113 of 1975 - amending sections 19-1-4 and 19-2-18 identifying licensed premises and establishing fees for dispens ISVLL WALL
J VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, October 1 19 75
Mr.Chairman �'✓
K✓ I move that t rdinance be passed.
Greener //)
Hammen ✓ -
��✓ 6.
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 19-1-4 and Section 19-2-18 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to licensed premises and
license fees.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 19-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, relating to licensed premises, be, and the same hereby is
amended to read as follows:
I'Sec. 19-1-4. Licensed premises. Licensed premises shall mean
any room, house, building, structure or place occupied by any
person licensed to sell beer or to allow the consumption of liquor
on such premises under this title. Multiple beer or liquor dis-
pensing facilities located in one building and owned or leased by
one licensed applicant shall be deemed to be only one licensed
premises, provided that each dispensing point must be designated
and the appropriate fee paid and the license prominently displayed
at each dispensing point."
SECTION 2. That Section 19-2-18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, relating to license fees, be, and the same hereby is
amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 19-2-18. License fees. Applications provided for in this
chapter shall be accompanied by the fees hereinafter provided, which
fee shall be deposited in the city treasury if the license is grant-
ed and returned to the applicant if denied:
"For Class "A" retail license fee to be assessed according
to the annual gross receipts of the store applying for license
according to the following schedule:
Gross Receipts License Fee
Under $ 100,000.00 $ 50.00
$100,000.00 to 250,000.00 75.00
250,000.00 to 500,000.00 100.00
500,000.00 to 1,000,000.00 125.00
Over 1,000,000.00 150.00
"For Class "B" retail license fee $200.00 per annum or any
part thereof.
"For Class "C" retail license fee $300.00 per annum or any
part thereof.
"For seasonal license fee $50.00 per month or any part
"Provided that if there is more than one dispensing point
in Class B & C licensed premises, the application shall be
accompanied with an additional fee of $75.00 for each additional
dispensing point and each dispensing point shall display a
license issued by the lce1,c�epartment,"
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
city, it is necessary to the health, peace and welfare of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
1st day of Aeosc, 1975.
BILL NO, 113 of 1975
Published October 7, 1975
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake Jt $s
AN ORDINANCE.AM NA NCRDIHAMCf IAand section 19.7.1e or me Sharon Payne
Revised Ordlraeces of Sell Lake CIN,Utah,1%S..1011nd to Iken:N prom s,•, ----"----'and Ikanse fees Of $a ty
SECTIONIIITThaatt Sectioonn 19-1-Iof Revi Orrdinnanrn M Salt Lake CM
m as lollo;•
ten .ate""k'a'��'d'tl Few gal 00n e� �� Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal udzer-
Islwse.Ik;Iwllq.sbecNroMalace9wlaadrri nD mnOcopsedroxe0beei rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
to allow the motion of liquor on such premises under thlslllte.Multiple
eee,«nab�lnfacliul2 t In�bogi ea�e� da«o a neaLspaper printed in the English language with general
In eta Ilcan Ikam
DildWd the license raen,lenpanrmoar�at ledanang Welnalare rote enlacing in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
and the license Drpmhre,�nr displayed ar each dispersing aon.'•
SECTION 7.Thal Sacred 19 2-I8 of the Revised Ordinances of Sad lake }
City,inah,1965,relating N license lees.be,and file sane hereby is amended County,in the State of Utah.
read as follow,
wc.19,Rs.License fees Applications provided for in MY chanter shall
nod by Ile fees hereinafter provided,wTkh M1ae shall be...ad
°'I Laav, dot license Is grant,,and returned h the applicant That the legal notice of which a is attached hereto
or Class"A"retail license fee tobe assessed according tothe annual
Od.Re Receipts
d Nc flare aDplYhtB for Ilopese according to the following published an ordinance relating to licensed remises
Goss Retalphe LJcense Fee __._
Under f100Amm 75 -
10400 0a 10 1hU.00
wmemnl ao IN, and license fees
Over .m •. ,5o.m --'
lass' "retell Ikeree fee$200.00 per annlm or any Dan Meteor.
otlass'C'retail license ten$300.00 pet n - v fart Marm1.
outs llwnse k0a i50,m Isar month pram naalnieraol
'Trovtbd MM R'appl Ie ion s Ih is oae Napenslrld 1 with
In CII11ohnl trp
•��por each
a,the TP al disp shall be emompe lad Wev an add
c1;]nS,yap for pots^Mdlt{Wpal dlss�sln0gepuaarinhfmarnMd path disDeneln9 point P.
."'1,ECT I(M1 3 In he opinim Id the Roam of UmmlaslM«s of Soft Lake Clly,
to T.»Inlsry Mence IMF Iva lmf dtely Mbllanls os Sall lake - -.__
SECTION 1.This ordinance shall take effect uren Its first goblkatbn.
P.sed by the Board d Commisakkars d San Lake City,Utah,this 1st day
140515 r,IYIS.
(V(rEAL`ki`""ef was published in said newspaper on
11.L NO.11Jd 19'i5
Pualshed°doter 7,1475 ICA01
- -------- — October 7, 1975
Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th
day of
A.D. 19 75 •
/ /
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 13, 1978