112 of 1966 - Vacating Sunnyside Avenue between 1300 and 1400 East Streets, and also an alley running east from 13 "REC. ,1,65-500
October 5 6
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,196
Barker. . . .
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Harrison . . .
Holley. . . • Ll�t� (17,,71.1.6 �C
Mr. Chairman . '
Result .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING Sunnyside Avenue between 1300 and 1400
East Streets, and also an alley running east from 13th East Street
between 8th South and Sunnyside Avenue.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sunnyside Avenue between 1300 and 1400 East
Streets, and also an alley running east from 13th East Street between
8th South and Sunnyside Avenue, more particularly described as follows,
be, and the same hereby are, vacated and declared no longer to be
public property for use as a street, avenue or pedestrian way:
Parcel 1. Sunnyside Avenue
Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 9, Block 12,
Fremont Heights Subdivision, a part of Block 1, Plat "F",
S.L.C. Survey, and running thence N 89°57'20" E, 149.01
feet, thence S 76°26'32" E, 182.85 feet to the southeast
corner of Lot 44, Block 7, Amended Plat of Douglas Park
a part of said Block 1, Plat "F", thence N 0°00'28" E,
25.20 feet, thence N 89°59'50" E, 268.02 feet to the north-
west corner of 14th East Street and Sunnyside Avenue, thence
southeasterly to the southwest corner of 14th East Street
and Sunnyside Avenue, said point also being the northeast
corner of Lot 1, of Block 7, Amended Plat of Douglas Park,
thence S 89°59'50" W, 354.77 feet, thence N 0°00'28" E,
8.80 feet, thence N 76°26'32" W, 182.84 feet, thence S.
89°57'20" W, 149,01 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 6,
Block 13, Fremont Heights Subdivision, a part of Block 1,
Plat "F", S.L.C. Survey, thence North 66.0 feet to point of
Parcel 2. Alley
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 9, Block 12,
Fremont Heights Subdivision, a part of Block 1, Plat "F",
S.L.C. Survey and running thence North 12.0 feet, thence
East 149.10 feet, thence North 2.0 feet, thence East 177.78
feet, thence South 14.0 feet, thence West 326.88 feet to
point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of
way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description
1 12
now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described
property, and also subject ro the rights of entry thereon for the
altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 5th day of October , 1966.
/, /
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 112 of 1966
Published October 11, 1966
(A certified copy sent to the City Auditor's Office 10-24-66, for recording in the
office of the County Recorder.)
City and County of Salt Lake,
Herman J. Hogensen
, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, ...
AN ORDINANCE VACATING Sunnyside Avenue between 1300 and 1400 East Streets,
and also an alley running east from 13th East Street between 8th South
and Sunnyside Avenue.
5 6
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, October196
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
24th October
City, this day of 196 6
' •
#WIVI.a/ YAM City Recorder
Puhlishe6 October 11 196 6
BILL NO, 112 of 1.966,
2176057 OCT 24 1966
Recorded .................
Requosf of ;A,L'!' SAME CITY.
1.1 rJ03 PICA 230 F ,,;, ,,..GA,tt G.,
Recorduidool un dr Utah
criforpr ry
RA J'/Q- 3_ .0- / ra d
-172-- 3 li/- i'/a 2. /
Sunnyside Avenue between 1300 and
1400 East Streets,and also an alley
rnning east fro ?Rh East Street
be m.tween B1b South and Sunnyside
CbBmem It sn df bS
lih lkeCtty
Utah.SECTION 1, Thai Sunnyside Ave-
e between 1300 and 1460 East
Streets, and also an Iley I
east from 13th East Street between
8th South and Sunnyside Avenue,
more particularly described as fel-
be,and the same hereby are,
and declared no longer
be public property for u as a
street, avenueor pedestrian way:
Parcel 1, 5unnyside Avenue
Beginning at the southwest nor-
• r of Lot 9.Block 12,Fremont
Heights Subdivision, a part of
Block 1, Plat "F," S.L.C. Sur-
vey, and running thence N 89
deg.57'20"E,149.01 feet,thence
S 76 deg 26'32"E,182.05 feet to
the southeast corner
of Lot 44,
Block 7,Amended Plat of Doug-
las Park a apart part of said Block 1,
Plat"F".thence N 0 deg 00'28"
S9'50"S0 feet,E,268.021hente feet to the8 north-
corner of lath East Street
•�; south asterllyd to A the Uesoutfhiwest
corner of lath East Street and
• Sunnyside Avenue, said point
also being the northeast corner
of Lot I, of Block 7, Amended
Plat of Douglas Park, thence S
89 deg 59'50" W 354.77 feet,
thence N 0 deg 00'28" E, 8.80
feet, thence N 76 deg 26'32"W,
182.84 feet, thence S 89 deg
57'20" W, 149.01 feel to the
northwest corner of Lot 6,Block
13,Fremont 001061s Subdivision,
aS_L,C.Survey,rt of shence F
feet to point of beginning.
