113 of 1911 - Ordinance 113 of 1911 – Sidewalk Extension No. 150, First Partial Estimate. AR ORDIBANCB
An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property here
inafter described on all streets in the territory lying between the
north line of Arapahoe Avenue and the south line of American Avenue,
and the east line of Finley Street and the Jordan River, and 17.81
feet on the east side of Goshen Street between Indiana end Wasatch ;
.Avenues, with the exemption of Indiana Avenue from Cheyenne Street ;
to the Jordan River, tie east side of Ble►enth West Street between)
Indiana and Arapahoe Avenues, the east side of Glendale Street from
;Eighth South Street to the Jordan River, the north side of Eighth
South Street from Glendale Street to the Jordan River, and the
south side of Arapahoe Avenue between Emery and Eleventh West gtredts,
in Sidewalk Districts los. 21 and 41, for the oenstruotion of cement
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City:
SECTIOS 1. that the assessment list made by the City Treasurer
aR oorreeted, approved and oempleted by the Board of Equalization
and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the Oity Council for that
purpese, of the property in Lots 13 to 24, inclusive, Block 7; 1 tq
' 12, inclusive, Block 8; 1, and 12 to 24, inclusive, Block 2; 1 to
10, inclusive, Block 5; 1, and 19 to 24, inclusive, Block 3; 1 to
9, inclusive, Block 4; 1, and 12 to 24, isizrlusive, Block 1; 1 to ld,
inclusive, and 16 to 24, inclusive, Block 6, First Burlington Addi-
1tion; 2 to 16, inclusive, Block 6, J. K. Whalen's Addition; 1 to 15,
inolusive, Block 3; 1 to 15, inclusive, Block 2; 1 to 15, inclusive,
;and. 29 and 30, Block 1, Evans' Addition to Poplar Grove; 20 to 40,
inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 21, inclusive, Block 8; 1, 20, 21 and 40, .
Block 2; 1 to 40, inclusive, Block 7; 1, 20, 21 and 40, Block 3; 1
to 10, inclusive, and 31 to 40, inclusive, Block 6; 1, and 20 to
40, inclusive, Block 4; 1, and 20 to 40, inclusive, Block 5; 1 to
160, inclusive, Block 9; 1 to 40, inclusive, Block 16; 1 to 40, in-
///_ 6/0
elusive, Block 10; 1 to 40, inclusive, Block 16;^1 to 40, inclusive,,
;Block 14; 1 to 40, inclusive, Block 12; 1 to 40, inclusive, Block
13, Poplar Grove Addition; 11, and 120, and 52 to 74, inclusive,
Third Burlington Addition, three parcels of land
on Seventh South and Emery Streets, all in Sebtions 10 and 11,
Township 1 south, Range 1 west, abutting on the east side of Thir-
teenth West Street between Indiana and American Avenues; on the
west side of Thirteenth West Street between Indiana and American
„Avenues; on the east side of Pueblo Street between Arapahoe and
,,Wasatch Avenues; also between Eighth South Street and Union Avenue
on the west side of Pueblo Street between Wasatch and Hayes Avenue.;
on the west side of Navajo Street between Arapahoe and Hayes Ave-
nues; on the east side of Navajo Street between Arapahoe and Indians
Avenues; on the north side of Seventh South Street between Glendale
and Cheyenne Streets; on the south side of Seventh South Street bed
tween Emery and Cheyenne Streets; on both sides of Emery Street be-t
'twee* Arapahoe Avenue and Seventh South Street; on the north side
of Indians Avenue between Cheyenne and McKinley Streets; on the south
side of Indiana Avenue between Fourteenth West and Prospect Streetsl;
on the meat side of Cheyenne Street between Eighth South Street and
,Indiana Avenue; on the east side of Cheyenne Street between Arapahoe
and Indiana Avenues; on the south side of Eighth South Street betwelen
,Eleventh West and Twelfth West Streets, and Pueblo and Montgomery
Streets; on the north side of Eighth South Street between Eleventh
,'West and Pueblo Streets; on the east side of Twelfth West Street
'between Wasatch and Indians Avenues; on the west side of Twelfth
West Street between Arapahoe and Indiana Avenues; on tke south side
`of Wasatch Avenue between Twelfth West and Cheyenne Streets; on the
north side of Wasatch Avenue between Eleventh West and Cheyenne
Streets; on the west side of Eleventh West Street between Arapahoe
• and Wasatch Avenues; and on the south side of Arapahoe Avenue
between Eleventh West and Cheyenne Streets, in Sidewalk Districts
Nos. E1 and 41, of Salt Take City, for the purpose of oonatruotingj
aement sidewalks upon said. portions of said. streets, in hereby oon
limited, and the assessments wade and returned in said. completed
,Mists are hereby confirmed.
SECTION E. This ordinance shall take offset upon approval.
8ldewalk zztenaion No. 150.
IPirst Partial Intimate.
Passa2 by tan City Council. of Salt .,nko C:ity,Uta.h,;Tovoiibor
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