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110 of 1918 - Sidewalk Extension No. 192, First and Final
ROLL CALL -..__VOTING AYE I NAY' Salt Lake City,Utah, October....22.,.. ..... .. .....191_0. Crabbe - - I move that the ordinance he passed. I Green .._. J I Neslen �v✓ / { Scheid..- - Mr. Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE Ln ordinance levying a tax and for the asses dmcnt of property on hc2:,ent Street between divot south and Second douth Streets, in .3i.dewal., District No. 60 (Didewnik intention No. 192), for remov:inF; the present eight foot concrete sidewalks and r.e.placci.ng the eerie with nine :root Concrete sidewalks, and removin„ the present stone curb and getter ::lid replacing with concrete curb only. Be it ordained by the Boora of Coirmrisoionerc of 2: it hake City, Utah: S_;CTION 1. That the Board of Coennieni.onero of Salt Lae City does hereby ivy the tax and provide fo-r the asnesament of the :nine 'upon the property hereinafter described in .;idowaik Biutrict No. LO (,Jiuewn.i1. )xtension No. 192) , for rerno'vi.na_ the present eight foot concrete sidewalks and real cin;-; the same with nine foot concrete sidewalks, and tho removing tao present stone curb and gutter and replacing with concrete curb only, to-edit: In hots ii and 6, dl.oci,: 70, diet "h", Salt Lake Jity durve;, a.bu,tint on both sides of regent Street between First ;oath and Second South Streets. This tux is levied to defray the expense of removing the present eight toot concrete sidewalks ana repis c ind the same with nine foot concrete sidewalks, and removing the present stone curb nest ;cutter, and replacin itn concrete curb only, the portions; of 6 C 2V.i d street opoosite tire -0f0'90r.Ly hereinbefore :.7fla ho-coknalter described to be espeoihily alA,Pcted 1.;da donefited. by abid improve- ment, hod it is hereby adjbdgpd, determined hfld eatablished timit said property will be especihily benefited thereby to the full hmount of the tax hereby levied, and said pgrcela or land are hereby assessed at an equht. b.nd Ur,'iorm rate in hpcordunce wi-Gh Inc lineor Toot frontage upon said portions of or id street, fronting upon and. to p depth of Wwpr ty-five (26) toot buck there- from, bIki the tax hereby levied and to be assessed u.pon sbid parcels of land i3 four thousand. five hundred. tvg-mity-one P.nd 24/100 (.A521. A) dollars; one hunured thir ty-seven and tl)/i0U (4'67.26) dollars, or one and 59/100 ( ft.::',9) dollars for Lhr co foot walk ( the remainder of said whik being. six foot aid.emelk light), there be tug 98.76 feet abutting. soil portion of said improvobpnt; one hundred sixty-two and 47/100 (462.47) dolthrs, or throe and 8/100 (4.08) dollnrs por front or linear foot of abutting property for seven Toot walk,(the remainder of ::1i(1 walk being two foot sidewalk light) thero being 52.7S to abut- ting said port.on of swirl im-brovemeTA; to 46-100nd ed one hundrea seventy-two and 6/100 ( ,6„172.06) dollars, or throe hlla 60/loo (.15.60) dollars pox front or linear foot of abut Ling property for eight toot elk (the romaindor C. sbid bin...1.k Poing one foot sidewalk Li. pit) , there being 60 ..'6O Toot apotting said. popti mt of said tm or ov ement; pnd too "Ph ou snd e-oily-ni ire hnd ru /LOU (:i2,049.46) dollars, or Wmroc bild 90/100 (:)..).90) dolla.rs per front or linear foot of abetting proporty for ni.ne l'oot wall, -Mudro 0011W; 826.20 feet abe Uting .,;,,f ia portion of said i'l!!0.07C- MOlat, and all wi6hin the bonnuarico of Life lots, blocs and stih:ot above me n ti ono d in said Cis trio t, whicn is the total c ost :n110. wool per front not of sal cl. s i dowalko, a cc ording to the c on Laa et olCiuorod into for the performance of said ',:,Or h. 1.413. i k i A C,': :i t j3. improvement, with Lid-Los &! Palm, Ug.ted the 19th day of euguot, d fl b ; 1 1t il ! f 11 f i h 4 ! ! 1 f i it)I: nnd the Treaourer is kit:ruby autho-rized and edrected to soces, in acaordunce with tho provisions ot this ordirmince, .10"Y' the purpose herein mentioned: Throe Voot i"Golk (0.cmainuet of 6iA..1. Ax. .ioot 011iew,1K .inight) Commencing 112 feet enst and oouth 1020' west 616.75 toot from the northwest corner of not 6, 01ock 70, 23,at "a", thcono south 1' 20' wait 96.75 feet, being: putt of :sots 5 and 6, Reck 70, Flat ".,...", Salt u1;e 0-itw ...;urvey. Seven loot i:olk. (demainder of 'o'slk Two loot ;ideiG,'lk 'Light) Commencing 112 foot east dnd south 1' 20' west "dli, foot ftom the northwest corner of sot 6, diock 70, flut "-", thence 3',-) G1]. l' W' west 22.76 feet, being pnrt of Lot 6 Go.mooning 112 feet ea:it Gnd south 1° 20' west 508 Teat from the northwast corner of Sot 6, Block 70, Slot "r.", thence south 1' EUI 4v08t 50 fe()t, bOiA '!).:,rt Ot Lot 3, 1.1 in alock 70, ifint "Z.", 2.:1t I...ke City Survey. Eight 1ioot ',W-A.k (Uemaindor of i-tilti acing One l'not niinv.:alt. bighL) Commencing 11:, lout eust of tho tanitheat corner of not 6, Block 70, flat "r:.", thence south 1° 20' Geot 90 foot, neing bnrt of Mot 6; commencing 112 feet enot dnd south 1° 20' weot 120.75 Toot from tho northwirA corner a.: ii,at 6, hook 70, fist thence sonth 1' 20' west 1)2 foot, oeing p: at of .tot 6; oemnIonaing 112 foot east and.. south 1° 20' west 191.5 foot from tho vier corner ol hot 6, Block 70, ilut "...", thence south 1 20' went 56 feet, being purt of not 6; commoncinn; 2.26 foet west ,;.,na oetvih 1" 16' west 94: Lost from tne northweat cornar of Init 7, 13100k 70, flat "A", thence oouth. 1" 16' west U.) Teat, bodng batt of not 6; commoncing 16.58 feet weot snd north 1' 16' onot 129 feet from the southwest corner of Lot 1., iloci. 70, i'lot "M", thonce luanth 1' 16' east 614.55 feet, boing ptrt of .,,ots 6 und 6, ntt in hook -6- b a , q. 1 .4 70, Plat "A", 'd;..1.t coke 0i.ty •jli"I'VC)-3.. 1,2_1.no loot "LIAl.L. Uommoneinp' 112 rf'.e.o t rp.-.3t ;).11d 2 Ob't11 1' 20' wo s t 171 .7n ere it from Clio nor tir.,:n st corner of Lot 6, Look';, 70, ..'1,;:.--.1; "A", thon.o e 0 01/IAA 1 20' 'th).-;t le.76 feet, be in,-1:' port on 1,ot 6; c ommo no i fli:''' 11.2 1:0 0 t east s.nd s oti th 1' 20' we st 217.5 Tout •Yrom '611.e no:i:thwent e orner 01. J.JCt 6, .131 oeL 70, .:',1a I "Z,", nina_i_ico sou-Lh 1" 20' 66.25 foot, 'being part of :6 of 6: corsoenci-iw 11:. foot oast ond 2 012th 1' 20' west /.1111.e fee 1 fr om thw, nor tho'..e s t c drool' of W of 6 131.ock 70, PIA t "6", -6aeno o south 1" .';:-_.'