Parcel 2,Ailev
Beginning at the n ihwest cv-
ner of Lot9,Block 12, Fremont
Heights Subdivision, a part of
Block I Plat"F",S.L.C.Survey
and running thence North 12.0
feet, thence East 149.10 feet,
thence North 2.0 feel, thence
East 177.78 feet, thence South
14.0 feet,thence West 326.88 feet
to point of beginning.
Said sobiecct tout existing ation Is rigghts oxf way
and easements of all public utilities
of any and every description, now
located in, under or r the
confines of the above described Prop-
erty,and also subject to the rights
of entry thereon for the altering or
outing said utilities and all of
Passed by the Board of Commis-
of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
5th da
y of October,1966.
City Recorder
Bill No.112 of 1966
Published October 1I,1966 (13-17)
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt LakeAN
Sunnyalde Avenue between 1300 and• ------- ----- -----
r400 oennlc9East streets,and also
between Bfh South and Sunnyside
OoBmml to erynedf byaimi.�IBi°a`ary Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
UMh. 8 using clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday)
SECTION I, Toot Sunnyslde Ave-
nu aetween 1300 and 1400 East newspaper printed en the English language with general ccc-
east fromn 13th also
Street between
8th South and Sunnyslde Avenue, culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
lows,be particularly atne described e a are. County, in the State of Utah.
• vacated and declared no longer to
be public property for use as
street, venue yy pedestrian way`'
Begi I, anlhedsouthwest That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
ner of Lot 9,Block 12,Fremont
eigtl,Suub ivisi n,S partSuof Salt Lake City Bill No 112 of 1966. An Ordinance
vey, and running thence N 89 ----------
deg.57'20"E,149.01 feet,thence
S 76 de 26'32"E,182,85 feet to
the southeast f Lot 44, Vacating Sunnysitle Ave, between 1300 and 14_00 E.
part do Plat of Doug-
las --a part of sold Block 1,
Plat"F".thence N 0 deg 00'28"
E, 25.50 feet, thence N 89 deg
59'50"E,268.02 feet to the north-
corner of lath East Street
an Sunnysitle Avenue, thence
southeasterly to the southwest
corner of lath East Street and
ide Avenue, said point also h
also being the northeast corner
of Lot 1, of Block 7,Amended
Plat of Douglas Park, thence 5
89 deg 59'50" W 054.77 feet, -- ------- - ----- -
thence N 0 deg 00'28" E, 8.80
feet, thence N 76 deg 26'32"W,
t82.e4 veer, thence S 89 deg p newspaper October 11 1 66.
57'20" w, 149.01 feet to the was published in .said news er on a .__2 9
northwest corner of Lot 6,Block
13,Fremont NeInnt,Subdivision,
a S.L.C.Sart urvey, thence North 6F6.0
feet to point of beginning.
Parcel 2,Alley
Beginning at the northwest cor.
ner of Lot 9,Block 12,Fremont
Heights Subdivision, a part of ----.-- -.-.----.-.- /.-
Block 1 Plat"F",S.L.C.Survey ,
and running thence North 12.0
feet, thence East feet,
ence ��„J ,
thence North 1,0 feet, thence lr
East 177.78 feet, then S th
14.0 feet,thence West 326.88 feet / Legal Advertising Cl
to Point of beginning.
Said cation i5 made expressly
subject to all existing r 9hts fWsY
and easements of all public utilities
of any nd every description, n
located In, der o r the
confines f the above described prop-
erty,oftry th and ereon forthCt e alterin the g nor 31st
dirouting said utilities and all of lefore me this _.___._ day of
em. yy Pa55Mfhsalt hlakOe aC y,o
f Uf h,this 66
5ihnday of October,1966, - A.D. 19
(Seal)HE'RNrAN J. c d
City Recorder
BillO No.1 1966
Published October 11.1966 (g_17) ,.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov 25 1969