111 of 1971 - Amending Section 25-5-5, establishing eligibility of officers and employees in the City's Group Insu ROLL CALL 9
November 17 1
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah ,197..._...
Barker . . . . / 7
Cafmull I move that the Ordinance te. ssed j
Garn Cii/ /G
/// ' C 1 /7(%
Harrison . . . __
Mr.Chairman f�
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-5-5 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to parti-
cipation of officers and employees in the group insurance
program of the city upon retirement.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 25-5-5 of the Revised Ordi-
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to participa-
tion of officers and employees in the group insurance program
of the city upon retirement, be, and the same hereby is,
amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 25-5-5. Retired officers and employees.
Any officer or employee who has been employed by
Salt Lake City Corporation for a total period of
one year, or more, and who, while employed, has
elected to be covered by said insurance plan, upon
retirement from employment with Salt Lake City
under the Utah State Retirement Act may participate
in said insurance plan then in effect upon the
terms and conditions set forth in said plan and
contract. Officers and employees who have been
employed by Salt Lake City less than a total of one
year shall not be eligible, upon retirement, to
participate in said insurance plan."
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective January
1, 1972.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 17th day of November, 1971.
i Clik
BILL NO. 111 of 1971
Published November 23, 1971
Affidavit of Publication
17 ss.
County of Salt Lake
Betty Phelps.
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adept-
. Using clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
newspaper printed in the
the English language with general cir-
• AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Secs' culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
Melon 255,5 of the Revised Ordinances
emsilo`ornkiciuotnon of oft°a�'rsreand•
County, in the State of Utah.
pr°prenrneSf M Sly uio nretirenaent`.
Be Ir oreernetl b rn° Board ot.
Utah:Com 1trlera ee i°I Laae Illy That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
SECTION 1 That Seatlon 2555 of
ICIt Re tieg, Ordinance;if Sett Lak°
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_An-_Ordinance-_r_elat]ngto partiripationaf_officers
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•Mil of mpl year, r me e. d„ city upon_ etiremant...Bill_No,_lll_of_1971.
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ehlRlbie trier f reliren�en},ftol Derficl- ----
pale In ld insurance pen."
SECTIONeof 2.ct rnls oralnanca nun waspublished in said newspaper on _NoYenber-_2 decoy° .gyve Jandae 1, shall __wf 1..__
•Passed by the Board f t ommis-
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Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this. _ 24'th _ day of
November. A.D. l9_71_. `7
,Votary Public
111y Commission Expires
February 12, 1974