111 of 1980 - Amending section 25-4-3 reclassifying and establishing positions in the Department of Public Utiliti SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 111 of 1980 (Wage and Salary Reclassifications) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 25-4-3 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AND THE "WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM FOR SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION EMPLOYEES," ADOPTED BY BILL NO. 183 OF 1978, AMENDING SECTION 25- 4-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO POSITION TITLES AND CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY RANGES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-4-3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, and the Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to position titles and classifications and salary ranges, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: DELETE the position of Chief Accountant-Public Utilities, Level 004 of the Executive Salary Schedule. DELETE the position of Water Meter Supervisor, Pay Class 308 under the title covering Professional and Paraprofessional. DELETE the position of Assistant Water Meter Supervisor, Pay Class 217 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. DELETE the position of Customer Service Representative, Pay Class 214 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. DELETE the position of Water Rights Specialist, Pay Class 219 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. DELETE the position of Senior Billing Clerk, Pay Class 217 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. ADD the position of Chief Finance and Accounting Officer Level 003 of the Executive Salary Schedule. ADD the position of Chief Accountant-Public Utilities, Level 005 of the Executive Salary Schedule. ADD the position of Billing Office Supervisor, Pay Class 314 under the title covering Professional and Paraprofessional. . l_ 1. ADD the position of Senior Billing Clerk, Pay Class 218 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. ADD the position of Billing Clerk, Pay Class 212 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. ADD the position of Billing Clerk Trainee, Pay Class 209 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. ADD the position of Pre-Treatment Administrator, Pay Class 314 under the title covering Professional and Paraprofessional. ADD the position of Customer Service Field Supervisor, Pay Class 310 under the title covering Professional and Paraprofessional. ADD the position of Customer Service Office Supervisor, Pay Class 310 under the title covering Professional and Paraprofessional. ADD the position of Water Meter Reader Supervisor, Pay Class 217 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. ADD the position of Customer Service Representative/ Investigator, Pay Class 215 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. ADD the position of Customer Service Clerk, Pay Class 212 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. ADD the position of Customer Service Accounts Collector, Pay Class 218 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. ADD the position of Water Rights and Stream Flow Specialist, Pay Class 313 under the title covering Professional and Paraprofessional. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect retroactive to July 1, 1980. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 21st day of October , 1980. HAIRMAN 7 -2- 1.11 ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on October 21, 1980 Mayor's Action 1-"112--- O ATTEST: CT RECORDER /� ('‘/(44 (SEAL) BILL NO. 111 of 1980 Published October 30, 1980 -3- 1.1.1 ADM 3. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE Shana D. Conaty NA III NI/m/ AN ORDINANCE IAMENDING2 SECTION�3-3 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH,1965. AND THE WAGE•AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION PRO- GRAM FOR ADOPTEpDFBVKB L l N000153 oR19111 AMENDING Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal ANDCLATYY,,ON OTAH 1%5 REVISED ORDINANCES POSITION TITLES TIF TLES advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily AN D CLASSIF'CATtONS AND SALA�Rpe1YI RANGES. Be it Thatthe ecCityCtion �lof Salt Ifte LakeCity,Wan (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English 'se'/Lake Clw.1U 1965,and the'"Meta and sa'a^' language with general circulation in Utah, and Adnto rosnioo titles and c 9itIcaiiakne ca 'turn ranges,be, nd the samelbe Recli a bllays:ss published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the LevD EMtheEMet tl esae'"` 'y° 7.2.. -Pwllc,ueulq�, State of Utah. DEL E,the position of Water Meter Supervisor,Pay Class 300,Under Itte Rite Covering Professional and Par1Oro- iesSloe That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto r,DPav Class 217 under thetitle Assistant covering Clerrical and Tech- nical. DELETE lire posifien of Customer Service Representative, Pay Class 210 under the mtew90rlrpaerical and Technical. Pub notice of Ordinance #111 of 1980 219I DELETE under IOhreeee title coverisition ng Clerri alater Rights Technical. pay Class 217 DELETE lire title coovvelring Cleon of r ical and Techn Billing ical.rk,Pay Class i ADD the position of Chlet Finance end Accounting Officer Le ADD ntNIee eeelfiee of CIIrlp Account Public ufllltlet.Level 1005 of the Executive Salary Schedule,• ADD the vile 3ld under the title 1ccovrinBilling IrProfessional Officeand V I ofeessssio al s under ADDor title covering of and Tetl nicer Pay Class 219 titleAco B nut ring Clerk I o Telchhnical �Y Class 212 under the ADD e position of Billing Clerk Trainee.Pay Class 209 under the'title covering Clerical end Technical. ADD THE POSITION OF Pre-Treatment Administrator, pay Class Oil under the fine covering Professional and Perap- ADD the position of Customer Service Field Supervisor, Pay Close 310 under the title covering Processional and Perrin- mfe:smna'' Oct. 30, 1980 Pay Class 310 undertthe title'covering Service Office amiParap- rofessional, was published in said newspaper on D te positron of Water Meter Reader Supervisor.Pay Class 217 under the title covering Clerical and Technical. AOD the position of Customer Service Rep- tetive/In vestioator,pay Class 215 under the title covering Clerical and \ Technical. 1 ADD t the position Cleriitcal anndSTeecnnicel.s`,pay class 213 �\,C,j_.' 't ,�� _(. s:A / ADD the position of Customer Service Accounts Collector, Legal Advertising Clet PaV Class the under gibe title t m were l and T S Coll et ADD Me la s+313 n er the Riga herd Stream Fleur a d P+a rip fes Class 713 under the 1111¢covering Proiesslonal and ar SECTIONn. SECTION 2.This Ordinance shall lake effect retroactive to July 1,1990. Passed by the city Council of sou cake C+W.Vlah.this Ire me this 1.3.th dayof 21st day 9f October,1900. RONALD!.WH IT EHEAD ATTEST: CNAIRMAN MILDRED V.HIGHAM A.D.19 80 CITY RECORDER tte to the Mayor on October 21,199e Mayor's TED L.MAVO ATTEST: MILDRED V.HIGHAM ; CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL NO. of 1980 Pgbltshed October 30,7900- 62 t Notary Public My Commission Expires Feb, 11, 1982 111