113 of 1977 - Amending section 21-1-15.3 establishing Capital Improvement appropriations for fiscal year 1977-78. ROLLCA ' �.
VOTINGI'' Salt Lake City,Utah, July 14 19 77
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Mr.Chairman . .. IIII■
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AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 24-1-15.3 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to capital improvements
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 24-1-15.3 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to capital improvements appropria-
tions, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows:
Sec. 24-1-15.3. Capital improvements appropriations. The
City Auditor may appropriate from estimated revenue for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1978 to the capital improvements
fund, an account sufficient to provide improvements for the
purposes and in the amounts specified as follows:
Land and Rights of Way $150,000
Public Safety - Major Capital 200,000
Police Department - Construction 125,000
Fire Stations - Development 54,110
City Hall - Building 20,000
Cemetery Improvements 40,000
City's Share - Federal Programs 20,000
Fire Hydrants - Water Department 90,000
City's Share - Restoration City &
County Building 150,000
Streets Department Construction -
Aspahit, etc. 235,000
Sugarhouse Park Authority 50,000
Parks Construction - New Shops 300,000
Animal Shelter - Building 25,000
Research Park 185,890
SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall become effective twenty-one (21)
days after publication as provided by law.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
14th day of July, 1977.
ci TY REFER lGtill,
BILL NO. 113 of 1977
Published - July 20, 1977
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AMENDING Section 24-1.15.3 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt _..Shang D� Palmer_
Lake City,Utah,1%5,rela'rinu - - -- - --- -------- ---------
to capital Improvements eo-
Ranordooe y Salt rake tieing first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
c�'ueai�'a of Salt Lake
s'cnO+ I. That section trsi.n� clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
341-15.9 1 the Revised Ordi- ti
nng ss It Leke ll'Jtoh,
ids r ntsa ro retinal Ito- newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
a d 'same r ertebv'i% (Illation in Utah. and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
arrwrided as pillows:
Sec. 2+-1-15.3. capitol ire- County, in the State of Utah.
PrevCity Au PPreprlanyro
Tree CIf o Auditor d vertu
Prlate from aefimeted revenue
for OR fiscal year ending June That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
30,1Ma ro ryyy 71Pnal Improy.,-
cloute pro do account wrfi
cient Nprovide+mprovemanf�
for the Pur a.and in the Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to
asmets specified e.lmlow
Land end RIO.of Way SIRLOIN)
Public Safety
Major Capital xto,me capital improvements aP�ro_Rrat ions
Pnlica DaP81tmerd .__ _.__.
-Construction 145,0%
Fire Statlons
AI�Hll Bel id-
Ito AfArkl
Cemetery Imnrme-
Cl'ty's Share-
Feder.PNCrams ,W,aoa
hire Hydrants-
Water Deltail ant 51.0%
CItY's Share.-
e lldinp_ 191,Q[.Straits Depart July 20, 1977
moot Con- was published in said newspaper on-
So otrucrion-- 235,eci,
de h,etc,
All Palk 50,E
Parks Construe-
lion-New Shops aoo,000
eulldine 183,324i,
SECTION 4.This ve twetay J
shall 1?day,effective iweniv
one(41�deYs tree publication t_ _
as Provdeyrteal. (n� � ter` �_� ______.
Peea^d by lha ea,rd of coy.: --¢r�� Vs„ ,.- - - Off J\�i�_z.--�----,--
Issionero of salt Lekyo Cm Legal AdvertisingClerk
Utah,IYiIs ICih TEYD LL.j.IL.SGti
M ICityRep 11GHAM
t31L 0. of 19/7
Tiny y 2,0,
P W Ilshsil- g,19]](C-le)
Subscribed and sworn to before one this _2_7th_______._ day of
July A.D. 19 77_..
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Feb, 13, 1978