(,)' we n-L 96.5 Lou -L., de port of , ot 3; c winch o I ng 112 ['act eo:,.;L Ano. s co,th 1" Md' wen t f;38 'outi. '[roe trio nor thwe_if o or.ner of hot .,*), .;31.oci:. 70, .Lia 1;T:once s Guth 1" 20' west 122 foot, bo irt;,. po rt of a of 3; e n:inp: !.,. ..;',d loot west of the a or thin of corner of L on 7, 131 no k 70, .1'16.1; "A.", Li-lance sou tn. 1' 16' we o i., 94 f:•ce't, 1?eing port ed. A ot 6 c ommencing 16.at) feet west of 'Lido id on thvJe s T., corner oi• .6 ot 2, .131 o(q 70, Plat "A", thence north 1." 16' e..s t 129 fc o 1,, being ir,rt of Lot 3, Lill in :31 oek 70, 21n.t "A", Li;.1.1: .L.- re L;,11:y :..;or vey, a S the 0,.)1f10 ;arc sh own upon the of-Cie io.l pl.;7,.tn of sui d. e1.Ly to a depth of 'men ty-f.'i ye (26) Tee t b;.:.ck :Cron; said. stroot, .and to co].Leo t said tax. fd ;(.1T1 Or ",-. ',-doid ta.x. sip..,1.1 become ::ind -be 101 iliCLLLO at in 12:1 1R0 ect1.1.:".1. yeo.r1 y i en to.ilmon Gn, -,.'.ri th in'tere d i., on -Li;e ,..-)n 01 e suns tnt_il ,_it thp rAte of od por cont per annum, pA.y;:ble LA. toe time cd.„oh in.'tp id moot -I o foe, to-wi t: One-fi nth thereat one ye,-..I after 'the ordinance cont'irming the .Levy of the tax for the pataent for such Itoer°vernal;t bee°flea o tro c t i ve; one-fi.fth tlereo:L in two ye' :1B' -..,.-Iter :_in,:id ordim.,ne e bee ome 2 ()t.:1:0 0 111'0; ono-1.1 ith thoiec,-: in t tree; years i,ften Si,1(i Or Ci.in;-_,. ;o boo omoo cyn:o o tive; ona-fiifth tlaor e o 1! in Lout ,ye as's after En,;,id, or 11 nAldo e becomes e 76 t'oc Live tried OUO-Tilth thereof in Li to years after said ordinnce ocoomes of-Toot:I:ye. One or more of noid intoliments, in the order in -4- ;1 ., ',. li . 1 ; 1 •t 1 1 I k 41 •i I . Mite la they are p;-iya bie, or the vin olio so o o jai Lax, ifi:ty .do '[.), id .',.I any Linn within thirty days a:Ltd r tho or dinno o c oniiigniillp; thf) 10 vy of the tax boo ann.; 0 1r 1:.0 2 Li ve, vol Li on interest. if; 1,110 0 VC 11 t 0.t.. any i it!'1.:.tii 3.1-a:i.n t or th.o in taro.-tt aforesaid not Ping, no.rid. on the da to t"he 2.!-,.t..1,3 -b 0 0.one s duo, tj no ill ()Jo a-2.1101;11'G aii the c:ip e o i.al tax taipTiti at the time i.r,id in t.',111.mont ant i n tore t are due, oh it. be:log.111C a 13.e .--•.nii ;),;.yzl 01Q, Li.,ild 0 il.C.:..11. draw inter e it :IA the rLA(.1, 0 i eight pun cent per -annum 'until. the sd lc of the ore-pet-1;y L-n-.,,se 3'.3 ed.; provided:, ()IT::: ai. xiore in,...,,ti.1 linen ts, 1.'n 17(10 order in oh Loin they are payable, or tile whole special tax tai.h Ir.. ' oe p[o.d. on .Cile toy any ins't-I trlient b000mo doe, by -ih' '.„ritii--... the amount the roof and in Le re at to :-.ri.id date.. 'd:ri'I ON :6. This or(ionic.no a ada1.1 -Luke e ii toot ono 1.:1.7 ::,:i.'ion :i.t:.; tirnt public:at:ion. ..-',1 O ovia l R. i.,::)..ten si on Lo. -19:-:. "..t'S I, Vinal :Is'Li INA to. sed by the J3odaal (IL C orliaicnil on el.t.':. ai :6O-itt .,ate 0:i ty nto,, December 12th 1,91B. ------ , ZI 0 1/, • 7• ( .,./,,.4V 7 /7 /, ( ,...",, _N';.-,,,--,77-7-.,,,?'..--7,-1Z:•_...... _ — —'--L-017,7T-ETEtTiid77.------- - - -b- ... U i 1 1 1 11; 111 1 J I 1 1 . i " /C c•"-r1. 11rz I.). ,c&'0,-,,: 1fp. il.Ji- ert s\:x • . 7 \ : 2 f ,4,,.,-,- , , ' ; §: . . $ o . © i; | G' ] w | .,-- „: ( r, §« 1