114 of 1903 - Ordinance 114 of 1903 – Sewer Extension No. 121. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirmen,p the assessment upon the property on Quince Street between Second North and Third North Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, for the c-.nstrnctionof a seer. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurerll as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that purpose, of the property abuttin;; on quince Street, between Second North and Third North Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, of Salt Lake ! City, for the purpose of constr'zct.inp a sewer upon said portion of said street,, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and re- turned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sewer Intention No. 121. f i on,ssei h.y the OiGy oonai.i of 3314 Lake h i.ty, Ptah, 380t3'o s 21s't,'� 1903, and cerecc l to the 'dayor roc his aooCav • • Aopoval this lay oe 3eptemlw,1903. • } 114 - li HARICLPIO VA PC ,..-I-J1:-.7.7.1 ty:-.. ;-,oqu „tr..1.y.Ja5p.::::.s 9.C=" -1.1J.......72:11-loo oon.s:JIltil-lo aA -towe8 r I: if:"-foif .b."triT : c,. ::---Olt biloo::-/fft ric)oirtrY .1- ,-:i.l.R 3o1-14 .,1 , .-r., .:., ; ..: •. ,--s.,...- - ,,,If -- - . .• . r 7 -1:- "J ..• '; i -,, tr stit izcf obarri '0.8t.L :aemaseitaa slit -a'? AI 4FITME1 1 F ?4 ?\ a flL.t:',,:, t f..c.J.J1.4 ,n •-r.c;mir 9,:tL 7F.T1-1,::;;J:lo.racoZ.?,r../1 bE, cel.--ii.. st),:k 0,-A, ,.. .• ,:---) ','-'-. • . . ..... "f09: 'tow! , . r.r -cf- r-,;'firecg 1 1 , a \\4sc et ' 74.7.1 : -15' e bron5 rf ,:i. .-.JH'r . '.i.:,-il .S.:1u --,pc., ...-rr.---t-- . . ...., _wq: Ls:.I 0 , a. i-trrq I".,i ioir trt18..t.. k4a8a&t- 't•;W• ',MT' -,olf, . J--• 4 11'1,0-10,.." .1..)k•.'4-... L'Ott.:"AC,. 991, :3 •,:-.,i.•`m.--fte.rt c , i-t • 1.,1 70: ,Is„;:-.,'i:0 tr.; `A\ !•,..;' 1..n.ki „b.-Li-I:xi 717.f, t .f19-ut El q.h.f...,u ibel-nt111( n vfo'fJ-.1j: .'in ELtatil.1),A .itao0N1) 72,.avo cici.c IT-qat J-oe'lle Q:„ILI. Linda mour-xiii)-fo J.-k :T •S ADDITD2rec. .1.2.1 .olt rio.t.t,-:,oJiii 1,3,7a8, HI ..;, 1 ' . r -F ,ir_ : J: . .1.!, 5c .15.f_prc( T4If f:t, 'yr f-“F:kc In 'Jc5 ..,cvri. -f, . ,. ,..'.0, - vtA •PCPt 1 . I - : .1 . .I 1 .cccr,,E0t4oefr 'ic vtt pifii,2 ivt•.(‘ .' :‘. 41".*-----.---------- -—- •• -•- . .