112 of 1978 - Amending Section 25-9-6 providing for compensation for City employees disabled in the line of duty. ROLL CALL � , , July 13 78 -"VOTING MEM Salt Lake City,Utah, ,19 Mr.Chairman ....�= � I move that the Ordinance be pa�epl. Agraz� ��/ Grr ®® ®- Phillips ®- Result ■� AN ORDINANCE , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-9-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to compensation for city employees disabled in the line of duty. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-9-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to compensation for city employees disabled in the line of duty, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: Sec. 25-9-6. Disability Compensation. (1) Any full-time permanent career service or civil service employee of Salt Lake City permanently and totally disabled while in the lawful discharge of his or her official duties for the city shall continue to receive full compensation until such employee reaches his or her normal retirement age. (2) For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall be defined as herein specified: (a) "disabled" means physical incapacitation resulting from traumatic bodily injury occurring as a direct and independent result of accident or criminal act. Injuries caused or contributed to by the following shall not be considered as disabilities hereunder: 1. hernia, pregnancy, infection, or disease of any type (including mental disorders and heart disease) , or the medical or surgical treatment therefor; 2. reckless, negligent, illegal or immoral acts by the disabled employee or purposely self-inflicted wounds or injuries; 3. use of drugs or alcohol by the injured employee; or 4. travel to or from work. (b) "full compensation" shall mean the total monthly salary paid by the city to a disabled employee in the month immediately preceeding the injury, excluding overtime payments, shift differentials, uniform and travel allowances, witness fees, educational incentive or certification pay, and other similar such reimbursements not ordinarily included in an employee's base salary; provided that compensation paid under the provisions of this section shall be increased from time to time to reflect cost of living adjustments granted generally to employees of the city in employment positions 1 9 -2- similar to that occupied by the disabled employee at the time of injury, and reduced by any and all amounts paid as workmen's compensation, social security, disability or other retirement benefits, or any form of governmental relief whatsoever. (c) "normal retirement age" shall mean and in no case exceed the attained normal retirement age as presently specified in Section 49-10-6(34) of the Utah State Retirement Act and in Section 49-11-8(39) of the Utah Public Safety Retirement Act for career service and civil service employees respectively. (d) "totally disabled" shall mean that period of time during which the disabled employee is unable to perform any and every duty pertaining to his or her employment posi- tion with the city and is not engaged in any occupation or employment for wage or profit; (3) The city at its own expense shall have the right and opportunity to examine the person of any employee when and as often as it may reasonably require during employment with the city and during the pendency of a disability hereunder. No employee refusing such examination shall be eligible for the benefits provided by this section. (4) Refusal to submit to treatment for disabilities shall be grounds for termination of compensation specified hereunder. (5) When any injury for which compensation is payable under this section shall be caused by the wrongful act or neglect of another employee of the city or person not in such employment, the city may require an employee claiming compensation hereunder, as a condition of receipt of such compensation, to assign to Salt Lake City any action for damages against such third person such injured employee may have. (6) This benefit shall not apply in the case of any injury occurring prior to April 1, 1977. (7) If an employee of the City becomes entitled to receive workmen's compensation as a result of suffering a city service connected injury or illness of a type not compensated for under the foregoing provisions of this section, such employee shall be paid workmen's compensation as provided by law; provided, however, that he or she may elect to use, during such disability, his or her accumulated sick leave credit and authorized vacation time and receive, during the period of his or her sick leave credit and vacation time, such part of his or her wage or salary, as will, when added to his or her workmen's compensation payments, equal his or her regular wage or salary; and provided further, that satisfactory evidence of such election shall be transmitted by said person to the city auditor prior to payment. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. 