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112 of 1950 - Lighting District No. 30, 1st and Finale Estimate KULL GALL Salt Lake City,Utah, ,195 VOTING Aye I Nay Affleik I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . Lingepfelter . v \\ Romdey . . 7/fs Mr. chairman . . ° 'sAN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE'LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property in Lighting District No. 30, for the purpose of Providing for the installation of incandescent lamps. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: �•_ SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting District No. 30, for the purpose of providing for the installation of incan- descent lamps, to-wit: Lots 1 to 24 incl. Upper Yale 3rd Addition, a subdivi- sion of Lot 17, Block 28, 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey; Lots 1 to 10 incl., Block 1 and Lots 1 to 10 incl., Block 2, Yale Heights, a subdivision of part of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 27, 5 Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey; Lots 1 and 18 to 20 incl., Block 2, Lots 2 to 4 incl., Block 5 and Lot 1, Block 6, Fairway, a subdivision of parts of Lots 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Block 27, 5-Acre Flat C, Big Field Survey; .� abutting on both sides of Yale Avenue from 18th East Street to 20th East Street and both sides of 20th East Street from Yale Avenue to Herbert Avenue in Salt Lake City. This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing for the installation of twenty-three (23) ornamental standards, complete, each equipped with 1-4000 lumen incandescent lamp, said lamps to be dlluminated by electric current; the circuits for the operation of said system to be underground and the portions of said streets oppo- site the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be es- pecially affected and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property will be es- pecially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform 112 1 J -2- rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Seven Thousand, Three Hundred Thirty-three and 00/100 G7,333.00) Dollars or Two and 31489/100000 (ti2.31489) Dol- lars pet front or linear foot of abutting property, there being 3,484.53 feet abutting said portion of said improvement and the cost of which installation and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out,and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said improvement with Interstate Electric Company, dated May 9, 1950, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordi- nance, for the purpose herein mentioned: Fronting on the north side of Yale Avenue. All of Lots 13 to 24 incl., Upper Yale 3rd Addition of Block 28; all of Lots 1 to 10 incl. of Blk. 1, Yale Heights, a sub division of Block 27; and all of Lots 3 and 4, Blk. 5, Fairway, a subdivision of Block 27; 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the south side of Yale Avenue. All of Lots 1 to 12 incl., Upper Yale 3rd Addition of Block 28; all of Lots 1 to 10 incl. of Blk. 2, Yale Heights, a sub division of Block 27; and all of Lot 1, Blk. 6, Fairway, a subdivi sion of Block 27; 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Survey. Fronting on the weft side of 20th East Street. Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 3, Blk. 5, Fair way Subdivision, thence southwesterly along the west line of 20th East Street 128.99 ft., thence west 48.71 ft.,thence north 123.55 ft., thence east 84.88 ft. to the place of beginning, in Lot 3, Bl . 5, Fairway, a subdivision of Block 27, 5-Acre Plat 'C', Big Field S44rvey. -3- Beginning at the northeast corner of I,ot 2, Blk. 5, Fair way Sub., thence southwesterly along the west line of 20th East Street 119.12 ft., thence west 81.48 ft., thence north 116.55 ft., thence east 90.99 ft. to the place of beginning, in Lot 2, Blk. 5, Fairway, a subdivision of Block 27, 5 Acre Plat 'C', Big Field Sur vey. . Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street. All of Lots 1 and 18 to 20 incl. of Blk. 2, Fairway, a subdivision of Block 27, 5 Acre Flat 'C', Big Field Survey; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said street not excee.- ing 330 feet and to collect said tax. SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board, of Equalization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance in Lighting District No. 30 of Salt Lake City for the purpose of providing for the installation of incandescent lamp-, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists, and the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in three equal yearly installments, as provided by law and ordinance, with inter- est on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is due; provided, however, th-t one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective. In the event any installmen. or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes due, the whole amount of the: special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest are due shall become due and payable and shall draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annur until th= sale of the property assessed. