i. •:• . , 1.1rf,•:r,f,ti. ii!i.?firr t•Firt 1.;r1.;..c.,i,;I: .1,"..:- ;': ';-. :.:.,,,1;;., :::.u.i f1.0 .•.,:,.., Ir.-, :..:', ', iri:..;:ii ft,:- ...1;) ;,:-;;; .r.:. ... .r. efq:,!fiT ff:1•STO IISOVJOC.,' ,C;i.i•irJ...:'..:TI: :.:,t•<1,'-'(1.`1 :MO- ,-,,,-,-,,!:_ :; ,...._ y•-.-':, 1-,-, .,._ ,5'.-• b rfri (.'..', ,,,.: .i?o j. n 3.-.)1-;;.t.•;;;f..'1 -:'..E.Bwf:)i,-;1; al. ,.--.:,'.:af. _;. ....•f Li IT ha;;. ;;.,e,-- : S : .;;?-,:i1.3vier.:;:.\ tr;1;,,-) Y.:17,‘ iiii-,,,,;;;,.;flr ... , -, •-, , ''-: - :r1,-;;r:' ,41.12- 4.?:.1 al,3il' .'•,.] ' ',•,"i'C,.-T; 'i'llit %)%!%1.:- 11!f. ',",-''d 1 K.\• ,!.; I.Erxua.eol.T .\.,;1-k ,,, . ' c4-46b--::: .1;:-..i-1 :'iv.-1,1,;-: ... •,;qr,-..,, Jit.:: . '-. .;7;','2X f , LI ct ,,,,,ttftrsirk, : Zr. ec`;:f- -%•.:i- boJe ..,\;;-.) ?.r. now-fq...,_, ,i;,,;.1-:. :'.1- Pi 'n fif 1 gr: ,OP4Z\ 0 <, tarii- eicii404,- . t.'; ;-:;;; vi 1-..b.1 a, \,.;•,•3 .7,4111.6P41#0;t•WV!fl ,V.-::;A: .T'4.15 0 Se I 4 • ,:0.1.,1 ,: !!"t oTh ,F. b . :3 ;31 :gf.S.I.F1 7-'.; 1,Na '1:1 ;CI n. a.1c.7. iil.A I. ; ;1‘.'• :1:',,i1 i'; .r:-; 1-,fli; 1 '; :-i- 0 I 7 .,•- ; .f.--- 44,111;;;; :-;;:,,--,K' 1,-;- :S Si olP: ,:3 b r.1"••1 !. ;F 7;fr.c...;.P:1 ,2.1 •.;)ff 3 L' ,C' ,‘..X3-":,1' • dlboa-;_tL 1 f., ;.-g31tt-: 1 ;Tr:, yci L, ';',If, , "1." .3--;.P. .F ;;..“.; ;: ,.. iii :• 'i. A 10 .F.,!1? : 0`.`,`• '-•' , rf,": -,1, ,,?6 .1'•f' i'_ : h1-: J•L:-•.''7:r. • 1,•:'1 . fiTI:-:•: ;i-:ii...:.•,•, imiee 0•;••1j" CIO ,aiir19-.-A 1:.'.i T.' L.,14,: .FE ,'Ii-i. ' L:ner., : ix:'.: 11,7. ;./,; 1..? ,•f H: °hiz. ritzok.: si.i:t mo . .•.c;;_rf.'fw,',;=, .b1-±riT bn.r, :1-,;-).L". ;;;)f)y.rd•r•“:1 1-f.,-,..r.-...:. `:,,, ;,.-_±,a 17...; „j•;“-,-17,'-i; ; in-:..! f.).,;..--;; r.1. iM.") .1.,:-.v.,`,:,-j; 3,.' &.;ir 7`, i.'• fit^r.orl. eff,i m.) k.2 4!'i :;. ..,it bit.M. i)L-U.,•!' tif".3V1',:i 1:10W,t'••Cr ;)crii.i".7,-, i.,.•.;0-.(..* -- '_ :',.b h.:.: I ao ,..7“.,) ic, ,..,,,1-1 1,-..7•7 ,,.... i...:.- oq ..-7.- Tu7 ; .r:,-,:i ij- : j j,1C . I. 'To .,;,1'.,i'l-:-w. E-5.12 iC,C;if 8:4:11-3'Vt,r-t:-:: J-(rElcl, :i1j1.1v.ft2n00 I ' ..,...„ .ier,r11.7C:,U '0,2'191-. •:71', -:-.7-.L.: ' '..1•=1:,"..,71 ' ..1•:•5•1(Y1'.; •; t',01:13 1-•:•"''''•• •, 011:,:.- 1T;,,, r, : ,-flrii.1.:.:.:,.,; 1 .eu3 .:,-° .:.;::r-- :' 7 I-, / \7",-:•_...._,„.....,• -- '• •- •_,,,) N.i \ i•' ,.-- . ' • 1' V, ' r .. cl'i• ' , ', • . .." . .T N . .lxvoxq al.rf %ol Tova erf ot boTielnT bas 0001 ,tn1 • .8oes ,Tedmetval Io yab -A atilt bevoulqA [-'