114 of 1904 - Ordinance 114 of 1904 – Paving Extension No. 11. I AN O RD I NA :d C E . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on both sides of South Temple Street from the east side of State Street 1 to the west side of Tenth East Street, in PavingDistrict No. 18, 1 for the grading, curbing and paving thereof. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by thb.Boardof, qualizatiun, and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Co`tizicil for that purpose, of the property abutting'on both sides of South Temple Street from the east side of State Street to the west side of Tenth F East Street, in Paving District No. 18 of Salt Lace City, for the purpose of grading, curbing and paving said portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. • SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. i 1 Paving Extension No. 11. 4(_() I%f Passed by tke City Ceseeil of Salt Lake City, Utah, Au#ast 15th, 1904 laad referred to the Mayer far his approval. f.) City Reeo rder.l Approved this day of Aa4ust, 1904, Mayor. • li 114 ---t-- . , , • '... :7'7" i "- 7, . a 9 :: A ".: I a ii o A frO 14,11;:cicrici Or nog's; *narruaceos e,IJ 7,,rt.h.,-LIIrtoo esrusniblidA -...•,,, ="f4 1 rk-u.142 ots:,:tP, 'to obis twee elf* molt 309'03 elcunia iftuoa 'to aibte :Itod .•••.: ... tel .or *okitel,ta ntrivaq at ,*eei*8 *aria rItileT t o sble t,iirew er..* o* .`toe-rer't :-..-1-tynci .5r:r 1-,:liCluo ,7-rab-..-i:, ,)- •Ic- r :Lb*IT ,N.din 621e.1 $1,10 lo ItorrokT/1 fig Td bordobIo It 0E 19'111E1'107.T ':;!.r) 0 lj xd• *bar tat- *tie es li * **EIT :#7.0T7411 \ no.t*.nsil,:uplt /o 5-isoE •J 'd. luI4N q qmotkba bey •Iorl. 1.torw00 x*.t0 s: * x4:1 •, ' koonla it4111.;1 • ir-c 1,, =. 1 • i..4 elgazeT riluoll 'to aebie ritocc 4)..: ...rttleA*loq 2.601 ,#0(1-11.rci ..r.a : , .rfdrioT lo tibia I*OW ell* o* teei k• oi‘fe . .to . trt L9oel*Ft "'„, 0 oft* lo/ ,xtin s',....b,T Ilsa 0 1 et .00 nii ,J• r:,-tz`a bir,a '111 not*log btea ;rtirebnz: na-critt*:ennt Ts . &finial . .... bk r rt.t berriirtei bna eb.ria adlleiminouta elle bna tbei-mtlisoo elect et .ber:If':,-oo \drrio . ',vs aIall boJolcs.r.loo .1.1vo:ciq.e. no qu Ioe116 ego* I fa,ta Ei on.ataiblo atal? .2 IttOITORC ,., .IL .o'd not arzo*ret akalvbel 4Ect (-48.t Sem664 ifistO 04,11'0 e.,isLi :163 le cis-re.-0 .lavo,sos Ri 'el ,r-ue 3,13- , , -- , II .--, ..0.011111.14•41. Acat ,:leui 16 gob Airr4 ,---,. 0:-.,•'• :-.--, ,-- L \ 11