112 of 1971 - Amending Chapter 20, by adding Section 20-20-19, prohibiting lewd advertising. .. November 18 1
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah ,197........
Barker . . . . /;
I move that the Ordin7hee be passed.
Catmull . . . t�,,, ��
Garn . r
Harrison . . . ✓
Mr.Chairman . /
Result . . . . N C
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 20 of Title 20, of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to license and
business regulation, by adding thereto a new section, to be known
as Sec. 20-20-19.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Chapter 20 of Title 20, of the Revised Ordin-
ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to license and business
regulation, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a
new section, to be known as Sec. 20-20-19, relating to prohibited
advertising, to read as follows:
Sec. 20-20-19. Prohibited advertising. It shall be
unlawful for any licensee under Chapter 20 of Title 20 of these
ordinances or any operator, agent or employee of such licensee,
to advertise through or on any poster, billbbard, marquee or
ad of any nature or description which is displayed to public
view in Salt Lake City and which presents to public view any
of the following:
1. The covered or uncovered male genitals in a discern-
ible turgid state.
2. The human male or female genitals with less than a
fully opaque covering.
3. Acts of simulated or actual:
a) Masturbation;
b) Human sexual intercourse;
c) Sexual copulation between a man and a beast;
d) Fellation;
e) Cunnilingus;
f) Bestiality;
g) Pederasty;
h) Buggery; or
i) Any anal copulation between a human male and another
human male, human female, or beast.
4. The simulated or actual manipulating, caressing or fond-
ling by any person of:
a) the genitals of a human;
b) the covered or uncovered pubic area of a human; or
c) the covered or uncovered human female breast;
provided however, that this subsection shall not be interpreted
to include within the scope of its prohibition the nursing
of an infant child.
Yy ppp.F
5. Flagellation or torture by or upon a person clad in
undergarments, a mask or bizarre costume, or the condition of
being fettered, bound or otherwise physically restrained on
the part of the one so clothed.
6. The human male or female pubic area or buttocks with
less than a full opaque covering, or the human female breast
from the beginning of the areola, papilla or nipple to the
end thereof with less than a full opaque covering.
License granted by the city under Chapter 20 of Title 20
may be suspended or revoked by the Board of City Commissioners
for a violation of any provision of this section.
Any, suspension or revocation of a license pursuant to this
section shall not be had until a hearing is first held before
the City Commission. Reasonable notice of the time and place
of such hearing, together with notice of the nature of charges
or complaint against the licensee or its premises, sufficient
to reasonably inform the licensee and enable him to answer such
charges or complaint, shall be served upon the licensee. The
licensee shall have the right to appear at said hearing in per-
son or by counsel, present evidence, present argument on licen-
see's behalf, cross-examine witnesses and in all proper ways
defend licensee's position. The Board of City Commissioners
shall make a ruling and decision based on the evidence presented
to it at the hearing so held; thereafter, it shall enter written
Findings-of-Fact, Conclusions of Law and a written Order or
If any part of this section or the application thereof to
any person or circumstances, shall for any reason be adjudged
by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional
or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate
the remainder of this law or the application thereof to other
persons and circumstances, but shall be confined in its oper-
ation to the section, subdivision, sentence or part of the sec-
tion and the persons and the circumstances directly involved
in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been ren-
dered. It is hereby declared to be the intent of the Board of
City Commissioners that this section would have been adopted
if such invalid section, provision, subdivision, sentence or
part of the section or application had not been included.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
18th November
this day of , 1971.
->OkW /2/:q
" 6 er
BILL NO. 112 of 1971
Published November 24, 1971
Affidavit of Publication
Jr ss.
County of Salt Lake
Re. -➢etty_Phelps
;Chapter .b of s C 20,of the Re. Y Phelps
'weed Ora�nances of Sall Lake Ciryd ��--�----�� ----�--
Ibusiness regulation,by adding'thereto
section,to be known as Sec,
o=u-i9- Being first duly.sworn,deposes and says that he is legal ad;er-
C Omnti o ionetll by ine Board of ,
Ulan: o Salt Lake cnrg rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
TiSECTION ins That.
oedr.20cet newspaper printed in the English language with general rir-
lot San Lake Clly,Utah,1965, tali-
ing to license .d business gala- collation in Utah, and published in Salt, lake City, Salt Lake
lion, be, na me same hereby s,
e_d by on a s to County, in the State of Utah,
action,to be known as Sec.20.20-19,
reeding to prohibited advertising,to
Sec.'2020-19. Prohibited adertis- That the legal notice ofwhicha copy is attached hereto
ins. a untl lr DChasten 20 etr Title St l+ e i.
tenses se
n1 these ordinances or any operator,
to advertise employee
of such anye nest, ,
pant- 9n_Qrdinance-retail a #.o_licesise-..asfd._husinc-ass______
r billboard,marquee hi tl is i, - - �-
ears a
nature or public
vie which is ate.
