113 of 1907 - Ordinance 113 of 1907 – Creating Board of Estimate & Apportionment. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE CREATIM A BOARD 07 ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT, PROVIDING FOR ESTIMATES OF ANTICIPATED REIPEWES Anr.J ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURES, AND APPORTIONMENT OF THE ESTIMATED BVEL1JEC P00117.BITINfJ EXPENDITURES IN EX- APPORTIONED CESS OF /8108NTS Z.V.721001EDSKEE4 AND PROVIDINU A PENALTY Be it ordalnt,8 the City Council of salt Lake City, Utah: Section L. BOARD OF ESTIMATE ANT) APPORTIONMENT. There chill be a Board of Estimate and Apportionment, which shall consist of the Sayer f the Presfr tUe City Council, the members el the Finance Com- and the ity Auditor. Recorder mitteert The Mayor shall to President of the Board ,x2,d the Citytm *ItiVX shall act as Secretary i,Ler,,of, Section 2. ESTMATES 07 ANTICIPATED REVKITES ART' ESTIMATES OF EX- PENDITURES AND APPORTICE281 Of TOE ESTIMATED REVITUES. Meetings of the Board shall be held upon the call at the President cc as directed by the Board. The first segulr I)seting shell he held on the second j8enday of January of each year, except tat the first meetinG for the year 1908 shall be held not later than the second Monday in February of said year. The second regular meeting shall be held in the month of July of each year as hereinafter provided. At the first regular meeting the Board shall make an estimate or the anticipated revenues of the fiscal year, showing the source of each item of revenue. Tne 'Board at the same time shall make an estmate of the several z:timb of m,oney Arnich it deems neees- sary to pay the expenses of conauctInf: the bus:Itees of the City in each department and office theref, eel for tee various purposes contemplated by this ordinance arett oLlIeriv.e By lam for the t.iscaI year, ,.:118, also to pay the principal and interest en any City indebtedness failing due dur- ing the year riot otherwise yefovioce for. The head of each department cc boar2 nhtJl ;-nt,ellit to it Auditor not later (ham the 312t day of December ci each year, a detail estimate of exendltlitez.' rouired fo8 the easai ug year, except tin.,t the detail estimate 1.-or the year 1908 shall be cubit).(mod n.ot later the 3let day of January inOC teeny lten Qi. txpenp.) in Improvement for which apportionment an inacmxmixtimm io dealrad Li c separately shown. The Anditom act- member fag as ift2**MICY 0," the ,k, (L isL.o1:1 8- rd a detail, e.3timate', 113 i. i i 'i. of anticipated revenues showiag t, ,e aonoce or ,..,., ,f....11 iteol of revooue and. a detail, stateffea eocwing tce aetoal ,.2..1:-.c, !0!,-, e.,, of eace departmoot or board, cf.-'yard :if. vino wrou-nto eatd,eatod by ino . ads of departrcents or baao. Ir ce.ne tho t'ourd. red:aces tte eotintaha of extheodAttioefff sohonitted by tth nead of ary departrieot or board, idie 'dead of encl.': depurt--ent or board snal!_. lie gian o, era 't before -.fee .ioard deteriiiree tno wolonot to be ap47fg40-14g .'.4.. , a no;ood eeriatliar ftteen,r of' tee ciaird itit1.1. bo hefid dnring lfee lilt.; cf dtfly- of each year, 'Z',,.e flaif icHOwi - 'f',':f 'leainit: (ff' leie City Coareil, at .inflec tee reeoluiuo 3 .f adpted lo-oving cc tiie real, . ad personal 27w,';0t'T ','J-T.:1-;,. trio Ci. y oaf. t1-Xo1,?. '-'y aw. At suce.i eecond re,aniat noet;h:if tfLo ifoard eadli dethoe;oo t:e, estimated. dirfforence botgooa ti::ef isti-e .nd ooeea000 to he deyivefi •,.oA,r caid eeeolorion of trio Co-anvil :and tafi estinitteu hFfveatioe jol.o.ffv.oaai:r sonaited .f.) the Council and ehall coaeider tne 'or of reduire,oats a: each department or hoard for tao reHdei• y...1- tr, fincf..7. year, and tho regnectif i'er aidatienal app14.7- 441.T.I4Z, ava the hcar-1. ntoll take eieffi fhirtcer app444P44Agli: as may be deeinid oefieeeary and It,,. agn i.e iiacle wjtip,ie -',f.q..; ihiit i,T,' liill' 1 estielote aldttionei revoano. in wart Of, wi'in oacif reasons 'hi n tiiir in detail afi it gay 'nave to give, to to Celiac:LA iftLit, el.alt fic-,c-offha anei -- ,.., iit.. .,. 