112 of 1907 - Ordinance 112 of 1907 – Amending & re-enacting Sections 585, 591, 592 and 593, re: regulation of w 4
An ordinance amending and re-enacting Sections 585, 591, 592 and;
593 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903.
Be it ordained py the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Sections 585, 591, 592 and 593 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, be, and the same hereby are
amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
There is hereby established within this city a standard of weights
and measures, for the sale of all commodities herein, and it
shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell,
or offer for sale in this city, any commodity which is not in
conformity as to weight er measure with such standard. Alton
any commodity is purchased or sold by bushel, half bushel, peck,
half peak, quart or pint measur , or by the ton, pound, half
pound or quarter pound, each measure used in such purchase or
sale shall contain the following number of oubia inches, and
each ton, pound, half pound and quarter pound shall contain the
following number of pounds and ounces avoirdupois weight, and
grains Troy weight, to-wit:
A bushel shall consist of 2160 cubic inches; a half bushel
of 1076 cubic inches; a peck of 537-1/2 cubic inches; a half
peek of 268.3/4 cubic inches; a quart of 67-19/100 cubic inohes;I
and a pint of 33.59/100 cubic inches. A ton shall consist of
2000 pounds avoirdupois weight; a pound shall consist of 16
ounces avoirdupois weight, or 7000 grains Troy weight; a half
pound of 8 ounces, or 3750 grains Troy weight; and a quarter
pound of 4 ounces avoirdupois, or 1875 grains Troy weight.
The following commodities,when purchased or sold by weight,
shall be sold so as to contain the number of avoirdupois pounds
per bushel set opposite the article. to-wit: Coal, 80 lbs.;
coke, 40 lbs.; rye, 56 lbs.; blue grass seed, 14 lbs.; cl;.ffve ,
seed, 60 lbs.; alfalfa seed, 60 lbs.; flax seed 56 lbs.; hemp
seed, 44 lbs.; Hungarian grass seed 50 lbs.; millet seed, 50 lbs.;
Timothy seed, 45 lbs.; wheat, 60 lbs.; oats, 32 lbs.; buckwheat,
52 lbs.; corn in the ear, 70 lbs.; corn, shelled, 56 lbs.; barley,•
48 lbs.; corn meal, 50 lbs.; bran, 20 lbs.; Osage orange, 32
lbs.; sorgum, 30 lbs.; salt, 50 lbs.; malt barley, 30 lbs.
Potatoes (Irish), 60 lbs.; potatoes (sweet), 50 lbs.; apple ,
48 lbs.; pears, 50 lbs.; tomatoes, 60 lbs:; turnips, 55'lbs.;
onions, 57 lbs.; onion sets, 25 lbs.; beets, 50 lbs.; carrots,
50 lbs.; parsnips, 45 lbs.; beans (castor), 46 lbs. ; beans (white)
60 lbs.; peas (dried), 60 lbs.; apples (dried), 24 lbs.; peaches;
(dried), 33 lbs.; hair (for plastering), 8 lbs.; lime (unslaoked),
80 lbs.; and in measuring such commodities for purchase and
sale, it shall be unlawful to use any subdivision of the bushel
measure not herein specified. The City Council, at the expense
of the City, shall provide and maintain the neoessary and ap-
proved standards, with their several necessary subdivisions for
s the purpose of testing and proving the wieghts and measures to
be used in the city.
TION. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation
dealing in illuminating oils in Salt Lake City, to dive notice
to said Inspector of Oils and Sealer of Weights and Measures, of
any such oil in his possession not theretofore inspected by said !
