111 of 1910 - Ordinance 111 of 1910 – Sewer Extension No. 220, Third Partial Estimate. Vf kl • e A h ODJ. 1". An ordinsnce confirmiln aseesement u)on tu i)roperty herein- after deccyibed in the territory included betneon South Te:,dle and Ninth South Streets, and 2roia the InterceptingSenor ecot to Second 1West Street, in Sewer District ho. 2, for the construction of cowers. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt be Cify, SECTIGh 1. Thnt the assessment list made by the City Treasurer es corrected, approved atd completed by the Board of Equalization and Review, heretofore duly apifoitted by the City Connell COI' that pur- Ipose Of the property in Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 01, Dist ! "A"; 1 to 16, inclusive, and 21 to 30, block 2; 1 to 15, Block 1, Fra:nklin's Subdivision, Dloc. 46; 1, 5, 6, V ard 8, block 56; 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 49; 1, 2, 2, 4 srd 8, Dloch 47; 1 ' 4 twit 5, Block 43; 16 to 29, iselssive, ad 2 to 15, inclusivo, Dlock! 2, Hot th's Su'odivision, 'Sleek 29, Plat "C", Salt Lake City nurva7, abuttinL on the west aide of Fourth West Street between South ?sniple and First South StreAs; on the east side of Eithth 7:est Street between First Sout# and becotd South Streets; on the north side of Second So4h Street betv,een Sixth West and. E16hth West btreets; on the south side of Second South Street between Seventh West and SiLhth West ntreets; on the south side of South Temple Street bet\icen Fourth West and Seventh West Streets; on both aides of Fifth West Street 'between South Temple and First South Streets; on the seat side of Sixth Weet Stroet hetweefri First South and. Second South Streets; on the west side of West Street Between South Tel:IZLe cc' 3ecood 3uv,th 5tvot,J; or 1,oth :rides of Jeremy Street between First Both and Second South fltrots; umi. on the north sil.e of ii_erpont Avenue between Seventh Oct and 7lLnth 'lest Streets, in Sower District Bc. 2, of Salt 6s1".e Citd, for tbs ,.)er,:ose of constractiu sewers ti,.)oh said ,2ortioes of o%:, !iti!,,et!3. 12 co,)fird, "sole on n'7 returned is sa61 csHeted lists sre ilS'SfiON 2. n1-; t to e7o,t 2ewer 7z,:tensi 1To. Z2:7. Third 12nrtial 7stimate. - - Fasbed-1*-tid. 1..EY Council of-Salt- _ 1910, nna referred to the Layor for his np-prval. Approved this day of July, 1910. j L. Jf -. kT l A - 4 ,_ £' ). c.) , „:, , .. . ei • , r ,.- \ c c) U t "J , rt , ,. z , ,i. r , . . . , .._7...I._i__.,,,,,, _________.__,__ _ __ ___ _____ f th\\Al