110 of 1950 - Vacating alleys between Glenmare and Hartford Streets and 27th South Street and Atkin Avenue ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,UtaQ,.T 171950 ,195 VOTING Aye Nay Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . 1'. Lingenfelter . . . . ( ,,..✓\--R , . , Romney . . . . - / Mr. Chairman . vj.„............,......„„A,N-ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE VACATING alleys between Glenmare and Hart- o ' !-- ford Streets and 27th South Street and Atkin Avenue in Salt Lake h City, Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake T„ .City, Utah: SECTION 1. That alleys between Glenmare and Hartford -r .. .„.i Streets and 27th South Street and Atkin Avenue in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 20, Block 23 �? Highland Park Plat 'El, a subdivision of part of the S.Wr1 of Section 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; running thence south 926.01 ft.; thence S. 42° 57' W. 7.34 ft.; thence West 115 ft. to the southwest corner of Lot 11, Block 13, Clermont Subdivision, of part of Sections 28 and 29, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., thence south 12 ft. to the northeast corner of Lot 10, Block 13, said Clermont Subdivision; thence east 132.37 ft.; thence north 945.01 ft. to the northwest corner of Lot 21, Block 2, said Highland Park Plat 'Et; thence west 12 ft. to the point of beginning; j be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub- lie property for use as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian ways. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now.located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property and also subject to the right of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, re- placing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme- diately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first 1.10 4 -2- publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of S 1t Lake City, Utah, this // day of , A. - •-; Uo fl 4 ) city—tiecordcr. '•,',"; ,. " . / I 1 STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, 1, Irma F. Bitner ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance vacating alleys between Cllenraare and Hartford. Streets and 27th South St. and Atkin Ave. in Salt Lake City, Utah" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, October 17, 21,45_1_950 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal 13th November 1950 of said City, thiIs day of , (SEAL) BILL NO,..:110 City Recorder. Published October 20, //0 • • • • d�a _fl p� AN ORDINANCE Coll • AN ORDINANCE VACATING alleys ' between Glenmare and Hartford ' Streets and 27th South Street and V2• sh Avenue in Salt Lake Clty, m Be it ordained by the Board of i p Commissioners of Salt Lake City, IUtah: Olenmaree SECTION and Hartford 1. That alleStreetss between and v • 27th South Street and Atkin Ave- . nue in Salt Lake City, Utah, more -34,MI ' • particularly described as followscur Beginning at the northeast car- T2 nee of Lot 20,a Block 2, Highland m R Park Plat.E' subdivision f part fC CD f the S.W.+/o1 Section 21,T.1 S„ 12 c i R. 1 B., B. L. B. & M.: running thence south 926,01 ft.;thence S.42 w deg.57 min.W.7.34 ft.;thence West n 115 ft. to the southwest corner f 0 Lot 11,Black 13,Clermont end il. ' f part f Section 28 and 29. thence E., then south 12 ft.to the northeast . corer of Lot 10,Block 13.said Cler- ont Subdivision;thence east 132.37 Q 11 ft.; thence north 945.01 ft. to the CIa northwest corner of Lot 21.Block 2 said Highland Park Plat'E';thence ID west 12 ft.to the point of beginning; CO 1 D be n and the am are hereby acas d d declared no longer to be sub- I1c property for u s streets, ] " a alleys or pede-strlan ways,ave - nues, fD ,',1Said vacation ismade expressly subject to all isting rights f • and easements of all jy Sutilities of any and every descrip- tion i uer w located in, on, under OW 0➢ over the confines of the above de-subject 6E scribed property and o subject Pr ( 't • to the right of entry thereon for nt�.,\1 the purposeof inspecting.maintain- .. n 1 Ing, repairing, replacing, removing, \ altering or rerouting said utilities Nd and all f them. N A SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,it Is nee- • ry to the peace,health and safety e of the inhabitants of Salt Lake 77pp 1 City e that this ordinance shall be- ry co effective Ttme ordinance I •t SECTION 3. Thisatly. hall `t- a Lake effect upon Its first opnb!lcatton, I_` Passed by the Board f Commis- V11 • Toners of Balt Lake City,Utah,this 17th day of October,A.D.1950. N Si EARL J.GLADE, 7J ti s Mayor. a IRMA F.BITNER, • City Recorder. \~'� (SEAL) y .E' • BILL NO.110 l fD • Published October 20, 1950. G • o tl s O �F • r • • • • • //0 Cu• ^ AN ORDINANCE �11 • • AN ORDINANCE VACATING alleys ' between Glenmare and Hartford Streets and 27th South Street and ' Atkin Avenue in Salt Lake City, aci I 2/ Utah. Be It ordained by the Board of '^ Commissioners of Salt Lake City, `• Utah:SECTION That alleys between 27t Souand Hartford Streets Ave- nue South Street d Utaa in Salt Lake i City, Utah,more + b rticularly described s follows:or Beginning 0 thenortheastllg a- '71 z ofner Lot 20, subdivision si Highland it R Park Plat'E' Section 21. f part n of the S.W.'