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commi loners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of MEV' . / - 1/17,1'11. City decorder. Lighting District No. 30 ( st at349a, First & Final EatiAatecl t ) • LEGAL. ' AN ORDINANCE AN Ih dL for ighhttiingn District No.of 30, foCE LEVYING,Ar t Affidavit of Publication instal- lation incproviding ndesa n4 for the It ordained by the Hoard of Cmnmlgafoners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners Of Salt Lake City does hereby levy thy tax d pro- I"SS vide for the assessment of the emus J spon o de- scribed in property Districtr No.30. the t in•stallation of p'incandescent lamps, to-wit: Lots 1 to 24 Incl.,Upper Yale lird Additionsubdivision of LOt 17, Block 28, 5-Acre Plat C.Big Field SurandvLotsL1 tto 10 o 1 ino0 l..,(Block HH2,Yale lock 1 Heights, a subdivision of part of D. Y. 0 Cri11;Y Lots 4, 5 and 6,Block 2'i, 5 Acre Plat D, Blg Field Survey; Lots 1 Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- s 18 to 20 incl.,Block 2,lots 2 t0 4 incl.,Block 5 and Lot 1,Block of Lots 5, 6g7, 15'"16°39°anda19,, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEW S,'a newspaper. Block 27, 5-Acre Plat C,Big Field Enrvey; published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State abutting ork both sides of Yale Ave- nue '18tth East to 2D•h EastStreet and bo sides East Street from Yale Avenuer toth Herbert of Utah. tah. Avenue in Halt Lake City. This tax is levied tof defray e expense ofproviding in- stallation of twenty-three(23)o - That the advertisement mental 'standards, complete, n h 41L equipped with 1.4000 lumen o in- candescent lamp, said lamps to be lluminated by s leatriecurrent:the • An Ordinance Bill No. 112 circuits for the operation of'sold system to be underground and.the portlona 01 said tfeete opposite the property'herelribcfore and herein. afterflsi ndibed to'eit especially llyiaf_ Li ,htinz District No. 30 prove fectemeg(: and it is hereby Ad- J dgedi'detefmined and aa tablished that said ProPertY ill b7.a pe- daily benefited thereby to the a full aniolint of the tax hereby levied, said parcels of land hete- byaassessed at n qual and t- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the form rate in accordance with the linear foot fronage upon and tothe +• mire depth of the tame ownership. szra,. back, therefrom not exceeding 330 4eeet,b and the Fea tax herebyon parcels day of A.D.19 of land'1s Seven Thousand, Three Hundred 733.0 Thtrollars ee and DD 11 d and was published on October 25, 1950 31400 01 Dollars r Two and per front/100000 sr foot9) butDolting per front or linear foot of abutting abutting;.aa°atePAlan of is fgt. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the PlOvCwhich in- stallationtand then cost'of benefited all with.- 1.5 herelnboun 5 e Out, e n tita,IIlock the boundaries b o/ en- ig10 and district,ree h men- tioned day of A.D. 19 the total I Itl rs' coswhich Ia �r� per ro said of said cost and coat /U JJJL�iLLj according to tthe contrra`ronte)ed . into`for the performance of said Advertising erC wik ntl making said improvement th Interate Electric Company, dated Treasurer r le 9hereby authorised City, 1950, and the and directed to assess hi accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned: FRONTING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF YALE AVENUE trn to before me this a7t, day of All of Lots 13 to 24 Incl., Upper Yale 3rd Addition of Block 28;all of Lots 1 to 10 Incl. of Elk, 1,Yale A.D.19.50 Heights, a subdivision o1 Block 27; and all of Lots 3 and'4, Elk. 5, Fairway,a subdivision of Block.27; 5-Acre Flat'C,'Big.Field Survey. FRONTING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF YfLE AVENUE Al: of Lotsi 1 to Blofnci., tell of Yale 1 Addition. f oak 2g;CII of Lots 1 to 10 Incl. of of Block YaleHei and all, ,ot 1,Bl0k t Block 24; Notary Pu 1Z�i'__. and 11 f Lot 1,ok Fairway. 'C,'Big of Slack 27;5-Acre Plat R N I Field O Survey. • FRONTING ON THE WEST SIDE OF 20TH EAST OTREET Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 3,Elk. 5, Fairway Subdivi- sion.thence southwesterly along the west tine of 20th East Street 128.99 t, thence west 48.71 It,, thence north 123.55 ft., thence east 54,88 the place of beginning in Lot 3,Blk.5,Fairway,a subdthlelon of Block 27,5-Acre Piet'C,'Big Field Survey. Beginning at the northeast cor- ner of Lot 2,Elk.5,Fairway Sub., Iher� - Ehweaterdy along We G t thence nest 1.48 Hto.c thence' ,i 1t, west BIAS ea, thence orth 118.55 ft.. thence east 90.99 ft t0 the place lofe beginning, in subdivision o> Block5. Fairway, i s.C,'Sig of Block 2'1,5 Acre Plat'C,'Sig Field Survey. FRONTING ON THE EAST SIDE OF Al,20THof EAST STREET. Al, . 1 and a to t Inn. of Blk. I, Fairway, a subdivision NOTICES of Block 27, 6 Acre Plat 'C,' Big Field Survey;es the same are shown up the n e entire depth the official ptaef f the said sameae to ownership beck from said Street not saeeeding 330 feet and to collect id tax. SECTION 11. That the assess- ment Ilst made by the City Treas- urer as approved and completed by the Board of Equallaa- tion and Review of the property de- scribed in Section 1 of this ordi- nance In Lighting District No. 30 of Salt Lake City for the purpose of providing for the installation of Incandescent lamps,is hereby con- firmed, and the assessments made e and returned in saidd completed lists, and the report of the Board of Equalisation and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, ap- proved and confirmed. SECTION III. Said tax shall be phi able In three equal yearly in- stallments. as provided by law and ordinance, with Interest en the whole at unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable { at the time each installment Is due, provided,however,that one r more of such installments In the order Payable. or the whole tax may be paid without interest within fifteen (I5)days from the date this ordi- nancebecomes effective. In the event nttortesatdtl Ise not paidnt r o the the day the as a becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at he time said Installment and In- terest are e due shall become due and payable and shall draw Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum until the le of the prapertyas- sesed. SECTION IV,This ordinance shall take effect one day after its first I Publication. Passed by the Braid of Commis- sioners of Sect Lake City,Utah,tine 24th day of October, A.D.1450. EARL J.GLADE, Mayor. 1RMA F.BITNER. SEAL, City Recorder, BILL,NO. 112. Lighting District No. 30 (Installa- tion). First and Final Estimate, Published October 25th. 1610.