officer, within two days after the same shall have been received
into his possession. And it shall be unlawful for any dealer to
refuse, neglect or fail to give such notice, or to refuse to per-i
mit said officer on demand, to inspect any illuminating oil not
previously inspected. And it shall be unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation, to sell or offer for sale for illuminating
purposes, any mineral ail or petroleum oil, or any fluid,;44
or substance which is the product of petroleum, or into which
petroleum or any Az1aa product of petroleum enters, or is found ;
as a constituent element, that will emit gas or vapor which will,
ignite at any temperature below 110 deg. Pahrenheit, upon a test {
to be made as follows: Before offering any such fluid or sub-
stance for sale, said person, firm or corporation shall place
not less than one half pint of the same in a vessel which shall
be free from all other substances, and of such dimensions as
that the surface of the fluid shall not exceed four square inched;
that there shall then be placed in said fluid or substance r
{ Fahrenheit thermometer in such manner that the same will indieata
the temperature of the same, that said fluid shall then be grad-1
ually heated at not less than two degrees Fahrenheit per minute
to a temperature at which the same will emit a gas or vapor whio1
will ignite when brought into contact with fire; that the gas orI
vapor from said fluid of substance shall be frequently tested
with fire during such heating, and in such manner as to ascer-
tain the exact temperature at which such fluid or substance will
give off a gas or vapor which will ignite by the application of
fire, and if gas or vapor from such fluid or substance ignites
before the said fluid or substance shall attain a temperature of;
110 deg., the fluid or substance, a sample of which is so tested;
as aforesaid, shall come within the inhibition of this section,
$ and shall net be sold or offered for sale for illuminating pur-
$ poses. And it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpo •
ration to use the same vessel or measure, for measuring to pur-
chasers both illuminating oils and gasoline. And it shall also
be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or offer;
for sale, or to have in his, her, their or its possession with
intent to sell, any illuminating oil which is adulterated w,3th
parafine or other substances, and which, in consequence of, C3
: -.q i
adulteration will emit a vapor or gas which will ignite at a
temperature of less than 110 deg. Fahrenheit, upon a test made ae
provided in this section.
be the duty of the Inspector of Oils and Sealer of Weights and.
Measures, when notified as provided in Section 591, to inspect
all such oils as promptly as possible thereafter, and to reject
for illuminating purposes, all such oils as will emit a combus-
tible vapor at the temperature of less than 110 degrees Fahren-
heit, by the test provided for in Section 591. Said officer
shall mark plainly and indelibly on each cask, barrel, package
or other receptacle, "Approved Flash Test being 110", if such
oil shall meet such requirement, with his name and title of
office; but if said oil so tested shall not meet said require-
ment, then such officer shall mark plainly and indelibly on each
cask, barrel, package or other receptacle containing the same,
"Rejected for illuminating purposes", together with his name and;
title of office. all gasoline, however confined, shall be in-
speoted by said officer, and each cask, barrel, package or other
reoeptaole containing the same, shall be by said officer plainly
and indelibly marked "Rejected for illuminating purposes", to-
gether with his name and title of office. Said officer shall re-
cord each inspection within twenty-four hours, in a book prepared
for the purpose, which shall be open for inspeotion to all per-
sons interested.
SECTION 593. FEES AS OIL INSPECTOR. For services performed
in inspecting oils as aforesaid, the Inspector of Oils and Sealer
' of Weights and Measures shall collect in advance from the person
owning the oil inspected, for the use and benefit of the oity,
the following fees, to-wit:
For all oils and gasolene in barrels or tank cars, ten'( )
eats per barrel; for oils in oases, one (1) Dent per gallon; 1
or lots from one gallon to twenty-five gallons; three- fourths
of a oent per gallon for all lots from twenty-five gallons to
fifty gallons; one-half of a Dent per gallon for all lots over
fifty gallons. The said officer shall keep a oorreot aecou#t of
11 feeO oolleoted, and siu01 fees shall be by him ooivered'p±to f�'
the oitg treasury et tPhet Pkrst Monday ao 1owirig their .soli otl,lft I
i`�nd,mufet be acoomp lad by a s-tatement�'thereof duly 't.@xlfied ey'
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/` ; aid officer. ti 1- r ,6fl
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, I Q�° 2. All ordivanoee arid parts' of ordinetnoes p.ion'llict
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hee'itbt;are hereby repealed to the extent of such oonfliot `
s l'ION 3. This ordiatanee shall take effect upon appr val.
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