/s of Section 21,T.1 S., ` R. 1 H.,S. L. B. &M.. running thence south 926.01 ft.;thence S.42 deg.57 min.W.7.34 ft.;thence West f1 ' 116 ft. to the southwest f fA 0 Lot 11,Block 13,Clermont Subdlvi- low,of part f Section 28 and 29, �. T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., thence south 12 ft.to the northeast corner of Lot 10,Block 13,said Cler- montSubdivision;thence east 132.37 et �i ft.; thence north 945.01 ft. to the Q, 4 northwest corner of Lot 21,Block 2 • said Highland Park Plat'E';thence west 12 ft.to the point of beginning; >7 be and the me re hereby vacated / • ]Intl declaredertfor uselonger to streets,e pub- licas ave- nues, r pedestrian ways, w n Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easeme• of all public pl .� utilities of any and every under pa- -5. lse w located In, r o over the confines of they above de- -, is the property and also subject x to the right of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting,maintain- lag, repairing, replacing, removing, 0-. altering rerouting id utilities and all of them. SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,It Is neces- s ry to the peace,health and safety y t of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake ro .j City that this ordinance shall be- comeffective immediately. rN '.t SECTION 3.This pobce shall l}a a. • take effect upon its first publication. (11 Passed by the Board of Commis- ' sloners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 17th day of October,A.D.1950. NK EARL J.GLADE, A •i Mayor. A r IRMACit'y BRecorder. �1 (SEAL) !Te BILL NO.130 Published October 20,.1950. ee-- t t\.::'''CI‘..-1141 k..... • f/0 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 } sa County of Salt Lake ,. AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE VACATINC4 alieye between Glenmare and Hartford streets and 2nn South Street and D OCKEY Ataklh. D. - Avenue n Salt Lake City, U C,,,`„ sic ers1eof nSalh,,,V,"Lyf Utah: ] SECTION I.That alleys bcl Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- vertising.ween clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Olemm�re and Hartford streets and 27th,South Street and Atkin Ave- 0 in Salt Lake Clty,Utah m, Da;WFularly described at,oHortheasnw,.o Bei °'° published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State lln,ng E of Lot 20, Block 2. Highland Park Plat'P.' subdivision f Part 1 4 of Utah.the 5.W.%of Stetson 21,1'. B., rt. 1 E.,S. L. B. A: et, rur ling thence smith'926.01 It.:thence S.42 deg,Nt7 min.W.2,34 It.:thence West 115 31, to the pp°`„rmo corner f That the advertisement Lot 11,Block 13S Sf10100ont rner o- TonI pS.f part 1 f f7,S.o L. B.a',Is'M., thence south 12 ft.tn the northeast corner of Lot 10,Block 13,said Clcr- moot BYb0,visltn;thence east 132.3'! ail..�_L:C1,1.11s2A1i_P..13.1..,...PI0.3... ) ft.;thence north 045.01 ft. to the 'thwest cornerf Lot 21,R:ock 2, said Highland Park Plat E';thence to oet a n the tsao bleree aarInhereby gvnninga and deellared n0 longer to be 0pub- llc pan er,ty for➢se.as streets,u n 11Said l vocation b Isestrlde eapessly subly do.„All,AYlsting rightrt f tllitlea of y d e public `_s " o all public was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the 11oa1;.,nOw located}h, on, under or o .the confiRea•�yyf.the above e- rlbcd Pr°ptrty'Oland ion suhlact A.D.19 kW-the right, { entry thereon for day of the purpose 0f.flpectina,maintain- 'Ink, �erou lag saremoving,ties g or rerouting Id utilities 1,Of t»em. and was published on October 20, 1950 and ail plIf 01.Itt°Io of the Board at eC peae7pplliealt 3s safety of a tInhabitant. of add safety che '"this ants' nI Salt.Lake the last publication thereofbeingin the issue dated the m that this a riedin el halt be- come SECTeffectION 3.This ordina SECTION 3.This first 01 0101shall ate effePassed the Its taint Pnbllektlus- day of A.D.19 Pasacd by the Britain t tw mate i,/ 17thsion a of Salt 0Lake City,D. lli Nate 7 1'ltla bay of October,A D.]9Bb-' // EARJ.J.Oltr}r(t ��/f C�i1,'G�-.rC C- iRt1A F.H=TNFR �'1 /� City Rc°°rder. /AdvertisingCerl(SEAL) BILL NO.110 Published October 10. 1250. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 212 t day of October A.D.19 50 Notary Public—_ e.*