Cites ant, which view in Sall Lake
which present: la public regulations b- adding th any Dl hie following: _regulations, ,Y_----__.,.--fls9to_ nesz sc:.ctinn,_. .--
genitalseIn e E scernluncovered
lle fu 9 a stair.
2.The human male female gen.
Iala with less than a fully opaque _be_lcnotvn_as_Sec.-20-20—J9,--$i�: �Jo.-�37 0#=11}-7--ir-
of simulated or actual;
Ci Humladbation;
cd Sexual OPulat�on ibefweei a men
e dlteas,;
1 Pederasty;
tit Beetle!, 0
i1 Any anal coca/lotion between a
'human male and nether human
male,human female, beastal amR was published in said newspaper on Nszv_otnizex._ZLE, 21 __
'Waling, simulated
ncaressing oOfendling by any
al thegenitals Of a human:
h rb of a ohuman;O l the covered or u overed
ea Rltbtig
c)the<overea or uncovered human
tamale breast; provided however,
'that this subsection shall not be
interpreted t000 Include within Me
inlantt child hblllOn the nursing
5,n Flagellation r torture by or
an Person ciao In n0erger- Legal,vldioe)vising Clerk
an the conali'kon odblbells lettered,
sfreilasd on Other Dart of thealene C
6.The human male
r ferrate Debi
I�Ilaae or DutrOckswi!i.less than a
re covering,ar the human
(errata Dreg'sl f,cn,the Eea.nn na of
pine artoh,papule or mpPla ro lino to before one this-- __-_ 21th---- -- _-- ----__.--- day of
opaque¢reel with less than toil
Licnse,gralntetl by the city under
Chapter 20 of Title 20 a ae A.D. 9n 7�j1�
dad O ken by ine yB;nlL uef .9 1`l_F,y__
-City Commissionersviof
this c violation -__ -_ -
o anyn of section.
license suspension or ction f ll
pursuant to itlisen section t sa
bof be hatls un111 nearing is,:rat
eta belles me Cnv Commission. -"
Reasonable notice n(line rime Witt, •
ace such nearing,together won
of the nature of charges Or _ _ _ r-7`z''L -'y.1_ �„____
complaint against the licensee or Its ----- - -- - -
emises,sufficient 10 reasonably in. 'mars Public
form the licensee and enable him to
answer such charges cc licensee be shells wen have the Irioht etoa a,e
Pear al said hearing in r by
present evidence,o present
argument on,licensee's behalf,ernsn.
ten'' e'a tl In ail p
Board St City
semi,;oven n.r hall
Asr,gke of ate and decision
ll reekeveaeicagpens deosiln based on;
heaema so need;tf'ereeher,it mull
enter written indnaa a•riacr, Co,
r Decision.
n Law anda written oraer
i aPDnsAliet'atieseoihlo any oe or tot
Lances,shall tar a rsen
be adiudeed by court or competent
jurlsdlctien to be unconstitutional or
fv lid,such lodgment shall of al.
eel, impair invalidate Me re•
lien thereofnder to t othe9 or peersons
a d cir-
cumstances,but shall ebeoconfinedc�in
its operation to the section,yeDelyi-
enlense ar part of the section
and the persons and the circumslanc.
es directly Involved in the cOntrOver-
wnlch such lodgment shall
.have been rendered.It It is hereby de.
'cfctvi CommPs i intent i b eiht„in sore
do would have been d0oted if such
invalid section,provision.subdivision,
cr!Ancr or
part D et s lion or
application had not been included_SECTION 2. In ine on of iha
Beard of Commissioners.cif
fore lit inn Inhecitrnea0l a SeianLekln
City VMal ibis ordinance
h become e
take eltte<t upon its3. s flrsth nance bublical ant'
Passed by the Board of Commis-
s of Salt Lake City,Utah,ihle
of November,Intl.
BILL NO.tie of tell •
Published November 2d,1911 (B-a) „