1,.,.,:!7...: ieatea and shalt adopt such eeTime.tes an :-,.:rf! '-:-!1,-,i',1 ,id 01' -,:i7, nereaco, ,i ,e'thclh debt or tbe o ) tetd raveeoeo. 1-7H2-,,:i it r.7 .7-1 J ,T, adopted !ene eetifftea as herein poevided, fiye n-i .e eall he e-teoed je detal fn '`:•: ., irG,:ef,,d.trigS Of tno Conacl ri11fif 'tf'earal coti noetfiffned a- fl - fir:al aa.' lenet; ch- 1 apiwrtioned I eliali he anl benner, Xrprimpwilimbs yl 7 ,,'" 7-!..,.!"'.0'L., ma . ,,,. .:I, ceheral -partmonte, o t'fine a efed totireesef: :a: ,--a '..•nre:a fe,-. i.h e hneuing ficcal year. Ty. cace a reoehocu ftief .if!ed i' Lhe 1.- : ' ''x'fihr:1-.) l' 'I' "7,'''''I"ffld einonet of Z ,t! oorenoee nr ;.7e ocifa ine•:fe eat,- renaio u:af WOOoni-hal : . baila,n0 es of e Apportionment flrovern- mert the, Lirev.; 4.LL el" royc inec. Or sucIi T unexpended bola-woo ? L,e rrtc u . d .cwar' red tei.i thie. Tax Levy t..oe sariLL,Ledi-,nr yea7. t. rJtn'T';cers, boards Lii,ru le i partments U., 17,e ti.e ;orLfrehei, ,oLl =If .a1.1. inenr ary debtr, eii;:perse er 15zf il r . r rl exoe6.r.. or Jr; dependent of tire n-wouLits roseeet L roily EC:lined ' LL Set;.tior Li;. PROHIBSTIgC EYPE,DITSTLEC TOT EXCESS Or APPOlf.L. TIONED s ' toof: :ar7 officer, hoard or depo.ctiLent to exveiiii. Or f'".3',t coo r t L.; he Le:i-i.pead od .r L.; oiiar I i tty in the apportioned current rlsoai year for a ; , XXxxErZtaZNI for ouch of.Civer, boord or departlieriTi ard ricoided for toe Coanci;_ in the apportionment sprammanitsmettx, ec aforesoAa, except, .icwever, tte Eeattn Cormd.ssircer shall Qot he praibited expeodirt, iFiLum or ihour such debt be- yond the aLeciont est e-LiLioted ard orL.Lv t.iLet deartfne.rt ac W:4r actual- ly be neceozary ,-;..;) prevent 1:,!e. *p ' ad Or a.ny coLotaiei.;etoa or inf-.-tit ore dri scoo' or any epideLiii trc CL slLal i. any le- pax.•tment ;board 1-Le expend:Li-iv, r jr p such debt beyond en1 el arr.; pie?, red 0 if 5- rat depart-Lent cc' bcia-ro. Li., -Loy Lie t , Of 1.j. nu or prLiLip.L,city e-iLochd iree ea 31 .":1" ties arredy moae or Lnziurre-i, LH. iLL of --1) apportionment been all,owed Offiicee, L.C 1.• • ; : t EiRaZi5;6414X,144 ad::.,p17,,c1 1,y • ore Any .7 I , ha ;) ; - - 1i i 1 of this section shall he null and void as to too City end no money lie- longing to the Cit.,7 F3fial/. he paid thereon, but t, is secton shall not prevent the uabhu of otni eiti. fey lAtrt for ,;:oriods excoeding one year. Section 4. PEYAS,TY, Any cricer r,olie-c ri:' en7; Ooard or de- . partuent of no CH..y Ti7.-in.o r...n,,, cotraht - ho'hiHtcd i:,'- ihis ordisay.ee or auditing any accounts or - lr:1,,le tereurlder ,.,r w al.,, :oerEob violating any of the terms of this crd.inace, !aal.i. i,,.. C.wei giLl..1 tp or a miiivie- ineaTi0r, and, upon ccnisitten, shall he puried bin fle of One ru71Ard ($100.1)0) Dollars, or by imprisonmeqt in fur City Jollier One Hundred 100) day04 or bf 1: -..1 such f1.7;,.sr and iriri.ii12,;:erit, in the -discretior. of .1--<• "...-:' lA. the Cour efore ohir.th such convictiou vrilrt be had: . Section 5. All ordineru:es or parts of .rcillifili, or reolllior ,t or parts of resolutina, 0..1J.rh are in . .iiiik:t wit.1... thio''driljuanco arc hereby repeal ';;-; 1Us extet :.2.f. T,.(:f.::T :. - L-Ci,.:t. , $ebirItvn 6. TIrict, tirdirlari fi, all 7...sl, c, ei.iff-. t. on. i-us ognov41, • i f 1:11;x4dxxxx;c • 1 G .: -----, ---/----7-Z---2,--?----z— i f Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah, January 6, 1908, and referred to the Layor for his approval. .7.--Z y Recorder. Approved thi clay of January, 1908. Y or. 1 1 i . , ' - 4 - . • l, - • • f4-,k..� r is , ,...... ,... c . . 2 <- - per. d W • 4 .r. - 3 i 4-,:....' ., ti , (rr - :f.- - -- i, i i I i 1 • . `I tIti III