12 -3- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 13th day of July 1978. a.v/(6)1e--.C. MAYOR U R�S -(i -L�;644 t CI Y REC (SEAL) v BILL NO. 112 of 1978 Published - July 19, 1978 ,c,), Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE Ordinances ORDINANCE LEak Citty,UtAS1°655.relatirnig°f the to compens3°etl S}lana Da Palmer lion for city employees disabled In the line of duty. Be II ordained by the•Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,. SECTION 1.That Section 25 9y of the Revised Ordinances of Sail Lake City.Utah,1965,relating to coeneensation for city n • Imployees disabled in the line of duly,be,and the same hereby 1)eing first duly sworn,deposesand says that he is legal s,amended t0 read as follows, Y Sec.ss9-6.Disability commnsation. advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (1))Any lull-untie permanent career service or civil service 'OI nla°flewlulduhr soeni:o n:H[ie euliesiorlm (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English crie0 0e does a to rep full mPhussne, until such employee reaches his or her normal retirement age, language with general circulation in Utah, and beafiedathe i5a specified, «Ipn,the,mlowlnaterms snan published in Salt Lake City, (e)"disabled"moans physical natlon resulting from Salt Lake County, in the traumatic bodily In foroccurring as a direct and Independent State of Utah, to by of followins shalll l belcoesideretl s contributed nemarder� eg ` eecl c� de That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto (rgical'treatment a°M hea(aisee el or5°irie maendylcaiopen g surgical recroatmeaolioedor 2.reeor p,po elly tit l-ieg I Or lmmndsl r its uric;; lsabled employee et purposely selsof s cted wounds or deco es; J.use of drugs or Iwhol by the lnlured employee;Or Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to a travel to or from work. (b)"full compensation"shall mean the total monthly salary p Id by ins city to a disabieo empkwee in Ma moons lmmedlateiy disecedinrgg the bury, excluding overtime payments, hill compensation for cityemployees disabled in the fferentials, uniform travel allowances,witness fees, educational Incentive or amenity anon pay,n en employee's similar such relary,crmenty Oct omeorlly Included in an employee's base thIary;provided that Compensation paid under the provision of line of duty isnadinshallbe Ireetededfromtime a timeto reflect cost of wailumenlmenls gra siedgan o the to employees of the chi d employment position similar to Mat occupied by an disabled amountse at the time of workmen's and reduced sbYun any and ty, amounts)sold as retiirem compensation,s, Ian form of disability other retirement benefits. or any form of governmental"normal retire it whatsoever.ap x eed MeaMained normaqlnretireement ago es eneseentlyn no sypeclfled in Section d9-106(30 of Me Utah State Retirement Alf and in Section d9-11-51391 of the Utah Public Safety Retirement Act for car service and CIVII seecineernOlonees respectively. id)"totally disabled"shall mean that period Of time during which the disabled employee is unable to perform any and every was published in said newspaper 19, 1978 duty pertaining to his or her employment Ppsltlos with the env P Per on July and is not engaged in any occupationtie xv Or o employment for wage or profit (3)The city at Its awn expense shall have the right and opportunity to examine the perun of any employee when d as tn as it may reasonably require during employment with the city and during the pendency of a disability hereunder.No i employee refuse such oxeminatlon shell be eligible for the C\f _ bnefits provided by this section. .. \.C^J�,'�lf�.,�J- (A)Refusal to submit to treatment for disabilities shall be �` Brownie) Iorlanrenlnvefianet for which'mmvuitivse hereunder,yle Legal Advertising Clerk under this section snail be caused by thethe wrongful act or neglect of another the°city of require an r employee cla in imsuching compensation hereunder, condition of receipt`of such pensati a to assign to Salt Lake City any action for damages re me this 27th against 'This third bbooeeeht shall net aaoly°In the°case may env injury day of Occurring Prior in Apeii 1,1917. workme's compee'nsyatiion as a ressult ly of ilsriarinnetae cittOy receive A.D. 19.78 connected inuy or illness of a type not compensated for under ioe�ing soci this section, idwmon's compensation prdd y law; ad be ed,, .... 'however,that or she may elect to use,darn such dtsabllit his accumulated sick leave credit and authorized vacation b and receive, ulling the period of his or her sick leave credt / a lime nontkr hparlalhisor Mrwageorsalary,•swill, / / when a`aaed ro his er her workmen's mmpensanon pevmenta, fin(.� equal his ar her evlaen wage c salary;ash 11 bet transmitted t /l�%/ that id person er onto Me city a of such for town shall t. Vansmined by said SECTION to Medty auditor priortopayment. Public SECTION 2i Is necessary ecessary tofifleeaced Oiith and welfare of Notar Sall inhabitCantsty,ltof Salt Lake lCity thahatrthseordinance become 4� effective Immediately. SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take effect upon Its first oublPassen. Passed by the Board Of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,this 13th day of July,1918. TED L.WILSON Macor MIILDR DVNIGMAM Recorder (SEAL) BILL NO.112 of 19M Publi shed--July 19,1928 (Od)